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Saints, Martyrs and Other Holy Persons

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* St. Edith Stein   (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

St. Edmund Campion   (1581) Priest & Martyr

* St. Edward the Confessor   During his reign Edward repulsed invasion, helped restore the King of Scotland to his throne, remitted unjust taxes, and was noted for his generosity to the poor and strangers, and for his piety and love of God.

St. Edward the Confessor   by Amy Steedman (written for children)

Saint Edward The Confessor  Sans Peur et Sans Reproche   Timeline

St. Egwin   (Traditional calendar) by Todd Drain

St. Elizabeth of Hungary   (1231)

The Legend of Saint Elizabeth   by Ruth Sawyer

St. Elizabeth of Portugal

* St. Elizabeth Ann Seton    National Shrine

St. Elizabeth Bayley Seton    by Todd Drain

* Saint Ephrem the Syrian   Library

Prayer of St. Ephrem

* Principi Apostolorum Petro   On St. Ephrem the Syrian, Encyclical of Pope Benedict XV promulgated on October 5, 1920

St. Etheldra or Audrey   (+679)

St. Ethelbert of Kent    (+679)

St. Eugene De Mazenod

St. Fabian   Pope and Martyr

* Divine Mercy   Sr. Faustina Kowalska

Sts. Felicity and Perpetua

The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas    Tertullian

St. Felicity    and the Seven Holy Brothers

Sts. Aurelius, Natalia, Felix and Companions

St. Flavian    Martyr, Archbishop of Constantinople

St. Frances of Rome

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

St. Frances Cabrini   from The Saints: A Concise Biographical Dictionary.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
   -   Mother of Immigrants - This is the site for Saint Francesca Saverio Cabrini made by people from Sant'Angelo Lodigiano where she was born.

St. Francis Preaches to the Birds

St. Francis and His Brethren    Johannes Jorgensen

St. Francis Receives the Stigmata    Felix Timmermans

Immaculate Conception Novena Prayer    St. Francis of Assisi.

Le Jongleur de Dieu    G.K. Chesterton

Sanctitatis nova signa   translation of Sequence of St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi   by Paul Gallico

St. Francis of Assisi  by Vincent Sheean

A Rule of Life  by St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis de Sales   (1622)

The Exercise of Virtues   St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis de Sales    Butler's Lives of the Saints

St. Francis de Sales   Gerald Heard

* Father Francis X. Seelos

Father Francis X. Seelos

St. Francis Xavier    (1552), Patron of Foreign Missions

St. Francis Xavier    by Kate O'Brien.

St. Frederick of Utrecht   (838)

St. Gabriel the Archangel

St. Gabriel Possenti

St. Gaspar   Founder of the Society of the Precious Blood

St. Genevieve   (512)

St. George   (303?

* St. George   in English History

* St. Gerard Majella

* Redemptorists Saints & Blesseds

St. Gerard Majella    -   by John Carr - St. Gerard Majella (1726-1755) ... preferred to suffer the consequences of a shameful calumny in silence rather than appear to disobey the rules of the order.

St. Germaine of Pibrac   (c. 1579-1601)

St. Gertrude the Great

St. Gildas the Wise   or Badonicus, Abbot

St. Godelva

St. Godfrey

Pope St. Gregory VII   (c. 1023-1085), Doctor of the Church

St. Gregory the Great   by St. Bede the Venerable.

St. Gregory Nazianzen   (389)

St. Grimbald   (903) Abbot of Westminster

St. Harvey or Hervé   Abbot (6th century)

* St. Hedwig c.1174-1243
   -    Hedwig and her husband, Henry I of Silesia, did much to promote religion in Silesia, founding many monasteries, including the great Cistercian nunnery at Trebnitz (near Breslau) whither Hedwig retired for the last thirty years of her life.

St. Helena   Empress by Evelyn Waugh

St. Henry II

St. Hilary of Poitiers

St. Hilda of Whitby

Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus   (3rd Century)

St. Honoratus   Archbishop of Arles

St. Ignatius of Loyola   (c. 1491-1556)

St. Irenaeus   (Second Century)

Isaac Jogues
   -   1607-1646 - "His eight years in America included six years during which he lived with, and converted many Hurons. Certainly none of these or their ancestors would say it had been for naught. As for Pere Jogues himself, his desire was to be a martyr for Indian souls. Knowing this, his confreres, upon hearing of his death, celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving instead of the usual Requiem."

