Papers by Natalia Serdobolskaya
Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосин... more Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосинтаксических параметров 2015». Вып. 2. / Е. А. Лютикова, А. В. Циммерлинг, М. Б. Коношенко (ред.). М.: МПГУ, 2015. С. 366-392. ISBN 978-5-4263-0293-8
Вариативное оформление ПД в языках мира имеет различную синтаксическую природу — это конструкции,... more Вариативное оформление ПД в языках мира имеет различную синтаксическую природу — это конструкции, где различное оформление приписывается в одной и той же синтаксической позиции; конструкции, где это происходит в различных синтаксических позициях; кроме того, то или иное оформление может обусловливаться различной структурой ИГ. Цель настоящего исследования — определение синтаксической структуры конструкций с прямым дополнением в коми-зырянском языке (печорский диалект). В этом языке существует три типа оформления ПД: аккузатив, кумулятивные показатели аккузатива и посессивности и отсутствие оформления. Мы рассмотрим семантические и синтаксические свойства ИГ с данными показателями и покажем, что различие в оформлении не связано с различием в синтаксической структуре.
Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосин... more Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Материалы международной конференции «Типология морфосинтаксических параметров 2016». / Е. А. Лютикова, А. В. Циммерлинг, М. Б. Коношенко (ред.). М.: МПГУ, 2016. С. 241–260.
Труды Института русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова. Вып. 10. Материалы международной научной ко... more Труды Института русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова. Вып. 10. Материалы международной научной конференции «Грамматические процессы и системы в синхронии и диахронии» (30 мая – 1 июня 2016 г.). М., 2016. С. 275–295.
The work is focused on non-canonical argument marking in embedded
clauses in Kalmyk, Lithuanian a... more The work is focused on non-canonical argument marking in embedded
clauses in Kalmyk, Lithuanian and Irish. We consider constructions similar to subject-to-object raising in English. In all the three languages subjects (in Irish, subjects and objects) of embedded clauses can be marked with the accusative, which is unacceptable for canonical transitive verbs in independent sentences.
Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии, вып. 9 (16) по материалам международной конференции «Диалог 2010». М.: РГГУ, 2010. P. 437 - 441., May 2, 2010
Project of the typological database on syntactic constraints on movement
В.А. Плунгян (отв. ред.) Исследования по теории грамматики, вып. 5. Санкт-Петербург: «Наука». 201... more В.А. Плунгян (отв. ред.) Исследования по теории грамматики, вып. 5. Санкт-Петербург: «Наука». 2012. С. 735-785.
Languages and Cultures in the Caucasus. Papers from the International Conference “Current Advance... more Languages and Cultures in the Caucasus. Papers from the International Conference “Current Advances in Caucasian Studies” Macerata, January 21-23, 2010. München – Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2011. P. 515–539.
Тестелец Я.Г. и др. (ред.). Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике адыгейского языка. М.: И... more Тестелец Я.Г. и др. (ред.). Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике адыгейского языка. М.: Изд. центр РГГУ. 2009. С. 166-201.
Тестелец Я.Г. и др. (ред.). Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике адыгейского языка. М.: И... more Тестелец Я.Г. и др. (ред.). Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике адыгейского языка. М.: Изд. центр РГГУ. 2009. С. 454-498
Хэндаут доклада на 7-ой Международной конференции по типологии и грамматике, ИЛИ РАН, СПб, 4-6.11... more Хэндаут доклада на 7-ой Международной конференции по типологии и грамматике, ИЛИ РАН, СПб, 4-6.11.2010.
Handout of the talk given at the Workshop on Caucasian languages, Max Planck Institute for Evolut... more Handout of the talk given at the Workshop on Caucasian languages, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, May 13-15, 2011.
Русский язык: грамматика конструкций и лексико-семантические подходы. ACTA LINGUISTICA PETROPOLIT... more Русский язык: грамматика конструкций и лексико-семантические подходы. ACTA LINGUISTICA PETROPOLITANA / Н.Н. Казанский (ред.). Том Х, ч. 2. СПб: Наука, 2014. C. 442-478.
