Cocina Solar Cono
Cocina Solar Cono
Cocina Solar Cono
Introduccin a la Ing. Ambiental.
Capristan Hipolito David
Bonifacio Vilcapoma Jordan Jess
Casaperalta Cceres Edward
Huaman Valdivia Sergio
Ingeniera Ambiental.
Proyecto Ambiental.
Cateriano De Palomino, Margarita Del Carmen.
Resumen (Abstract):
Problemas ambientales
Tecnologas limpias.
Energa solar.
Concentrador solar.
o Environmental Issues
o Clean technologies.
Solar Energy.
Solar Concentrator.
Introduccin (Introduction):
En una cocina solar hay que aadir aproximadamente una hora a los tiempos
normales de coccin. No es necesario vigilar, remover constantemente ni
preocuparse de la comida. La elaboracin lleva exactamente dos minutos: uno
para poner la comida y otro para sacarla. Para muchos de nosotros se ha
convertido en nuestra forma favorita de cocinar.
Las cocinas solares son un complemento a los mtodos tradicionales de
cocina, que se siguen usando por la noche o con mal tiempo.
Este libro incluye conceptos bsicos de cocina solar, planos de construccin de
cocinas solares e instrucciones de uso, recetas, actividades educativas y
ejemplos de usos alternativos de las cocinas solares, incluida la pasteurizacin
solar de agua, imprescindible para la supervivencia de muchas poblaciones.
El uso masivo de cocinas solares puede ayudar a cambiar el mundo, pero para
eso hace falta difundir su conocimiento en los lugares apropiados. Nuestro
The project "Solar Cooker cone" is framed in the field of social development and
quality of life; This research was driven by our assessment of the T2 and the
interest to know the energy use of the sun to be a type of cleaner technology.
Peru is a privileged country in relation to the availability of solar energy:
In most of the territory, especially in the Andes, the monthly average solar
radiation is high throughout the year, the monthly average of solar energy is
greater 5kWh / m2 day.
From the beginning of time (and today for many people) the food preparation
has required the daily effort to find fuel, making fire, constant attention to ensure
they cook evenly, food does not burn nor sticking to the container.
Depending on where you live and how to cook, solar cooking can save time,
labor and fuel. And it is environmentally friendly.
There is a solar cooker for each type of food. This project focuses on solar
cooking low and medium temperature cone type. This type of cooking slowly
and evenly heat food until boiling or roasting. Other types of cookers reach the
high temperatures required for frying.
The slow cooker is different to the traditional but has clear advantages. Keeps
best flavor, moisture and nutrients from foods, and meats are more tender.
Recent studies indicate that meals prepared at moderate temperatures are
probably healthier than cooked at high temperatures.
In a solar cooker have to add an hour to the normal cooking time. No need to
monitor, remove or constantly worry about the food. The preparation takes
exactly two minutes: one to put the food and another to remove. For many of us
it has become our favorite way to cook.
Solar cookers are a complement to traditional cooking methods that are still
used at night or in bad weather.
This book includes basic concepts of solar cooker construction plans for solar
cookers and instructions, recipes, educational activities and examples of
alternative uses of solar cookers, including solar water pasteurization, essential
for the survival of many populations.
The massive use of solar cookers can help change the world, but this requires
disseminate their knowledge in the appropriate places. Our project designed to
teach critical to the survival of millions of families in sun-rich areas but poor in
fuels world art.
Caja de cartn
Papel platino
Cinta adhesiva
Varillas de madera
platinum Paper
Scotch tape
Wood rods
Resultados (Results):
Solar cooking shows that you can build with recycled and easily accessible for
the utilization of solar energy materials. For optimal performance of our solar
cooker is very important location in places where most of the year with sun rays
count while also leave you to consider investing in construction.
Remember that through the use of this cuisine contribute to the fight against
climate change and what is its dissemination can strengthen the advantages
that brings the use of them.
Observing the conditions of our kitchen that we built allows us to cook or boil
water for a short time, allowing us to develop our daily activities so we take our
Discusin (Discussion):
Luego de construir la cocina solar con los materiales con que contbamos
podemos decir que para mejorar su estructura y durabilidad podramos forrarla
con vinifan para que as no tenga problemas con el agua volvindose
En diversas universidades del Per, en particular en la Universidad Nacional de
Huamanga en Ayacucho, se ha construido y evaluado diversos prototipos de
cocinas solares desde comienzos de los aos setenta. Sin embargo, estos
trabajos no han tenido ningn resultado prctico hasta la fecha.
Una difusin limitada de cocinas solares solamente se ha logrado en dos
proyectos ms recientes. En ambos proyectos se us cocinas solares del
mismo tipo: una olla o sartn est situada en el foco de un reflector metlico
parablico, con un dimetro de 1,4 - 1,6 m, fijado en forma mvil en una
estructura metlica simple que se puede orientar manualmente hacia el sol.
After building a solar cooker with the materials that we can say that we had to
improve its structure and durability vinifan we could line it with so you do not
have problems with the water becoming waterproof.
In several universities in Peru, particularly in the National University of
Huamanga in Ayacucho has been built and evaluated several prototypes of
solar cookers since the early seventies. However, these studies have not had
any practical results to date.
A limited diffusion of solar cookers has been achieved in only two recent
projects. Projects both the same type solar cookers used: a pot or pan is placed
in the focus of a parabolic metal reflector with a diameter of 1.4 to 1.6 m,
movably attached in a simple metal structure you can manually orient toward
the sun.
Conclusiones (Conclusions):
Agradecimiento (Gratefulness):
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