Cloud Load Balancers

Use the Cloud Load Balancers feed operations to get information about usage and system events for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers service.

Get feed for Load Balancer events

GET /lbaas/events/{tid}

This operation obtains the most recent events for this product's feed.


The following table shows the header parameters for the request:

ACCEPTAcceptheadertype (Required)Specifies the type of Accept header to be used in the request.

The following table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{tid}StringSpecifies the tenant Id.

The following table shows the query parameters for the request:

markerAnyuri (Optional)Specifies the entry from which the feed is read. If no value is specified, forward is used by default.
limitInt (Optional)Specifies the number of entries to return. By default the limit is set to 25. The minimum limit is 1 and the maximum limit is 1,000.
directionString (Optional)Valid values for this parameter are either backward or forward.

This operation does not accept a request body.


The following table shows the possible response codes for this

Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request succeeded.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing one or more elements, or the values of some elements are invalid.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed, or the user does not have permissions for a requested operation.
404Not FoundThe requested resource was not found.
429Rate LimitedToo many requests. Wait and retry.
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503Service UnavailableService is not available. Try again later.

Get Load Balancers event by ID

GET /lbaas/events/{tid}/entries/{id}

This http request fetches one particular event whose ID is listed in the


The following table shows the header parameters for the request:

ACCEPTAcceptheadertype (Required)

The following table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{tid}StringSpecifies the tenant Id.
{id}Anyuri<urn:uuid:676f3860-447c-> 40a3-8f61-9791819cc82f

This operation does not accept a request body.

Message samples

The following examples show the XML and JSON messages for each event
message type.

Lbaas load balancers delete event, v1

Deletes an event for LbaaS load balancers, version 1

XML Sample

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:lb-delete="">
       <atom:id> urn:uuid:b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bb7f966 </atom:id>
       <atom:category term="tid:1"/>
       <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
       <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
       <atom:category term="rid:b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bbccd38"/>
       <atom:category term="cloudloadbalancers.delete.loadbalancer.delete"/>
       <atom:category term="type:cloudloadbalancers.delete.loadbalancer.delete"/>
       <atom:title type="text"> LBAAS </atom:title>
       <atom:category label="loadBalancerUsage" scheme="PLAIN" term="term"/>
       <atom:content type="application/xml">
              <event dataCenter="DFW1" endTime="2012-06-15T10:19:52Z" environment="PROD" id="b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bb7f966" region="DFW" resourceId="b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bbccd38" resourceName="LoadBalancer" startTime="2012-06-14T10:19:52Z" tenantId="1" type="DELETE" version="1">
                     <lb-delete:product resourceType="LOADBALANCER" serviceCode="CloudLoadBalancers" version="1"/>
       <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
       <atom:updated> 2013-05-01T17:16:12.090Z </atom:updated>
       <atom:published> 2013-05-01T17:16:12.090Z </atom:published>

JSON Sample

  "entry": {
    "@type": "http:\/\/\/2005\/Atom",
    "category": [
        "label": "loadBalancerUsage",
        "scheme": "PLAIN",
        "term": "term"
    "content": {
      "event": {
        "@type": "http:\/\/\/core\/event",
        "dataCenter": "DFW1",
        "endTime": "2012-06-15T10:19:52Z",
        "environment": "PROD",
        "id": "b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bb7f966",
        "product": {
          "@type": "http:\/\/\/event\/lbaas\/delete",
          "resourceType": "LOADBALANCER",
          "serviceCode": "CloudLoadBalancers",
          "version": "1"
        "region": "DFW",
        "resourceId": "b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bbccd38",
        "resourceName": "LoadBalancer",
        "startTime": "2012-06-14T10:19:52Z",
        "tenantId": "1",
        "type": "DELETE",
        "version": "1"
    "id": "urn:uuid:b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bb7f966",
    "link": [
        "href": "https:\/\/\/lbaas\/events\/entries\/urn:uuid:b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bb7f966",
        "rel": "self"
    "published": "2013-05-01T17:16:12.090Z",
    "title": {
      "@text": "LBAAS",
      "type": "text"
    "updated": "2013-05-01T17:16:12.090Z"

Load balancer health monitor events, v1

Specifies the health monitor events, version 1.

