Conference Presentations by Errikos Maniotis
June 13 th 9:00 Welcome 9:35-12:00 Greek mercenaries (Chair: WOLFGANG SPICKERMANN) SZ 01.18 LENNA... more June 13 th 9:00 Welcome 9:35-12:00 Greek mercenaries (Chair: WOLFGANG SPICKERMANN) SZ 01.18 LENNART GILHAUS (Bonn, Germany / Essen, Germany)-The violence of the Ten Thousand: Dynamics and practices of a Greek community of violence ISABELL TSCHEINIG (Graz, Austria)-Peltasts: Mercenaries, allies or citizen-soldiers? ALEXANDER SCHACHNER (Graz, Austria)-From Iphicrates to Blackwater: What modern private military contractors can tell us about ancient Greek mercenaries KLAUS TAUSEND (Graz, Austria)-Mercenaries in Mycenaean Greece? 9:35-12:00 Roman republic (Chair: FERNANDO ECHEVERRÍA) HS 01.15 FABRIZIO BIGLINO (Turin, Italy)-Losing the battle, winning the war? The crisis of the Roman army during the mid-second century BC OLIVER BRÄCKEL (Leipzig, Germany)-The battle of Carrhae and its consequences MIGUEL ESTEBAN PAYNO (Madrid, Spain)-Warlike tension, war effort and military contribution: On the Celtiberian armies of the first Celtiberian war (182-179 BCE) BORJA VERTEDOR BALLESTEROS (Palma, Spain)-The sword and the word: Romanrepublican military officers acting as ambassadors (218-146 BC) 12:00-12:20 Coffee break 12:20-13:30 Weapons (Chair: KLAUS TAUSEND) SZ 01.18 SOBHI ASHOUR (Cairo, Egypt) / ERRIKOS MANIOTIS (Brno, Czech Republic)-Hellenistic and Roman era weapons from the Graeco-Roman Museum (GRM) of Alexandria, Egypt
Our research examines a sword dated in the La Tène culture, exhibited in the Archaeological Museu... more Our research examines a sword dated in the La Tène culture, exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Durrës, Albania. According to the paperwork related to the object, the archaeological context of the sword hasn’t been specified but is classified as a chance find from the necropolis of the city. The analysis of the sword is based on its typological features but also the historical, the archaeological and ethnological aspects of the region had been taken into consideration. The most significant feature of the blade is of course the bending. This feature led us to correlate the examined object with the Celts, who practiced this ritual of ‘’killing’’ a weapon. This seems to be the first folded sword which has been found in the territory of the modern-day Albania.
During the archaeological excavations in the site of Crveno Pole located on Ograzden Mountain, in... more During the archaeological excavations in the site of Crveno Pole located on Ograzden Mountain, in the utmost southeast corner of the Republic of North Macedonia near the North Macedonian-Bulgarian border, a very signifi cant type of sword was discovered, among other specimens. The sword was found in the grave n. 72, which is dated in the 2nd-3rd c. A.D. The sword belongs to the ring-pommel typology with a cross-guard. The paper deals with the typological analysis of the sword, which lead us also to export some vital conclusions about the origin of the sword. The special constructive structure of the hilt leads us to connect the ring-pommeled sword with the roman manufacture tradition.
"Mongol siege warfare in Anatolia: the siege of ancient Smyrna in 1402" /Archaeology of Izmir and its close environs during the Middle Ages November 18, 2022 / Izmir, Turkey , 2022
Please note that appointed times given on the timetable of the conference program are arranged ac... more Please note that appointed times given on the timetable of the conference program are arranged according to the Athens-Izmir time zone which is one hour ahead of Central European Time (CET). Veuillez noter que les heures indiquées correspondent au fuseau horaire Athènes-Izmir, + 1heure par rapport au fuseau horaire de l'Europe Centrale (CET). Web links to join to the live meeting on Zoom / Liens Web pour rejoindre la réunion à distance sur Zoom: Link for the introductionary section / Lien pour la section d'introduction: Meeting ID / ID de conférence: 942 6365 5008 Password / Mot de passe: 561467 Link for the Session 1 / Lien pour la session 1: Meeting ID / ID de conférence: 970 4789 5835 Password / Mot de passe: 825772 Link for the Session 2 / Lien pour la session 2: Meeting ID / ID de conférence: 991 3328 0965 Password / Mot de passe: 064155 November 18 / 18 novembre 10 h 00 Ergün Laflı (Izmir, Turkey) Introduction: technical information about the symposium. 10 h 30-12 h 00: Session 1-Chairman / Présidence: To be announced / à préciser. Three papers on the archaeology of ancient Smyrna before the Middle Ages / Trois présentations sur l'archéologie de l'ancienne Smyrne avant le Moyen Âge. Opening lecture / Conférence d'ouverture 10 h 00 Paolo di Benedetto (Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy) The foundation accounts of ancient Smyrna: constructing and reconstructing a city's identity and history. 10 h 30 Gabriella Tassinari (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy) (will be read out by E. Laflı) Gem markets of Smyrna.