The Escape of St. Jogues    -    by Francis Talbot - "Father Isaac Jogues (1607-1646) was captured by the Mohawks on August 3, 1642 and taken to the Indian village of Ossernenon (now Auriesville, N.Y.). Here he remained in slavery, constantly threatened with death and suffering from innumerable tortures, for thirteen months, until the Dutch at Fort Orange (Albany) were able to effect his escape. After a short stay in Europe, he resumed his missionary activities, and was martyred by the Mohawks at the place of his captivity in 1646. Along with other Jesuit martyrs, Father Jogues was canonized in 1930."

St. Isidore   of Seville

St. Ita

St. James the Less

St. James the Greater, Apostle   (first century)

St. Jane Frances de Chantal   (1572-1641)

St. Jerome

St. Jerome Emiliani

Virgin Mary   Sts. Joachim and Anne

St. Joan of Arc

* St. John I
   -   He succeeded St. Hormisdas as pope in 523. His lack of success on a mission to the Emperor Justin I at Constantinople aroused the suspicions of Theodoric the Goth (who was then ruling Italy), and John was imprisoned at Ravenna.

St. John   (100), Apostle and Evangelist

St. John, by Alfred Noyes

St. John the Almsgiver    Patriarch of Alexandria

St. John the Baptist

* St. John the Baptist   The Precursor

St. John Baptist   de la Salle

St. John Baptist Rossi   (1698-1764)

St. John Bosco    1815-1888

The Secret of Don John Bosco   by Henri Gheon (excerpt)

The Secret of Don John Bosco    by Henri Gheon (complete)

St. John Cantius   (1474) Priest

St. John Chrysostom   (c. 347-407)

St. John of Capistrano   (c. 347-407)

St. John Chrysostom

St. John of the Cross

* Dark Night of the Soul

Spiritual Canticle of the Soul

St. John of the Cross   by Kurt Reinhardt

St. John of the Cross   by Thomas Merton

St. John of Damascus   (c. 690-c. 749)

St. John Eudes   (1601-1680)

St. John Fisher   (1469-1535) Bishop

St. John Francis Regis   (1597-1640)

St. John Nepomucene Neumann    and St. Telesphorus by Todd Drain

St. John Joseph of the Cross

* John of God, Religious 1495–1550
   -   After a dissolute youth in the army John was stung by remorse and settled down in Granada to sell objects of piety. He was so affected by a sermon given by John of Avila that he was carried off to a lunatic asylum. Eventually he decided to devote himself to the care of the poor and the sick, and carried out this task with enthusiasm and surprising efficiency, founding the Brothers Hospitallers.

St. John of Matha

The Curé of Ars    by Bruce Marshall

St. Josaphat   Bishop and Martyr (1623)

St. Joseph

St. Joseph   March 19, Prayers to the guardian of Jesus.

The World's Happiest Marriage    by Fulton Sheen

Thirty Days' Prayer   to St. Joseph for any special intention

Hymn to St. Joseph   by St. Louis de Montfort

Bl. Juan Diego

St. Simon and Jude

St. Julia of Corsica

St. Justin Martyr   Preeminent Apologist

* Kateri Tekakwitha delcared Blessed

Kateri Tekakwitha   Children's version (illustrated).

Kateri Tekakwitha   North American Indian - Tekakwitha Conference

Kateri Tekakwitha   Prayer for her canonization.

Litany of Blessed Kateri Tekawitha

St. Katharine Drexel

St. Landericus

St. Lawrence   (258), Martyr

St. Lawrence of Brindisi    (1619), Priest, Doctor of the Church

St. Lawrence O'Toole   Bishop (1180)

St. Leo the Great

Pope St. Leo II

St. Leocadia

An Overview   of the Life and Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort - Fr. Patrick Gaffney, S.M.M.