The following table describes attributes for the event message.

Attribute NameDescriptionTypeOptionality
typeSpecifies the type of health monitor. Allowed Values: CONNECT, HTTP, HTTPSstringOptional
delaySpecifies the minimum seconds to wait before executing the health monitor.integerOptional
timeoutSpecifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for a connection to be established before timing out.integerOptional
attemptsBeforeDeactivationSpecifies the number of permissible monitor failures before removing a node from rotation.integerOptional
pathSpecifies the path.stringOptional
monitorStatusRegexSpecifies a regular expression that will be used to evaluate the HTTP status code that is returned in the response.stringOptional
bodyRegexSpecifies a regular expression that will be used to evaluate the contents of the body of the response.stringOptional

XML Sample

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:lbhm="">
       <atom:id> urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a </atom:id>
       <atom:category term="tid:1223"/>
       <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
       <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
       <atom:category term="rid:65"/>
       <atom:category term=""/>
       <atom:category term=""/>
       <atom:title type="text"> Health Monitor Create </atom:title>
       <atom:summary type="text"> Health Monitor Created. </atom:summary>
       <atom:content type="application/xml">
              <event dataCenter="DFW1" environment="PROD" eventTime="2012-06-15T10:19:52Z" id="7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a" region="DFW" resourceId="65" resourceName="My Health Monitor" resourceURI="" severity="INFO" tenantId="1223" type="CREATE" version="1">
                     <lbhm:product attemptsBeforeDeactivation="3" bodyRegex="Okay" delay="20" monitorStatusRegex="2.." path="/foo" resourceType="HEALTH_MONITOR" serviceCode="CloudLoadBalancers" timeout="39" type="HTTP" version="1"/>
       <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
       <atom:updated> 2014-03-03T15:44:40.932Z </atom:updated>
       <atom:published> 2014-03-03T15:44:40.932Z </atom:published>

JSON Sample

  "entry": {
    "@type": "http:\/\/\/2005\/Atom",
    "category": [
        "term": "tid:1223"
        "term": "rgn:DFW"
        "term": "dc:DFW1"
        "term": "rid:65"
        "term": ""
        "term": ""
    "content": {
      "event": {
        "@type": "http:\/\/\/core\/event",
        "dataCenter": "DFW1",
        "environment": "PROD",
        "eventTime": "2012-06-15T10:19:52Z",
        "id": "7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "product": {
          "@type": "http:\/\/\/event\/lbaas\/health-monitor",
          "attemptsBeforeDeactivation": 3,
          "bodyRegex": "Okay",
          "delay": 20,
          "monitorStatusRegex": "2..",
          "path": "\/foo",
          "resourceType": "HEALTH_MONITOR",
          "serviceCode": "CloudLoadBalancers",
          "timeout": 39,
          "type": "HTTP",
          "version": "1"
        "region": "DFW",
        "resourceId": "65",
        "resourceName": "My Health Monitor",
        "resourceURI": "http:\/\/\/path\/to\/monitor\/65",
        "severity": "INFO",
        "tenantId": "1223",
        "type": "CREATE",
        "version": "1"
    "id": "urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
    "link": [
        "href": "https:\/\/\/lbaas\/events\/entries\/urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "rel": "self"
    "published": "2014-03-03T15:44:40.932Z",
    "summary": {
      "@text": "Health Monitor Created.",
      "type": "text"
    "title": {
      "@text": "Health Monitor Create",
      "type": "text"
    "updated": "2014-03-03T15:44:40.932Z"

Load balancer system event, version 1

Specifies the system event for the load balancer, version 1.

The following table describes attributes for the event message.

