Papers by Henrik-Riko Held
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'histoire du droit / The Legal History Review, 2023
This paper explores testamentary law in late medieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa) by analysing the testame... more This paper explores testamentary law in late medieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa) by analysing the testaments made by notary Thomasinus de Savere, working at Dubrovnik, 1277–1286. De Savere was an educated notary, originating from Reggio Emilia in Italy. He greatly contributed to the spread of doctrinal elements of ius commune in Dubrovnik. In determining the reach of his influence on testamentary law, I will first examine inheritance law in Dubrovnik at the time, followed by an analysis of the testaments De Savere composed for the local population. I will then compare these testaments with the testament De Savere made for himself (1284). The latter differs from the testaments composed for the locals, as it is doctrinally in line with the latest developments of the ius commune. I will discuss the possible reasons and relevance of this difference.
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 2024
U radu se analizira 47 oporuka koje su u drugoj polovini 17. st. na otoku Zlarinu sastavili mjesn... more U radu se analizira 47 oporuka koje su u drugoj polovini 17. st. na otoku Zlarinu sastavili mjesni župnici, svećenici glagoljaši, na hrvatskom jeziku i glagoljici. Proučava se dakle ranonovovjekovno oporučno pravo u ruralnim predjelima šibenskog distrikta. Glavni cilj analize jest utvrditi postojanje i razinu prisutnosti razvijenog prava (ius commune), tj. usklađenost zlarinskih glagoljskih oporuka s elementima rimske pravne tradicije u najopćenitijem smislu. Zato se najprije analizira struktura tih oporuka i njihova podudarnost s uobičajenim notarskim formama prisutnima u oporukama na latinskom ili talijanskom u srednjovjekovlju i novovjekovlju. Pažnja se posvećuje i korištenoj terminologiji, dakle pojmovima i sintagmama te odgovarajućim pravnim konceptima. Tu je riječ o latinizmima, talijanizmima ili, pak, jezičnim kalkovima. Posebno se dotiče problem obrazovanja sastavljača zlarinskih glagoljskih oporuka. Naposljetku se problematizira pitanje njihova oblika te usklađenosti sa šibenskim statutarnim pravom. Rad tako poredbeno smješta zlarinske glagoljske oporuke kao lokalno specifični fenomen u šire konceptualne okvire razvijenog europskog novovjekovnog prava i rimske pravne tradicije općenito.
This article deals with testaments from the island of Zlarin, near Šibenik on the eastern Adriatic coast, from the second half of the 17th century. Specifically, it analyses 47 testaments written by glagolitic priests in Croatian language and glagolitic script from 1661 to 1683. The general theme of the article is thus early modern testamentary law in the rural parts of the Šibenik district. The main aim of the analysis is to determine the presence of elements of developed law (ius commune) in glagolitic testaments from Zlarin and the level of their compliance with elements belonging to the Roman legal tradition generally. First, structure of the testaments is analysed, and it is compared with the structure of medieval and early modern testaments in the notarial form (written in Latin or Italian). After that, terminology in the testaments is addressed, i.e. particular legal expressions and formulations. These are either of Latin or Italian origins and adapted to Croatian language, but there are also linguistic calques or loan translations (literal translations, root-for-root). Afterwards, the problem of the possible level of education of glagolitic priests is addressed. Finally, form of the testaments and its compliance with the applicable Statute of Šibenik from 1608 is analysed. The article thus deals with glagolitic testaments from Zlarin as a locally specific phenomenon within the wider framework of developed law in early modern Europe and Roman legal tradition generally.
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2024
U radu se analizira poglavlje o braku ili ženidbi (Od posvetilišća matrimonija) u djelu Naručnik ... more U radu se analizira poglavlje o braku ili ženidbi (Od posvetilišća matrimonija) u djelu Naručnik plebanušev, glagoljskom tekstu tiskanom u poznatoj senjskoj tiskari 1507. g. Naručnik plebanušev je prijevod latinskog djela Manipulus curatorum koje je napisao Guido de Monte Rocherii u prvoj polovici 14. st. u aragonskom gradu Teruelu. Riječ je o svojedobno vrlo popularnom i raširenom priručniku za dušobrižnike koji sadržava osnovne upute vezane uz sakramente (krštenje, sveta Euharistija, ženidba itd.) i odgovarajući opći teološki kontekst. Po prirodi stvari Manipulus curatorum sadržava određene elemente kanonskog prava, ali također i rimskog prava (posebice u poglavlju o braku). Stoga se analizira prisutnost navedenih elemenata u glagoljaškom prijevodu. Tu je u prvom redu riječ o pravnoj terminologiji, i to latinizmima, kalkovima i prijevodima na neke domaće izraze. Zatim se u usporedbi s izvornim latinskim tekstom posebno istražuju referencije na izvore kanonskog prava i antičkoga rimskog prava. Analizom se tako nastoji pridonijeti podrobnijem razumijevanju razine uključenosti hrvatskoga glagoljaštva kasnoga srednjeg i ranoga novog vijeka u tadašnje europsko ius commune.
