Papers by Marianna Marcucci

Nova Science Publishers, Inc. eBooks, 2015
The main objective of this article is the analysis of tourism activities located in a given terri... more The main objective of this article is the analysis of tourism activities located in a given territory during their evolution and steady state life.Interventions to make tourism more sustainable are deeply analysed.Specific tools to improve sustainability of tourism are also discussed.Positive effects induced by regulated procedures such as SEA, EIA, EMAS, ISO14001, ECOLABEL, SWOT ANALYSIS are taken into consideration as well. Specific attention is devoted to the implementation of the EU Ecolabel in sustainable hotel management. Some other forms of environmental friendly sustainable tourism are also described. This paper discusses positive results expected from various kinds of sustainable tourism in terms of reduction of resource consumption, pollutants and CO2 emissions, solid waste management, preservation of biodiversity, etc. Much attention is given to indicators able to measure sustainability of tourism in a given territory, such as economic performance (Gross Domestic Product, GDP), quality of social life (Human Development Index, HDI), health conditions (Life Expectancy at birth), energy consumption, air and water quality, etc. More specific indicators directly connected with tourism are also investigated. Among them, one can mention specific indicators such as the amount of green area per person, number of hotels, number of rooms and residences for families, traffic congestion and noise, etc. Specific case studies are devoted to the life of tourism destinations according to the model developed by Butler. In the last part of the study the characterization of the area and the calculation of the specific indicators are described. The methodology is tested and applied to some specific areas with the aim at showing the dynamic nature of the destination life divided among different phases. For the selected destinations, adequate indicators are identified and quantified with the aim of improving the level of sustainability of different conditions
This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative ... more This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot 'invasions' using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily.

Territori e frontiere della rappresentazione, 39° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione, XIV Xonvegno dell’Unione Italiana per il Disegno, Napoli 14-16 Settembre 2017, ISBN 978-88-492-3507-4, Gangemi editore, 2017, 2017
Lo studio propone una metodologia di crowdsourcing per la digitalizzazione museale, sperimentata ... more Lo studio propone una metodologia di crowdsourcing per la digitalizzazione museale, sperimentata nell’ambito delle #InvasioniDigitali, un progetto innovativo nella comunicazione e disseminazione culturale digitale, inclusiva e partecipata. Durante l’evento delle invasioni sono stati realizzati i modelli tridimensionali
(tecniche SfM) delle collezioni o di parti architettoniche di alcuni siti attraverso il contributo delle nuove generazioni (studenti universitari). L’obiettivo è quello dimostrare che il visitatore può diventare il cocreatore
della digitalizzazione museale.
The study proposes a crowdsourcing methodology for museum digitization, experimented within #InvasioniDigitali, an innovative project for the inclusive and participative digital cultural communication and
dissemination. During the invasion event, three-dimensional models (SfM techniques) of the museum collections or architectural elements of some sites were created through the contribution of new generations
(university students). The goal is to demonstrate that the visitor can become the co-creator of museum digitization.
in FURNACE, vol. 2, Cultural Heritage in Digital Age, 2015
This paper introduces the #Invasioni... more in FURNACE, vol. 2, Cultural Heritage in Digital Age, 2015
This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily.
in Orlandi, S., Santucci, R., Casarosa, V. and Liuzzo, P.M. (edited by), Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage, Proceedings of the First EAGLE International Conference 2014, September 29-30 and October 1, 2014, Paris, Roma, 2014, pp. 265-284 , Dec 2014
The purpose of this paper is to present #DigitalInvasions’ (#invasionidigitali), a project which ... more The purpose of this paper is to present #DigitalInvasions’ (#invasionidigitali), a project which has just finished its second edition, held on 24 April to 4 May 2014.
Digital Invasions’ is an Italian bottom-up project of collective participation in creation and sharing of cultural contents in order to enhance and promote Italian cultural heritage, through the use of web and social media. This project is an example of new forms of a democratic, participatory and inclusive digital culture.
Talks by Marianna Marcucci
In questo contributo presentiamo i risultati del progetto pilota #invasionidigitali 3D condotto n... more In questo contributo presentiamo i risultati del progetto pilota #invasionidigitali 3D condotto nell'edizione 2015 a Palermo e a Catania.
Books by Marianna Marcucci
Editore, Mozzecane (VR). Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere fotocopiata, riprodotta... more Editore, Mozzecane (VR). Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere fotocopiata, riprodotta, archiviata, memorizzata o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o mezzo -elettronico, meccanico, reprografico, digitale -se non nei termini previsti dalla legge che tutela il Diritto d'Autore (art. 171, n. 633 del 22 aprile 1941) e comunque previo consenso della casa editrice. Per ogni informazione o richiesta contattare:
Nato dall'esperienza di professioniste del patrimonio culturale, questo volume rappresenta la pri... more Nato dall'esperienza di professioniste del patrimonio culturale, questo volume rappresenta la prima sintesi che definisce criteri e metodi per la corretta comunicazione online della disciplina archeologica. Una rassegna completa di suggerimenti d’uso per imparare a gestire al meglio le principali piattaforme social e formulare una strategia efficace di comunicazione con il pubblico. Grazie all’analisi di reali casi di studio, “Archeosocial” fornisce gli strumenti per un uso consapevole e ragionato di blog e social media utili per divulgare risultati scientifici; incrementare l’audience digitale; curare i rapporti con i follower; promuovere e valorizzare i territori; realizzare community management nell’ambito di progetti di archeologia pubblica. Con la prefazione di Piero Pruneti, direttore di Archeologia Viva e tourismA
Papers by Marianna Marcucci
(tecniche SfM) delle collezioni o di parti architettoniche di alcuni siti attraverso il contributo delle nuove generazioni (studenti universitari). L’obiettivo è quello dimostrare che il visitatore può diventare il cocreatore
della digitalizzazione museale.
The study proposes a crowdsourcing methodology for museum digitization, experimented within #InvasioniDigitali, an innovative project for the inclusive and participative digital cultural communication and
dissemination. During the invasion event, three-dimensional models (SfM techniques) of the museum collections or architectural elements of some sites were created through the contribution of new generations
(university students). The goal is to demonstrate that the visitor can become the co-creator of museum digitization.
This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily.
Digital Invasions’ is an Italian bottom-up project of collective participation in creation and sharing of cultural contents in order to enhance and promote Italian cultural heritage, through the use of web and social media. This project is an example of new forms of a democratic, participatory and inclusive digital culture.
Talks by Marianna Marcucci
Books by Marianna Marcucci
(tecniche SfM) delle collezioni o di parti architettoniche di alcuni siti attraverso il contributo delle nuove generazioni (studenti universitari). L’obiettivo è quello dimostrare che il visitatore può diventare il cocreatore
della digitalizzazione museale.
The study proposes a crowdsourcing methodology for museum digitization, experimented within #InvasioniDigitali, an innovative project for the inclusive and participative digital cultural communication and
dissemination. During the invasion event, three-dimensional models (SfM techniques) of the museum collections or architectural elements of some sites were created through the contribution of new generations
(university students). The goal is to demonstrate that the visitor can become the co-creator of museum digitization.
This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily.
Digital Invasions’ is an Italian bottom-up project of collective participation in creation and sharing of cultural contents in order to enhance and promote Italian cultural heritage, through the use of web and social media. This project is an example of new forms of a democratic, participatory and inclusive digital culture.