Pola Weiss
Pola Weiss
Pola Weiss
Christopher Michael Fraga
Coordinador editorialEditor
Ekaterina lvarez Romero MUAC
Ekaterina lvarez Romero MUAC
Jaime Soler Frost
Asistente editorialEditorial Assistant
Ana Xanic Lpez MUAC
Cristina Paoli Periferia Taller Grfico
Asistente de formacinLayout Assistant
Mara Vzquez
Primera edicin 2014First edition 2014
D.R. MUAC, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporneo, UNAM, Mxico, D.F.
D.R. de los textos, sus autoresthe authors for the texts
D.R. de la traduccin, su autorthe translator for the translations
D.R. de las imgenes, sus autoresthe authors for the images
ISBN Coleccin 978-607-02-5175-7
ISBN 978-607-02-5644-8
Todos los derechos reservados.
Esta publicacin no puede ser fotocopiada ni reproducida total o parcialmente
por ningn medio o mtodo sin la autorizacin por escrito de los editores.
ExtraPolaciones lingsticas
Linguistic ExtraPolations
La TV te ve
TV Sees You
Biographical Sketch
1 Autovideato [video]. Produced by Pola Weiss, Mexico City, 1982 (digital copy)
(18 minutes), color. Coleccin Edna Torres-Ramos. [Autovideato is a play on the
Spanish word Autorretrato, or self-portrait. Trans.]
2 For example: La TV te ve, Los extraPola y se interPola, La Venusina renace
y Reforma. [All three titles involve untranslatable plays on words. La TV te ve
literally means TV sees you, but in Spanish the abbreviation TV is pronounced
the same as the words te ve. Los extraPola y se interPola involves two separate puns: los extrapola could be read as a transitive verb, meaning something
like she extrapolates them, but it could also be read as a play on the artists
name, The Extra-Polas; se interpola could again be read as a reflexive verb
in either the active or passive voice, interpolates herself or is interpolated, or,
it could be read as an imperative, be inter-Pola. So, the piece could be read as
She extrapolates them and is interpolatedinterpolates herself, or The ExtraPolas and Be Inter-Pola. Even taking the copula as a chiasmus, however, and
thus taking into account the four possible combinations of these two readings,
does not exhaust the possible renderings of these phrases, owing to the highly
polysemic morphology of Spanish. Finally, La Venusina renace y Reforma can be
read literally as The Venutian is Reborn and Reforma, but it can also be read
as a reference to the Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City, the avenue on which
the spectacle took place. Trans.]
Invitacin a la exposicinInvitation for the exhibition Pola Weiss. Teleasta en laat the
Galera Pecanins, 1979 [Cat. 6]
La televisin es madre del video Es justo entonces concebir un arte de televisin, televisin de arte, arte televisivo,
o como yo he decidido nombrar a mis producciones, por su
capacidad masiva de comunicacin: arTV.1
As declar Pola Weiss en 1978, en un artculo publicado
para un nmero especial de la revista de Artes Visuales
dedicado al tema del videoarte. Y fue con esta declaracin,
escrita en una poca cuando el video apenas se estaba perfilando como un nuevo medio artstico en Mxico, que Weiss
esboz una de las propuestas que definira a su produccin
videogrfica durante los prximos quince aos. Tomando
posicin frente a la articulacin predominante del videoarte
como medio hermtico enfocado en la exploracin psicolgica y, absorbida del ego del artista, Weiss plante otra
conceptualizacin del video orientada hacia una negociacin
entre sus aspectos ntimos y personales y, por otro lado,
su relacin innegable con los medios masivos y la esfera
pblica que aqullos implicaban. A travs de esta negociacin, Weiss desarroll una prctica artstica basada en la
difusin televisiva como modelo conceptual que responda
a una bsqueda por llevar el arte a un pblico mayor, un
pblico que no necesariamente formara parte de los circuitos de galeras, museos y eventos culturales, involucrando
a varios sectores de la cultura a travs de replantearse el
rol pblico de la prctica artstica. Del mismo modo, Weiss
pudo apelar, por ende, a una apertura de la visualidad del
arte a travs de los alcances que potencializaban la televisin
sin recurrir por ello, a la condicin de realidad que simulaba la televisin, y en muchos casos al cine en su forma ms
convencional, sin acceder ingenuamente el circuito unilateral de discurso pblico que ofreca la televisin en su forma
ms comercial.
Fue por medio de esta integracin de la estructura
formal del video con la retrica y las operaciones conceptuales de la televisin que Weiss logr trazar cruces entre
ambos medios con el fin no slo de explorar las posibilidades que dichos cruces ofrecan, sino de replantearse los
usos a los cuales estaban conferidos y las posibilidades que
Pola Weiss, Programa de la exposicin en laprogram of the exhibition at the Galera Chapultepec, s.f.n.d.
