upside down
adjective as in reversed
Example Sentences
"I'm two and a half years into my world having been turned upside down and I would very much like that to be over."
Yet the New York Times published a depressing article over the weekend examining how Trump and his minions have managed to completely turn Jan. 6 upside down in his supporters' minds.
"My whole life turned upside down, and I spent ages moping and just sitting around," said the 34-year-old.
The decades-long way of making money in the film and TV industry has been turned upside down by new technologies, changing public appetites and the globalization of the workforce.
When I went out to shoot the Statue of Liberty, it just looked best upside down.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.