Για τριακοστή τρίτη φορά θα πραγματοποιηθεί η επιστημονική συνάντηση για το αρχαιολογικό έργο στη... more Για τριακοστή τρίτη φορά θα πραγματοποιηθεί η επιστημονική συνάντηση για το αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη, με 81 ανακοινώσεις σχετικές με την έρευνα που διεξάγεται στον βορειοελλαδικό χώρο, από τον Έβρο ως την Καστοριά. Οι αρχαιολόγοι σας προσκαλούν να παρακολουθήσετε τις εργασίες αυτής της συνάντησης διαδικτυακά μέσω του συνδέσμου: Meeting ID: 978 7777 8715 Passcode: 560524 ΧΟΡΗΓΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΣΥΝΑΝΤΗΣΗΣ ΕΙΔΙΚΟΣ ΛΟΓΑΡΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΚΟΝΔΥΛΙΩΝ ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΕΙΟΥ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΤΡΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ ATTIKO ΜΕΤΡΟ A.E. Την έκδοση των πρακτικών επιχορηγεί το ΥΠ.ΠΟ.Α.
Εικόνες Εξωφύλλου: Λάρνακα, Κίτι, ναός Παναγίας Αγγελόκτιστης: λεπτομέρειες από τη ψηφιδωτή διακό... more Εικόνες Εξωφύλλου: Λάρνακα, Κίτι, ναός Παναγίας Αγγελόκτιστης: λεπτομέρειες από τη ψηφιδωτή διακόσμηση της κόγχης του ιερού, τελευταίο τέταρτο 6ου αιώνα.
Conference by Errikos Maniotis
Errikos Maniotis – Ols Lafe: A La Tene Period Sword from the Museum of Durres (Abstract Book), 2023
The current oral presentation examines a sword dated in the La Tene Period, currently
exhibited ... more The current oral presentation examines a sword dated in the La Tene Period, currently
exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Durres, Albania. According to the scientific staff
of the Museum the archaeological context of the sword hasn’t been specified but the blade
had been found in the necropolis of the city. The analysis of the sword is based on its
typological features but also the historical, the archaeological and ethnological aspects of
the region had been taken into consideration. The most significant feature of the blade is of
course the bending. This feature led us to correlate the examined object with the Celts, who
practiced this ritual of ‘’killing’’ a weapon. This is the first folded sword which had been
found in the territory of the modern-day Albania.
The Online International Conference devoted to the History, Archaeology and Philosophy of War i... more The Online International Conference devoted to the History, Archaeology and Philosophy of War in Byzantine and Mediterranean Contexts (9th-16th c.), to be held virtually via Zoom from 8 to 10 December 2023 seeks to illuminate aspects of war in medieval and early modern period. Our Conference does not aim at exhausting the subject of war, but will offer an interdisciplinary forum for a selection of talks that touch upon some of the following aspects:
- Military campaigns, strategies and tactics
- Philosphy of Medieval war in Byzantium and the Mediterranean
- Phychological Warfare Techniques
- Combat arms (lances, swords, sabers, maces, hammers, knives, axes)
- Bows and crossbows
- Turkic bows
- Byzantine and Islamic great crossbows
- Military equipment (helmets, lamellar armors)
- Warhorses and their equipment
- Mercenaries in armies
- Rus’ and Varangians
- Byzantine warriors
- Bulgarian warriors
- Arab warriors
- Crusader warriors
- Seljuk warriors
- Mongol warriors
- Mamluk warriors
- Man-powered mangonels
- Man-powered beam-sling mangonel
- Engines to shoot large arrows
- Ballistic machines
- Assault devices
- Stone-throwing counter-weight mangonel
(or trebuchet)
- Mangonel balls
- Greek Fire projecting syphons
- Incendiary rockets
- Ceramic Grenades
- Hand cannons
- Early Cannons
- Siege Weapons
- Mobile sheds to protect men
- Byzantine Military Manuals
- Arab Military Manuals
- Latin Military Manuals
- Siege Illustrations in Manuscripts
- Arms in literature (epic poems and romances)
- Depictions of warriors, sieges and combats in art
- Illustrations of arms and combats in the Romance of Varqa ve Gülşah
This is an Online Conference and papers are presented through zoom. Papers are delivered in English – Duration of papers up to 20΄. The Proceedings of the Conference will be published.