Litany of Saint Louis de Montfort

Desires for Holy Communion    Hymn 112 by St. Louis de Montfort

Hymn #145   New Hymn in Honor of Our Lady of All Patience, St. Louis de Montfort

St. Lucy

St. Luke the Evangelist

Sts. Marcellinus and Peter

St. Marcellus the Centurion

St. Margaret of Cortona   (1247-1297)

St. Margaret of Cortona    (Butler's)

St. Margaret of Scotland

The Secret Of Saint Margaret Mary
   - for children, by Amy Steedman.  
Section 1   |    Section 2   |    Section 3

The Secret Of Saint Margaret Mary    -   by Henri Gheon. "[H]e asked me for my heart which I prayed him to take; which he did, and placed it in his own adorable heart wherein he showed it to me like a tiny atom being consumed in that blazing furnace; and he drew it forth again like a burning flame in the form of a heart, and set it once more in the place whence he had taken it . . ."

An Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.

Bl. Maria Lopez of Jesus   Discalced Carmelite (September 12), by Father Pius.

St. Maria Goretti   Virgin Martyr (1902)

* Bl. Marie of the Incarnation

St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin of Tours

* Pope St. Martin I

* St. Mary Euphrasia
  As a Sister of the Good Shepherd who has been involved as a counselor in the post-abortion healing ministry for 18 years, I would like to introduce a friend to you. She will help you as you begin your healing journey. From heaven, she will pray to God for you and help you to know the love, mercy, forgiveness, and healing power of God in your life.   -   

Rose-Virginie Pelletier
   -   founded her faith on Jesus Christ as on a rock - Pope John Paul II July 9, 1996, To Reverend Mother Liliane Tauvette Superior General of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd. "The Lord makes use of a fraternal community, enlivened by great goodness and great charity, to set right what has been damaged, to treat the injured and to show that even the lost sheep has a share in the banquet when the person is disposed to respond to love. Every person is called to holiness by way of conversion and spiritual progress. We have a remarkable example of it in the Gospel. Mary Magdalen, the sinner who showed such love for Jesus, was also the first to meet Christ on Easter morning and was to announce his Resurrection to the Apostles."

St. Mary Euphrasia
   -   Rose Virginie Pelletier, foundress of the Good Shepherd Sisters, for the 200th anniversary of her birth.

St. Mary Magdalen   de Pazzi (1566-1607)

St. Mary Magdalene

St. Matthew   Apostle and Evangelist

St. Maximilian Kolbe   Priest and Martyr

St. Maximinus   (4th Century)

St. Mechtilde   (Mathilda) (1298), Benedictine Nun

St. Meletius

St. Michael the Archangel

* Bl. Miguel Pro

St. Monica   (332-387)

St. Narcissus

Sts. Aurelius, Natalia, Felix and Companions

Sts. Nereus, Achilleus and Domitilla   (First Century?)

St. Nicholas of Bari   (350) Bishop, Patron of Children, Russia

St. Olaf  (c. 995-1030)

* St. Patrick

The "Confessio" of St. Patrick   for March 17

St. Patrick for Children   (1) audio

St. Patrick for Children   (2) audio

The Lorica of St. Patrick   Apostle to the Emerald Isle

Saint Patrick: Light of the North, Timeline

St. Paul

The Road to Damascus   by Fulton Oursler

The Conversion of St. Paul

St. Paul Miki and Companions   Martyrs of Japan

St. Paul of the Cross

St. Paulinas of Nola

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity

Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas   The Passion, Tertullian

St. Peter the Apostle

St. Peter   Saint of the First Century

St. Peter Canisius   (1520-1597)

A Saint in the Slave Trade   by Arnold Lunn (St. Peter Claver, September 9)

St. Peter Damian

St. Peter Fourier

St. Philip the Apostle

St. Philip Neri    (1515-1595)

* Padre Pio Foundation of America
   -   Padre Pio, a humble Capuchin priest from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, was blessed by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. The most dramatic was the stigmata. Padre Pio bore the wounds of Christ for fifty years! Among his other gifts were perfume, bilocation, prophecy, conversion, reading of souls, and miraculous cures. People are still being cured through his intercession in ways that cannot be explained by medicine or science. More important, if less spectacular, are the spiritual healings that take place in all parts of the world! Padre Pio is a powerful intercessor!!

