Discount grid methods

Use the following discount grid API operations to retrieve commit grids and volume grids and to calculate discounts.

GET /v2/discountGrids/commitGrids?geo={location}

Gets information on commit grids.

This operation retrieves a list of commit grids.


The request has the following URI and header parameters.

X-Auth-TokenHeader string (Required)A valid authentication token.
Content-typeHeader stringValue: application/json.
AcceptHeader stringValue: application/json.
{geo}String(Required)USA: United States
UK: United Kingdom
AUS: Australia
APAC: Asia-Pacific
{gridType}StringSTANDARD: Offers pre-defined discounts based on the length of the commitment. By default, only STANDARD grids are returned.
CUSTOM: Offers a customized discount based on a customer’s request.
{currency}StringUSD: United States Dollar
GBP: British Pound Sterling
AUD: Australian Dollar
EUR: Euro

This operation does not accept a request body.

Example request: header

The following example shows the header information.

X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


The response has the following body parameters.

commitGridsObjectAn object that contains information about the commit grids.
commitGrids.commitGridObjectAn object that contains information about a specific commit grid.
commitGrids.commitGrid.linkObjectAn info block that contains details about the link for the commit grid. URL for the commit grid. relationship between the current information and the linked information.
commitGrids.commitGrid.idStringThe ID for the commit grid.
commitGrids.commitGrid.currencyStringUSD: United States Dollar
GBP: British Pound Sterling
AUD: Australian Dollar
EUR: Euro
commitGrids.commitGrid.gridTypeString STANDARD: Offers pre-defined discounts based on the length of the commitment. By default, only STANDARD grids are returned.
CUSTOM: Offers a customized discount based on a customer’s request.
commitGrids.commitGrid.gridVersionStringThe version of the commit grid.
commitGrids.commitGrid.gridStartDateStringThe date and time that the commit grid begins.
commitGrids.commitGrid.gridEndDateStringThe date and time that the commit grid ends.
commitGrids.linkObjectAn info block that contains details about the links for the results. URL for a set of results. relationship between the current information and the linked information.

Example response

The following example shows the response for the request.

Status Code: 200 OK
 Content-Length: 4543
 Content-Type: application/json
 Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:13:30 GMT
 Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
 Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)
 x-compute-request-id: req-7b7ffed2-9b1f-46a8-a478-315518d35387

    "commitGrids": {
        "commitGrid": [
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_USA_AUD_COMMIT_GRID_001",
                "geo": "USA",
                "currency": "AUD",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2015-06-25Z"
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_USA_COMMIT_GRID_001",
                "geo": "USA",
                "currency": "USD",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2013-05-30Z",
                "gridEndDate": "2015-06-19Z"
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_USA_EUR_COMMIT_GRID_001",
                "geo": "USA",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2015-06-25Z"
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_USA_GBP_COMMIT_GRID_001",
                "geo": "USA",
                "currency": "GBP",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2015-06-25Z"
        "link": []

Response codes

This operation can have the following response codes.

200SuccessThe request succeeded.
400ErrorA general error has occurred.
404Not FoundThe requested resource is not found.
405Method Not AllowedThe method received in the request line is known by the origin server but is not supported by the target resource.
406Not AcceptableThe value in the Accept header is not supported.
500API FaultThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

GET /v2/discountGrids/commitGrids/{commitGridId}

Gets information on a specific commit grid.

This operation retrieves a commit grid.


The request has the following URI and header parameters.

X-Auth-TokenHeader string (Required)A valid authentication token.
Content-typeHeader stringValue: application/json.
AcceptHeader stringValue: application/json.
{commitGridId}String (Required)The ID for the commit grid. Example: STANDARD_AUS_COMMIT_GRID_001.

This operation does not accept a request body.

Example request: header

The following example shows the header information.

X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


The response has the following body parameters.