Please, send your proposed paper title and an up to 15 lines abstract in English in the attached participation form, to:
• Paschalis Androudis, Dr Archaeologist, Architect, Conservator of Ancient Monuments, Assistant Professor in Byzantine Art and Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
• Stoyan Popov, Dr Archaeologist, Associate Professor in Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
• Errikos Maniotis, MA Archaeologist, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Department of History and Museology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic,
Conference Presentations by Errikos Maniotis
Conference by Errikos Maniotis
exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Durres, Albania. According to the scientific staff
of the Museum the archaeological context of the sword hasn’t been specified but the blade
had been found in the necropolis of the city. The analysis of the sword is based on its
typological features but also the historical, the archaeological and ethnological aspects of
the region had been taken into consideration. The most significant feature of the blade is of
course the bending. This feature led us to correlate the examined object with the Celts, who
practiced this ritual of ‘’killing’’ a weapon. This is the first folded sword which had been
found in the territory of the modern-day Albania.
- Military campaigns, strategies and tactics
- Philosphy of Medieval war in Byzantium and the Mediterranean
- Phychological Warfare Techniques
- Combat arms (lances, swords, sabers, maces, hammers, knives, axes)
- Bows and crossbows
- Turkic bows
- Byzantine and Islamic great crossbows
- Military equipment (helmets, lamellar armors)
- Warhorses and their equipment
- Mercenaries in armies
- Rus’ and Varangians
- Byzantine warriors
- Bulgarian warriors
- Arab warriors
- Crusader warriors
- Seljuk warriors
- Mongol warriors
- Mamluk warriors
- Man-powered mangonels
- Man-powered beam-sling mangonel
- Engines to shoot large arrows
- Ballistic machines
- Assault devices
- Stone-throwing counter-weight mangonel
(or trebuchet)
- Mangonel balls
- Greek Fire projecting syphons
- Incendiary rockets
- Ceramic Grenades
- Hand cannons
- Early Cannons
- Siege Weapons
- Mobile sheds to protect men
- Byzantine Military Manuals
- Arab Military Manuals
- Latin Military Manuals
- Siege Illustrations in Manuscripts
- Arms in literature (epic poems and romances)
- Depictions of warriors, sieges and combats in art
- Illustrations of arms and combats in the Romance of Varqa ve Gülşah
This is an Online Conference and papers are presented through zoom. Papers are delivered in English – Duration of papers up to 20΄. The Proceedings of the Conference will be published.
Please, send your proposed paper title and an up to 15 lines abstract in English in the attached participation form, to:
• Paschalis Androudis, Dr Archaeologist, Architect, Conservator of Ancient Monuments, Assistant Professor in Byzantine Art and Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
• Stoyan Popov, Dr Archaeologist, Associate Professor in Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
• Errikos Maniotis, MA Archaeologist, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Department of History and Museology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic,
exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Durres, Albania. According to the scientific staff
of the Museum the archaeological context of the sword hasn’t been specified but the blade
had been found in the necropolis of the city. The analysis of the sword is based on its
typological features but also the historical, the archaeological and ethnological aspects of
the region had been taken into consideration. The most significant feature of the blade is of
course the bending. This feature led us to correlate the examined object with the Celts, who
practiced this ritual of ‘’killing’’ a weapon. This is the first folded sword which had been
found in the territory of the modern-day Albania.
