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Global synthesis of effects of plant species diversity on trophic groups and interactions


Numerous studies have demonstrated that plant species diversity enhances ecosystem functioning in terrestrial ecosystems, including diversity effects on insects (herbivores, predators and parasitoids) and plants. However, the effects of increased plant diversity across trophic levels in different ecosystems and biomes have not yet been explored on a global scale. Through a global meta-analysis of 2,914 observations from 351 studies, we found that increased plant species richness reduced herbivore abundance and damage but increased predator and parasitoid abundance, predation, parasitism and overall plant performance. Moreover, increased predator/parasitoid performance was correlated with reduced herbivore abundance and enhanced plant performance. We conclude that increasing plant species diversity promotes beneficial trophic interactions between insects and plants, ultimately contributing to increased ecosystem services.

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Fig. 1: Global distribution of study locations.
Fig. 2: Responses of four trophic groups to plant species diversity.
Fig. 3: Pairwise (bi-trophic) correlations of trophic group responses to plant species diversity.
Fig. 4: Path analysis for the effects of the increased plant species diversity on tri-trophic interactions.

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Data availability

All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this Article and its Extended data, Supplementary tables and Supplementary methods.


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We thank M. van Kleunen, E. Siemann, X. Chen and Z.-W. Ren for useful suggestions on early versions of this paper, J. Weiner for providing the inspiration for this study, and all of the people whose data and work have been included in this meta-analysis. This study was financially supported by the Agriculture Research System of Shanghai, China (grant no. 201908), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31401751 and 11971117), the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences Program for Excellent Research Team (2018[B-01]) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant no. 727284).

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N.-F.W., X.-R.Z., J.-X.J., Y.-M.C. and B.L. conceived the idea. N.-F.W., X.-R.Z., Y.-M.C., J.-X.J. and B.L. collected the data. N.-F.W., M.D. and S.-Y.Q. made the maps. N.-F.W., X.-R.Z., L.-W.F., L.P.K., Z.Z., R.C.-K., M.D., J.T., S.-Y.Q., Y.-Q.H., W.-D.T., M.N., R.-T.J., J.-Y.D., J.-X.J., Y.-M.C. and B.L. analysed the data. N.-F.W., X.-R.Z., L.P.K., Z.Z., J.-X.J., Y.-M.C. and B.L. drafted the article. N.-F.W., X.-R.Z., L.-W.F., L.P.K., Z.Z., R.C.-K., M.D., J.T., J.-X.J., Y.-M.C. and B.L. wrote the manuscript. All authors prepared and edited the final drafts.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Jie-Xian Jiang, You-Ming Cai or Bo Li.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Mean effect sizes of 12 response categories for the 4 trophic groups in agroecosystems, grasslands and forests, separately.

Numbers in brackets indicate the numbers of observations and studies, respectively. The horizontal lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals around the means. Black, red, green, and blue lines represent predators, parasitoids, herbivores and plants, respectively.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Response of 12 response categories for 4 trophic groups to herbaceous and woody plants.

Numbers in brackets indicate the numbers of observations and studies, respectively. The horizontal lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals around the means. Black, red, green, and blue lines represent predators, parasitoids, herbivores and plants, respectively.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Response of 12 response categories for 4 trophic groups to tropical and temperate biomes.

Numbers in brackets indicate the numbers of observations and studies, respectively. The horizontal lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals around the means. Black, red, green, and blue lines represent predators, parasitoids, herbivores and plants, respectively.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Scatter plots showing the relationship between log-transformed number of added species in the plant species diversity treatment over the control and the effect sizes along with the fitted meta-regression line.

a, Scatter plot for predator performance (571 observations/122 studies). b, Scatter plot for parasitoid performance (135 observations/57 studies). c, Scatter plot for herbivore performance (947 observations/214 studies). d, Scatter plot for plant performance (1041 observations/161 studies). Predator performance included predator abundance and predation, parasitoid performance included parasitoid abundance and parasitism, herbivore performance was involved in herbivore abundance and herbivore damage and plant performance was related with plant growth, quality and reproduction. The dark and light shaded regions indicate respectively the 95% confidence interval for the predicted average SMD and the 95% credible/prediction interval. The regression model intercepts, slopes and the P-values for the slopes are presented.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Scatter plots showing the relationship between number of added plant species over control and effect sizes for predator, parasitoid, herbivore and plant performances.

a–d, Scatter plots for agroecosystems. e–h, Scatter plots for grasslands. i–l, Scatter plots for forests. Sample sizes for Fig. S5a-5l are 533, 124, 732, 541, 64, 29, 133, 391, 112, 7, 139 and 109, respectively. The fitted meta-regression lines are also presented. The dark shaded and the light shaded regions indicate the 95% confidence interval for the predicted average SMD and the 95% credible/prediction interval respectively. The regression model intercepts, slopes, and the P-values for the slopes are presented.

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Wan, NF., Zheng, XR., Fu, LW. et al. Global synthesis of effects of plant species diversity on trophic groups and interactions. Nat. Plants 6, 503–510 (2020).

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