Тестелец Я.Г. и др. (ред.). Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике адыгейского языка. М.: И... more Тестелец Я.Г. и др. (ред.). Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике адыгейского языка. М.: Изд. центр РГГУ. 2009. С. 498-559.
In P. Kehayov, K. Bøye (eds.) Complementation. Mouton de Gruyter. In print.
Материалы 9-ой международной конференции по типологии и грамматике. Труды института лингвистическ... more Материалы 9-ой международной конференции по типологии и грамматике. Труды института лингвистических исследований / Отв. ред. Н.Н. Казанский. Том Х, ч. 2. Санкт-Петербург: «Наука». В печ.
In P. Kehayov, K. Bøye (eds.) Complementation. Mouton de Gruyter. In print.
Хэндаут доклада на 8-ой Международной конференции по типологии и грамматике, ИЛИ РАН, СПб, 17-19.... more Хэндаут доклада на 8-ой Международной конференции по типологии и грамматике, ИЛИ РАН, СПб, 17-19.11.2011.
Papers by Natalia Serdobolskaya
clauses in Kalmyk, Lithuanian and Irish. We consider constructions similar to subject-to-object raising in English. In all the three languages subjects (in Irish, subjects and objects) of embedded clauses can be marked with the accusative, which is unacceptable for canonical transitive verbs in independent sentences.
clauses in Kalmyk, Lithuanian and Irish. We consider constructions similar to subject-to-object raising in English. In all the three languages subjects (in Irish, subjects and objects) of embedded clauses can be marked with the accusative, which is unacceptable for canonical transitive verbs in independent sentences.
Книга представляет интерес как для финно-угроведов, так и лингвистов-типологов, специалистов по общему языкознанию, синтаксической теории, теории грамматики и типологии родственных языков.
The summary is below.
This collective monograph is prepared by a group of Russian linguists sharing the interest to typology, formal models of grammar and interface phenomena. The authors aim at establishing universal and language-specific mechanisms of communicative marking and information ordering. We implement methods of parametric typology and aim at explaining complex multi-layered phenomena in terms of feature combinations which set out both language-internal and cross-linguistic variation. The developed model of the communicative-syntactic interface is defined for an open class of world's languages which apply to word order alternations, shifting in accent markings and morphosyntactic marking as means of encoding information structure.
The focus of our research interest is in the interaction of formal syntax and information structure and on word order systems of scrambling languages which are described in terms of linear-accent transformations, i.e. rules which at once change linear position and communicative status/accent marking of sentence elements. Most authors share the derivational approach to word order systems and work out the hypothesis that some basic word order can be established for scrambling languages too. Within the derivational approach, word order alternations can be explained at the level of narrow syntax, s(yntactic)-structure, cf. Chapters 4, 13 and 15, as well as on the level of c-(ommunicative) structure, cf. Chapters 1, 3 and 7.
Parametrization of language diversity is a dynamic research field in the linguistics of late XX – XXI centuries. In this particular field, adepts of formal and functional frameworks have many shared research issues and the dialogue between different schools in linguistics can be fruitful. These considerations have shaped the methodological component of the present monograph. Syntactic and communicative phenomena of different world's languages are parametrized, which gives a chance to reveal basic principles underlying them and to understand their role in the integral models of the natural language. The book consists of three parts. Chapter 1 “Clause Architecture and Information Structure” (Ekaterina Lyutikova & Anton Zimmerling) sets the general perspective.