- Military campaigns, strategies and tactics
- Philosphy of Medieval war in Byzantium and the Mediterranean
- Phychological Warfare Techniques
- Combat arms (lances, swords, sabers, maces, hammers, knives, axes)
- Bows and crossbows
- Turkic bows
- Byzantine and Islamic great crossbows
- Military equipment (helmets, lamellar armors)
- Warhorses and their equipment
- Mercenaries in armies
- Rus’ and Varangians
- Byzantine warriors
- Bulgarian warriors
- Arab warriors
- Crusader warriors
- Seljuk warriors
- Mongol warriors
- Mamluk warriors
- Man-powered mangonels
- Man-powered beam-sling mangonel
- Engines to shoot large arrows
- Ballistic machines
- Assault devices
- Stone-throwing counter-weight mangonel
(or trebuchet)
- Mangonel balls
- Greek Fire projecting syphons
- Incendiary rockets
- Ceramic Grenades
- Hand cannons
- Early Cannons
- Siege Weapons
- Mobile sheds to protect men
- Byzantine Military Manuals
- Arab Military Manuals
- Latin Military Manuals
- Siege Illustrations in Manuscripts
- Arms in literature (epic poems and romances)
- Depictions of warriors, sieges and combats in art
- Illustrations of arms and combats in the Romance of Varqa ve Gülşah
This is an Online Conference and papers are presented through zoom. Papers are delivered in English – Duration of papers up to 20΄. The Proceedings of the Conference will be published.
Please, send your proposed paper title and an up to 15 lines abstract in English in the attached participation form, to:
• Paschalis Androudis, Dr Archaeologist, Architect, Conservator of Ancient Monuments, Assistant Professor in Byzantine Art and Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
• Stoyan Popov, Dr Archaeologist, Associate Professor in Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
• Errikos Maniotis, MA Archaeologist, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Department of History and Museology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic,
settlement of Aphrodisias, Asia Minor. The study is focused on the typological features of the sword since its
archaeological context hasn’t been specifi ed. The analysis revealed that this sword can be paralleled with the
Chinese two-handed long swords of the Han Dynasty. These swords can be traced also in the Parthian Empire
as well, but they haven’t been found in the territories which once formed the Roman Empire and previously the
Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Successors of Alexander the Great. So, the sword from Aphrodisias is very rare
and unique for the Roman and Hellenistic World of the time because it’s probably the sole example of such
Chinese long swords, dated in the Han Period, to be traced in the West end of the Silk Road.
Keywords: Aphrodisias, Asia Minor, sword, Chinese, Silk Road, Han Dynasty, Roman Empire, Hellenistic States, Parthian Empire, typochronological analysis
Ages. According to the museum staff, the sword with exhibition number Hofjäger- und Rüstkammer, A
2035, was found in 1915 on the Bersaglio hill near Monte Gello (village S. Biaggio) east of Rovereto in
Italy, at a depth of 1.75 m. The study of the sword focuses on the analysis of the typological features. The
criteria for distinguishing particular types of pommels, blades and crossguards should be such as to aid in
the chronological determination of a sword. A first attempt to classify the sword is made using Oakeshott's
well-known typological system classification. However, it seemed very difficult to categorize the sword
strictly according to a certain typological scheme, analyzed the pommel, crossguard and blade. Finally, the
image sources were used to find analogies. Hence, we concluded that the sword could be more associated
with Byzantine military manufacture than with Western typologies.
10th and 11th century, period of the mass employment of Norse mercenaries in the renowned regiment
of the Byzantine army, through mainly the archaeological evidence. An attempt is also conducted
to organize the material taking into consideration the geographic distribution of the fi ndings in the
Eastern Europe and Asia Minor.
The analysis of diff erent types of swords, which could lead us to useful conclusions, is based on
morphological criteria concerning the structure of a sword, such as the pommel and the cross-guard.
