Papers by Iulia Elena Zup
Prezenta lucrare tratează contextul în care a fost tradusă în română legislația Imperiului Habsbu... more Prezenta lucrare tratează contextul în care a fost tradusă în română legislația Imperiului Habsburgic pentru provincia Bucovina și identifică trei perioade de traducere corespunzătoare transformărilor administrative majore și evoluției stilului juridic românesc. Rolul traducerilor este analizat în cadrul procesului de transfer cultural între centru și periferie, accentul fiind pus pe strategiile lingvistice utilizate de traducători, care au compensat astfel neajunsurile unui limbaj și gîndiri juridice la un stadiu de evoluţie inferior faţă de cel german. Este evaluat impactul traducerilor asupra evoluției culturale și lingvistice a României.
The analysis and research of legal translation within the European Union not only aims at identif... more The analysis and research of legal translation within the European Union not only aims at identifying translation problems and strategies in order to improve this process which is intrinsic to European communication, but also tries to see much more in translation: a dynamo of the evolution of societies, of cultures, of the idea and construct of Europe and the European Union. This linguistic and cultural process is dynamic in overcoming challenges of different natures-terminological, ideological, political, economic, and even in terms of resources, be they human or technological. The diachronic or synchronic analysis focuses not only on circulant translations, meant to be enforced on various territories, but also on translations for informative purposes, and aims at providing insight into specific challenges related to legal translation in past and present times.
The analysis and research of legal translation within the European Union not only aims at identif... more The analysis and research of legal translation within the European Union not only aims at identifying translation problems and strategies in order to improve this process which is intrinsic to European communication, but also tries to see much more in translation: a dynamo of the evolution of societies, of cultures, of the idea and construct of Europe and the European Union. This linguistic and cultural process is dynamic in overcoming challenges of different natures-terminological, ideological, political, economic, and even in terms of resources, be they human or technological. The diachronic or synchronic analysis focuses not only on circulant translations, meant to be enforced on various territories, but also on translations for informative purposes, and aims at providing insight into specific challenges related to legal translation in past and present times.
The paper will show how translations played a considerable role to the maintaining of the German ... more The paper will show how translations played a considerable role to the maintaining of the German minority's language and identity in Greater Romania, ensured the law's application until new legislation was introduced, and contributed to a cultural dialogue, in which a modern legal thinking found a fruitful ground. Not only the history of translations and translators are part of this study, but also the translational peculiarities of such texts speak for an intellectual activity which aimed at the development of an interwar modern society, be it of Romanian or German nationality, which can be defined as purely European in nature.
Analele științifice ale Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași (Serie nouă). Științe juridice, 2021
The analysis and research of legal translation within the European Union not only aims at identif... more The analysis and research of legal translation within the European Union not only aims at identifying translation problems and strategies in order to improve this process which is intrinsic to European communication, but also tries to see much more in translation: a dynamo of the evolution of societies, of cultures, of the idea and construct of Europe and the European Union. This linguistic and cultural process is dynamic in overcoming challenges of different natures – terminological, ideological, political, economic, and even in terms of resources, be they human or technological. The diachronic or synchronic analysis focuses not only on circulant translations, meant to be enforced on various territories, but also on translations for informative purposes, and aims at providing insight into specific challenges related to legal translation in past and present times.
Diacronia, 2021
Prezenta lucrare investighează scopul utilizării anumitor strategii traductive în varianta în lim... more Prezenta lucrare investighează scopul utilizării anumitor strategii traductive în varianta în limba română a romanului Die Entdekkung von Amerika (1781) de Joachim Heinrich Campe, tradusă din germană de negustorul și dascălul brașovean Nicola Nicolau și publicată la Tipografia Universității din Buda în 1816 sub titlul Descoperirea Americii. Pornind de la teoria scopului traducerii enunțată de Hans Vermeer, sînt analizate scopurile producerii variantei în limba română, prin comparație cu cele ale redactării textului original și ale traducerilor în alte limbi. La nivel textual, prin analiză comparativă, sînt evidențiate strategiile, în special omisiunile și interpolările, care ajută la realizarea scopurilor traducătorului sau ale textului. Astfel, prin transferul dintre cultura sursă și cea țintă, sînt constatate menținerea țelurilor iluministe pedagogice, de instruire a maselor privitor la virtuțile morale și cunoștințele istorice și geografice, și adăugarea celui de cultivare a limb...