"The most beautiful credo is that which comes from your lips in darkness, in sacrifice, in pain, in supreme effort of an unbending will for good. It is this which like a stroke of lightning, penetrates the darkness of the soul; it is this which in a flash of the tempest lifts you and leads you to God." (The Voice of Padre Pio)

* He Learned Love at the Foot of the Cross    Pope John Paul II, Homily given by the Holy Father at the beatification of Padre Pio on May 2, 1999

St. Pius V

St. Pius V   Pope, D.B. Wyndham Lewis

St. Polycarp   Bishop of Smyrna

The Encyclical Epistle   of the Church at Smyrnam Concerning the Martyrdom of the Holy Polycarp

Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus (3rd Century)

St. Porphyrius

St. Pretextatus or Prix    Archbishop of Rouen
    Description   by Todd Drain

St. Radegund

St. Raphael the Archangel

St. Rita

St. Rita of Cascia,
   -   A Life of Heroic Humility and Obedience : 100th anniversary of her canonization, Pope John Paul II, May 20, 2000

St. Robert Bellarmine

Ss. Romanus and Lupicinus    Abbots

* St. Romuald c. 950-1027
   -   A member of the family of the dukes of Ravenna, he founded many monasteries, among them one at Camaldoli near Arezzo in Tuscany. Camaldoli is a collection of little stone hermitages which gave its name to a new congregation of Benedictines, the Camaldolese, whose members wear a white habit and live as hermits, but in a community.

St. Rose of Lima   1568-1617

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

St. Salvator of Horta +1567
   -    A suffering Franciscan priest to whom came the blind, lame, and deaf for healing.   He was venerated as a saint during his lifetime, died at 47 in 1567, and was canonized in 1938. [from Carrie Toth]

St. Scholastica

St. Sebastian   Martyr

St. Silverius   Martyr

St. Simeon Stylites   by George Lamb

Sts. Simon & Jude

St. Stanislaus of Cracow   1030-1079

St. Stephen   (36), The First Martyr

St. Stephen of Hungary   (11th century)

St. Sylvester I   (335) Pope by Todd Drain

St. Symphorosa and her Seven Sons    (120) Martyrs

St. Tarasius   Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

* St. Teresa of Avila

The Seventh Mansion (Excerpt)
   -    by St. Teresa of Avila. "A king is living in His palace: many wars are waged in his kingdom and many other distressing things happen there, but he remains where he is despite them all. So it is here: although in the other Mansions there are many disturbances and poisonous creatures, and the noise of all this can be heard, nobody enters this Mansion and forces the soul to leave it; and, although the things which the soul hears cause it some distress, they are not of a kind to disturb it or to take away its peace, for the passions are already vanquished, and thus are afraid to enter there because to do so would only exhaust them further."

* St. Teresa Margaret of the Heart of Jesus

Saint Teresa Margaret of the Heart of Jesus   Carmelite Saint (September 1), by Father Pius.

* St. Théophane Vénard

* St. Thérèse of Lisieux

The Secret of the Little Flower    by Henri Gheon
    RealAudio 1A
    RealAudio 1B
    RealAudio 2

St. Thérèse of Lisieux   by Karl Stern

Divini Amoris Scientica   Apostolic Letter,
   -   Pope John Paul II, St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Lisieux) is Proclaimed a Doctor of the Universal Church

St. Thomas the Apostle

St. Thomas Aquinas

The Runaway Abbot   by G.K. Chesterton

St. Thomas of Aquin   by Robert Farren

* Santo Tomás de Aquino    Site dedicated to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Many links. In English and Spanish.

Saint Thomas of Aquino  Europe’s Greatest Thinker  Timeline

Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Becket    (Canterbury) (1170), Bishop and Martyr

The Murder of Becket   by Alfred Duggan

St. Thomas Becket   by Todd Drain

St. Thomas of Cori

The Story of Thomas More   by John Farrow

St. Thomas More by Barbara Ward

St. Timothy

St. Titus   (1st Century)

St. Turibius   of Lima (Mogrovejo)

Sts. Tyrannio, Zenobius and Others, Martyrs in Phoenicia

St. Ulric of Augsburg (890-793)

St. Ursula and her companions

St. Veronica Giuliani   (1660-1727)

St. Vincent

St. Vincent de Paul    by Theodore Maynard.

St. Walburga

St. Willibald

Many descriptions taken from The Saints: A Concise Biographical Dictionary, ed. John Coulson (Angelus, 1958)

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