WELCOME to the Charlotte 49ers Athletics Compliance Page!
Charlotte 49ers Athletics is committed to compliance with NCAA and American Conference rules and regulations. Your support and cooperation in complying with these rules, assists the 49ers in obtaining winning efforts, on and off the field. You can contact anyone in the Compliance Department to report a potential violation or click
here to report a potential violation anonymously.
"Ask Before You Act!"
Actions taken without knowing NCAA rules and regulations could result in jeopardizing a student-athletes eligibility to participate in intercollegiate athletics. If you have any questions regarding NCAA or American Conference rules and regulations, please contact the 49ers Athletics Compliance staff.Our section contains information pertinent to everyone... Select a section that pertains to your interest
Helpful Links
NCAA Website
NCAA Guide to College Bound Student-Athlete
UNC Charlotte Homepage
National Letter of Intent
American Conference
SAT Testing Dates
ACT Testing Dates
EADA Report
(A statement of revenue and expenses for the intercollegiate athletic program. A copy of this report can be made available upon request.)
Anonymously Report an NCAA Violation