Studia Philologia, 2021
Preserving the German Identity and Language in Romania after 1918. Cultural Associations. The pre... more Preserving the German Identity and Language in Romania after 1918. Cultural Associations. The present paper explores some cultural sociological aspects of the economic, leisure-related and professional associations of the German minority living in Romania at the time of the Weimar Republic (1918-1933), in the context of the social-political transformations and the development of the modern, interwar Romanian society. Although German associations existed in the now Romanian territories before 1918 as well, many new associations were founded and the activity of the already existing ones flourished during the interwar period. The associations are analysed in respect to the regions in which the Germans of Romania lived (Transylvania, Banat, Bukovina, the Romanian Old Kingdom and Bessarabia), the type of association, their objectives, publications and activities. The establishment of so many associations at the time of the Weimar Republic and their intense activities reveals, on one hand, the endeavours of the German minority to preserve its language and identity, and on the other hand, the freedom that the German community enjoyed-in other words, quite a liberal cultural politics of the Greater Romania. The associations were a part of the development of a socio-cultural field which granted the Germans a special place in Romania's cultural history.
Diacronia, 2021
This paper investigates the purpose of using certain translation strategies in the Romanian versi... more This paper investigates the purpose of using certain translation strategies in the Romanian version of the novel Die Entdekkung von Amerika (1781) by Joachim Heinrich Campe, translated from German by the merchant and teacher Nicola Nicolau from Brașov and published at the Printing House of the University of Buda in 1816 with the title Descoperirea Americii. Starting from the skopus theory developed by Hans Vermeer, the purposes of producing the Romanian version are analysed, in comparison with those of writing the original text and of the translations in other languages. At the textual level, through the comparative analysis, strategies are highlighted, especially omissions and interpolations, which help to achieve the goals of the translator or the text. Thus, through the transfer between the source and the target culture, one can observe the maintenance of the pedagogical Enlightenment goals, of instructing the masses regarding moral virtues and historical and geographical knowledge, and the addition of the one of cultivating the Romanian language.
Diacronia, 2021
Prezenta lucrare investighează scopul utilizării anumitor strategii traductive în varianta în lim... more Prezenta lucrare investighează scopul utilizării anumitor strategii traductive în varianta în limba română a romanului Die Entdekkung von Amerika (1781) de Joachim Heinrich Campe, tradusă din germană de negustorul și dascălul brașovean Nicola Nicolau și publicată la Tipografia Universității din Buda în 1816 sub titlul Descoperirea Americii. Pornind de la teoria scopului traducerii enunțată de Hans Vermeer, sînt analizate scopurile producerii variantei în limba română, prin comparație cu cele ale redactării textului original și ale traducerilor în alte limbi. La nivel textual, prin analiză comparativă, sînt evidențiate strategiile, în special omisiunile și interpolările, care ajută la realizarea scopurilor traducătorului sau ale textului. Astfel, prin transferul dintre cultura sursă și cea țintă, sînt constatate menținerea țelurilor iluministe pedagogice, de instruire a maselor privitor la virtuțile morale și cunoștințele istorice și geografice, și adăugarea celui de cultivare a limbii române.
Regalitatea romana. Perspective istoriografice, 2017
Lucrarea de faţă explorează extinderea legislaţiei Regatului României în Bucovina după alipirea p... more Lucrarea de faţă explorează extinderea legislaţiei Regatului României în Bucovina după alipirea provinciei, un proces îndelungat ce a fost finalizat în 1938, şi consecinţele acestei stări de fapt, şi anume traducerile intensive ale legislaţiei austriece din germană în română pentru locuitorii din alte regiuni decât Bucovina şi pentru uzul în instanţe, unde se folosea limba oficială româna, şi traducerile legislaţiei româneşti pentru cetăţenii bucovineni vorbitori de germană. Se are în vedere evaluarea situaţiei juridice a Bucovinei, în sensul legislaţiei în vigoare, evaluarea consecinţelor pe plan lingvistic ale apartenenţei de monarhia românească, şi trecerea în revistă şi analiza unor traduceri.
