1000 CK Vextris 2023 02
1000 CK Vextris 2023 02
1000 CK Vextris 2023 02
Arks of Omen Detachment (Chaos - Chaos Knights) [54 PL, 5CP, 1,000pts]
Configuration [6CP]
Game Type
Selections: 5. Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen
Favour of
the Dark Standard Favoured Ref
In your Movement phase, each time this This model is eligible to
model Advances or Falls Back, until the end of declare a charge within a
your Shooting phase, it counts as having turn in which it Advanced
Remained Stationary. or Fell Back.
Ability Ref
Each time a model with this bond is selected to shoot, you can re-roll one hit
roll and one wound roll when resolving that model's attacks.
of the
Standard Favoured Ref
Each time an attack is made Each time an attack is made against this
against this model, your opponent model, an unmodified hit roll of 1-3 for
of the
cannot re-roll the hit roll, cannot that attack fails, irrespective of any
re-roll the wound roll and cannot abilties that the weapon or the model
re-roll the Damage roll. making the attack may have.
Ability Ref
Each time a model with this bond is selected to shoot, you can re-roll one hit
roll and one wound roll when resolving that model's attacks.
of the
Standard Favoured Ref
While this model is on the battlefield, Once per battle round, after making a hit
Mirror each time your opponent spends a roll, wound roll or saving throw for this
of Command point to use a Strategem, model, this model can use the Mirror of
Fates you can roll one D6: on a 5+, you Fate. If it does so, you can change trhe
gain 1 Command point. result of that roll to a 6.
Ability Ref
Each time a model with this bond is selected to shoot, you can re-roll one hit
roll and one wound roll when resolving that model's attacks.
Unit M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref
War Dog Executioner 1 (7+ wounds
12" 3+ 3+ 6 7 12 4 8 3+
War Dog Executioner 2 (4-6 wounds
10" 4+ 4+ 6 7 N/A 4 8 3+
War Dog Executioner 3 (1-3 wounds
8" 5+ 5+ 6 7 N/A 4 8 3+
Ability Ref
Each time a model with this bond is selected to shoot, you can re-roll one hit
roll and one wound roll when resolving that model's attacks.
Unit M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref
War Dog Huntsman 1 (7+ wounds remaining) 12" 3+ 3+ 6 7 12 4 8 3+
War Dog Huntsman 2 (4-6 wounds remaining) 10" 4+ 4+ 6 7 N/A 4 8 3+
War Dog Huntsman 3 (1-3 wounds remaining) 8" 5+ 5+ 6 7 N/A 4 8 3+
Favour of the
Standard Favoured Ref
Dark Gods
Throne You can re-roll Each time this model makes a melee attack, an
Mechanicum charge rolls made for unmodified hit roll of 6 scores one additional hit
of Skulls this model. on the target.
Fell Bond Ability Ref
- Add 2 to the Wounds characteristic of WAR DOG-CLASS models with this
Dauntless bond.
- Add 4 to the Wounds characteristic of TITANIC models with this bond.
Selection Rules
Conquerors Without Mercy (Faction: Infernal Household): This ability is unavailable as you have an
INFERNAL HOUSEHOLD unit in your army. ()
Daemonic Surge (Faction: Iconoclast Household): This ability is unavailable as you have an
ICONOCLAST HOUSEHOLD unit in your army. ()
Harbingers of Dread: See pp98-99 of Codex: Chaos Knights. ()
Ion Shields: Models in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks. ()
Objective Secured: A player controls an objective marker if they have any models with this ability within
range of that objective marker, even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If
an enemy model within range of an objective marker also has this ability (or a similar ability), then the
objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of that objective marker
as normal. (Warhammer 40,000 Core Book p237)
Towering Foe: This model counts as 5 models when determining control of an objective marker (if this
model is a Titanic model, it instead counts as 10 models when determining control of an objective marker). ()
War Dog Squadron: The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, if it contains more than one model,
each model in the unit must be set up within 6" of at least one other model from this unit.
From that point onwards, each model operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. ()