Papers by Alexander Letuchiy
Вопросы языкознания, 2023, №3. Стр. 27-59., 2023
The article addresses Russian colloquial constructions with the complemtizer čto, such as "Ty ska... more The article addresses Russian colloquial constructions with the complemtizer čto, such as "Ty skaži, čto ja že ne znal" ‘Say that you didn’t know it (lit. ‘that “I didn’t know that”’) or "On načal izvinjat’sja, čto
on ne xotel" ‘He began to apologize that he didn’t mean that’. These constructions are mainly described in respect of person: namely, of indexical shift, meaning that person is marked as in direct, rather than
indirect speech. However, it turns out that other features also make this construction special: the two of them we describe here are possibility of interrogative and imperative constructions in the embedded clause and extended use of embedded clauses with the semantic role of content with verbs like otkazyvat’sja ‘refuse’ or izvinjat’sja ‘apologize’, which normally do not take this type of complement clauses. All these features are parts of the same process: re‐analysis of the complementizer as a sort of a citation marker. At the same time, the three features do not necessarily correlate with each other: some uses are characterized with only one or two colloquial features. The data also show that some properties of constructions under analysis make them similar to unmarked complementation: both types of constructions do not behave as canonical complex sentences, and the second part does not show all properties of embedded clauses. In this sense, both the colloquial constructions with čto and unmarked complement clauses allow to unite two clauses, the second part not being significantly demoted in syntactic status.
Russian Linguistics, 2023
The full paper can be viewed here:
The article discusses the distribu... more The full paper can be viewed here:
The article discusses the distribution of dative case and prepositional phrases with dlja ‘for’ in Russian. We consider factors affecting distribution both for verbs (for instance, verbs of acquisition, such as kupit’ ‘buy’ or verbs of creation, such as postroit’ ‘build’) and predicatives, such as udivitel’no ‘surprising’, xolodno ‘cold’. We demonstrate the following general tendency: dative tends to be used for marking situation participants who are affected by the situation to a larger extent than the participants marked by dlja-phrases. In terms of semantic roles, dative-marked arguments frequently refer to experiencers and beneficiaries, while arguments in dlja-phrases denote participants who merely assess situations or, if they are beneficiaries, are only indirectly affected. Moreover, dlja can also mark participants with no role in the situation itself. In such cases, it can be assigned the semantic role of a ‘restrictor’ (a participant that only serves as a reference point for the description of a state or property). This opposition, in turn, explains the fact that dlja is easily combined with syntactic heads (nouns and adjectives) that do not have a full-fledged argument structure, while dative marking is often incompatible with these types of heads. Although there is an affinity between certain semantic classes and dative vs. dlja syntactic marking, sometimes members of the same semantic class demonstrate different lexicalization patterns and “choose” one of the two possible markings, while prohibiting the other. Also, marking depends on many contextual factors: apart from the differences in semantic role construal, dative vs. dlja can also reflect differences in referential status and in information structure.
Negative Concord: A Hundred Years On. Ed. by Johan van der Auwera and Chiara Gianollo. Pp. 207-238., 2025
The paper deals with the linear properties of Russian negative concord
items. I show that their l... more The paper deals with the linear properties of Russian negative concord
items. I show that their linear position is not identical either to the position of noun phrases or to that of anaphoric pronouns. The positioning of negative concord items is explicable by two tendencies: first, they tend to be situated next to the licensing negation; second, in the postposition they tend to be emphasized – but the emphasis is mainly possible if the licensing negation and the NCIs are elements of the same clause. This results in the fact that the Russian negative concord items are mainly located before the licensing negation. In many cases, their position coincides with the position of anaphoric pronouns, but the explanation of this positioning is different: anaphoric pronouns are short and have reduced autonomy, while NCIs tend to be situated together with the negative marker.