Transylvanian Review, 2020
The present article deals with the activities of the most important cultural and scientific socie... more The present article deals with the activities of the most important cultural and scientific societies of the German minority in all the provinces of the Greater Romania: in the “old Kingdom” ¬¬– Wallachia and Moldavia – and in the new incorporated territories after the World War I ¬¬– Transylvania, Banat, Bukovina and Bessarabia. The goals of such societies were to preserve the German culture and language and to promote the interests of the “Germans of Romania”, representing 4,1% of the total population, through projects, cultural and scientific publications, a summer university and cooperation with scientists in Romania and abroad.
Kronstädter Beiträge zur Germanistischen Forschung, 2009
The Carnival of the Acoustic Masks in Elias Canetti's Die Blendung According to Mikhail Bakhtin (... more The Carnival of the Acoustic Masks in Elias Canetti's Die Blendung According to Mikhail Bakhtin (Rebelais and His Work, 1965), the carnival offers the opportunity to realize a new vision about the world and the relative nature of the existence and to establish a completely new order. In Canetti's Die Blendung (Auto da Fé) there are no carnivalesque scenes as such, i.e. as actions, but only as percepti on and as language; the perception of the world corresponds to the acoustic mask on the language level. There is no auctorial monologue, there is only a dialogical discour se, a multitude of ways of speaking, which claim the absolute truth and reality. The collision of these language levels, of these worlds leads to tensions, to a carnival in which the hierarchy is not suspended, but reorganized.
ANADISS. Journal of the Discourse Analysis Research Centre, 2011
In the seven volumes of Aufzeichnungen, one can discover all the major themes of Elias Canetti's ... more In the seven volumes of Aufzeichnungen, one can discover all the major themes of Elias Canetti's works. The present article is not concerned, as other Canetti-critics who interpreted these fragments, with the utopias, the aphorisms or the essays, but with the literary species character, as founded by Theophrastus in the antiquity. The character-writing defines Canetti's style and influenced his major works, such as Die Blendung, the dramas and the autobiography .
Germanistische Beiträge, 2012
The four novels of Cãtãlin Dorian Florescu (Wunder-zeit, Der kurze Weg nach Hause, Der blinde Mas... more The four novels of Cãtãlin Dorian Florescu (Wunder-zeit, Der kurze Weg nach Hause, Der blinde Masseur, Zaira) analysed here are interpreted in relation to the chronotope, a term developed by Michail Bachtin meaning the connectedness of time and space in narrative. Space knows two opposite dimensions in Florescu's works: the West (Switzerland, USA) and the East (Romania). The Romanian space is represented by three different images corresponding to three different periods: Romania between the two world wars, during the communist period and after 1989. The main characters are Romanians who leave their country of origin during the communist period, hoping that they will find a better life in the West. After the revolt in 1989, the characters return to the space of their childhood, where they could find themselves and happiness once again. There are analyzed different aspects of the aesthetic space Romania: exotic space, space of discovery of oneself, spiritual space of traditions, but also space of disappointment and of perils. Space is in close connection with movement, the movement of the protagonists from one dimension to another, which is also the basis of the plot.
Proceedings (CPCI-SSH) of The Fourth International Conference on Law, Language & Discourse, 2014
This paper explores the context and reasons for the extensive translation of legal texts from Ger... more This paper explores the context and reasons for the extensive translation of legal texts from German
into Romanian in Bukovina during the Habsburg period (1775-1918) and right after the unification with the
Romanian Kingdom. According to the administrative changes in the area, there could be identified three
periods of translations, during which there were specific methods and bodies responsible. This paper focuses
on the translation of the Austrian codes of law and their impact on the Romanian legislation, legal terminology
and juridical style.
[Keywords] Habsburg Bukovina; translation; codes of law; Romanian legislation; legal terminology
Germanistische Beiträge, 2015
This paper explores the context and reasons for the extensive translation of legal texts from Ger... more This paper explores the context and reasons for the extensive translation of legal texts from German into Romanian in Bukovina during the Habsburg period (1775-1918) and immediately following the unification with the Romanian Kingdom. The Austrian civil code from 1811 was translated in the three important periods of translation, corresponding to the major administrative changes in the province. The paper analyses the different translations and their impact on the Romanian legislation, legal terminology and juridical style.