Attribute NameDescriptionTypeOptionality
algorithmSpecifies an algorithm that defines how traffic should be directed between back-end nodes. Allowed Values: LEAST_CONNECTIONS, RANDOM, ROUND_ROBIN, WEIGHTED_LEAST_CONNECTIONS, WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBINstringOptional
protocolSpecifies the protocol of the service that is being load balanced. Allowed Values: DNS_TCP, DNS_UDP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAPS, IMAPv4, LDAP, LDAPS, MYSQL, POP3, POP3S, SMTP, TCP, TCP_CLIENT_FIRST, UDP, UDP_STREAM, SFTPstringOptional
portSpecifies the port number of the service that is being load balanced.intOptional
timeoutSpecifies the time count that is configured on the load balancer.intOptional
halfCloseEnable or Disable Half-Closed support for the load balancer. Half-Closed support provides the ability for one end of the connection to terminate its output, while still receiving data from the other end. This option is only available for TCP and TCP_CLIENT_FIRST protocol values.booleanOptional
networkItemIdSpecifies the network item Id.intRequired
accessAddressSpecifies the IP address.stringOptional
accessTypeSpecifies the access type. Can be either 'ALLOW' or 'DENY'. Allowed Values: ALLOW, DENYstringOptional
minConnectionsSpecifies the minimum number of connections.integerOptional
maxConnectionsSpecifies the maximum number of connections.integerOptional
maxConnectionRateSpecifies the maximum connection rate.integerOptional
rateIntervalSpecifies the rate interval.integerOptional
persistenceTypeSpecifies the method for persisting the session. Can be either 'HTTP_COOKIE' or 'SOURCE_IP'. Allowed Values: HTTP_COOKIE, SOURCE_IPstringOptional
connectionLogEnabledSpecifies whether the connection log is enabled.booleanOptional
contentCachingEnabledSpecifies whether caching is enabled.booleanOptional
sslTerminationEnabledSpecifies whether SSL termination is enabled.booleanOptional
secureTrafficOnlyIf the value is set to true, only secure traffic is allowed.booleanOptional
securePortSpecifies the port number for SSL.intOptional

XML Sample

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:lb="">
  <atom:id> urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a </atom:id>
  <atom:category term="tid:1223"/>
  <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
  <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
  <atom:category term="rid:887765"/>
  <atom:category term=""/>
  <atom:category term=""/>
  <atom:title type="text"> Delete Access List </atom:title>
  <atom:summary type="text"> Access list deleted. </atom:summary>
  <atom:content type="application/xml">
    <event dataCenter="DFW1" environment="PROD" eventTime="2012-06-15T10:19:52Z" id="7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a" region="DFW" resourceId="887765" resourceName="My LB" resourceURI="" severity="INFO" tenantId="1223" type="DELETE" version="1">
      <lb:product networkItemId="25" resourceType="ACCESS_LIST" serviceCode="CloudLoadBalancers" version="1"/>
  <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
  <atom:updated> 2014-03-03T16:23:03.200Z </atom:updated>
  <atom:published> 2014-03-03T16:23:03.200Z </atom:published>

JSON Sample

  "entry": {
    "@type": "http:\/\/\/2005\/Atom",
    "category": [
        "term": "tid:1223"
        "term": "rgn:DFW"
        "term": "dc:DFW1"
        "term": "rid:887765"
        "term": ""
        "term": ""
    "content": {
      "event": {
        "@type": "http:\/\/\/core\/event",
        "dataCenter": "DFW1",
        "environment": "PROD",
        "eventTime": "2012-06-15T10:19:52Z",
        "id": "7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "product": {
          "@type": "http:\/\/\/event\/lbaas\/lb",
          "networkItemId": 25,
          "resourceType": "ACCESS_LIST",
          "serviceCode": "CloudLoadBalancers",
          "version": "1"
        "region": "DFW",
        "resourceId": "887765",
        "resourceName": "My LB",
        "resourceURI": "http:\/\/\/path\/to\/accesslist\/6e688508-4058-11e3-851d-002500a28a7a",
        "severity": "INFO",
        "tenantId": "1223",
        "type": "DELETE",
        "version": "1"
    "id": "urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
    "link": [
        "href": "https:\/\/\/lbaas\/events\/entries\/urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "rel": "self"
    "published": "2014-03-03T16:23:03.200Z",
    "summary": {
      "@text": "Access list deleted.",
      "type": "text"
    "title": {
      "@text": "Delete Access List",
      "type": "text"
    "updated": "2014-03-03T16:23:03.200Z"

LbaaS node events, v1

Specifies the LbaaS node events, version 1.