Russian Linguistics 49 (1)., 2025
The article discusses types of interpretation that Russian complex sentences with factive, implic... more The article discusses types of interpretation that Russian complex sentences with factive, implicative and interpretation verbs get under negation and modal operators. By default, the external negative and modal context affects only the main situation. However, one finds exceptions of this rule. We call ‘transparent readings’ those readings in which the external context affects semantically both the matrix and the embedded clause. It turns out that the choice of the reading depends both on the class of the matrix predicate (Russian data opposes emotional predicates, knowledge predicates, and predicates with semantics of evaluation
like "dojti do" ‘go so far as to’ or "opustit’sja do" ‘stoop to’) and on the properties of the external context (subject control verbs tend to license transparent readings, while object control predicates tend to avoid transparency). I show that the main feature responsible for transparency is the strength of semantic and syntactic link between the clauses, and constructions with transparent readings are similar to restructuring constructions. Additionally, external context can cause changes in the formal strategy of dependent clause embedding. I address three formal strategies that can be chosen under the influence of the external context:
the combination of complementizer čto and subjunctive forms; the complementizer čtoby; the strategy I call ‘morphosyntactic copying’. The use of these strategies facilitate transparent readings, even with object and indirect object control predicates, partially because two of them they make it possible to omit the subject of the deepest embedded clause.
Journal of Bulgarian Language
The article focuses on contexts where the subject or the object is left unexpressed. The question... more The article focuses on contexts where the subject or the object is left unexpressed. The question is how to qualify these argument zeros: whether they resemble ellipsis, a zero pronoun or PRO of nonfinite forms. I check their behavior against several criteria: types of clauses they are compatible with; possibility of distant use; (non)obligatoriness of the zero expression; requirement of grammatical identity of two realizations, and so on. I conclude that, though the two types of zero arguments are not independent from each other, they show different properties. In fact, the zero object and the zero subject remain ellipsis in different respects: pro shares with ellipsis the identity requirement and the rarity of distant uses, while zero objects have in common with ellipsis the possibility for the argument to be expressed and the restrictiveness in the choice of the clause type. Importantly, some contexts of zero subject and object use do not fall under one of the major free types: f...
Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии, Jun 19, 2021
The article focuses on the role of animacy in Russian and French pronominal systems. Although ani... more The article focuses on the role of animacy in Russian and French pronominal systems. Although animacy is a grammatical category only in Russian, while in French it is not reflected in the behavior of nouns, it turns out that some animacy-based restrictions on the use of anaphoric and demonstrative pronouns are common for the two languages. We address syntactic restrictions that affect the following types of uses: (i) use of anaphoric pronouns in copular constructions; (ii) repetition of anaphoric pronouns for the sake of clearness and / or emphasis; (iii) deictic use of anaphoric pronouns; (iv) anaphoric use of demonstrative pronouns. In all the four cases, except, perhaps, the fourth one, pronouns tend to have an animate referent, while inanimate ones are more problematic. We conclude that these restrictions mainly result from the fact that animate objects have a greater discourse importance and more often become the main subject of the discourse than inanimate ones. At the same time, degree of strictness of restrictions sometimes differ between the two languages: for instance, demonstrative pronouns in the anaphoric use tend to have an animate antecedent in Russian, while for French, this tendency is weaker.
Rhema 4. 101-116. 2022., 2022
The article focuses on a specific restriction on the use of Russian past passive forms with an au... more The article focuses on a specific restriction on the use of Russian past passive forms with an auxiliary (byl postroen 'was built', byla svarena 'was cooked') in embedded clauses. These forms are known to differ from forms without an auxiliary (postroen 'is/was built', svarena 'is/was cooked') by the absence of resultative meaning component. However, it turns out that other restrictions exist: forms with byt' in embedded clauses disfavor irreality and repeatedness contexts. I explain this saying that in general, forms with an explicit for of byt' prefer to be used when the situation has taken place in reality (this generalization also excludes repeated action contexts, because they do not refer to a specific realized situation). I make a preliminary conclusion that this generalization also manifests itself in independent clauses. No reality-based restrictions are valid for passive forms without auxiliary.
Rhema, 4, 2022. 101-116., 2022
The article focuses on a specific restriction on the use of Russian past passive forms with an au... more The article focuses on a specific restriction on the use of Russian past passive forms with an auxiliary (byl postroen 'was built', byla svarena 'was cooked') in embedded clauses. These forms are known to differ from forms without an auxiliary (postroen 'is/was built', svarena 'is/was cooked') by the absence of resultative meaning component. However, it turns out that other restrictions exist: forms with byt' in embedded clauses disfavor irreality and repeatedness contexts. I explain this saying that in general, forms with an explicit for of byt' prefer to be used when the situation has taken place in reality (this generalization also excludes repeated action contexts, because they do not refer to a specific realized situation). I make a preliminary conclusion that this generalization also manifests itself in independent clauses. No reality-based restrictions are valid for passive forms without auxiliary.