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "A. D. Xenopol", 2016
The present paper explores the problems arising from the multilingualism within the Habsburg Empi... more The present paper explores the problems arising from the multilingualism within the Habsburg Empire, with a focus on the juridical work Zur österreichischen Sprachenfrage (Vienna, 1898), published by the politician, jurist and translator Aurel Onciul (1864−1921). The book comprises five parts regarding the history of the provisions about multilingualism and the use of the official languages in Austria, the applicable law with the author’s comments, the problems arising and the solutions proposed, conclusions and statistic tables with the languages used in every town in the Habsburg Empire. The ideas regarding the clerks’ professionalism were supported by the author also by publishing in 1895 two works meant to help with the administrative tasks in the national language Romanian in Bukovina: Repertoriu pentru secretarii comunali and Dicţionar juridic-politic. Zur österreichischen Sprachenfrage demonstrates that the multilingualism was an important question even at the dawn of the Habsburg Empire and Onciul’s political position, and represents in first line not a work of history of law, but rather a political manifesto for sustaining the centre Vienna and for promoting the national spirit by use of the national languages in the courts of law and administration.
Analele Științifice ale Universităţii ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, seria Ştiinţe Juridice, 2017
The present paper proposes an overview of the translation process within the European Union, of s... more The present paper proposes an overview of the translation process within the European Union, of some studies in the field of legal translations, of some features of the European legal style and of the impact of the translations on the Romanian legal style and body of laws. The translations of the EU law represents a "sub-genre" of the legal style, with some particularities deriving from the necessity of legal uniformity and the constant use of the same phrases in all EU acts. Because of the necessity of implementing the directives and adapting to the member states' legislation (Article 288 TFEU), the EU text becomes a source of national law through transposition. In the same way that the translations of the foreign legislation into Romanian represented sources for the renewal of the Romanian legal system in the 19 th century, the EU acquis, through translation, represents nowadays the engine for the modernisation of the Romanian legislation and part of the cultural transfer between the Centre (the Union and its institutions) and the peripheries (the member states). Rezumat: Lucrarea propune o trecere în revistă a procesului de traducere în cadrul Uniunii Europene, a unor cercetări în domeniul traducerilor juridice, a câtorva trăsături ale stilului juridic european şi a impactului traducerilor asupra stilului juridic şi legislaţiei româneşti. Traducerile legislaţiei europene reprezintă un "sub-gen" al stilului juridic, cu anumite particularităţi decurgând tocmai din necesitatea uniformizării dreptului şi a constanţei folosirii aceloraşi formulări în toate actele. Datorită necesităţii implementării directivelor şi adaptării la legislaţia statelor membre (art. 288 TFUE), textul UE devine, prin transpunere, un izvor al legislaţiei 1 Lector univ. dr., Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iaşi, IULIA-ELENA ZUP 76 naţionale. Precum traducerile legislaţiilor străine în română au reprezentat izvoare ale înnoirii sistemului juridic românesc în secolul al XIX-lea, tot astfel acquis-ul comunitar, prin traducere, reprezintă în zilele noastre unul din motoarele modernizării legislaţiei şi stilului juridic românesc şi parte din transferul cultural dintre Centru (Uniunea şi instituţiile sale) şi periferie (statele membre). Cuvinte-cheie: UE, traduceri juridice, stil juridic, transpunere, transfer cultural 1. Introduction In the transnational space of the EU, processes take place in the linguistic evolution, that are part of the cultural processes, which result, on the one hand, from the interaction of languages and styles, and on the other hand, from the processes of representation of the foreign spaces (here we would refer to the international law). Deleuze and Guattari name this evolution process an abstract machinery, which is built by exchange. The exchange takes place between the constituent states and the central institutions, between the centre and the peripheries. This exchange process and its intermediary states give birth to new mediums. Because of the exchange, the centre and the peripheries are in a constant evolution. 2 Thus, the translation is a medium of the cultural transfer. The translation's characteristic of dialogue, of interaction between cultures, takes part in the construction of the receiving culture. Thus, the Romanian legislation can be seen in this interpretation partially as a result of the translation process. The European Union can function in the 24 official languages through intensive translations of the written texts and through employing interpreters. The fact that the legal translations and the production of multilingual versions represents a common activity of the European institutions demonstrates that language, in spite of all difficulties, is the most important means of integration. The translations represent the means through which the Community acquis is known in the member states, as well as outside the EU. In order for the authorities and people to have direct access to the European texts and for the equality of the acquis' effects on the member states' legal systems to be observed, the laws are published by the Publications Office in all 24 official languages in the Official Journal of the
Analele Științifice ale Universităţii ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, seria Ştiinţe Juridice, 2019
This paper aims at presenting the legal frame for the multilingualism in Europe, the reasons behi... more This paper aims at presenting the legal frame for the multilingualism in Europe, the reasons behind the European Union's policy on multilingualism and the most important measures and acts in this field. The effects of the 'multicentric language policy' include measures to improve citizens' language skills at the level of member states and at central level to ensure the functionality of the EU institutions and bodies by employing translators, interpreters and lawyer-linguists. An indirect effect from a linguistic point of view would be the development of the European legal style, which could be observed also at the level of each individual official language, corresponding to the development of the member states' legal systems under the influence of EU law.
