noun as in clothes/clothing
Weak matches
- accouterment
- apparel
- array
- caparison
- civvies
- costume
- covering
- drag
- drapery
- dress
- duds
- ensemble
- equipment
- finery
- frippery
- frock
- full feather
- garb
- garments
- gear
- getup
- habiliment
- habit
- hand-me-downs
- livery
- mufti
- outfit
- overclothes
- panoply
- rags
- raiment
- regalia
- rigging
- sack
- sportswear
- Sunday best
- tailleur
- tatters
- things
- threads
- toggery
- togs
- tout ensemble
- trappings
- trousseau
- underclothes
- vestment
- vesture
- wardrobe
- wear
- weeds
- zoot suit
noun as in clothing
Strong matches
- accouterment
- apparel
- array
- caparison
- civvies
- clothes
- costume
- covering
- drag
- drapery
- dress
- duds
- ensemble
- equipment
- feathers
- finery
- frippery
- frock
- garb
- garments
- gear
- habiliment
- habit
- hand-me-downs
- livery
- mufti
- outfit
- overclothes
- panoply
- rags
- raiment
- regalia
- rigging
- sack
- sportswear
- tatters
- things
- threads
- tog
- trappings
- trousseau
- underclothes
- vestment
- vesture
- wardrobe
- wear
noun as in vineyard
Strong match
Example Sentences
Ryan said Stephens “plays violently,” while Gentry has “vines for arms,” using his length to make plays on the field.
The French wine industry has a celebrated word called "terroir", which applies to all the environmental factors that effect vines growing in a vineyard, such the soil, the climate, and the elevation.
Not only is this advantageous for the workers, but it’s also proved beneficial for the Wärnelius-Millers — particularly when blazing fires have threatened their vineyards and on-site employees jumped in to protect the vines.
Grape vines and trees will lose their crop if they aren’t pruned in time.
He is leading a programme called "FastGrapes", which tests varieties of vines, to find the most robust and best suited to northern Europe.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.