The author analyses the chapter on matrimony (De sacramento matrimonii) in the Croatian Glagolitic translation of Manipulus curatorum, printed in Senj in 1507. Manipulus curatorom was originally written by Guido de Monte Rocherii in the first half of the 14th century in the Aragonian city of Teruel. This is a manual for parish priests containing basic instructions for sacraments (baptism, Holy Eucharist, matrimony, etc.), and the accompanying general theological context. Manipulus curatorum, by its nature, contains certain elements of canon law, but also Roman law (especially in the chapter on matrimony). This article focuses on these elements in the Croatian Glagolitic translation. Terminology is analysed first, including Latinisms, calques and translations into certain authentic Croatian expressions. Then, references to canon law and Roman law sources are particularly addressed, and the original Latin text is compared in this regard with the Croatian Glagolitic translation. The analysis thus tries to ascertain the level of immersion of Croatian Glagolitic culture of the late medieval and early modern period in the then extant European ius commune.
Povijesni prilozi = Historical contributions = Historische Beiträge, 2024
Autor analizira pravni okvir za različite slučajeve oduzimanja imovine koji su se dogodili tijeko... more Autor analizira pravni okvir za različite slučajeve oduzimanja imovine koji su se dogodili tijekom vojnoga postupanja protiv Zrinskog i Frankopana te vezano uz opću konfiskaciju njihove imovine u kontekstu zločina uvrede veličanstva (crimen laesae Maiestatis) za koji su bili optuženi te naposljetku i osuđeni. Središnji problem vezan je uz okolnost da je konfiskacija najprije bila određena u carskoj proskripciji, tj. kraljevskom proglasu protiv Zrinskog i njegovih suradnika krajem ožujka 1670., te da je uskoro bila i provedena, a da se ujedno tražila u postupku protiv njih (studeni 1670. – travanj 1671.) te naposljetku bila i određena u presudi. U tom smislu kao pravni problem ističe se pitanje kada točno nastupa pravni učinak konfiskacije kod zločina uvrede veličanstva u rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji – već samim počinjenjem djela ili tek donošenjem presude. U analizi se najprije na temelju postojećih izvora iznosi kronologija najvažnijih događaja vezanih uz oduzimanje imovine. Zatim se prostor posvećuje argumentaciji obrane i optužbe u postupku protiv Zrinskog i Frankopana u odgovarajućim procesnim spisima. Posebna pozornost daje se problemu pravne osnove za konfiskaciju te se analizira konfiskacija imovine u kontekstu zločina uvrede veličanstva u rimskom pravu i rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji (osobito u kontekstu prava primjenjivog u postupku protiv Zrinskog i Frankopana). S druge strane analizira se problematika pravnoga uređenja oduzimanja imovine pobunjenicima u okviru tada važećega prava naroda (ius gentium). Naposljetku se razlažu mogući uzroci kumuliranja
pravnih osnova konfiskacije imovine u ovom slučaju.
This paper analyses the legal framework of property confiscation during the military campaign against Zrinski and Frankopan, and the criminal proceedings against them for high treason (crimen laese Maiestatis), for which they were ultimately executed. Confiscation of their property was initially ordered through an imperial proscription and royal proclamation at the end of March 1670, and was promptly undertaken. However, confiscation was further demanded during the trial (November 1670 – April 1671). Therefore, the main issue addressed here is determining the moment at which confiscation occurs in the context of crimen laese Maiestatis in Roman legal tradition – whether it happens when the crime is committed or after the sentence is delivered in the criminal proceedings. The analysis begins by establishing a general chronology based on extant sources. Following this, the argumentation of the defence and prosecution in the criminal proceedings against Zrinski and Frankopan is addressed. Legal grounds for the confiscation are particularly analysed regarding the notion of crimen laese Maiestatis in Roman law and Roman legal tradition, with special attention to the laws applicable during the proceedings against Zrinski and Frankopan. The seizure of rebels’ property from the perspective of the then applicable ius gentium is also addressed. Finally, possible reasons for the cumulation of various legal grounds for the confiscation of property in this case are discussed.
RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (ISSN 2035-794X), 2021
Author analyses cessio, or transfer of obligation from one creditor to another as a transaction p... more Author analyses cessio, or transfer of obligation from one creditor to another as a transaction pertaining to Roman law and Roman legal tradition, in the documents of Thomasinus de Savere, a late 13th century notary in Dubrovnik (Ragusa). First he analyses cessio in doctrine and early notaries’ formularies of the 13th century as a conceptual background of the analysis. After a short historical context, documents are specifically analysed. Cessiones are approached from a threefold perspective, first generally in comparison with other documents, and then regarding their structure and contents.
L'autore analizza cessio, o il trasferimento dell'obbligazione da un creditore all'altro come transazione pertinente al diritto romano e alla tradizione giuridica romana, nei documenti di Tomasino de Savere, un notaio della fine del XIII secolo a Dubrovnik (Ragusa). Prima analizza il cessio nella dottrina e nei formulari dei primi notai del XIII secolo. Dopo un breve contesto storico, i documenti sono specificamente analizzati. Cessiones sono analizzati da una triplice prospettiva, prima generalmente in confronto con altri documenti, e poi riguardo alla loro struttura e contenuto.
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2024
U skladu s relevantnošću teme za znanstvenu i opću publiku, obljetnice pogubljenja dvojice hrvats... more U skladu s relevantnošću teme za znanstvenu i opću publiku, obljetnice pogubljenja dvojice hrvatskih velikaša i inače su redovito bile popraćene izdanjima izvorne građe ili pak znanstvenim elaboracijama nekih nadovezanih tema. Tu se posebice ističe izdanje isprava o Zrinsko-frankopanskoj uroti koje je o dvjestotoj obljetnici pogubljenja Zrinskog i Frankopana skupio i objavio tadašnji predsjednik JAZU-a, akademik Franjo Rački. U povodu tristopedesete obljetnice u izdanju Zaklade Marija i Mirjan Damaška i Školske knjige objavljeno je i ovo djelo. U osnovi, riječ je o skupljenim i sistematiziranim dokumentima koji se odnose upravo na kazneni postupak protiv Zrinskog i Frankopana, prevedenima na hrvatski jezik.
Kako je navedeno na naslovnici, djelo je nastalo prema ideji Mirjana Damaške (Sterling Professor emeritus, Yale University), akademika (HAZU, Razred za društvene znanosti i American Academy of Arts and Sciences) te općenito velikog pravnika i znanstvenika, kao i dobročinitelja pravne znanosti i Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, koji je njegova alma mater. Iako je vrhunac karijere doživio u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, kako sam kaže “domovini koja ga je posvojila”, nikad nije zaboravio svoju “jedinu i istinsku domovinu” i naš Pravni fakultet, te ih je uvijek bio spreman pomagati na najrazličitije načine. Jedan od tih načina je i djelovanje Zaklade Marija i Mirjan Damaška, nazvane po njegovoj preminuloj supruzi, koja ima sjedište na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu i prvi je projekt financiran iz njezinih sredstava upravo objava ovog izdanja. Mirjan Damaška je i autor dviju uvodnih studija.
Samo sadržajno uređivanje izdanja te obradba i prijevod izvorne građe povjereni su redom najvećim stručnjakinjama u odgovarajućim područjima, kako i priliči izdanju ovakve važnosti. Urednica knjige i koordinatorica rada na izvorima u svim fazama nastanka ovog vrijednog djela je akademkinja Nella Lonza (HAZU, Razred za društvene znanosti), velika i svjetski priznata stručnjakinja za srednjovjekovnu i novovjekovnu pravnu povijest, koja je ujedno i prevodila izvore s talijanskog jezika. Za građu na njemačkom jeziku bila je zadužena dr. sc. Ivana Horbec, članica suradnica HAZU-a (Razred za društvene znanosti) i viša znanstvena suradnica na Hrvatskom institutu za povijest, a za latinski je jezik bila zadužena dr. sc. Maja Matasović, izvanredna profesorica na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, Fakultetu hrvatskih studija (Odsjek za hrvatski latinitet).
