Starting a React-Powered Comment Form | CSS-Tricks
This is a really great screencast on getting started with React. I think it works well for a few reasons:
- Sarah and Chris aren’t necessarily experts yet in React—that’s good; it means they know from experience what “gotchas” people will encounter.
- They use a practical use-case (a comment form) that’s suited to the technology.
- By doing it all in CodePen, they avoid the disheartening slog of installation and build tools—compare it to this introduction to React.
- They make mistakes. There’s so much to be learned from people sharing “Oh, I thought it would work like that, but it actually works like this.”
There’s a little bit of “here’s one I prepared earlier” but, on the whole, it’s a great step-by-step approach, and one I’ll be returning to if and when I dip my toes into React.