The variety of the swords that have been used by the soldiers of the Varangian regiment indicates that
a certain sword typology might not be attributed exclusively to a certain ethnicity. In any case the
study of the sword typologies in the byzantine army constitutes an attractive fi eld of further research
1η ενότητα
Ν. Πλειώτα, «Το τρικλίνιο της αριστοκρατικής κατοικίας στην περίοδο της ύστερης αρχαιότητας: μια γενική θεώρηση»
Σ. Γουλούλης, «Δύο εικονογραφικά προγράμματα - μουσειακές συλλογές της Κωνσταντινούπολης: Συλλογή Λαύσου στον Ιππόδρομο (421) - Λουτρό Τζυκανιστηρίου 'στα Μαρίνης' (427;)
2η ενότητα
Χ. Παπακυριακού, «Ο Ιππόδρομος της Κωνσταντινούπολης και τα θεάματα που φιλοξενούσε κατά την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα»
3η ενότητα
Σ. Θαθαροπούλου, «Τα Αραβοβυζαντινά σύνορα: Οι μεθοριακοί οικισμοί και οι σχέσεις των τοπικών θρησκευτικών κοινοτήτων»
Ν. Γκέκας, «Βυζάντιο και Ισλάμ. Πτυχές της ώσμωσης δύο πολιτισμών στη Μέση Ανατολή»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Κτίρια σε χρήση της μουσουλμανικής κοινότητας στην Κωνσταντινούπολη από τον 10ο στον 13ο αιώνα»
4η ενότητα
Ε. Μανιώτης, «Ο βυζαντινός στρατός σε πολεμικές επιχειρήσεις: Τα στρατόπεδα»
Ε. Μανιώτης, «Από τον πολεμικό εξοπλισμό των Βυζαντινών: το ξίφος»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Οι Σελτζούκοι Τούρκοι στη Μικρά Ασία. Το Σουλτανάτο του Ρουμ»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Οι Σελτζούκοι Τούρκοι στο Βυζάντιο»
5η ενότητα
Μ. Πετκάκη, «Το κιβωτίδιο της Ρώμης»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Ζώντας με τους μύθους της Αρχαιότητας: Το Κιβωτίδιο «Veroli»
Κ. Τσεκερίδης, «Η καθημερινότητα στο εργαστήριο παραγωγής ενός βυζαντινού κώδικα»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Η Κωνσταντινούπολη της εποχής των Κομνηνών (τέλος 11ου-12ος αιώνας). Η μαρτυρία των δυτικών και των ελληνικών πηγών»
6η ενότητα
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Μαρτυρίες για το αλάτι από το Βυζάντιο: αλίπαστα είδη και γάρον»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Φαρμακευτικά και αρωματικά φυτά στο Βυζάντιο. Το εμπόριο των αρωμάτων και των αρωματικών φυτών στο Βυζάντιο»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Το μέλι και το κερί στη μοναστηριακή ζωή των βυζαντινών χρόνων»
7η ενότητα
Σ. Γερμανίδου, «Μελισσοκομεία»
Σ. Γερμανίδου, «Νερόμυλοι»
Σ. Γερμανίδου, «Περιστεριώνες»
8η ενότητα
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Οι βυζαντινοί πύργοι της Χαλκιδικής: ιστορικές και αρχαιολογικές μαρτυρίες»
9η ενότητα
Κ. Κιλτζανίδου, «Γυναικείες ενδυματολογικές επιλογές: Η περίπτωση των κτητορικών πορτρέτων στους ναούς της υστεροβυζαντινής περιόδου στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μακεδονίας»
Κ. Κιλτζανίδου, «Γυναικείες ενδυματολογικές επιλογές: Η περίπτωση των νεκρικών-ταφικών πορτρέτων στους ναούς της υστεροβυζαντινής και πρώιμης μεταβυζαντινής περιόδου στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μακεδονίας»
Κ. Κιλτζανίδου, «Γυναικείες ενδυματολογικές επιλογές: Η περίπτωση των κτητορικών πορτρέτων στους ναούς της πρώιμης μεταβυζαντινής περιόδου στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μακεδονίας»
10η ενότητα
Σ. Τάνου, «Η πρώιμη Οθωμανική πόλη - Γενικό πλαίσιο»
Α. Μπατζικώστα, «Η μετατροπή των βυζαντινών ναών της Θεσσαλονίκης σε Οθωμανικά τεμένη»
Κ. Τσεκερίδης, «Οθωμανικά, εικονογραφημένα χειρόγραφα, 15ος-17ος αιώνας. Η περίπτωση του Codex Cicogna»
Κ. Βαφειάδης, «Αγροτικός βίος και αγροτικές εγκαταστάσεις στα Μετέωρα και τη Βορειοδυτική Θεσσαλία, 14ος-18ος αιώνας»
Βιογραφικά σημειώματα συγγραφέων
Πίνακας περιεχομένων
1η ενότητα
Ν. Πλειώτα, «Το τρικλίνιο της αριστοκρατικής κατοικίας στην περίοδο της ύστερης αρχαιότητας: μια γενική θεώρηση»
