Posters & Slides Guidelines
Posters & Slides Guidelines
What Type of Content is Eligible for Publication in F1000Research?
In addition to articles that you would expect to find in
traditional journals, F1000Research publishes scholarly posters and slides covering basic
scientific, translational and clinical research within the life sciences and medicine; other
formats may be considered in the future. Unlike articles, posters and slides are not peer reviewed
in F1000Research. F1000Research also publishes documents.
F1000Research only offers the publication of scholarly posters and slides within gateways and collections (as of December 2019) and must have prior approval from the editorial office. Posters and slides submitted to the platform without prior approval will be removed. If you would like to create a gateway or collection for the hosting of your community’s posters and slides then please contact us.
General Guidelines
We accept posters and slides in all languages; however we do
require that the metadata i.e. the title, the author’s names and affiliations, the
description and the keywords are written in English.
We are happy to accept posters and slides that directly relate to
previous publications, as well as those that are unpublished elsewhere. If the work includes
figures or tables used in a previously published paper and the publisher holds the copyright,
authors need to ensure that they have permission from the journal to reuse those figures/tables.
This needs to be done before submitting the poster or slides.
For any posters or slides that include information that
can potentially identify an individual, please ensure that you have obtained written, informed
consent from all patients or healthy participants (or their legal guardians for minors, or next of
kin if the participant is deceased), confirming that the results and any accompanying images can be
published. This includes large clinical datasets with direct or indirect identifiers (see this article for information), specific details
about individuals, images and so on.
If your poster or slide contains any identifiable images
of individuals, you must include a statement confirming that you have permission to publish these
images. If your poster, slide or document contains any clinical images or identifiable data then
you must include an explicit consent statement under a separate heading of the
‘Consent’ section (we suggest: “We confirm that we have obtained permission to
use [images/data] from the participants/patients/individuals included in this presentation”).
Please also state the conditions under which the permission was obtained.
Alternatively, if no consent for publication was required (e.g. the
data has been anonymised), then this should be clearly stated and a note should be added confirming
that such alterations have not distorted scientific meaning.
Signed consent forms should be made available to the F1000Research
editorial office if requested.
We will not accept content of an advertorial nature. The purpose of
the submitted material must be for the dissemination of scholarly information. We also do not
accept posters of conference abstracts, or just the conference abstracts alone.
What File Formats are Accepted for Publication in F1000Research?
Currently, we accept scholarly posters in PDF format and slides in
PPT/PPTX and PDF formats.
Under what License are Posters and Slides Published?
Currently, posters and slides are published under a CC-BY 4.0 license, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and
leaves the copyright with the current copyright holder (usually the author or their institution).
Do Posters and Slides Receive a DOI?
Yes, posters and slides published on F1000Research will
receive a digital object
identifier (DOI). Once a file is submitted, it will be published immediately on the F1000Research
platform. After a quick editorial check that the content meets the scope of F1000Research,
it will be assigned a permanent DOI and can then be formally cited.
Can Posters and Slides be Removed from F1000Research?
They can be removed from F1000Research before being
assigned a permanent DOI. However, once the content has been assigned a DOI then that content cannot be removed from the platform.
What are F1000Research’s Ethical Standards and
Policies for Posters and Slides?
Posters and slides are not peer reviewed or edited before being
posted on F1000Research, so it is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that all
research is conducted in accordance to international
ethical standards for human and animal research. We strongly recommend that authors of
posters and slides consult our policies,
which reflect general good scientific practice and publishing standards.
Publication of a poster or slides in F1000Research does
not imply endorsement of the methods and ethical standards. If a case of suspected research or
publication misconduct is brought to our attention, we will follow the guidelines provided by the
Committee on
Publication Ethics (COPE), of which F1000Research is a member.
Does F1000Research have a Retraction Policy for Posters
and Slides?
Yes, F1000Research reserves the right to retract content
that is found to be fraudulent (e.g. containing data manipulation or misrepresentation) or in
serious breach of one of F1000 Research Ltd’s terms
and conditions. Evidence of plagiarism, falsification of data, or other scientific
misconduct associated with published posters or slides is determined at the discretion of F1000Research;
this may involve contacting the authors’ research institution, an ethics committee or other
third parties.