The following table describes attributes for the event message.

Attribute NameDescriptionTypeOptionality
addressSpecifies the address of the node.stringOptional
portSpecifies the port number of the service that is being load balanced.intOptional
conditionSpecifies whether the node is 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED', or DRAINING. Allowed Values: ENABLED, DISABLED, DRAININGstringOptional
weightThis value is used by the 'WEIGHTED_LEAST_CONNECTION' and 'WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN' algorithms.intOptional

XML Sample

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:lbn="">
  <atom:id> urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a </atom:id>
  <atom:category term="tid:1223"/>
  <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
  <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
  <atom:category term="rid:3833"/>
  <atom:category term="cloudloadbalancers.node.node.create"/>
  <atom:category term="type:cloudloadbalancers.node.node.create"/>
  <atom:title type="text"> Node Create </atom:title>
  <atom:summary type="text"> Created node... </atom:summary>
  <atom:content type="application/xml">
    <event dataCenter="DFW1" environment="PROD" eventTime="2012-06-15T10:19:52Z" id="7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a" region="DFW" resourceId="3833" resourceName="My Node" severity="INFO" tenantId="1223" type="CREATE" version="1">
      <lbn:product address="" condition="ENABLED" port="1010" resourceType="NODE" serviceCode="CloudLoadBalancers" version="1" weight="10"/>
  <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
  <atom:updated> 2014-03-03T16:46:16.295Z </atom:updated>
  <atom:published> 2014-03-03T16:46:16.295Z </atom:published>

JSON Sample

  "entry": {
    "@type": "http:\/\/\/2005\/Atom",
    "category": [
        "term": "tid:1223"
        "term": "rgn:DFW"
        "term": "dc:DFW1"
        "term": "rid:3833"
        "term": "cloudloadbalancers.node.node.create"
        "term": "type:cloudloadbalancers.node.node.create"
    "content": {
      "event": {
        "@type": "http:\/\/\/core\/event",
        "dataCenter": "DFW1",
        "environment": "PROD",
        "eventTime": "2012-06-15T10:19:52Z",
        "id": "7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "product": {
          "@type": "http:\/\/\/event\/lbaas\/node",
          "address": "",
          "condition": "ENABLED",
          "port": 1010,
          "resourceType": "NODE",
          "serviceCode": "CloudLoadBalancers",
          "version": "1",
          "weight": 10
        "region": "DFW",
        "resourceId": "3833",
        "resourceName": "My Node",
        "severity": "INFO",
        "tenantId": "1223",
        "type": "CREATE",
        "version": "1"
    "id": "urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
    "link": [
        "href": "https:\/\/\/lbaas\/events\/entries\/urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "rel": "self"
    "published": "2014-03-03T16:46:16.295Z",
    "summary": {
      "@text": "Created node...",
      "type": "text"
    "title": {
      "@text": "Node Create",
      "type": "text"
    "updated": "2014-03-03T16:46:16.295Z"

LBaaS virtual IP events, v1

Specifies the LbaaS virtual IP events, version 1

The following table describes attributes for the event message.

Attribute NameDescriptionTypeOptionality
addressSpecifies the virtual IP address.stringRequired
IPversionSpecifies the IP version. Allowed Values: IPV4, IPV6stringRequired
typeSpecifies the virtual IP type. Can be either 'PUBLIC' or 'SERVICENET'. Allowed Values: PUBLIC, SERVICENETstringRequired

