Gustar and Similar Verbs
Gustar and Similar Verbs
Gustar and Similar Verbs
Sí, me
Construcciones valorativas
• En este tipo de construcciones hay
un elemento (el sujeto) que produce
una emoción, una sensación, un
sentimiento o una reacción ….
(expresados por el verbo) en
alguien (complemento indirecto).
• Me gusta mucho el pan.
CI sujeto
Construcciones valorativas
Complemen Gustar Sujeto
to Indirecto
A mí me el futbol
gusta la comida japonesa
A ti te
A él/ ella/usted le dormir la siesta
A nosotros/as nos
las gafas de sol
A vosotros/as os el café y el té
los días de lluvia
A ellos/ellas/ustedes les
Construcciones valorativas
• Además de gustar funcionan así otros
verbos como apetecer, parecer,
importar, fascinar, extrañar,
doler, encantar, fastidiar,
interesar, molestar, preocupar,
Hoy no me apetece salir.
A mi madre le duelen los huesos.
A nosotros no nos interesan los libros.
Verbos como GUSTAR con
Te duele el pie.
Te lo duele.
ahora en inglés
Gustar = to be pleasing
Gustar is used to express preferences, likes, and dislikes;
however, gustar means “to be pleasing,” and is
constructed very differently from the English “to like.”
Gustar is a completely regular -ar verb in its
gusto gustamos
gustas gustáis
gusta gustan
Gustar = to be pleasing
In Spanish, the thing or things that we like are expressed as
being “pleasing to us.”
” i s t he
a y .. . e r e “i t
s h
I like it.
i s h, we . .. w
n Eng l o b j e c t.
I direct
In Spanish, “it” becomes the subject of the sentence and we
say instead . . .
Me gustas
You please me. (I like you.)
When gustar is used with one or more infinitives, only the
third person singular is used.
Me gusta
Me gusta leer, jugar fútbol y
The verb gustar is used exclusively
with indirect object pronouns
me nos
te os
le les
Gustar is used with indirect object pronouns
Me gusta ese restaurante.
I like that restaurant.
¿Te gusta el té
Do you like iced tea?
Le gustan mucho las
He likes carrots a lot.
No nos gusta el
We don’t like yogurt.
Les gusta cenar en
They like to eat dinner at home.
Many other verbs function like gustar
These, too, are used with indirect object pronouns.
aburrir to bore; to tire
encantar to delight; to be extremely
faltar to be lacking or needed
fascinar to be fascinating
interesar to be interesting
molestar to be a bother or to annoy
parecer to seem
quedar to be left; to remain
Many other verbs function like gustar
Me aburre comer solo.
Eating alone bores me.
Les encanta comer fuera.
They love to eat out.
¿Les faltan servilletas?
Do you all need some napkins?
Nos fascina la cocina
French cuisine fascinates us.
Many other verbs function like gustar
Nos interesan los
We’re interested in penguins.
Me molestan algunos
Some customers annoy me.
Nos parece caro este
This wine seems expensive to us.
¿Te queda suficiente dinero
para pagar la cuenta?
Do you have enough money left to
pay the bill?
When we like something a lot (mucho) or
more (más) than something else, mucho and
más immediately follow the verb gustar:
Me gusta mucho
I really like to eat.
A different word order would convey a
different meaning:
Me gusta comer mucho.
I like to eat a lot of food.
When we like something a lot (mucho) or
more (más) than something else, mucho and
más immediately follow the verb gustar: