On March 21st, St. Bride’s Type Library in London are hosting us for the rather-marvellously titled “An Evening with BERG”.
Timo is the headliner, but there’ll be a few of us from the studio, discussing our work and approach to it – and hopefully getting a good discussion going.
If you’d like to come along, the event page is here.
I’m rather hoping there will be bar stools and tumblers of scotch, a bit like Dave Allen used to have, while we tell tall-tales of injection-molding and machine intelligence…

We’re really pleased to announce that we’re participating in a couple of incredible events in the next few weeks.
Myself and Schulze will be at the MoMA “Talk To Me” symposium on the 19th October in NYC, alongside an array of intimidating design superbrains like Slavin, Kati London, Revital Cohen, Natalie Jeremijenko and Bjarke Ingels.

We’ll be giving a short talk and participating in a panel discussion about “Translating Worlds”.
We imagine it will not be about learning Klingon or Na’vi, but who knows.
Can’t wait.
Later that same week, I’m going to be speaking at PopTech in Camden, Maine.

This is incredibly exciting to me as I’ve long admired and wanted to attend this particular event – the diversity of speakers and subject matter that is critically and pragmatically addressed has always been top-notch.
And they have, let’s face it, a cracking logo.
Former colleagues from Nokia and the RCA Design Interactions course – Jan Chipchase and Daisy Ginsberg – are also on the speaker roster, and I believe I’m going to be in a session on the ‘Future of UI’…
I’m pleased to have been invited to speak at Sci-Fi London’s Comics day, on Saturday April 30th about the work of Warren Ellis – our Chairman-Emeritus and collaborator on SVK.
I’ll be alongside friend-of-BERG Matt Sheret and Ian Edginton (co-creator of such wonders as Stickleback, Leviathan and Scarlet Traces with frequent collaborator D’Israeli, co-creator of SVK).
I hope to show some sneak peaks of SVK as well as discussing the influence our dialog with Warren and comics in general have had on our studio.
Here’s the panel description from the Sci-Fi London site:
3.30pm – The work of Warren Ellis
Writer Ian Edginton (who collaborated with Ellis on X-Force), Matt Jones (principal, BERG design who commission Ellis’ new comic SVK) and Matthew Sheret (writer, whose love of comics started with Warren’s work) discuss the work of comic book / multimedia writer Warren Ellis who has penned some of the most influencial SF comics of the last twenty years.
Followed by 20 min preview screening of new documentary – “WARREN ELLIS: CAPTURED GHOSTS”
Jack and myself are going to be teaching for a week next week on the Interaction Design course at SVA in New York, and as part of our stint there we’re doing a talk 6-8pm on Wednesday 2nd March.
Looking forward to it enormously – hope to see you there perhaps.
Last week saw the first of a series of talks on robots, artificial-intelligence and design at London’s Royal Institution, curated by Ben Hammersley. Our friend Alex Deschamps-Sonsino presented the work of the EU-funded LIREC project in a talk called ‘Emotional Robots’.
I took a bunch of notes which were reactions rather than a recording, and my thoughts will hopefully bubble up here soon…

However, I hardly have time to collect my thoughts – because this week (Wednesday 16th) it’s m’colleague Matt Webb speaking – giving a talk entitled “Botworld: Designing for the new world of domestic A.I.”.
If the conversations we’ve had about it are any guide, it should be a corker. There are still tickets available, so hopefully we’ll see you there on Wednesday and for a bot-fuelled beer in the RI bar afterward.
Last one of the parish notices. Matt Webb will be in Amsterdam alongside our good friend and occasional colleague Timo Arnall, and longstanding friend-of-BERG Tom Hume – giving a talk on design to the Mobile Monday event next Monday, 6th September.
Matt B. will be giving a talk about his work at BERG and beyond (and maybe even taking some sock puppets) at HD-Live in Hull, alongside Ben Hammersley and Brendan Dawes amongst others. Here’s the event on Lanyrd.
I’ll be at the Mobile Design Congress event as part of Barcelona Design Week.
The theme is “Designing for the Networked City” and I’m excited that I’ll be there with two of my favourite geniuses Usman Haque (again!) and Kevin Slavin. Really looking forward to this – thanks to Rudy De Waele for the invite.
Time to list a few upcoming talks various members of the studio will be giving… Firstly, I’ll be giving a short talk alongside Usman Haque, Dan Hon and others on September 10th, at the PSFK London Conference.
I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to say yet, but I think it will include some nice videos, some dodgy microbiological metaphors and some thinking about product…
This also gives me a chance to plug Natalie Downe and Simon Willison‘s new service, a social-network for compulsive conference goers called lanyrd.com
I’ve been invited to speak on a product-design panel with the theme of “Display”, alongside Martin Blum of Black-Blum, Miles Hawley + Diane Fox-Hill of 1HQ
and Matthew Cockerill of SeymourPowell.

The talk is at the Liverpool School of Art, 5.30pm-7pm on June 2nd, and it’s free. You can book tickets here – hope to see you there!