7 Vase Rita Eder, El Cuerpo y el espejo: ansiedades en la autorepresentacin, En Puntos CiegosBlind Spots, SITAC VIII (Memorias del Simposio
Internacional de Teora sobre Arte Contemporneo), Patronato de Arte Contemporneo A.C. (PAC), 2011: 52-64
subjetividad, constituyendo un sistema de participacin donde la obra supona un impacto inmediato con su pblico.
Un segundo eje, Hacia una sinergia del cuerpo y el
video, busca ofrecer elementos para pensar la nocin
de videodanza en Weiss. En videos como Ciudad-MujerCiudad, Videodanza en Xochimilco o Videodanza Viva
Videodanza, Weiss logr fusionar el recurso del video con el
cuerpo en movimiento, inscribiendo una permanencia en lo
que se tena por un acto acotado a una temporalidad especfica. Sus videodanzas no son un registro de la accin, ellas
son la obra, se liberan de la naturaleza ajena que en ocasiones implica el acto de registrar para dar lugar al despliegue
de historias contadas por el cuerpo, donde la narrativa se
construye a partir de movimientos y gestos.
Finalmente, el tercer ncleo, Ensayos documentales,
rene una seleccin de obras que nos permiten ver el modo
en que la cmara constitua para Weiss un medio para experimentar con la realidad. Las obras aqu presentes pueden
comprenderse como ejercicios donde, ms que formular
una suerte de economa de la imagen en movimiento con el
fin de construir narrativas concretas en torno a una cuestin, buscan realizar exploraciones visuales para hacer
contacto con su entorno, definiendo las narrativas de una
forma estrictamente subjetiva.
Pola Weiss:
Matters of a Teleaste1
relationship with art, and further with life. This intermedia role is thus the basis of Pola Weiss reputation as a
pioneer of video art in Mexico. Weiss sought to establish a
sort of phenomenology of intersubjective interaction, using
the possibilties of the televisual broadcast of video to inaugurate an art of present sensations2 that would institute a
vital link between the artist and her spectators in real time
and space, but which would lack any pretense of the sense of
veracity that characterized the mass media. The purpose of
distancing herself from cinemas or televisions demarcation
of reality led her to propose an art of emotions, a lyrical artistic
practice marked by an oscillation between personal and idiosyncratic references and the thematization of the encounter
with the Other.
It is because of this relationship between bodily experience and public medium that her videos, graphic works, and
diaries become a system of sensations and thoughts, laid
out in order to be inhabited. The diverse games that Weiss
succeeded in articulating with her own image, games where
the artist appeared to be constantly duplicated, refracted, and
fragmented both inside and outside the screen, appear as the
point to be explored in order to understand the meaning of
reproduction. In many of the extant images of Weiss, she appears simultaneously as the subject who produces images, as
well as the object of the image,3 a situation that once again
alludes to her quest to deny the reality brought about by
the cinematic or televisual image, and at the same time to
involve the spectator in an event of affective participation
that would not aim to eliminate the subjective condition that
characterizes it. It is thus that she sets off what Edgar Morin
defines as the mechanism of projection-identification, where
to the extent that we identify the images on the screen with
real life, our projection-identifications peculiar to real life are
set in motion.4 Weisss constant attempt to articulate and
2 Ibid.
5 Pola Weiss, El video como posibilidad contestataria de la comunicacin social. Unpublished essay. Doc. 440, Fondo Pola Weiss, Centro de Documentacin
Arkheia, MUAC, UNAM.
A first cluster of works within the show, Pola Weiss:
The Unfolding of a Teleaste, explores the central place occupied by the television in Weisss artistic practice, seeking
to understand the diverse ways in which she utilized the
operations of the mass medium to modify and expand the
horizons of video art. Through texts, posters, and other
materials that Weiss produced over the course of her career,
which now make up a large part of the Fondo Pola Weiss, it
delves into the various positions that television occupied in
the artists thought, from conceptual model or rhetorical tool
to a real, established network for promoting public knowledge of her work. A second axis, Towards a Synergy of Body
and Video, seeks to offer resources to examine the notion
of videodance in Weiss. In videos like Ciudad-Mujer-Ciudad
[City-Woman-City], Videodanza en Xochimilco [Videodance
in Xochimilco] and Videodanza viva videodanza [Videodance
Long Live Videodance], Weiss managed to fuse the device of
video with the moving body, inscribing a permanence in an act
usually bound to a specific temporality. Her videodances are
not a record of her actions, they are the work of art, they
free themselves from the removal that is occasionally implied by the act of recording, in order to unfold stories told
by the body in which narrative is constructed through movements and gestures.
