zoot suit
noun as in clothes/clothing
Weak matches
- accouterment
- apparel
- array
- caparison
- civvies
- costume
- covering
- drag
- drapery
- dress
- duds
- ensemble
- equipment
- finery
- frippery
- frock
- full feather
- garb
- garments
- gear
- getup
- habiliment
- habit
- hand-me-downs
- livery
- mufti
- outfit
- overclothes
- panoply
- rags
- raiment
- regalia
- rigging
- sack
- sportswear
- Sunday best
- tailleur
- tatters
- things
- threads
- toggery
- togs
- tout ensemble
- trappings
- trousseau
- underclothes
- vestment
- vesture
- vines
- wardrobe
- wear
- weeds
Example Sentences
Chavarria tells the story of American fashion through a Chicano lens, creating now-distinctive oversize, sculptural silhouettes that pull from various eras of Mexican American style, from sharply angular zoot suits to blue-collar workwear.
If the intent of the sailors who took to the streets of L.A. in June 1943 had been to rid the world of zoot suits, their actions were futile.
How thousands of white servicemen and civilians assaulted anyone who wore the flamboyant zoot suits — Black, white, Filipino, but especially Mexican American.
And I think the zoot suits from “Malcolm X,” because I studied the zoot suit in great detail in all of my menswear books and I feel like I nailed it.
Local residents joined the board during the unanimous vote while wearing outfits that resembled the zoot suits favored by many minority youths in Los Angeles in the 1940s.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.