commitGridObjectAn object that contains information about the commit grid.
commitGrid.descriptionStringA description of the commit grid.
commitGrid.offeringsObjectAn object that contains one or more offerings.
commitGrid.offerings.offeringArrayAn array that contains one or more offering codes.
commitGrid.offerings.offering.offeringCodeStringThe code for the offering.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiersObjectAn info block that contains details about any monthly commit tiers.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTierObjectAn info block that contains details about the commit tier.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItemArrayAn info block that contains options for the commit tier.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItem.tenureInMonthsIntegerThe number of months to which the customer must commit.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItem.discountPercentageStringThe discount percentage that is associated with the option.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItem.itemIndexIntegerThe index that is associated with the option.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTier.minAmountStringThe minimum amount of the discount.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTier.maxAmountStringThe maximum amount of the discount.
commitGrid.monthlyCommitTiers.commitTier.tierIndexIntegerThe index that is associated with the tier. This number is used to organize tiers.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiersObjectAn info block that contains details about any prepay commit tiers.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTierObjectAn info block that contains details about the commit tier.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItemArrayAn info block that contains options for the commit tier.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItem.tenureInMonthsIntegerThe number of months to which the customer must commit.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItem.discountPercentageStringThe discount percentage that is associated with the option.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTier.commitTierItem.itemIndexIntegerThe index that is associated with the option.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTier.minAmountStringThe minimum amount of the discount.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTier.maxAmountStringThe maximum amount of the discount.
commitGrid.prepayCommitTiers.commitTier.tierIndexIntegerThe index that is associated with the tier. This number is used to organize tiers.
commitGrid.idStringThe ID for the commit grid.
commitGrid.geoString USA: United States
UK: United Kingdom
AUS: Australia
APAC: Asia-Pacific
commitGrid.currencyString USD: United States Dollar
GBP: British Pound Sterling
AUD: Australian Dollar
EUR: Euro
commitGrid.gridTypeStringSTANDARD: Offers pre-defined discounts based on the length of the commitment. By default, only STANDARD grids are returned.
CUSTOM: Offers a customized discount based on a customer’s request.
commitGrid.gridVersionStringThe version of the commit grid. Example: 1.
commitGrid.gridStartDateStringThe date and time that the commit grid begins.
commitGrid.gridEndDateStringThe date and time that the commit grid ends.

Example response

The following example shows the response for the request.

Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Length: 4543
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:13:30 GMT
Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)
x-compute-request-id: req-7b7ffed2-9b1f-46a8-a478-315518d35387

 "commitGrid": {
     "description": "Standard USA Commit Grid for Commit Discounts",
     "offerings": {
         "offering": [
                 "offeringCode": "NXTGEN"
                 "offeringCode": "MNXTGEN"
                 "offeringCode": "FSTGEN"
                 "offeringCode": "MFSTGEN"
                 "offeringCode": "CLOUDBIGDATA"
     "monthlyCommitTiers": {
         "commitTier": [
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "5",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "10",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "15",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "20",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "25",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "0",
                 "maxAmount": "5000",
                 "tierIndex": 1
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "10",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "15",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "20",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "25",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "30",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "5001",
                 "maxAmount": "10000",
                 "tierIndex": 2
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "15",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "20",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "25",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "30",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "35",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "10001",
                 "maxAmount": "25000",
                 "tierIndex": 3
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "20",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "25",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "30",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "35",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "40",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "25001",
                 "maxAmount": "50000",
                 "tierIndex": 4
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "25",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "30",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "35",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "40",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "45",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "50001",
                 "maxAmount": "100000",
                 "tierIndex": 5
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "30",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "35",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "40",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "45",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "50",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "100001",
                 "maxAmount": "200000",
                 "tierIndex": 6
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "35",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "40",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "45",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "50",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "55",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "200001",
                 "tierIndex": 7
     "prepayCommitTiers": {
         "commitTier": [
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "8",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "16",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "24",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "32",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "43",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "0",
                 "maxAmount": "5000",
                 "tierIndex": 1
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "13",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "21",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "29",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "37",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "48",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "5001",
                 "maxAmount": "10000",
                 "tierIndex": 2
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "18",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "26",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "34",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "42",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "53",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "10001",
                 "maxAmount": "25000",
                 "tierIndex": 3
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "23",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "31",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "39",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "47",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "58",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "25001",
                 "maxAmount": "50000",
                 "tierIndex": 4
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "28",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "36",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "44",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "52",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "63",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "50001",
                 "maxAmount": "100000",
                 "tierIndex": 5
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "33",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "41",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "49",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "57",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "68",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "100001",
                 "maxAmount": "200000",
                 "tierIndex": 6
                 "commitTierItem": [
                         "tenureInMonths": 6,
                         "discountPercentage": "38",
                         "itemIndex": 1
                         "tenureInMonths": 12,
                         "discountPercentage": "46",
                         "itemIndex": 2
                         "tenureInMonths": 18,
                         "discountPercentage": "54",
                         "itemIndex": 3
                         "tenureInMonths": 24,
                         "discountPercentage": "62",
                         "itemIndex": 4
                         "tenureInMonths": 36,
                         "discountPercentage": "73",
                         "itemIndex": 5
                 "minAmount": "200001",
                 "tierIndex": 7
     "id": "STANDARD_USA_COMMIT_GRID_001",
     "geo": "USA",
     "currency": "USD",
     "gridType": "STANDARD",
     "gridVersion": "1",
     "gridStartDate": "05-30-2013-0500",
     "gridEndDate": null

Response codes

This operation can have the following response codes.