Σ. Γουλούλης, «Δύο εικονογραφικά προγράμματα - μουσειακές συλλογές της Κωνσταντινούπολης: Συλλογή Λαύσου στον Ιππόδρομο (421) - Λουτρό Τζυκανιστηρίου 'στα Μαρίνης' (427;)
2η ενότητα
Χ. Παπακυριακού, «Ο Ιππόδρομος της Κωνσταντινούπολης και τα θεάματα που φιλοξενούσε κατά την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα»
3η ενότητα
Σ. Θαθαροπούλου, «Τα Αραβοβυζαντινά σύνορα: Οι μεθοριακοί οικισμοί και οι σχέσεις των τοπικών θρησκευτικών κοινοτήτων»
Ν. Γκέκας, «Βυζάντιο και Ισλάμ. Πτυχές της ώσμωσης δύο πολιτισμών στη Μέση Ανατολή»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Κτίρια σε χρήση της μουσουλμανικής κοινότητας στην Κωνσταντινούπολη από τον 10ο στον 13ο αιώνα»
4η ενότητα
Ε. Μανιώτης, «Ο βυζαντινός στρατός σε πολεμικές επιχειρήσεις: Τα στρατόπεδα»
Ε. Μανιώτης, «Από τον πολεμικό εξοπλισμό των Βυζαντινών: το ξίφος»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Οι Σελτζούκοι Τούρκοι στη Μικρά Ασία. Το Σουλτανάτο του Ρουμ»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Οι Σελτζούκοι Τούρκοι στο Βυζάντιο»
5η ενότητα
Μ. Πετκάκη, «Το κιβωτίδιο της Ρώμης»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Ζώντας με τους μύθους της Αρχαιότητας: Το Κιβωτίδιο «Veroli»
Κ. Τσεκερίδης, «Η καθημερινότητα στο εργαστήριο παραγωγής ενός βυζαντινού κώδικα»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Η Κωνσταντινούπολη της εποχής των Κομνηνών (τέλος 11ου-12ος αιώνας). Η μαρτυρία των δυτικών και των ελληνικών πηγών»
6η ενότητα
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Μαρτυρίες για το αλάτι από το Βυζάντιο: αλίπαστα είδη και γάρον»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Φαρμακευτικά και αρωματικά φυτά στο Βυζάντιο. Το εμπόριο των αρωμάτων και των αρωματικών φυτών στο Βυζάντιο»
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Το μέλι και το κερί στη μοναστηριακή ζωή των βυζαντινών χρόνων»
7η ενότητα
Σ. Γερμανίδου, «Μελισσοκομεία»
Σ. Γερμανίδου, «Νερόμυλοι»
Σ. Γερμανίδου, «Περιστεριώνες»
8η ενότητα
Π. Ανδρούδης, «Οι βυζαντινοί πύργοι της Χαλκιδικής: ιστορικές και αρχαιολογικές μαρτυρίες»
9η ενότητα
Κ. Κιλτζανίδου, «Γυναικείες ενδυματολογικές επιλογές: Η περίπτωση των κτητορικών πορτρέτων στους ναούς της υστεροβυζαντινής περιόδου στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μακεδονίας»
Κ. Κιλτζανίδου, «Γυναικείες ενδυματολογικές επιλογές: Η περίπτωση των νεκρικών-ταφικών πορτρέτων στους ναούς της υστεροβυζαντινής και πρώιμης μεταβυζαντινής περιόδου στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μακεδονίας»
Κ. Κιλτζανίδου, «Γυναικείες ενδυματολογικές επιλογές: Η περίπτωση των κτητορικών πορτρέτων στους ναούς της πρώιμης μεταβυζαντινής περιόδου στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μακεδονίας»
10η ενότητα
Σ. Τάνου, «Η πρώιμη Οθωμανική πόλη - Γενικό πλαίσιο»
Α. Μπατζικώστα, «Η μετατροπή των βυζαντινών ναών της Θεσσαλονίκης σε Οθωμανικά τεμένη»
Κ. Τσεκερίδης, «Οθωμανικά, εικονογραφημένα χειρόγραφα, 15ος-17ος αιώνας. Η περίπτωση του Codex Cicogna»
Κ. Βαφειάδης, «Αγροτικός βίος και αγροτικές εγκαταστάσεις στα Μετέωρα και τη Βορειοδυτική Θεσσαλία, 14ος-18ος αιώνας»
Βιογραφικά σημειώματα συγγραφέων
Πίνακας περιεχομένων