Finally, the third section, Documentary essays, gathers a selection of works that offer a glimpse into the process
through which the camera, for Weiss, became a medium for
experimenting with reality. The works here presented can
be understood as exercises which, rather than formulating a
sort of economy of the moving image in order to build concrete narratives around a certain issue, seek to make visual
explorations that make contact with their environment,
defining narratives in a strictly subjective manner.
La TV te ve1
La imaginacin ha
transformado su realidad
TV Sees You1
The great virtue of vision is that it is not only a highly articulate medium, but that its universe offers inexhaustibly rich
information about the objects and events of the outer world.
Therefore, vision is the primary medium of thought.
Rudolf Arnheim1
Art must be recognized as the most certain mode of
expression which mankind has achieved.
Herbert Read2
Another constant, in parallel with this, has been to
deny the technical-artistic triumphs of television, and consequently the implementation of a language proper and
very much exclusive to this audiovisual electronics. Ernst
Fisher tells us that art is a mode of expression, a language
that can transmit a message, fated not just to change the
world and make magic, but to illustrate and stimulate the
action of thought. Looking at the panorama presented thus
far by television, from being a product of commercial interests, foreign to representing one of arts sharp expressions,
we can then take a step toward another form of use. Thus
is born, with the appearance of amateur recording equipment in the 1960s, video. Censorship was no longer another
obstacle. There was then a new focus on these video productions, another ethic was implanted, another aesthetic. Video
art emerged.
Thus appeared Nuevo Ojo [New Eye], which would not
exactly see, but instead offer panoramas seen by other eyes,
with different interpretations, in other places, in other times
and spaces. In the wake of this approach, the idea of transmitting art through television, of using it as a medium for
art historical information was discarded.
Although video, in my view, is not a window onto the
world, it is a door to mans mind, it does turn that intelligent
vision into aesthetic complacency, or it is the degree of the
unexpected or the surprising part of the artistic work in its
projection, as Gillo Dorfles tells us. (The works of David Cort,
Peter Campus or Bill Viola clearly exemplify as much.)
Nevertheless, we must not forget that television is the
mother of video, which, thanks to its reach and its possibilities, has managed visually to objectify mans thought because its images touch structures of sensibility deep within
us, not regularly stimulated by normal visual nor even tactile
perceptions. It is proper, then, to conceive of a television art,
an art television, televisual art, or, as I have decided to name
my productions, thanks to their capacity for mass communication: arTV.
ArTV is a way of understanding this visual art, not just
for museums, centers, or galleries that promote these works,
but rather as the mass medium for broadcasting an art, for
fostering large scale transformations that would shape a
new man. Because it is an objective of timely, and temporal
reflection, of this LIVING, ludic, Joycean movement of electronic action painting, of the capitalization of its defects into
videodefects, or of the conscious programming of aesthetic
emotion, according to Max Bense. For me, then, it is the art
of present sensations.
Thus, as long as the organs and institutions of culture
or fine arts opt not to pay attention to this new phenomenon of expression (The bigger the audience, the greater
the surveillance of politico-economic power. Margarita
DAmico), video art in Mexico will be dominated by a whole
underdeveloped, mediocre cast. It could well serve as a cultural product of our evolution in the electronic age, and not
just become an useful object within reach of privileged or
elitist groups that fund their works. Let us give free rein to
creation, to the mobilization of these perceptive centers, so
sorely needed, that break with the crisis facing the automatized and alienated vision of man today.
Todays man
is now a cosmic man
Imagination has
transformed his reality.
(Ciudad de Mxico, 1947-1990). Artista experimental considerada
como una de las pioneras del videoarte en Mxico. Realiz estudios en Ciencias de la Comunicacin en la Facultad de Ciencias
Polticas y Sociales de la UNAM, donde comenz a experimentar
con video. Como estudiante, se mantuvo activa en el campo de
la industria televisiva, el cual la llev a su primer acercamiento
con el videoarte mientras realizaba una investigacin sobre la
televisin artstica en la BBC de Londres, la VPRO de Holanda, la
Ofrateme de Pars y la RAI de Italia.
En 1977 particip en el IX Encuentro Internacional de Video
en el Museo Carrillo Gil, representando a Mxico con el video
Flor Csmica (1977). A partir de ese momento, Weiss seguira
participando en diversas muestras.
Su produccin se caracteriz por ser de corte experimental.
Muchos de sus videos incluyeron distintas tcnicas: alteraciones
cromticas y estticas psicodlicas. Fue una de las primeras en
romper con las formas de representacin al integrar la cmara
como parte de su cuerpo, logrando que en muchas ocasiones,
la lente encarnara su movimiento corporal. En 1987, recibe un
homenaje en Montbeliard, Francia. Algunos de sus videos ms
importantes son: Mi Co-Ra-zn, Eclipse, Merln, entre otros.
