noun as in clothes/clothing
Weak matches
- accouterment
- apparel
- array
- caparison
- civvies
- costume
- covering
- drag
- drapery
- dress
- duds
- ensemble
- equipment
- finery
- frippery
- frock
- full feather
- garb
- garments
- gear
- getup
- habiliment
- habit
- hand-me-downs
- livery
- mufti
- outfit
- overclothes
- panoply
- rags
- raiment
- regalia
- rigging
- sack
- sportswear
- Sunday best
- tailleur
- tatters
- things
- threads
- toggery
- togs
- tout ensemble
- trappings
- underclothes
- vestment
- vesture
- vines
- wardrobe
- wear
- weeds
- zoot suit
noun as in clothing
Strong matches
- accouterment
- apparel
- array
- caparison
- civvies
- clothes
- costume
- covering
- drag
- drapery
- dress
- duds
- ensemble
- equipment
- feathers
- finery
- frippery
- frock
- garb
- garments
- gear
- habiliment
- habit
- hand-me-downs
- livery
- mufti
- outfit
- overclothes
- panoply
- rags
- raiment
- regalia
- rigging
- sack
- sportswear
- tatters
- things
- threads
- tog
- trappings
- underclothes
- vestment
- vesture
- vines
- wardrobe
- wear
noun as in wardrobe
noun as in wedding apparel
Example Sentences
The visual splendor of the spoiled brat’s college trousseau certainly casts a cinematic spell.
The wine, as well as the rings, the perfume and the other elements were part of a funerary trousseau that was to accompany the deceased in their voyage into the afterlife.
But the bride was allowed 100 extra ration coupons for her trousseau.
The dowry was replaced with a marriage chest, also known as a trousseau or hope chest.
She’s also documenting brown cotton trousseaus’ she comes across and is a keeper of the seed, one of the people trusted with brown cotton seedlings.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.