Project Castle Freudenstein
Project Castle Freudenstein
Project Castle Freudenstein
AFF Architekten
Castle Freudenstein
text by Rossella Mombelli
Località Location Schlossplatz 4, Freiberg, Germany
AFF Architekten
The atrium and the stair
distribution of offices
administrative dyed of
The bridge access on the
moat and the wall with the
“Hutzen” that anticipates
the architectural vision of
space inside the walls
Plant floor:
1. lateral entry:
administration and
delivery; 2. entry archive
3. main entrance; 4. main
court; 5. deliveries
4 3 2
Projects Castle Freudenstein
AFF Architekten
4 Freudenstein castle rises up dominant on the a new court of rectangular cut forms charac-
View of the courtyard with Freiberg skyline, in the heart of the historic terized by a floor made of large yellow gran-
the walls pierced by the
“Hutzen”, the bodies for city. The different functions performed by the ite slabs that emerge recut from the surface,
access in concrete and the manor over the centuries have led to changes recalling the crystal form of minerals. Two
old part that preserves an in the historical substance and modification black concrete volume extensions complete
historical aspect of the identity of the place: erected in 1168 the complex, characterized on the facades of
Plan of the second floor: as a fortified and symbolically powerful po- “Kirchenflügel” by “Hutzen”, a modern re-
6. archive; 7. “Grosse sition, becoming a ducal residence but then, interpretation of historic windows, elements
Turm” entrance for the after centuries of decline becoming an arse- that resemble telescopes with extreme geom-
administrative offices nal, then a hospital, and then a granary. Like etry, that puncture the original skin, restruc-
View of the interior of the other noble palaces and castles that, following tured to create a pattern that is repeated both
main entrance, dyed lilac the deposition of monarchs, undergo transfor- inside and outside. The conical element of the
7 mation into museums or remain in a state of new concept stabilizes the historic walls, em-
Longitudinal section, in ruin awaiting refunctionalization, Freuden- bracing a harmonious unity in the body of the
black the body of the new
building stein also, after a long period of neglect, in castle and interacting with the design of the
8 2005 became the subject of an international floor of the court.
The reading room, in project competition, won by the studio AFF The tower that dominates the complex, once
the foreground the area Architekten in Berlin. A ceremonial hand- the room of the Saxon princes, assumes the
of delivery and on top
the reading area more ing over of the keys on January 17th, 2008, role of administrative space for the “Saxon
secluded marked the end of the restructuring and reha- Mining Archive.” A central foyer works as an
9 bilitation of the Castle; then in the autumn of atrium for the reception area, reading area
Projects Castle Freudenstein
The cross section shows the 2008 the inauguration of 2000 square meters and exhibition space.
inclusion of the “Hutzen”
and the volume of the of documentary archive space for the Saxon A few pieces of white furniture complete an
integrated as a box in the mountains, 2000 square meters dedicated to atmosphere of concentration and work that,
ancient volume the large Mineralogy collection setup by the however, does not omit accents of extreme el-
10 university, and a restaurant . egance. In contrast, there are three peculiar
Cross-section: the body
atrium and stairs of The project by AFF moves between conser- areas that interject themselves for the use of
administrative offices vation restoration and the implementation of color as well as form: the atrium of the adminis-
11 elements of intense contemporaneity. Putting trative offices is tinged with green and ribbons
View of the reading room, monolithic volumes of black concrete in the of light, a yellow herringbone patterned wall
in the foreground, the
area of open space and existing space, and relating them with partic- is a place for the transmission and selection of
consulting and in the ulary expressive chromatic spaces, AFF ques- archival documentation, while the reception
background, the box for the tions the concept of the veracity of material. and technical assistance area is purple.
study and consultation From this perspective one can read the new In the “Langes Haus” where there are traces of
“dress” assigned to the “Neue Schlosshof” or Gothic windows, Renaissance accents and XVI-
AFF Architekten
MAT60_126-135_AFF.indd 132
13-11-2008 17:20:29
Sala lettura, in primo piano
lo spazio di consegna
dei testi d’archivio e
sovrastante lo spazio di
lettura più appartata
La sezione trasversale
evidenzia l’inserimento
delle “Hutzen”
e il volume dell’archivio
integrato come una scatola
nel volume antico
Sezione trasversale: il
corpo atrio e scala degli
uffici amministrativi
Vista sulla sala lettura, in
primo piano, lo spazio di
consultazione open space e
a sfondo, i box per lo studio
e la consultazione
Il vuoto tra volume in
calcestruzzo nuovo (a
sinistra) e mura storiche
(a destra) è trafitto dalle
“Hutzen” a creare uno
spazio simbolico e scenico
al contempo
9 10
AFF Architekten
The empty space between
the new concrete body (to
the left) and the old walls (to
the right) is crossed by the
“Hutzen”, in order to create
a space that is symbolic and
scenic at the same time
Section of the “Hutzen”, a
modern reinterpretation of
loophole windows:
1. profile in corrosion-stable
steel with insulating outer
layer; 2. cone in stainless
AFF Architekten
3. prefabricated element in
untreated concrete;
4. thermal insulation 10cm II century wooden structures, there is located tions, the facade, the Renaissance stairs of
vapour barrier 0,1cm
gypsum board the exhibition of the minerals collection, the two ramps, and the wooden elements of the
1,25+1,25mm; 5. annular occassion for an educational route; a scientific arsenal structure were conserved following
vault around the opening collection, as well as a history of the building, the directions of participating institutions and
created in the outer wall, described through layers of historical archi- complying with the rules of conservation, in-
with filler material inserted
to a depth of 12cm between tectural elements. Another design challenge tegrating them into the overall harmony of the
vault and prefabricated was to create conditions of high technological project. Moreover, from the earliest stages of
element with width 50mm value for the archive as well as for the project the design process a team of engineers and
material stable to UV rays, setup within the walls of an old castle. technicians has played a collaborative role,
suited as elastic joint, suited
for concrete and natural The goal of the project was successfully re- working in harmony with the architects to ad-
stone; 6. window with steel alized through intensive collaboration with dress issues such as the need for a large air
casing; 7. existing wall; institutions. While the most contemporary conditioning system without sacrificing low
8. new wall; 9. interspace work was creating new additions and altera- energy consumption.
5 Rivestimenti Foamglas
Wall covering