Linguistics, 2013
Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология. 2022. № 76. С. 105–147., 2022
Рассматривается роль в русской системе частей речи предикативов (слов категории состояния), таких... more Рассматривается роль в русской системе частей речи предикативов (слов категории состояния), таких как «уютно» («Мне здесь уютно»), «холодно» («На улице стоять холодно»), «неприятно» («Неприятно, что никто меня не поздравил!») и т.д. В итоге сделан вывод, что предикативы в языковой системе выступают во многом как аналог наречий в предикатной позиции. Однако предикативы сильно различаются и по функции, и по синтаксическим свойствам: часть из них имеют сентенциальное подлежащее, часть безличны.
Russkaja rech. 2021. Vol. 2. Pp. 20-34., 2021
The article focuses on non-standard constructions with Russian reflexive
verbs like "myt’sja" ‘w... more The article focuses on non-standard constructions with Russian reflexive
verbs like "myt’sja" ‘wash (oneself)’, "brit’sja" ‘shave (oneself)’, "pričesyvat’sja"
‘comb (oneself)’, and so on. In colloquial and internet speech, Russian reflexive verbs are sometimes used in a way impossible in literary speech. While the behavior of modifiers like "ves’" does not conflict with the literary norm, it is not the case with constructions with prepositions "krome" ‘except’ and "vključaja" ‘including’ and, in particular, accusative NPs — they represent highly colloquial phenomena.
The constructions under analysis shed light both on the grammatical properties of reflexives and their functioning in speech. From the discourse perspective, our data shows that sometimes native speakers are not satisfied with the lack of the explicit patient (e.g., a body part) and find a way to mark them (either with an accusative NP or, less explicitly, with a construction with "krome and "vključaja"). Even when this explicit marking contradicts the argument structure of reflexives, they are incorporated into the clause structure. Syntactically and semantically, our data shows that the subject argument of reflexives combines the properties of an agent and a patient. It combines two participants of the base transitive verb, e.g., "Vasja moet čašku" ‘Vasja is washing the cup.’
Komp'juternaja lingvistika i intellektual'nye texnologii
The talk focuses on syntactic and semantico-syntactic properties of imperative forms in Russian, ... more The talk focuses on syntactic and semantico-syntactic properties of imperative forms in Russian, used as a main predicate in the complex clause. The main question is whether the special discourse and semantic properties interact with their syntax. Another problem, related to the first one, is whether the nonstandard imperative properties are inherited not only by the whole clause headed by the imperative, but also by the embedded clause. The answer proposed in the article is positive, but the relations between imperative and the properties of the embedded clause are not uniform and not always direct.
Russian Grammar: System – Usus – Variation. Vladislava Warditz (ed.). Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021. 399-411., 2021
This article focuses on the problem of 'non-canonical coordination' in Russian: coordinate constr... more This article focuses on the problem of 'non-canonical coordination' in Russian: coordinate constructions where the two conjuncts differ in their grammatical properties or parts of speech, namely, coordination of a positive degree form of adjective in one part, and a comparative form in the other part. The paper demonstrates that non-structural factors must be considered. Several factors were distinguished: relative weight of conjuncts, grammatical conflict, the type of modifier (standard adverbial vs. the marker bolee), etc. The factor of grammatical conflict is the most important: it turned out that constructions with one-word parts are judged the worst by native speakers. The reason is that when each conjunct contains only one word, the native speaker notes the conflict of degree forms. Constructions where one conjunct contains an adjective and the other one an adverbial or a PP are often better than coordination of different degree forms. The reason is that PPs and adverbials do not have the category of case at all, and no conflict occurs.
Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2020”, 2020
The paper adresses parallels between tense, aspect and modality marking in Russian embedded claus... more The paper adresses parallels between tense, aspect and modality marking in Russian embedded clauses. It is widely known that tense forms
of embedded verbs can be interpreted relatively or absolutely, and in some
cases, the relative and absolute use seem to be in free variation. It turns out
that the interpretation of modality and aspect can be described along the
same lines and classified into the relative and absolute uses. For instance,
subjunctive mood—one of the main instruments of irreality marking—can
be interpreted as less real than the main event (relative interpretation)
or less real than the moment of speech (and to the same degree as the main
event; absolute interpretation). Similarly, aspect forms, depending on their
interpretation, can describe the structure of the situation compared to the
speech act or to the main event. I show that the parallelism between the
three categories is not full: for instance, relative modality is mainly observed
in triclausal constructions. Modality interpretation is sensitive to the opposition of clausal adjuncts vs. relative clauses. For the aspect interpretation,
the contrast between finite forms and infinitive is relevant: infinitive allows
for relative use of perfective aspect use much easier than finite forms. Finally, interpretations of the three categories are related to each other. For
example, in complement clauses, the relative interpretation is perfectly acceptable for all the three categories.
Clausal complements of certain nominalizations in Bulgarian: Relevant parameters. In B. Wiemer, B. Sonnenhauser (eds.). Complementation in South Slavic. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 160-210., 2021
In this paper, the distribution of complement clauses with some nominalizations (deverbal and dea... more In this paper, the distribution of complement clauses with some nominalizations (deverbal and deadjectival nouns) in Bulgarian is considered. The central question is which factors influence the (in)ability of the derived noun to host a complement clause with which the base verb was compatible. Although the behavior of complement clauses is predicted by some semantic parameters, their distribution cannot be reduced to syntactic or actional classes, as in Grimshaw's (1990) account. In fact, the distribution of complement clauses with nouns in Bulgarian is regulated by several features: (i) real (non-prospective) vs. irreal (prospective) semantics of the embedded clause; (ii) the modifier / argument status of the 'complement' clause; (iii) semantic role characteristics; (iv) the opposition of generalized names of situations (generic situations) vs. names of single occurrences; (v) Grimshaw's nominalization types (actional classes). The main parameter seems to be the opposition of generic situation vs. occurrence, which takes into account both actional classes and semantic roles. I also consider two other parameters that can also be relevant for the (im)possibility of complement clauses but are not elaborated on in detail, since their relevance is questionable: namely, (vi) the syntactic position of the complement clause and (vii) the opposition of the complementizers da vs. če. An additional problem considered in the article is the distribution of the indefinite vs. definite forms of head nouns in constructions with complement clauses. The general conclusion is that the distribution of noun complement clauses is highly affected by semantic and lexical factors and that it cannot be accounted for by a single factor.
SSRN Electronic Journal
The article focuses on cases when the length of the constituent is relevant for Russian syntax an... more The article focuses on cases when the length of the constituent is relevant for Russian syntax and leads to ungrammaticality or partial acceptability of some structures. The list of phenomena under consideration includes 'one-word restrictions'; differences between complement clauses of matrix verbs in indicative vs. imperative, include constructions with 'predicatives', special properties of nominalizations, structures with short embedded clauses, and so on. I show that the 'length restrictions' are in fact of different nature: some are related to discourse factors (deictic / non-deictic semantics, discourse coherence, imperative addressee orientation), while others are related to parsing needs (grammatical units are typically shorter than lexical ones, main clauses are more explicit than embedded ones). Another feature of length restrictions is that they are never holistic / integral: the particular rule usually holds for a particular type of structure, not for the whole domain of syntax (this is what makes our data different from purely syntactic restrictions, such as c-command requirements and island restrictions, which often cover a broad set of constructions and grammatical contexts).