Part I is devoted to the interaction of grammatical and communicative mechanisms relevant for the clause architecture. Chapters 2 “Communicative Structure and Linear-Accent Transformations” (Elena Paducheva) and 3 “Linear-Accent Grammar and Thetic Sentences in Russian” (Anton Zimmerling) introduce the notion of linear-accent transformations (LA-transformations) and investigate the potential of LA-grammars for the analysis of Russian and comparable data. Chapter 4 “Low Left Periphery in Hittite: a Formal Analysis” (Andrey Sideltsev) aims at modeling the complex interactions of grammar-internal and communicative aspects of Hittite word order and clause architecture. Chapter 5 “A Multilevel Theory of Clause Combining: Ossetic and Russian Revisited” (Oleg Belyaev), discusses the strategies of clause combined in Ossetic. Chapter 6 “Verbal Reprise in Irish” (Maria Shkapa) is devoted to one non-trivial communicative operation which becomes possible due to language-specific settings of the clause architecture.
Part II is devoted to issues in clitic studies. Chapter 7 “Clause structure, linear-accent transformations and clitics in Middle Norwegian” (Anton Zimmerling) sets the issues of clitic ordering in a more general context of clause structure ordering. Chapters 8 “The Syntax of Dative clitics in South Slavic lnaguages” (Galina Petrova & Elena Ivanova) and 9 “Bulgarian clitics” (Elena Ivanova) solve the problems of parametric description of clitics and the interactions of clitic ordering with communicative structure on the basis of several South Slavic languages. Chapter 10 “On Russian endoclitics” (Peter Arkadiev) raises a hypothesis that Russian primary prepositions are endoclitics. Finally, chapter 11 “Impersonal Sentences with an Obligatory Pronominal Experiencer in Bulgarian” (Elena Ivanova) is devoted to a non-trivial interaction of grammar and prosody in Bulgarian, where the presence of clause-level clitics (i.e. a particular type of prosodic structure) is mapped to a particular type of sentence constructions.
Part III includes chapters devoted to parametric modeling of the basic morphosyntactic mechanisms underlying clause structure — case and agreement. Chapter 12 “Case theory in the Perspective of Case Variation” (Ekaterina Lyutikova & Dilya Ibatullina) discusses mechanisms of case assignment and their parametrization with respect to the case source, agreement and mapping of syntactic and morphological case. The discussion of a non-trivial interaction between subject case marking and predicate agreement is continued in chapter 13 “(Non) agreement of participles and Two Constructions with Non-nominative Subjects in Lithuanian” (Peter Arkadiev). Chapter 14 “The Structural Position of the Direct Object and Information Structure: a view from Pechora dialect of Komi-Zyrian” (Natalia Serdobolskaya & Svetlana Toldova) discusses the interaction of grammatical, referential and communicative factors with the so called differential object marking. Chapter 15 “Syntactic and Semantic Typology of Genitives — the Genitive of Quality as a Locus of Adjectival Features, a View from Russian” (Pavel Graschenkov) is devoted to a non-trivial mapping of syntax and semantic interpretation in constructions with the genetive of quality; this mapping sheds light on their on the special status of this construction in the perspective of word order and branching conditions. Chapter 16 “Person Agreement in the Dargic Languages: an OT and LFG Analysis” (Oleg Belyaev) offers analysis of person agreement mechanisms in terms of two formal frameworks.
Period: 2014-2016
Project number: РНФ 14-18-03270 (RSCI 14-18-03270)
Project affiliation: Moscow State University of Education (Московский педагогический государственный университет)
Project leader: Anton Zimmerling
Project members: Peter Arkadiev, Oleg Belyaev, Maria Konoshenko, Ekaterina Lyutikova, Elena Paducheva, Roman Ronko, Natalia Serdobolskaya, Andrej Sideltsev, Yakov Testelets, Maria Shkapa (2014-2016);
Tatiana Ganenkova (2014-2015), Pavel Grashchenkov (2016), Vasily Kharitonov (2016), Elisaveta Kornakova (2016), Andrej Kosenkov (2014), Liza Kushnir (2014), Maria Langlits (2016), Valentina Markova (2015), Vladislav Romashev (2014), Maria Trubitsina (2015-2016).