Weiss introdujo nociones como ArTV, video danza y teleasta para
explicar algunas de las obras que realiz.
(Mexico City, 1947-1990). Was an experimental artist and pioneer of video art in Mexico. She completed undergraduate studies
in Communications Sciences at the UNAM, where she began to
experiment with video, which later became her most important
medium of artistic work. As a student, she was active in the television industry, collaborating on scripts for television and documentaries, an experience that would influence her in the future.
In 1977, she participated in in the 9th International Video
Art Festival that took place in Mexico City at the Museo de Arte
Carrillo Gil, with her video Flor Csmica (1977). From that moment on, Weiss continued to participate in several Art Festivals.
Her production was characterized by its experimental look.
Many of her videos included different techniques: chromatic
alterations and psychedelic aesthetics. She was one of the first to
break with the forms of representation by integrating the camera
as a part of her body, on many occasions succeeding in having the
lens incarnate her bodily movement. In 1987, she was paid homage in Montbeliard, France. Some of her most important videos are
Mi Co-Ra-zn and Merln, among others. Weiss introduced notions
like ArTV, video dance and teleaste to explain some of the works
that she produced.
Todas las piezas que se enlistan en el presente catlogo forman
parte del Fondo Pola Weiss. Centro de documentacin Arkheia,
MUAC-UNAM. Aquellos casos en los que no se acredite la autora
de la obra obedece a que se desconoce el origen de la misma.
All the pieces listed in this catalog are part of the Fondo Pola
Weiss at the Centro de Documentacin Arkheia, MUAC-UNAM.
The authorship of all works uncredited herein is unknown.
Recorte de prensa sobre performance en la Bienal de Venecia
de Pola WeissPress clipping about the performance in Venice
Biennial, 1979
28 21.4 cm
8. Somos mujeresWe are women, 1979
Postal impresaPrinted postcard
9.2 14 cm
9. Ciudad-Mujer-CiudadCity-Woman-City, 1979
3 postales impresasPrinted postcards
9.2 14 cm
10. Fildocuments, 1979
Invitacin impresa para la exposicin en elPrinted invitation
for the exhibition at the Center Georges Pompidou Programmation cinma
21 10.5 cm
11. The Art of Performance, 1979
Folleto impresoPrinted booklet
30 22 cm
Pola Weiss, Cahiers du cinema, 1980, Francia: 69-71
28 21.5 cm
Les Vidos de Pola Weiss, Canal, 1980, Francia: 15
28 21.5 cm
14. Pola Weiss teleasta presenta Videodanza a dos tiempos Videoarte-Performance La Venusina renace y ReformaPola Weiss
teleaste presents Videodance in two times Videoart-Performance
The Venutian is Reborn and Reforma, 1980
Folleto impresoPrinted booklet
22 44 cm
15. Presentacin en elPresentation at the Auditorio Nacional,
Folleto impresoPrinted booklet
44.5 21 cm
39. Documentacin de performance desconocido afuera delDocumentation of an unknown performance outside of the Auditorio
Nacional, 1980
5 fotografasphotographs
Medidas variablesVariable dimensions
Todava estamos aquWe are still here, 1971-1979
Video 3/4 transferido a MP4 video transferred to MP4
Flor CsmicaCosmic Flower, 1977
Video 3/4 transferido a MP4 video transferred to MP4
Ciudad-Mujer-CiudadCity-Woman-City, 1978
Video 3/4 transferido a MP4 video transferred to MP4
Entrevista en VeneciaInterview at Venice, 1979
Video 3/4 transferido a MP4 / video transferred to MP4
Videodanza Viva VideodanzaVideodance Live Videodance, 1979
Documentacin del performance enDocumentation of the performance at Arte Performance Venecia 79
Video 3/4 transferido a MP4 video transferred to MP4
Aline Hernndez
Benjamin Murphy
Investigacin y catalogacin del Fondo Pola Weiss
Research and catalogation
Edna Torres
Centro de documentacin Arkheia
Documentary Center Arkheia
Pilar Garca
Ana Romanda
Eloisa Hernndez
Coordinador de produccin museogrfica
Production Coordination
Joel Aguilar
Benedeta Monteverde
Cecilia Pardo
Salvador vila Velazquillo
Programa pedaggicoTeaching Program
Pilar Ortega
Muna Cann
Ignacio Pl
Elizabeth Herrera
Juan Corts
Claudio Hernndez
Josefina Granados
Mara Teresa de la Concha
Coordinacin de comunicacinCommunication Coordination
Carmen Ruz
Francisco Domnguez
Ana Cristina Sol
Ekaterina lvarez
Curador en jefeChief Curator
Cuauhtmoc Medina