- / is the average excess return for the k-th trading rule out of K trading rules and N=T-200 is the sample size, and is a consistent estimator for the standard deviation of ∗ • The joint distribution of all trading rules is empirically drawn by applying stationary bootstrap method of Politis and Romano (1994) to the observed values of , • In each bootstrapping simulation, we compute the sample average of the bootstrapped returns denoted by , ∗ The process is repeated B times and we construct the following bootstrap test statistics to form the distribution for ; , = ∑ ∗ ( , ∗ − ∗ ( ∗ / !)) / (2) where i = 1,2,….B and I is an indicator function which equals one when the condition is satisfied and zero otherwise, and A = 2 ln ln N • The test’s p-value is subsequently obtained by comparing V with the quantiles of V,.
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