Weld, the JSR-299 Contexts and Dependency Injection reference implementation, considers itself as a kind of successor of Spring and Guice. CDI was influenced by a number of existing Java frameworks, including Seam, Guice and Spring. However, CDI has its own, very distinct, character: more typesafe than Seam, more stateful and less XML-centric than Spring, more web and enterprise-application capabl
CDI 1.1 & 1.2 CDI 1.1 focuses on improving CDI 1.0 and CDI 1.2 is a minor update correcting issues in 1.1: Add global enablement of interceptors (see the Java Interceptors Specification 1.2), global enablement of decorators (read more) and alternatives (read more) using the @Priority annotation Add support for @AroundConstruct lifecycle callback for constructors (see the Java Interceptors Specific
@Inject for the Java Platform. Runs on Java EE application servers, servlet containers, Java SE, Ceylon, Vert.x ... Weld is the reference implementation of CDI: Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform - a JCP standard for dependency injection and contextual lifecycle management and one of the most important and popular parts of the Java EE. Weld is integrated into many Java EE a