Example Sentences
"Outwardly there can be really nasty wounds but the other part we have to consider is these guys will also endure a lot of internal damage. They’ll get fractured bones, luxated ribs — it’s catastrophic."
A dislocation, especially if complicated in any way by considerable laceration of the tissues in the neighborhood of the luxated joint, is sure to be a source of discomfort of this kind.
When the lower Ribs are luxated, the Patient must be oblig'd to stoop, laying his Hands upon his Knees, and the Prominence of the Bone is to be thrust back.
In temporary luxations, disarticulation is but momentary and spontaneous reposition always results; while a fixed luxation does not reduce spontaneously but remains luxated until reposition is effected by proper manipulation and treatment.
If a Rib be luxated on the inside, an Incision is to be made to draw it out with the Fingers.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.