Legatum pro anima. Zbornik radova u čast Marka Petraka, 2024
U radu se analizira relevantnost kategorije pod nazivom res sacrae (posvećene stvari) u rimsko-ka... more U radu se analizira relevantnost kategorije pod nazivom res sacrae (posvećene stvari) u rimsko-kanonskoj pravnoj tradiciji, posebice u pogledu takvih stvari koje su ujedno i kulturna dobra. Najprije se analiziraju res sacrae u rimskom pravu, kao kategorija stvari izuzetih iz pravnog prometa na temelju božanskog prava (res extra commercium divini iuris). Zatim se analizira daljnji razvoj te kategorije i njezina relevantnost u kanonskom pravu, što uključuje rano kanonsko pravo, Corpus iuris canonici te suvremene kanonskopravne kodifikacije. Analizira se i relevantnost posvećenih stvari u suvremenom kontekstu. Uz kraći poredbenopravni prikaz, posebna pozornost posvećena je hrvatskom pravu. S tim u vezi najprije se analiziraju aktualni popisi kulturnih dobara, te se utvrđuje približni broj stvari koje su ujedno i res sacrae po kanonskom pravu. Zatim se analizira relevantni pravni okvir koji, osim hrvatskog zakonodavstva i odgovarajuće kanonske regulative, obuhvaća i međunarodne ugovore između Svete Stolice i Republike Hrvatske. Naposljetku se analiziraju potencijalni praktični problemi vezani uz okolnost da su neke stvari ujedno kulturna dobra po hrvatskom pravu te res sacrae po kanonskom pravu. Naznačuju se okolnosti u kojima određeni elementi kanonskog prava s tim u vezi nalaze primjenu u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu. Zaključuje se kako je izvorno rimska kategorija res sacrae našla svoju primjenu u suvremenom hrvatskom pravu posredovanjem kanonskog prava, tj. rimsko-kanonske pravne tradicije općenito.
The subject of this article is the category of res sacrae (sacred objects) in Romano-canonical legal tradition, especially regarding those objects that are at the same time cultural goods. Firstly, res sacrae in Roman law are analysed, being objects exempted from regular commerce on the basis of divine law (res extra commercium divini iuris). Further development of the category and its relevance in canon law is analysed as well, including the period of early canon law, Corpus iuris canonici and contemporary canonical codifications. Relevance of sacred objects in contemporary legal context is also analysed. After a short comparative overview, Croatian law is particularly addressed. In that regard, firstly, current lists of cultural goods are analysed, and an approximate number of objects among them which are sacred according to canon law is established. The relevant legal framework is determined, which includes Croatian legislature, canon law and international agreements between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia. Finally, potential practical problems associated with the fact that certain objects are contemporaneously cultural goods according to Croatian law and res sacrae according to canon law are recognized. Circumstances in which certain elements of canon law will be applied in the Croatian legal system are delineated. In conclusion, it is explained how an originally Roman legal category of res sacrae found its application in contemporary law by means of canon law, or Romano-canonical legal tradition generally.
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku, 2020
After an outline of the development of the procuratores and advocati in Roman law and Roman legal... more After an outline of the development of the procuratores and advocati in Roman law and Roman legal tradition, they are traced in the documents of Thomasinus de Savere, sworn-in notary public (notarius iuratus) and cancellarius (scriba) in Dubrovnik (Ragusa) from 1277 to 1286. In the central part of the analysis, data on the procuratores and advocati derived from Tomasinus’ notary practice are presented for the first time (number of documents, different functions, etc.). With regard to the procuratores, the main elements of the formula from the documents are compared to the most important formularies from the thirteenth century. The second part focuses on the advocati, who were principally elected to that post by the city authorities, but the parties apparently sometimes chose advocates different than those. In addition, a certain number of advocati were also known to act as procurators or judges, suggesting diffusion of practical legal knowledge in particular circles. Overall, the documents of the notary public Thomasinus de Savere reflected the procuratores and advocati as they were instituted in Roman law. More to the point, his documents mirrored the status of the current legal framework, slightly lagging behind the most developed cities of northern Italy, yet keeping pace with the communes of the eastern Adriatic.
U radu se analiziraju procuratores i advocati u zapisima Tomazina de Savere, dubrovačkog notara i kancelara 1277-1286. Riječ je o različitim oblicima zastupanja, odnosno pružanja stručne pravne pomoći iz rimskog prava s raširenom primjenom u srednjovjekovnom razdoblju. Nakon općeg prikaza prokurature i advokature u rimskom pravu i rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji daju se relevantni podaci o Tomazinovu životu i radu. U središnjem dijelu rada posebna pažnja posvećuje se formuli za imenovanje prokuratora i usporedbi s najvažnijim notarskim formularima i zapisima iz drugih gradova na istočnojadranskoj obali. Kod advokata proučena je njihova uloga u procesu te odnos s drugim pravnim zanimanjima. Najopćenitije se razmatra usklađenost analiziranih koncepata s predlošcima u rimskom pravu te tadašnjim trendovima na Mediteranu.
