Jurnal Ibu Hamil Tidur PDF
Jurnal Ibu Hamil Tidur PDF
Jurnal Ibu Hamil Tidur PDF
Rose Nurhudhariani1), Siti Nur Umariyah Febriyanti2), Vita Triani Adi Putri3)
Prodi Kebidanan, STIKES Karya Husada (Penulis 1)
email: rose.stikes@yahoo.co.id
Prodi Kebidanan, STIKES Karya Husada (Penulis 2)
email: snu.febriyanti@gmail.com
Prodi Kebidanan, STIKES Karya Husada (Penulis 3)
email: vita_puteri@ymail.com
The application of pregnant mother class is needed for high risk pregnancy. The materials
that was taught in pregnant mother class such as Prenatal Excercise. The benefit of doing Prenatal
Exercise is helping a pregnant mother to deliver their baby normally, maintaining body readiness,
helping to maintain mom’s & baby’s health, giving a relaxed mind and creating a good mechanical
system for baby in and after pregancy. This research was aimed to analize the influence of
Prenatal Exercise traininig with Prenatal Exercise skill at Kedungmundu District Health
Centre.this research used quantitative design with pre-post test without control group approach.
The populations were all pregnant mothers at Kedungmundu District Health Centre, and took
samples were 15 pregnant mothers by using accidental sampling technique with Wilcoxon to
analize the development of skill before and after Prenatal Exercise training. The result showed the
average of rate skill before training was 6,20 with Deviation Standard 1,93. And the rate skill after
given training was 8,30 with Deviation Standard 1,52 with p value 0,000 < 0,05. The conclusion is
the Prenatal Exercise training with lecturing and demosntration is efective to increase skill of
Prenatal Exercise in pregnan mothers at Kedung Mundu District Health Center Semarang.
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
The 2nd University Research Coloquium 2015 ISSN 2407-9189
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