Труды Института русского языка (Proceedings of Russian Language Institute), 2019
The article focuses on Russian constructions where the case of an NP is not acquired from the syn... more The article focuses on Russian constructions where the case of an NP is not acquired from the syntactic head. This phenomenon is characteristic, first of all, for comparative constructions with kak (Mozhet, mne, kak Vase, uexat’ v derevnju? ‘Maybe, I, like Vasja, should go to the village?’) and for constructiosn with comparative degree and the marker čem (Mne nado est’ bol’še, čem drugim). The experiment described in the work shows that mainly dative forms are copied, but genitive doubling is also possible. In dative constructions, the dative expresses PRO of the infinitive clause and / or an argument of the modal predicate. The possibility of this non-structural marking results from several reasons: the nature of comparatives, which are intermediate between coordination and subordination; the possibility of avoid a non-canonical linear position of the standard of comparison (for constructions with the marker kak i). Constructions where non-finite verb forms are copied are organized similarly to case copying constructions. Finally, Russian has constructions outside the comparison domain where the form of two constituents must be identical, though only one of them acquires this form by means of canonical head-dependent relations. We also argue that the non-structural case assignment does not result from coordinate properties of comparative constructions. it is motivated by a rule not related to the head-dependent relations, the rule that can be called ‘syntactic doubling / copying’ and can be explained by the semantic symmetry between the object and the standard of comparison.
In the article, I describe cases of special behavior of Russian phrases with quantifiers like nes... more In the article, I describe cases of special behavior of Russian phrases with quantifiers like neskol'ko 'some', mnogo 'many, much' and small numerals like dva 'two'. I show that they can occur in the subject position in contexts that usually do not contain a canonical DP/NP subject (constructions with the verb xvatat' 'be enough', negation contexts with the verb byt' 'be' and its habitual / iterative correlate byvat'), and for neskol'ko-like quantifiers, the direct object position with intransitive predicates like na-…-sja circumfixed verbs is also available. The reason of non-canonical subject behavior is the possibility to be subjects without controlling plural verbal agreement, while the non-canonical direct object behavior is possible because neskol'ko-like quantifiers lack the category of case.
В настоящей статье рассматривается вопрос о подъеме аргумента (англ. argument
raising) в русском ... more В настоящей статье рассматривается вопрос о подъеме аргумента (англ. argument
raising) в русском языке. Хотя русский язык не относится к типичным «языкам с подъемом», как,
например, английский, есть явления, по ряду признаков напоминающие подъем. Это конструкции, где некоторый элемент, на поверхности принадлежащий к главному предложению, получает разумную интерпретацию (например, в терминах сферы действия или семантической роли)
лишь в том случае, если мы считаем, что порождается он в придаточном предложении. Наш анализ во многом использует методы и данные предыдущих работ, посвященных той или иной конкретной конструкции. Однако отличие нашей работы заключается в первую очередь в том, что
для нас центральным критерием подъема будет критерий поведения местоимений: сферы действия неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений в главной клаузе и возможности прономинализации подчиненной клаузы с помощью местоимения это.
Papers by Alexander Letuchiy
on ne xotel" ‘He began to apologize that he didn’t mean that’. These constructions are mainly described in respect of person: namely, of indexical shift, meaning that person is marked as in direct, rather than
indirect speech. However, it turns out that other features also make this construction special: the two of them we describe here are possibility of interrogative and imperative constructions in the embedded clause and extended use of embedded clauses with the semantic role of content with verbs like otkazyvat’sja ‘refuse’ or izvinjat’sja ‘apologize’, which normally do not take this type of complement clauses. All these features are parts of the same process: re‐analysis of the complementizer as a sort of a citation marker. At the same time, the three features do not necessarily correlate with each other: some uses are characterized with only one or two colloquial features. The data also show that some properties of constructions under analysis make them similar to unmarked complementation: both types of constructions do not behave as canonical complex sentences, and the second part does not show all properties of embedded clauses. In this sense, both the colloquial constructions with čto and unmarked complement clauses allow to unite two clauses, the second part not being significantly demoted in syntactic status.
The article discusses the distribution of dative case and prepositional phrases with dlja ‘for’ in Russian. We consider factors affecting distribution both for verbs (for instance, verbs of acquisition, such as kupit’ ‘buy’ or verbs of creation, such as postroit’ ‘build’) and predicatives, such as udivitel’no ‘surprising’, xolodno ‘cold’. We demonstrate the following general tendency: dative tends to be used for marking situation participants who are affected by the situation to a larger extent than the participants marked by dlja-phrases. In terms of semantic roles, dative-marked arguments frequently refer to experiencers and beneficiaries, while arguments in dlja-phrases denote participants who merely assess situations or, if they are beneficiaries, are only indirectly affected. Moreover, dlja can also mark participants with no role in the situation itself. In such cases, it can be assigned the semantic role of a ‘restrictor’ (a participant that only serves as a reference point for the description of a state or property). This opposition, in turn, explains the fact that dlja is easily combined with syntactic heads (nouns and adjectives) that do not have a full-fledged argument structure, while dative marking is often incompatible with these types of heads. Although there is an affinity between certain semantic classes and dative vs. dlja syntactic marking, sometimes members of the same semantic class demonstrate different lexicalization patterns and “choose” one of the two possible markings, while prohibiting the other. Also, marking depends on many contextual factors: apart from the differences in semantic role construal, dative vs. dlja can also reflect differences in referential status and in information structure.