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2018
In this article the author analyses procuratoris revocatio in the law of Tripartitum of Stephen W... more In this article the author analyses procuratoris revocatio in the law of Tripartitum of Stephen Werböczy, which provided for a recall of a statement, or any procedural action made by a procurator (proctor) in the proceedings. Firstly, he gives an account of the arrangement of procuratoris revocatio in the Tripartitum and presents all the relevant
implications. Further, he outlines the main functions of procurator and advocatus in Roman law and the Roman legal tradition. After that, he deals with the possibility of recalling procedural actions made by them, specifically addressing revocatio (recall) in the context of procurators, and the rules regulating the recall of the advocate’s statements, both in Roman law and in Romano-canonical procedure. On this basis he gives a final evaluation of the relevance of the Roman legal tradition in the context of procuratoris revocatio in the law of Tripartitum. [Text of the article written in Croatian]
A New Role for Roman Taxonomies in the Future of Goods?, 2022
Res sacrae are part of a well-known classification of res in Roman law. Originally they consisted... more Res sacrae are part of a well-known classification of res in Roman law. Originally they consisted of objects (land, temples, altars etc.) dedicated to the dii superi, or celestial gods, but in time they became associated with Christian worship as well. They are most famously defined in Gaius’ and Justinian’s Institutes (Gai. Inst. 2, 4 and Iust. Inst. 2, 1). In basic terms, the crux of the matter lies in the manner in which an object may become a res sacra and in the particular rules regarding its administration, as well as the regulation of its special position in the legal system, i.e. the restriction or outright prohibition of it being subject to a legal transaction or regular means of acquiring ownership. These matters have recently been extensively dealt with in literature.
However, both terminologically and conceptually the importance of res sacrae stretches beyond the confines of the Roman law proper. The concept is relevant historically and contemporarily in canon law as well, and it was and is used in legal systems steeped in Roman legal tradition up to the present day. Res sacrae in canon law are objects that have been designated for divine worship with a dedication or blessing (for example, churches, confessionals, crosses, chalices and patens, bells, holy water etc.), which excludes a possibility of a profane or inappropriate use, even if they are owned by private persons. Canon law further addresses different matters, such as the prohibition of sale of sacred relics (can. 1190 CIC), prohibition for a sacred object belonging to an ecclesiastical juridic person to be acquired by a private person via prescription (can. 1269 CIC) or a penalty for the profanation of a sacred object (can. 1376 CIC).
The Roman and canonical concept of res sacrae had such an influence throughout history that protection and special regulation thereof is a well-known and widely accepted principle in numerous contemporary legal systems. To take only examples which explicitly use the expression res sacrae in pertinent literature, German, Italian and Scots law stand out. This means that a concept stemming from the Romano-canonical legal tradition has permeated contemporary legal systems and exists both in the legislation and in legal discourse.
Furthermore, contemporary concordatarian law (ius concordatarium), in other words international treaty law regulating relations between the Holy See and sovereign states and legal status of the Catholic Church, sometimes allows for an application of certain elements of canon law in secular legal systems (for example, when ecclesiastical property is involved). In an admittedly minor but nevertheless illustrative example of Croatia, the Treaties with the Holy See prescribe exactly that regarding the canonical res sacrae, thus adding further restrictions and protections in their regard alongside those already extant in the secular legal order. In that way both historical influence of Roman law and canon law, as well as the present-day influence of canon law (in itself partly shaped by Roman law) allowed by concordatarian law impact contemporary legal systems.
Essentially, the matter at hand concerns a religious concept having a certain influence on legal order and creating pertinent repercussions. The main issue is the establishment, administration and termination of an object being sacred throughout history. Relationship between different pagan and Christian religious matters in the first centuries of Christianity has been dealt with in literature, as well as the issue of general differences between the Roman and Christian concept of res sacrae. The shift in the Roman imperial legislation from addressing pagan to addressing Christian worship in the context of res sacrae, along with the changes of the pertinent regulation, has also been addressed.
