Tech Industry Analyst: New iMacs could be around the corner Apple's all-in-one desktop is getting closer to a refresh, according to a Kaufman Brothers analyst, though Apple may be trying to figure out if it should use dual-core or quad-core processors. At least one analyst thinks Apple has new iMacs on tap but is mulling whether to include two cores or four. Shaw Wu of Kaufman Brothers put out a r
Following early rumors that the iMac would finally see revisions next week, we've heard from multiple retail sources that new iMac part numbers have indeed appeared in their systems. As GeekSugar predicted, the prices for U.S. systems appear to be identical to existing iMac configurations ($1199, $1499, $1799). Delivery of inventory appears to be targeted on Monday or Tuesday of next week. No stor
Tidy, huh? If you're an iMac or Apple Studio Display owner then you'll see the immediate appeal of this LowKey Stand from Macessity. Constructed of 0.1085-inch thick steel "power-coated" to match your rig, it neatly hides your new slim Apple keyboard from view. There's also a powered 4-port USB port up front which helps to offset the stand's $60 price a tad. %Gallery-14985%
It’s cool how Apple’s design language keeps evolving. One product design follows another. There’s a continuity this way, yet things continue to feel new. And it’s interesting how their small designs influence their large designs. Take a look at the back of the iPhone. It’s silver on top, black on the bottom. Then take a look at the new iMac. It’s is black on top, silver on the bottom. The top of t
Who could've seen this one coming? Apple surprised no one this morning with brand new iMacs. Built from aluminum and glass, the new all-in-one desktops feature a complete, slimmer redesign and will come in two sizes: 20-inch and 24-inch. There's the usual compliment of ports like USB 2.0, Firewire 400 / 800, a slot loading SuperDrive, iSight camera and so forth. The new look features a glossy disp
See that? That's the rumored, "super slim," brushed aluminum keyboard said to be accompanying Apple's new iMac computer. It certainly appears to share the key design of the MacBook like we heard but seeing "Photoshop" in the exif data doesn't give us a high degree of confidence here. Regardless, a forum jockey over at the Rhapsody Apple forum in Hong Kong will sell you the keyboard (s/he has more
最近、MacBook Proを買いました。 本当は、最新OSのLeopardが登場してからにしようなどと考えて買い控えていたのですが、それも10月まで延期になってしまったので、このへんで踏ん切りをつけたという感じ。 セットアップは一瞬で終了。最近のマックは快適すぎる。ずっとマック信者だったぼくなんかは、あまりに快適すぎて最近マックにスイッチした人はずるいとさえ思ってしまいます。 せっかくなので、今回インストールしたアプリを一覧にしてみましょう。ほとんどが定番モノで、標準添付のもの以外で敢えてインストールする数は年々減ってきています。 これは、ほとんどのアプリがウェブで動く時代になってきたことの何よりの証。このシンプルさからくる身軽さ、快適さといったら、何とも筆舌に尽くしがたいものがありますね。 以下、個人的基準で「インストール必須」「おすすめ」「開発者向け」の順で紹介していきます。 (*)