Diacronia, 2019
This paper explores the context in which the laws of the Habsburg Empire were translated into Rom... more This paper explores the context in which the laws of the Habsburg Empire were translated into Romanian for the province Bukovina and identifies three periods of translation corresponding to the major administrative transformations and to the evolution of the Romanian juridical style. The role of the translations is analysed in the process of cultural transfer between the centre and the periphery , the main focus is on the linguistic strategies employed by the translators who had thus to compensate for the still undeveloped Romanian legal thinking and terminology. The impact of the translations on the cultural and linguistic becoming of Romania is evaluated.
Papers by Iulia Elena Zup
into Romanian in Bukovina during the Habsburg period (1775-1918) and right after the unification with the
Romanian Kingdom. According to the administrative changes in the area, there could be identified three
periods of translations, during which there were specific methods and bodies responsible. This paper focuses
on the translation of the Austrian codes of law and their impact on the Romanian legislation, legal terminology
and juridical style.
[Keywords] Habsburg Bukovina; translation; codes of law; Romanian legislation; legal terminology
into Romanian in Bukovina during the Habsburg period (1775-1918) and right after the unification with the
Romanian Kingdom. According to the administrative changes in the area, there could be identified three
periods of translations, during which there were specific methods and bodies responsible. This paper focuses
on the translation of the Austrian codes of law and their impact on the Romanian legislation, legal terminology
and juridical style.
[Keywords] Habsburg Bukovina; translation; codes of law; Romanian legislation; legal terminology
This work is dedicated to a specialized and relevant topic for the overall Romanian-German cultural relations in the interwar period. The horizon of analysis mainly comprises the history of education and culture. There are, however, references and connections to political history analyses, to contextualise our endeavour and explain the motivations for certain decisions, initiatives and actions.
were in force in the Bukovina between 1775 and 1918, when the province was
part of the Habsburg monarchy. Following a presentation of the Bukovina statute in the Habsburg realm and the background to the implementation of the
respective constitutions, I shall proceed to present a comparative analysis of
the German and Rumanian versions, revealing strategies employed by the
translators on the basis of factors such as the lack of equivalent terminology in
the target language or other aspects pertaining to terms that were not yet standardised in Romanian legal jargon. The analysis will investigate ways in which
the solutions implemented such as borrowed translations or glossing led to the
introduction of neologisms to specialist Rumanian terminology and as such
contributed to the standardization of the Romanian language.
The fields of study from the perspectives of which the proposed subject will be analysed are:
Legal studies and European studies, Translation studies, Linguistics, Cultural studies, Didactics, Terminology.
For REGISTRATION, please send the title of the paper/workshop and an abstract of maximum 300 words to the email addresses or, until the 11th of April 2021 or on the online form: . The papers will be published by the end of 2021 in the scientific journal Analele Științifice ale Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași. Științe juridice, indexed in the international databases HeinOnline, Scipio and CEEOL.
Details in the attached call of papers.
The programmes and volumes of the previous editions:
2nd edition, 2019: | Faculty of Law (, program: Conferință „Traducerile juridice – perspective interdisciplinare" | Facultatea de Drept din Iași (; volume: Anale UAIC, Tomul LXV, Științe Juridice, 2019, Nr. I | Analele Științifice ale Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Facultatea de Drept;
1st edition, 2017: Conferință „Traducerile juridice în cadrul Uniunii Europene", 18-19 mai 2017 | Facultatea de Drept din Iași (; volume: Anale UAIC, Tomul LXIII, Științe Juridice, 2017, Supliment | Analele Științifice ale Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Facultatea de Drept.