items. I show that their linear position is not identical either to the position of noun phrases or to that of anaphoric pronouns. The positioning of negative concord items is explicable by two tendencies: first, they tend to be situated next to the licensing negation; second, in the postposition they tend to be emphasized – but the emphasis is mainly possible if the licensing negation and the NCIs are elements of the same clause. This results in the fact that the Russian negative concord items are mainly located before the licensing negation. In many cases, their position coincides with the position of anaphoric pronouns, but the explanation of this positioning is different: anaphoric pronouns are short and have reduced autonomy, while NCIs tend to be situated together with the negative marker.
like "dojti do" ‘go so far as to’ or "opustit’sja do" ‘stoop to’) and on the properties of the external context (subject control verbs tend to license transparent readings, while object control predicates tend to avoid transparency). I show that the main feature responsible for transparency is the strength of semantic and syntactic link between the clauses, and constructions with transparent readings are similar to restructuring constructions. Additionally, external context can cause changes in the formal strategy of dependent clause embedding. I address three formal strategies that can be chosen under the influence of the external context:
the combination of complementizer čto and subjunctive forms; the complementizer čtoby; the strategy I call ‘morphosyntactic copying’. The use of these strategies facilitate transparent readings, even with object and indirect object control predicates, partially because two of them they make it possible to omit the subject of the deepest embedded clause.
verbs like "myt’sja" ‘wash (oneself)’, "brit’sja" ‘shave (oneself)’, "pričesyvat’sja"
‘comb (oneself)’, and so on. In colloquial and internet speech, Russian reflexive verbs are sometimes used in a way impossible in literary speech. While the behavior of modifiers like "ves’" does not conflict with the literary norm, it is not the case with constructions with prepositions "krome" ‘except’ and "vključaja" ‘including’ and, in particular, accusative NPs — they represent highly colloquial phenomena.
The constructions under analysis shed light both on the grammatical properties of reflexives and their functioning in speech. From the discourse perspective, our data shows that sometimes native speakers are not satisfied with the lack of the explicit patient (e.g., a body part) and find a way to mark them (either with an accusative NP or, less explicitly, with a construction with "krome and "vključaja"). Even when this explicit marking contradicts the argument structure of reflexives, they are incorporated into the clause structure. Syntactically and semantically, our data shows that the subject argument of reflexives combines the properties of an agent and a patient. It combines two participants of the base transitive verb, e.g., "Vasja moet čašku" ‘Vasja is washing the cup.’
of embedded verbs can be interpreted relatively or absolutely, and in some
cases, the relative and absolute use seem to be in free variation. It turns out
that the interpretation of modality and aspect can be described along the
same lines and classified into the relative and absolute uses. For instance,
subjunctive mood—one of the main instruments of irreality marking—can
be interpreted as less real than the main event (relative interpretation)
or less real than the moment of speech (and to the same degree as the main
event; absolute interpretation). Similarly, aspect forms, depending on their
interpretation, can describe the structure of the situation compared to the
speech act or to the main event. I show that the parallelism between the
three categories is not full: for instance, relative modality is mainly observed
in triclausal constructions. Modality interpretation is sensitive to the opposition of clausal adjuncts vs. relative clauses. For the aspect interpretation,
the contrast between finite forms and infinitive is relevant: infinitive allows
for relative use of perfective aspect use much easier than finite forms. Finally, interpretations of the three categories are related to each other. For
example, in complement clauses, the relative interpretation is perfectly acceptable for all the three categories.