This video conference took place on November 18, 2022 in Izmir, Turkey with an archaeological excursion to the sites and museums within the city of Izmir on November 19. All the lectures and discussions in our e-conference were on Zoom and in English, and were recorded for later viewing on YouTube for participants who were unable to attend the live performance presentation. The symposium was first announced in May 2022. Between May and September 2022 there were more than ten paper applications from six countries, including – in alphabetical order – Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Turkey and U.S.A., ten of which were accepted. Three speakers held their lectures both physically in Izmir and virtually on Zoom; the rest of the papers were presented on Zoom. Session 1 was organized in the Main Conference Hall of the Faculty of Letters in Tınaztepe Campus (in Block C), and Session 2 was organized in the office of Professor Laflı. This book was arranged mainly in November 2022 where papers were placed in order by speakers’ turns at the conference. It was constantly being updated in its online version on our Academia account. It is also published by the Press House of the Dokuz Eylül University in December 2022.
This first symposium on the archaeology of western Anatolia is dedicated to the 20th death anniversary of Professor Ekrem Akurgal, founder of modern Turkish archaeology, who passed away on November 1st, 2002.
ISBN for this book: 978-625-00-1043-3.
Records of the e-conference in YouTube:
This video conference took place on November 18, 2022 in Izmir, Turkey with an archaeological excursion to the sites and museums within the city of Izmir on November 19. All the lectures and discussions in our e-conference were on Zoom and in English, and were recorded for later viewing on YouTube for participants who were unable to attend the live performance presentation. The symposium was first announced in May 2022. Between May and September 2022 there were more than ten paper applications from six countries, including – in alphabetical order – Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Turkey and U.S.A., ten of which were accepted. Three speakers held their lectures both physically in Izmir and virtually on Zoom; the rest of the papers were presented on Zoom. Session 1 was organized in the Main Conference Hall of the Faculty of Letters in Tınaztepe Campus (in Block C), and Session 2 was organized in the office of Professor Laflı. This book was arranged mainly in November 2022 where papers were placed in order by speakers’ turns at the conference. It was constantly being updated in its online version on our Academia account. It is also published by the Press House of the Dokuz Eylül University in December 2022.
This first symposium on the archaeology of western Anatolia is dedicated to the 20th death anniversary of Professor Ekrem Akurgal, founder of modern Turkish archaeology, who passed away on November 1st, 2002.
Records of the e-conference in YouTube:
- Military campaigns, strategies and tactics
- Philosophy of Medieval war in Byzantium and the Mediterranean
- Psychological Warfare Techniques
- Combat arms (lances, swords, sabers, maces, hammers, knives, axes)
- Bows and crossbows
- Turkic bows
- Byzantine and Islamic great crossbows
- Military equipment (helmets, lamellar armors
- Warhorses and their equipment
- Mercenaries in armies
- Rus’ and Varangians
- Byzantine warriors
- Bulgarian warriors
- Arab warriors
- Crusader warriors
- Seljuk warriors
- Mongol warriors
- Mamluk warriors
- Man-powered mangonels
- Man-powered beam-sling mangonel
- Engines to shoot large arrows
- Ballistic machines
- Assault devices
- Stone-throwing counter-weight mangonel (or trebuchet)
- Mangonel balls
- Greek Fire projecting siphons
- Incendiary rockets
- Ceramic Grenades
- Hand cannons
- Early Cannons
- Siege Weapons
- Mobile sheds to protect men
- Byzantine Military Manuals
- Arab Military Manuals
- Latin Military Manuals
- Siege Illustrations in Manuscripts
- Arms in literature (epic poems and romances)
- Depictions of warriors, sieges and combats in art
- Illustrations of arms and combats in the Romance of Varqa ve Gülşah