200SuccessThe request succeeded.
400ErrorA general error has occurred.
404Not FoundThe requested resource is not found.
405Method Not AllowedThe method received in the request line is known by the origin server but is not supported by the target resource.
406Not AcceptableThe value in the Accept header is not supported.
500API FaultThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

POST /v2/discountGrids/commitGrids/{commitGridId}/commitDiscountCalculation

Calculate a discount.

This operation calculates a discount by using a commit grid.


The request has the following URI and header parameters.

X-Auth-TokenHeader string (Required)A valid authentication token.
Content-typeHeader stringValue: application/json.
AcceptHeader stringValue: application/json.
{commitGridId}String (Required)The ID for the commit grid. Example: STANDARD_AUS_COMMIT_GRID_001.

The request has the following body parameters.

commitDiscountCalculationObject (Required)An info block that contains information about the commit discount calculation.
commitDiscountCalculation.commitMonthsInteger (Required)The number of months of commitment that are required in order to receive the discount. Example: 6.
commitDiscountCalculation.commitUsageAmountPerMonthString (Required)The amount of usage the customer may use during the commitment period. Example: 8000.
commitDiscountCalculation.isPrePayOptedBoolean (Required)Whether prepayments are opted.

Example request: header

The following example shows the header information.

X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Example request for a commit discount calculation with prepay opted

The following example shows what the request for a commit discount calculation with prepay opted looks like:

  "commitDiscountCalculation": {
    "commitMonths": 6,
    "commitUsageAmountPerMonth": "8000",
    "isPrePayOpted": true


The response has the following body parameters.

commitDiscountCalculationObjectAn object that contains information about the commit discount calculation.
commitDiscountCalculation.commitMonthsIntegerThe number of months of commitment that are required in order to receive the discount.
commitDiscountCalculation.commitPaymentAmountStringThe payment that is associated with the discount.
commitDiscountCalculation.discountPercentStringThe percent of the discount.
commitDiscountCalculation.commitUsageAmountPerMonthStringThe amount of usage the customer may use during the commitment period.
commitDiscountCalculation.isPrePayOptedBooleanWhether prepayments are opted.

Example response to a commit discount calculation request with prepay opted

The following example shows the response for the request.

Status Code: 200 OK
 Content-Length: 4543
 Content-Type: application/json
 Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:13:30 GMT
 Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
 Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)
 x-compute-request-id: req-7b7ffed2-9b1f-46a8-a478-315518d35387

  "commitDiscountCalculation": {
    "commitMonths": 6,
    "commitPaymentAmount": "45000.00",
    "discountPercent": "12.00",
    "commitUsageAmountPerMonth": "80000.00",
    "isPrePayOpted": true

Response codes

This operation can have the following response codes.

200SuccessThe request succeeded.
400ErrorA general error has occurred.
404Not FoundThe requested resource is not found.
405Method Not AllowedThe method received in the request line is known by the origin server but is not supported by the target resource.
406Not AcceptableThe value in the Accept header is not supported.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe payload type is not supported.
500API FaultThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

GET /v2/discountGrids/volumeGrids

Gets information on volume grids.

This operation retrieves a list of volume grids.


The request has the following URI and header parameters.

X-Auth-TokenHeader string (Required)A valid authentication token.
Content-typeHeader stringValue: application/json.
AcceptHeader stringValue: application/json.
{geo}String (Required)USA: United States
UK: United Kingdom
AUS: Australia
APAC: Asia-Pacific
{gridType}StringSTANDARD: Offers pre-defined discounts based on the length of the commitment. By default, only STANDARD grids are returned.
CUSTOM: Offers a customized discount based on a customer’s request.
{currency}StringUSD: United States Dollar
GBP: British Pound Sterling
AUD: Australian Dollar
EUR: Euro

This operation does not accept a request body.

Example request: header

The following example shows the header information.

X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


The response has the following body parameters.

Example response

The following example shows the response for the request.

Status Code: 200 OK
 Content-Length: 4543
 Content-Type: application/json
 Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:13:30 GMT
 Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
 Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)
 x-compute-request-id: req-7b7ffed2-9b1f-46a8-a478-315518d35387

    "volumeGrids": {
        "volumeGrid": [
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_AUS_AUD_VOLUME_GRID_001",
                "geo": "AUS",
                "currency": "AUD",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2015-06-26Z"
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_AUS_EUR_VOLUME_GRID_001",
                "geo": "AUS",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2015-06-25Z"
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_AUS_GBP_VOLUME_GRID_001",
                "geo": "AUS",
                "currency": "GBP",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2015-06-25Z"
                "link": {
                    "rel": "SELF",
                    "href": ""
                "id": "STANDARD_AUS_VOLUME_GRID_001",
                "geo": "AUS",
                "currency": "USD",
                "gridType": "STANDARD",
                "gridVersion": "1",
                "gridStartDate": "2013-05-30Z",
                "gridEndDate": "2015-06-19Z"
        "link": []

Response codes

This operation can have the following response codes.

200SuccessThe request succeeded.
400ErrorA general error has occurred.
404Not FoundThe requested resource is not found.
405Method Not AllowedThe method received in the request line is known by the origin server but is not supported by the target resource.
406Not AcceptableThe value in the Accept header is not supported.
500API FaultThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

GET /v2/discountGrids/volumeGrids/{volumeGridId}

This operation retrieves a volume grid.


The request has the following URI and header parameters.

X-Auth-TokenHeader string (Required)A valid authentication token.
Content-typeHeader stringValue: application/json.
AcceptHeader stringValue: application/json.
{volumeGridId}String (Required)The ID for the volume grid. Example: STANDARD_USA_ONDEMAND_GRID_001.

This operation does not accept a request body.

Example request: header

The following example shows the header information.

X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


The response has the following body parameters.

volumeGridObjectAn object that contains information about the volume grid.
volumeGrid.descriptionStringThe description of the volume grid.
volumeGrid.offeringsComplex typeAn info block that contains details about the offerings that are associated with the volume grid.
volumeGrid.offerings.offeringArrayAn array of offering codes.
volumeGrid.offerings.offering.offeringCodeStringThe code for the offering.
volumeGrid.volumeTiersComplex typeAn info block that contains details about volume tiers.
volumeGrid.volumeTiers.volumeTierComplex typeAn info block that contains details about a specific volume tier.
volumeGrid.volumeTiers.volumeTier.minAmountStringThe minimum amount of the discount.
volumeGrid.volumeTiers.volumeTier.maxAmountStringThe maximum amount of the discount.
volumeGrid.volumeTiers.volumeTier.discountPercentageStringThe percentage of the discount.
volumeGrid.volumeTiers.volumeTier.tierIndexIntegerThe index for the tier. This number is used to organize tiers.
volumeGrid.idStringThe ID for the volume grid.
volumeGrid.geoStringUSA: United States
UK: United Kingdom
AUS: Australia
APAC: Asia-Pacific
volumeGrid.currencyStringUSD: United States Dollar
GBP: British Pound Sterling
AUD: Australian Dollar
EUR: Euro
volumeGrid.gridTypeStringSTANDARD: Offers pre-defined discounts based on the length of the commitment. By default, only STANDARD grids are returned.
CUSTOM: Offers a customized discount based on a customer’s request.
volumeGrid.gridVersionStringThe version of the volume grid.
volumeGrid.gridStartDateStringThe date and time that the volume grid begins.
volumeGrid.gridEndDateStringThe date and time that the volume grid ends.

Example response

The following example shows the response for the request.

Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Length: 4543
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:13:30 GMT
Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)
x-compute-request-id: req-7b7ffed2-9b1f-46a8-a478-315518d35387

   "volumeGrid": {
       "description": "Standard USA On Demand Grid for Commit Discounts",
       "offerings": {
           "offering": [
                   "offeringCode": "FSTGEN"
                   "offeringCode": "MFSTGEN"
                   "offeringCode": "NXTGEN"
                   "offeringCode": "MNXTGEN"
       "volumeTiers": {
           "volumeTier": [
                   "minAmount": "0",
                   "maxAmount": "5000",
                   "discountPercentage": "0",
                   "tierIndex": 1
                   "minAmount": "5001",
                   "maxAmount": "10000",
                   "discountPercentage": "4",
                   "tierIndex": 2
                   "minAmount": "10001",
                   "maxAmount": "25000",
                   "discountPercentage": "8",
                   "tierIndex": 3
                   "minAmount": "25001",
                   "maxAmount": "50000",
                   "discountPercentage": "12",
                   "tierIndex": 4
                   "minAmount": "50001",
                   "maxAmount": "100000",
                   "discountPercentage": "16",
                   "tierIndex": 5
                   "minAmount": "100001",
                   "maxAmount": "200000",
                   "discountPercentage": "20",
                   "tierIndex": 6
                   "minAmount": "200001",
                   "discountPercentage": "24",
                   "tierIndex": 7
       "id": "STANDARD_USA_ONDEMAND_GRID_001",
       "geo": "USA",
       "currency": "USD",
       "gridType": "STANDARD",
       "gridVersion": "1",
       "gridStartDate": "2013-05-30-05:00"

Response codes

This operation can have the following response codes.

200SuccessThe request succeeded.
400ErrorA general error has occurred.
404Not FoundThe requested resource is not found.
405Method Not AllowedThe method received in the request line is known by the origin server but is not supported by the target resource.
406Not AcceptableThe value in the Accept header is not supported.
500API FaultThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
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