raising) в русском языке. Хотя русский язык не относится к типичным «языкам с подъемом», как,
например, английский, есть явления, по ряду признаков напоминающие подъем. Это конструкции, где некоторый элемент, на поверхности принадлежащий к главному предложению, получает разумную интерпретацию (например, в терминах сферы действия или семантической роли)
лишь в том случае, если мы считаем, что порождается он в придаточном предложении. Наш анализ во многом использует методы и данные предыдущих работ, посвященных той или иной конкретной конструкции. Однако отличие нашей работы заключается в первую очередь в том, что
для нас центральным критерием подъема будет критерий поведения местоимений: сферы действия неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений в главной клаузе и возможности прономинализации подчиненной клаузы с помощью местоимения это.
on ne xotel" ‘He began to apologize that he didn’t mean that’. These constructions are mainly described in respect of person: namely, of indexical shift, meaning that person is marked as in direct, rather than
indirect speech. However, it turns out that other features also make this construction special: the two of them we describe here are possibility of interrogative and imperative constructions in the embedded clause and extended use of embedded clauses with the semantic role of content with verbs like otkazyvat’sja ‘refuse’ or izvinjat’sja ‘apologize’, which normally do not take this type of complement clauses. All these features are parts of the same process: re‐analysis of the complementizer as a sort of a citation marker. At the same time, the three features do not necessarily correlate with each other: some uses are characterized with only one or two colloquial features. The data also show that some properties of constructions under analysis make them similar to unmarked complementation: both types of constructions do not behave as canonical complex sentences, and the second part does not show all properties of embedded clauses. In this sense, both the colloquial constructions with čto and unmarked complement clauses allow to unite two clauses, the second part not being significantly demoted in syntactic status.
The article discusses the distribution of dative case and prepositional phrases with dlja ‘for’ in Russian. We consider factors affecting distribution both for verbs (for instance, verbs of acquisition, such as kupit’ ‘buy’ or verbs of creation, such as postroit’ ‘build’) and predicatives, such as udivitel’no ‘surprising’, xolodno ‘cold’. We demonstrate the following general tendency: dative tends to be used for marking situation participants who are affected by the situation to a larger extent than the participants marked by dlja-phrases. In terms of semantic roles, dative-marked arguments frequently refer to experiencers and beneficiaries, while arguments in dlja-phrases denote participants who merely assess situations or, if they are beneficiaries, are only indirectly affected. Moreover, dlja can also mark participants with no role in the situation itself. In such cases, it can be assigned the semantic role of a ‘restrictor’ (a participant that only serves as a reference point for the description of a state or property). This opposition, in turn, explains the fact that dlja is easily combined with syntactic heads (nouns and adjectives) that do not have a full-fledged argument structure, while dative marking is often incompatible with these types of heads. Although there is an affinity between certain semantic classes and dative vs. dlja syntactic marking, sometimes members of the same semantic class demonstrate different lexicalization patterns and “choose” one of the two possible markings, while prohibiting the other. Also, marking depends on many contextual factors: apart from the differences in semantic role construal, dative vs. dlja can also reflect differences in referential status and in information structure.
items. I show that their linear position is not identical either to the position of noun phrases or to that of anaphoric pronouns. The positioning of negative concord items is explicable by two tendencies: first, they tend to be situated next to the licensing negation; second, in the postposition they tend to be emphasized – but the emphasis is mainly possible if the licensing negation and the NCIs are elements of the same clause. This results in the fact that the Russian negative concord items are mainly located before the licensing negation. In many cases, their position coincides with the position of anaphoric pronouns, but the explanation of this positioning is different: anaphoric pronouns are short and have reduced autonomy, while NCIs tend to be situated together with the negative marker.
like "dojti do" ‘go so far as to’ or "opustit’sja do" ‘stoop to’) and on the properties of the external context (subject control verbs tend to license transparent readings, while object control predicates tend to avoid transparency). I show that the main feature responsible for transparency is the strength of semantic and syntactic link between the clauses, and constructions with transparent readings are similar to restructuring constructions. Additionally, external context can cause changes in the formal strategy of dependent clause embedding. I address three formal strategies that can be chosen under the influence of the external context:
the combination of complementizer čto and subjunctive forms; the complementizer čtoby; the strategy I call ‘morphosyntactic copying’. The use of these strategies facilitate transparent readings, even with object and indirect object control predicates, partially because two of them they make it possible to omit the subject of the deepest embedded clause.