XML Sample

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:lbip="">
  <atom:id> urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a </atom:id>
  <atom:category term="tid:1223"/>
  <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
  <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
  <atom:category term="rid:3833"/>
  <atom:category term=""/>
  <atom:category term=""/>
  <atom:title type="text"> VIP Create </atom:title>
  <atom:summary type="text"> Created vip. </atom:summary>
  <atom:content type="application/xml">
    <event dataCenter="DFW1" environment="PROD" eventTime="2012-06-15T10:19:52Z" id="7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a" region="DFW" resourceId="3833" resourceName="My Node" severity="INFO" tenantId="1223" type="CREATE" version="1">
      <lbip:product IPversion="IPV4" address="" resourceType="VIP" serviceCode="CloudLoadBalancers" type="PUBLIC" version="1"/>
  <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
  <atom:updated> 2014-03-03T16:50:38.375Z </atom:updated>
  <atom:published> 2014-03-03T16:50:38.375Z </atom:published>

JSON Sample

  "entry": {
    "@type": "http:\/\/\/2005\/Atom",
    "category": [
        "term": "tid:1223"
        "term": "rgn:DFW"
        "term": "dc:DFW1"
        "term": "rid:3833"
        "term": ""
        "term": ""
    "content": {
      "event": {
        "@type": "http:\/\/\/core\/event",
        "dataCenter": "DFW1",
        "environment": "PROD",
        "eventTime": "2012-06-15T10:19:52Z",
        "id": "7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "product": {
          "@type": "http:\/\/\/event\/lbaas\/vip",
          "IPversion": "IPV4",
          "address": "",
          "resourceType": "VIP",
          "serviceCode": "CloudLoadBalancers",
          "type": "PUBLIC",
          "version": "1"
        "region": "DFW",
        "resourceId": "3833",
        "resourceName": "My Node",
        "severity": "INFO",
        "tenantId": "1223",
        "type": "CREATE",
        "version": "1"
    "id": "urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
    "link": [
        "href": "https:\/\/\/lbaas\/events\/entries\/urn:uuid:7ba76892-4058-11e3-806b-002500a28a7a",
        "rel": "self"
    "published": "2014-03-03T16:50:38.375Z",
    "summary": {
      "@text": "Created vip.",
      "type": "text"
    "title": {
      "@text": "VIP Create",
      "type": "text"
    "updated": "2014-03-03T16:50:38.375Z"

Cloud Load Balancer usage fields, v1

Specifies the usage fields for the Cloud Load Balancer, version 1

The following table describes attributes for the event message.

Attribute NameDescriptionTypeOptionality
avgConcurrentConnectionsSpecifies the amount of concurrent connections.doubleRequired
avgConcurrentConnectionsSslSpecifies the amount of concurrent SSL connections.doubleRequired
avgConcurrentConnectionsSumSpecifies the total amount of concurrent connections for non-SSL and SSL.doubleOptional
bandWidthInSpecifies the amount of inbound bandwidth, in bytes.unsignedLongRequired
bandWidthInSslSpecifies the amount of inbound SSL bandwidth, in bytes.unsignedLongRequired
publicBandWidthInSumSpecifies the total inbound bandwidth for SSL and non-SSL connections, in bytes.unsignedLongOptional
bandWidthOutSpecifies the amount of outbound bandwidth, in bytes.unsignedLongRequired
bandWidthOutSslSpecifies the amount of outbound SSL bandwidth, in bytes.unsignedLongRequired
publicBandWidthOutSumSpecifies the total outbound bandwidth for SSL and non-SSL connections, in bytes.unsignedLongOptional
numPollsTSpecifies the number of polls per load balancer.intRequired
numVipsSpecifies the number of VIPs per load balancer.intRequired
vipTypeSpecifies the VIP type that is associated with the load balancer. Allowed Values: PUBLIC, SERVICENETstringRequired
sslModeSpecifies the mode that determines SSL status on the load balancer. Allowed Values: ON, OFF, MIXEDstringRequired
hasSSLConnectionSpecifies a Boolean flag to determine whether or not the Cloud Load Balancer used an SSL connection. This value is used for billing purposes.booleanOptional
statusSpecifies whether the load balancer currently. Allowed Values: ACTIVE, SUSPENDEDstringRequired

XML Sample

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:lbaas="">
   <atom:id> urn:uuid:131f0fdc-bab0-11e3-979e-14109fdffead </atom:id>
   <atom:category term="tid:1"/>
   <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
   <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
   <atom:category term="rid:b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bbccd38"/>
   <atom:category term="cloudloadbalancers.lbaas.loadbalancer.usage"/>
   <atom:category term="type:cloudloadbalancers.lbaas.loadbalancer.usage"/>
   <atom:title type="text"> LBAAS </atom:title>
   <atom:content type="application/xml">
      <event dataCenter="DFW1" endTime="2012-06-15T10:19:52Z" environment="PROD" id="131f0fdc-bab0-11e3-979e-14109fdffead" region="DFW" resourceId="b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bbccd38" resourceName="LoadBalancer" startTime="2012-06-14T10:19:52Z" tenantId="1" type="USAGE" version="1">
         <lbaas:product avgConcurrentConnections="30000.0" avgConcurrentConnectionsSsl="4566.0" avgConcurrentConnectionsSum="34566" bandWidthIn="43456346" bandWidthInSsl="364646770" bandWidthOut="3460346" bandWidthOutSsl="345345346" hasSSLConnection="true" numPolls="10" numVips="44" publicBandWidthInSum="408103116" publicBandWidthOutSum="348805692" resourceType="LOADBALANCER" serviceCode="CloudLoadBalancers" sslMode="MIXED" status="ACTIVE" version="1" vipType="PUBLIC"/>
   <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
   <atom:updated> 2014-04-02T21:45:16.273Z </atom:updated>
   <atom:published> 2014-04-02T21:45:16.273Z </atom:published>

JSON Sample

  "entry": {
    "@type": "http:\/\/\/2005\/Atom",
    "category": [
        "term": "tid:1"
        "term": "rgn:DFW"
        "term": "dc:DFW1"
        "term": "rid:b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bbccd38"
        "term": "cloudloadbalancers.lbaas.loadbalancer.usage"
        "term": "type:cloudloadbalancers.lbaas.loadbalancer.usage"
    "content": {
      "event": {
        "@type": "http:\/\/\/core\/event",
        "dataCenter": "DFW1",
        "endTime": "2012-06-15T10:19:52Z",
        "environment": "PROD",
        "id": "131f0fdc-bab0-11e3-979e-14109fdffead",
        "product": {
          "@type": "http:\/\/\/usage\/lbaas",
          "avgConcurrentConnections": 30000,
          "avgConcurrentConnectionsSsl": 4566,
          "avgConcurrentConnectionsSum": 34566,
          "bandWidthIn": 43456346,
          "bandWidthInSsl": 364646770,
          "bandWidthOut": 3460346,
          "bandWidthOutSsl": 345345346,
          "hasSSLConnection": true,
          "numPolls": 10,
          "numVips": 44,
          "publicBandWidthInSum": 408103116,
          "publicBandWidthOutSum": 348805692,
          "resourceType": "LOADBALANCER",
          "serviceCode": "CloudLoadBalancers",
          "sslMode": "MIXED",
          "status": "ACTIVE",
          "version": "1",
          "vipType": "PUBLIC"
        "region": "DFW",
        "resourceId": "b79cc3de-b399-3883-b555-61829bbccd38",
        "resourceName": "LoadBalancer",
        "startTime": "2012-06-14T10:19:52Z",
        "tenantId": "1",
        "type": "USAGE",
        "version": "1"
    "id": "urn:uuid:131f0fdc-bab0-11e3-979e-14109fdffead",
    "link": [
        "href": "https:\/\/\/lbaas\/events\/entries\/urn:uuid:131f0fdc-bab0-11e3-979e-14109fdffead",
        "rel": "self"
    "published": "2014-04-02T21:45:16.273Z",
    "title": {
      "@text": "LBAAS",
      "type": "text"
    "updated": "2014-04-02T21:45:16.273Z"


The following table shows the possible response codes for this

Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request completed successfully
400Bad RequestThe request is missing one or more elements, or the values of some elements are invalid.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed, or the user does not have permissions for a requested operation.
429Rate LimitedToo many requests. Wait and retry.
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503Service UnavailableService is not available. Try again later.
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