Article guidelines (New Versions)
Article Guidelines (New Versions)
- What is a new version?
- How to submit a new version
- Overleaf submissions
- How to version your article
- 4.1 Authors
- 4.2 Abstract
- 4.3 Figures and tables
- 4.4 Data and software availability
- 4.5 Supplementary material
- 4.6 References and bibliography
- 4.7 Update text
- 4.8 Responses to peer review reports
1. What is a new version?
Publication in F1000Research is much more dynamic than in traditional journals and our articles are still “developing” after the authors’ initial version is published. To distinguish more clearly between different types of article versions, we label them with the following badges:
[Revised] indicates a new version that usually incorporates changes in response to the reviewers’ comments; an [Update] is a new version, often after the article is indexed and/or the peer review is considered complete, in which authors can add small developments relevant to the research discussed in that article.
2. How to submit a new version
A new version of an article can only be submitted by the author who submitted the previous version.
- Log in and go to My Account > Submissions - the article will be listed under the “Published” tab.
- Download a copy of the final published version of your article (as we will have made minor changes throughout the production process) in either DOC or RFT format (if you are not the submitting author, these options will not be available to you).
- Switch on Track Changes before you start to edit this file (otherwise we cannot process the submission as your changes will not be visible).
- Once you have added your revisions (see the specific guidance notes below), return to the article on the published tab of My Account > Submissions and click on Submit New Version (if you are not the submitting author, this option will not be available to you; if you are the submitting author, this option will disappear once you start a new version submission).
- Complete the New version submission form (you can save as draft at any time and return later).
The editorial team will process the new version and contact you with any questions, or let you know when the revised article has been sent to be typeset.
3. Overleaf submissions
Please note that Overleaf’s latest release does not currently support submission of new versions (see this blog for more information). We are working on a solution for this and hope to restore LaTeX versioning as soon as possible. In the meantime, if your previous version was submitted using Overleaf, please use the DOC/RTF file as detailed above to draft and submit your new version. If you have any queries, please email the editorial team.
4. How to version your article
4.1 Authors
The author list can be amended in a new version, provided all authors have contributed to the article. As a guide authors should refer to the criteria for authorship developed by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). More detail can be found in our authorship policies.
To change the author list, please add a note to the editors on the new version submission form to let them know why the changes are being made, along with the email address, affiliation(s), and CRediT roles of any new authors. Changes to the author list must also be detailed in the Update Text.
As per our policies all authors on both the old and new versions of an article will be contacted if the author list changes, and all authors must confirm they accept these changes before a new version can be published.
4.2 Abstract
If revisions are being made to the abstract, please mark these edits on both the new version submission form and within the uploaded revised/updated manuscript. As per the first version of an article the abstract should be up to 300 words long, with any abbreviations spelled out and no citations included.
4.3 Figures and tables
Please upload all new figures to the new version submission form. We ask that all new figures are provided as separate files, preferably at 300 dpi and in EPS/TIFF format.
Existing tables can be edited within the revised/updated manuscript or replacement tables can be uploaded as separate files alongside any new tables on the new version submission form - these will be added to the new version when the PDF proof is prepared.
All figures and tables must be cited and discussed in the article text, and their titles and legends should be provided in the revised/updated manuscript.
Any clinical images or identifiable data must be accompanied by written informed consent for use of publication from the individuals involved. Any distinguishing features that could be used to identify the patient or participant concerned, including medical record numbers or codes in the case of clinical images, must be removed. Please review our article policies for more information about research involving humans.
Figure and Table Permissions: If reusing or adapting a figure or table from a previous copyrighted publication, the authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder and for the payment of any fees (if applicable). Please include a note in the legend to state that: ‘This figure/table has been reproduced with permission from [include original publication citation]’.
4.4 Data and software availability
If your article contains data or source code that has been deposited in a repository (e.g. GitHub, Zenodo, Figshare), please ensure the repository is up to date and reflects the revisions made in the new version of the article. Most repositories support versioning and will allow you to deposit the updated data or code. A new DOI should also be obtained for the updated version of the repository entry. Please ensure the new DOI replaces the old DOI in the Software/Data availability section(s) of the manuscript.
4.5 Supplementary material
Under our updated data policies, we no longer host supplementary material. Instead, we ask that these be deposited in an approved repository and included in the article’s Data Availability section as “Extended data”. For more information on how to structure the Data Availability section, please see our article guidelines.
We strongly recommend that you deposit any previous data or supplementary material to an approved repository (even if it is unchanged in the new version) and follow our data guidelines, including adding a Data availability statement to the revised/updated manuscript.
4.6 References and bibliography
Please remove any references that are no longer needed from the revised/updated manuscript and delete their in-text citations. To add new references, please include them at the end of the current reference list and cite them in the main text where needed. The reference list will be set to the correct order during the typesetting process.
4.7 Update text
When submitting a new version, you will need to provide some Update Text (300 words max). This text will be displayed beneath the abstract of your new version and should highlight to the readers what has been changed. It must contain specific information detailing all revisions made, including changes to the text, new or revised/updated figures, updates to the author list, or additional data or code. We ask for this summary separate from your responses to peer review reports as those are not available for readers on PubMed.
4.8 Responses to peer review reports
To upload responses to peer review reports, please visit the article page and click “read” under the Reviewer report in the Open Peer Review box on the right-hand side of the article. Click “Respond to this report” at the end of the report to upload your response. Please be aware that responses to review reports will be published alongside the new version of your article. We strongly recommend that individual responses to each peer reviewer are uploaded in addition to the update text in order to assist the reviewers as they reassess the revised/updated article. Where possible reviews should be responded to in a point-by-point format so that it is clear which reviewer comments have or haven’t been addressed, and why.
When the new version is published, reviewers who have previously provided a peer review report for the article will automatically be made aware of the updated publication. They will then have the option to re-review the paper and change their peer review status.