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Wealth in Spain, 1900-2014: A Country of Two Lands. (2018). Bauluz, Luis Estevez ; Blanco, Miguel Artola ; Martinez-Toledano, Clara.
In: PSE Working Papers.

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  5. British Relative Economic Decline in the Aftermath of German Unification. (2020). Crafts, Nicholas.
    In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS).

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  6. Enterprise form: Theory and history. (2020). Schneebacher, Jakob ; Guinnane, Timothy W.
    In: Explorations in Economic History.

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  7. British Relative Economic Decline in the Aftermath of German Unification. (2020). Crafts, Nicholas.
    In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series.

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  8. Law and finance in Britain c.1900. (2019). Turner, John D ; Musacchio, Aldo ; Coyle, Christopher.
    In: QUCEH Working Paper Series.

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  9. Regional prices in early twentieth-century Spain: a country-product-dummy approach. (2019). Tirado-Fabregat, Daniel ; Martinez-Galarraga, Julio ; Diez-Minguela, Alfonso ; Gomez-Tello, Alicia.
    In: Cliometrica.

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  10. Why do firms incorporate and what difference does it make?. (2019). Holmes, James.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  11. Wealth in Spain, 1900-2014: A Country of Two Lands. (2018). Bauluz, Luis Estevez ; Blanco, Miguel Artola ; Martinez-Toledano, Clara.
    In: Working Papers.

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  12. Wealth in Spain, 1900-2014: A Country of Two Lands. (2018). Bauluz, Luis Estevez ; Blanco, Miguel Artola ; Martinez-Toledano, Clara.
    In: World Inequality Lab Working Papers.

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  13. Wealth in Spain, 1900-2014: A Country of Two Lands. (2018). Bauluz, Luis Estevez ; Blanco, Miguel Artola ; Martinez-Toledano, Clara.
    In: PSE Working Papers.

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  14. Capital Structure and the Choice of Enterprise Form: theory and history. (2018). Guinnane, Timothy ; Schneebacher, Jakob .
    In: Working Papers.

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  15. How does the public perceive alliances? The Central and Allied Powers in World War I. (2017). Jopp, Tobias A.
    In: IBF Paper Series.

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  16. Housing affordability during the urban transition in Spain. (2014). Rosés, Joan ; Lampe, Markus ; Carmona, Juan ; Roses, Joan R. ; Pidal, Juan Carmona .
    In: Economic History Working Papers.

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  17. Housing affordability during the urban transition in Spain. (2014). Rosés, Joan ; Lampe, Markus ; Carmona, Juan ; Roses, Joan R. ; Pidal, Juan Carmona .
    In: IFCS - Working Papers in Economic History.WH.

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  18. Financial Crises In Spain: Lessons From The Last 150 Years. (2011). MARTIN-ACENA, PABLO ; Betran, Concha ; Martin-Acea, Pablo ; Pons, Maria Angeles .
    In: Documentos de Trabajo (DT-AEHE).

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