verbs like "myt’sja" ‘wash (oneself)’, "brit’sja" ‘shave (oneself)’, "pričesyvat’sja"
‘comb (oneself)’, and so on. In colloquial and internet speech, Russian reflexive verbs are sometimes used in a way impossible in literary speech. While the behavior of modifiers like "ves’" does not conflict with the literary norm, it is not the case with constructions with prepositions "krome" ‘except’ and "vključaja" ‘including’ and, in particular, accusative NPs — they represent highly colloquial phenomena.
The constructions under analysis shed light both on the grammatical properties of reflexives and their functioning in speech. From the discourse perspective, our data shows that sometimes native speakers are not satisfied with the lack of the explicit patient (e.g., a body part) and find a way to mark them (either with an accusative NP or, less explicitly, with a construction with "krome and "vključaja"). Even when this explicit marking contradicts the argument structure of reflexives, they are incorporated into the clause structure. Syntactically and semantically, our data shows that the subject argument of reflexives combines the properties of an agent and a patient. It combines two participants of the base transitive verb, e.g., "Vasja moet čašku" ‘Vasja is washing the cup.’
of embedded verbs can be interpreted relatively or absolutely, and in some
cases, the relative and absolute use seem to be in free variation. It turns out
that the interpretation of modality and aspect can be described along the
same lines and classified into the relative and absolute uses. For instance,
subjunctive mood—one of the main instruments of irreality marking—can
be interpreted as less real than the main event (relative interpretation)
or less real than the moment of speech (and to the same degree as the main
event; absolute interpretation). Similarly, aspect forms, depending on their
interpretation, can describe the structure of the situation compared to the
speech act or to the main event. I show that the parallelism between the
three categories is not full: for instance, relative modality is mainly observed
in triclausal constructions. Modality interpretation is sensitive to the opposition of clausal adjuncts vs. relative clauses. For the aspect interpretation,
the contrast between finite forms and infinitive is relevant: infinitive allows
for relative use of perfective aspect use much easier than finite forms. Finally, interpretations of the three categories are related to each other. For
example, in complement clauses, the relative interpretation is perfectly acceptable for all the three categories.
raising) в русском языке. Хотя русский язык не относится к типичным «языкам с подъемом», как,
например, английский, есть явления, по ряду признаков напоминающие подъем. Это конструкции, где некоторый элемент, на поверхности принадлежащий к главному предложению, получает разумную интерпретацию (например, в терминах сферы действия или семантической роли)
лишь в том случае, если мы считаем, что порождается он в придаточном предложении. Наш анализ во многом использует методы и данные предыдущих работ, посвященных той или иной конкретной конструкции. Однако отличие нашей работы заключается в первую очередь в том, что
для нас центральным критерием подъема будет критерий поведения местоимений: сферы действия неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений в главной клаузе и возможности прономинализации подчиненной клаузы с помощью местоимения это.
The data show that two techniques used in Russian 'unreal' complement clauses (infinitive and finite clauses with "chtoby", their distribution being based on co-reference vs. non-co-reference of arguments of the two clauses) differ in their meaning, "chtoby" being more sensitive to modal components.
Мы уточняем существующие описания типов подчинительных конструкций со что ("Я знаю, что он приехал"), инфинитивом ("Я забыл закрыть дверь") и др. Однако главная задача книги — поставить новые вопросы и описать новые явления: среди них — конструкции с дублированием в придаточном формы главного глагола ("Начать надо с того, что всех обзвонить"). Обсуждается вопрос о том, можно ли для актантных придаточных различать позиции подлежащего, прямого и непрямого дополнения, как это делается для именных актантов. Определяются факторы маркирования в придаточном не только времени (это отчасти сделано и в более ранних работах), но и вида и модальности / наклонения. Рассматривается применимость в инфинитивных конструкциях русского языка (типа "Спортсмену нужно быть худым") понятия подъёма аргумента, разработанного в наибольшей мере для английского.
В конце монографии предложена типологическая анкета для описания сентенциальных актантов в языках мира, которая может помочь при полевых исследованиях и составлении грамматических описаний.