However, the aim of this paper is to particularly analyse the concept of a sacred object from the perspective of canon law throughout its history up until the present moment. The analysis would thus start with trying to determine the concept of a sacred object in early canon law, i.e. in the period when Roman law did not yet permeate it. Afterwards it would deal with the sources of canon law which were to a significant degree influenced by Roman law and its scholarly development in ius commune. It would continue through the periods in which mutual influence of canon and civil law on one another existed. In that way the analysis may help to ascertain in which measure did the original Roman concept of res sacrae influence the corresponding canonical concept, and the other way around, or in which measure did the Christian and early canonical concept of a sacred object change the Roman template, albeit while being subsumed under it terminologically and retaining a similar regulatory framework. Finally, the analysis would deal with the influence of such an amalgamated concept of res sacrae in Romano-canonical legal tradition and in contemporary context. In that way the analysis would deal with vicissitudes of res sacrae which have made a full circle, both from the ancient Roman pagan religion to Christianity and Catholicism, and from Roman law to contemporary legal systems.
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Croatian Academy of legal sciences yearbook, 2021
Autor analizira nastanak, razvoj i suvremenu primjenu načela vezanih uz utjecaj zle vjere, odnosn... more Autor analizira nastanak, razvoj i suvremenu primjenu načela vezanih uz utjecaj zle vjere, odnosno prestanka poštenja posjeda nastalih nakon početka posjedovanja, na dosjelost. Tako se najprije analiziraju nastanak i razvoj regule mala fides superveniens non nocet, vezane uz rimsko pravo, po kojoj naknadno stečena zla vjera ne smeta dosjedanju. Zatim se obrađuje regula mala fides superveniens nocet, čiji su nastanak i razvoj vezani uz kanonsko pravo i njegov utjecaj na svjetovne pravne sustave. Naposljetku se razrađuje stanje u suvremenim pravnim sustavima, počevši od najvažnijih europskih kodifikacija (njemačkog BGB-a i francuskog CC-a) do sustava na koje su oni utjecali. Načelno se utvrđuje snažan i neposredan utjecaj rimsko-kanonske pravne tradicije na suvremene pravne poretke u predmetnom kontekstu. Uglavnom na temelju različitih uređenja u BGB-u i CC-u, u ovom području ne postoji jednoobraznost te se u suvremenim pravnim sustavima mogu naći obje regule. Međutim, povijest kodifikacije navedenih uređenja, razrađenost u povijesnoj primjeni te najnovije analize upućuju na optimalnost načelne regule mala fides superveniens nocet, nastale u okviru rimsko-kanonske pravne tradicije.
The author analyses the origins, development and contemporary application of maxims associated with the influence of bad faith or mala fides occurring af ter acquiring possession on acquisitive prescription (adverse possession). The earliest origins and development of the maxim: Mala fides superveniens non nocet, which is associated with Roman law, are scrutinised. According to these, bad faith acquired af ter the beginning and in the course of acquisitive prescription did not hinder it. Af terwards, mala fides superveniens nocet, a completely different maxim associated with canon law and its influence on the civilian (secular) legal systems is analysed. Finally, the situation in contemporary legal systems is investigated, including the most important civil codes (German BGB and French CC) and systems which were influenced by these codes. In principle, a strong direct influence of the Romano-canonical legal tradition on contemporary legal systems is recognized. Mainly due to dif ferent arrangements in BGB and CC, uniformity in this aspect does not exist, and both maxims may be found in contemporary legal systems. However, history of codification of the said maxims, the elaboration of their historical application and recent tendencies indicate the optimality of the general maxim mala fides superveniens nocet, developed within the framework of the Romano-canonical legal tradition.
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2021
The author analyses bona fides, or possession in good faith, as a prerequisite of the canonical p... more The author analyses bona fides, or possession in good faith, as a prerequisite of the canonical praescriptio acquisitiva and the adverse possession as set forth in contemporary Croatian law in their interrelationship. The problem stems from the fact that the Treaty between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia on legal matters, being an international treaty and thus having precedence over Croatian laws according to the Croatian constitution, in certain circumstances allows for a direct application of canon law within the Croatian legal system. The aim of this paper is to analyse whether this also applies to bona fides in adverse possession, and if so, in which way exactly. The canonical praescriptio in the context of the Roman legal tradition is analysed first in order to clarify certain terminological and conceptual discrepancies between canon law and Croatian law in this field. Bona fides regarding usucapio and praescriptio of Roman law and the Roman legal tradition is then particularly addressed. The central part of the paper deals with canonical bona fides, where it is specifically noted that it is a stricter standard in comparison to good faith as found in Croatian law. Canon law requires positive good faith throughout the whole required prescription period, meaning knowledge or a reasonable possibility of knowledge of having a right to possess, not infringing the right of another thereby. On the other hand, Croatian law requires knowledge or possibility of knowledge at the outset, while later on only acquired knowledge will render possession illicit. In addition, the Croatian standard of good faith is conceived more simply in comparison to the twofold canonical standard, i.e. only as the absence of knowledge or possibility of knowledge of not having a right to possess. Although both systems presume good faith, those differences may prove crucial if an interested party (owner of property being prescribed) offers evidence to the contrary. Finally, our analysis of the Treaty between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia on legal matters revealed that the canonical standard of bona fides should be applied whenever a juridical person of the Catholic Church in Croatia acquires property by means of adverse possession, but by all accounts also when any other person acquires Church property in the same way.
U radu se analiziraju bona fides i poštenje posjeda kao pretpostavke kanonskopravne zastare (praescriptio acquisitiva) te dosjelosti hrvatskog prava u njihovu suodnosu. Naime, djelovanjem ugovora između Svete Stolice i RH o pravnim pitanjima u određenim slučajevima vezanima uz crkvene pravne osobe i njihovu imovinu primjenjuju se odredbe kanonskog prava te je cilj rada utvrditi na koji se način to odnosi i na ovu pretpostavku. Nakon opće analize kanonskopravne zastare te pretpostavke dobre vjere kod dosjelosti u rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji zasebno se obrađuje kanonskopravna bona fides i njezine specifičnosti koje ju čine strožim standardom od poštenja posjeda hrvatskog prava. Naposljetku se zaključuje kako se kanonskopravna bona fides primjenjuje kad god crkvene pravne osobe stječu imovinu dosjelošću, a po svemu sudeći i kad se istim načinom stječe njihova imovina.
Pravni vjesnik, 2024
U radu se analizira odgovornost za materijalne nedostatke kod kupoprodaje stoke u režimu OGZ-a, u... more U radu se analizira odgovornost za materijalne nedostatke kod kupoprodaje stoke u režimu OGZ-a, uz razradu temelja te odgovornosti u rimskom pravu te osvrt na relevantno suvremeno hrvatsko uređenje. Pritom se u obzir uzima dugotrajno važenje pravila OGZ-a u hrvatskim krajevima, a okosnica analize dostupna je sudska praksa iz tog razdoblja. Kupoprodaja stoke u rimskom pravu bilo je jedno od područja u kojem su se razvila temeljna načela i pravila odgovornosti za materijalne nedostatke općenito. OGZ je s druge strane imao specifično uređena pravila te odgovornosti. Općenito je zbog mnogih potencijalnih skrivenih nedostataka kod kupoprodaje životinja (posebno bolesti, tj. u rimskom pravu morbus) navedeno područje na određeni način uvijek bilo u središtu sustava odgovornosti za materijalne nedostatke. U radu se najprije općenito razlaže odgovornost za materijalne i pravne nedostatke u sustavu OGZ-a (Gewährleistung ili jemstvo). Zatim se posebno analizira odgovornost za materijalne nedostatke prema izvornom tekstu OGZ-a, uz usporedbu s odgovarajućim uređenjem u rimskom pravu. Nakon toga analizira se upravo odgovornost za materijalne nedostatke kod kupoprodaje stoke prema OGZ-u, s posebnim naglaskom na raščlambu pronađene sudske prakse. Naposljetku slijedi kratki osvrt na odgovarajuće uređenje u suvremenom hrvatskom pravu.
This article is an analysis of the liability for defects in the sale of cattle during the application of the ABGB in Croatia. It analyses the foundations of the system in Roman law and provides an overview of the contemporary Croatian approach to the matter. In Croatian regions, ABGB has been applied for a relatively long period, and the analysis is based on the available case law from that period. In Roman law, the sale of cattle was essential to the creation of general rules for liability for defects, and ABGB set particular rules for the liability of defects in the sale of cattle. Generally, in the sale of livestock, there is an obvious problem regarding many potential latent defects (especially diseases, in Roman law morbus), so this area was historically quite relevant for the system of liability for defects. The article first deals with liability for eviction and for defects in the system of the ABGB (Gewährleistung). It then addresses the liability for defects according to the original text of the ABGB and compares it with the corresponding system in Roman law. The analysis of the liability for defects in the sale of cattle in the ABGB system is done with a special emphasis on the relevant case law of that time. Finally, there is a short overview of the contemporary Croatian approach to the matter.
Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty, 2023
The first issue of the International Memorial Course Marko Petrak – Roman Legal Tradition and Con... more The first issue of the International Memorial Course Marko Petrak – Roman Legal Tradition and Contemporary Legal Systems, organised by the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, was held at the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik from the 16th to 18th of October 2023. The course was organised in honour and memory of eminent professor and scholar, the late lamented Marko Petrak. The course was planned by the co-directors from different European universities (University of Zagreb; University of Trento; University of Warsaw; Jagiellonian University, Kraków; Autonomous University of Barcelona; University of Sarajevo), while the main organisers from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb were Professor Tomislav Karlović and Associate Professor Henrik-Riko Held. The course was attended by forty participants: students from various European countries (Slovenia, Poland, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, etc.) and eminent professors and scholars from various distinguished European universities and institutions (e.g. Trento, Torino, Ferrara, Macerata, Frankfurt am Main, Kraków, Warsaw, Ljubljana, etc.). The organizers and the participants were also joined by Marko Petrak’s mother, Professor Jelka Petrak (Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb). During the course various topics were covered in three thematic blocks: Roman Legal Tradition, Methodology and Teaching of Roman Law in Contemporary World (first day), Roman Legal Issues (first and second day) and Medieval and Canon Law Contributions to the Roman Legal Tradition and vice versa (third day).
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2022
Magistro meo optimo. Cum spe
Hrvatsko obvezno pravo u poredbenopravnom kontekstu, 2022
U poglavlju se analiziraju takozvani verzijski zahtjevi hrvatskog prava iz perspektive rimskog pr... more U poglavlju se analiziraju takozvani verzijski zahtjevi hrvatskog prava iz perspektive rimskog prava i rimske pravne tradicije. Riječ je o zahtjevima iz čl. 1118.-1120. Zakona o obveznim odnosima (ZOO), kao i njima srodnim čl. 287. Obiteljskog zakona te čl. 1125. ZOO-a. Najprije se analizira actio de in rem verso u rimskom pravu te razvoj verzijskih zahtjeva u njegovoj naknadnoj obradi i recepciji. Predmet analize je i verzijski zahtjev u poredbenom pravu, i to austrijskom i francuskom pravu kao i njima srodnim pravnim sustavima. U kontekstu hrvatskog prava najprije se analizira povijest kodifikacije verzijskih zahtjeva u ZOO-u te najvažniji stavovi s njima u vezi u teoriji. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se sudskoj praksi u području takozvanih verzijskih zahtjeva te se analizira njihova terminološka prisutnost u domaćem pravu kao i različiti primjeri njihove primjene. Pokušava se razjasniti problem njihovog odnosa sa srodnim imovinskopravnim zahtjevima (reivindikacijskim zahtjevom te zahtjevom iz obveznopravne odgovornosti za štetu). Naposljetku se vrednuje prisutnost koncepta rimske actio de in rem verso i njezinih naknadnih varijacija u suvremenom hrvatskom pravu.
The author analyses actio de in rem verso or actions associated with it in the Croatian law, from the perspective of the Roman law and the Roman legal tradition. That action can be associated with Arts 1118 – 1120 and 1125 of the Croatian Obligations Act (Zakon o obveznim odnosima), as well as with Art 287 of the Family Act (Obiteljski zakon). The starting point is actio de in rem verso in the Roman law and its development within the Roman legal tradition. Afterwards, actio de in rem verso and its variants in comparative law are analysed, more precisely in the Austrian and the French law and the related systems. Firstly, the history of codification of actio de in rem verso and its variants in the Croatian law is analysed within the context of the Croatian law. The analysis subsequently deals with the most important opinions in theory. A special attention is given to the case law associated with the action and different instances of its application in practice. The author clarifies the relationship between the so-called actio de in rem verso and other closely related actions (such as rei vindicatio or action in tort). Finally, the presence and relevance of the Roman actio de in rem verso and its later variants in the Croatian law is evaluated.
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2022
U radu se analizira problematika priznanja ženidbe (matrimonium) te s njom povezanih crkvenih odl... more U radu se analizira problematika priznanja ženidbe (matrimonium) te s njom povezanih crkvenih odluka nastalih u Državi Vatikanskog Grada u RH. Najprije se općenito razlaže državni status i pravni poredak Države Vatikanskog Grada, uključujući i uređenje ženidbenog prava, te se zatim posebno raščlanjuju praktični i teorijski aspekti priznanja ženidbe sklopljene u toj državi kao braka u RH. Nakon analize svih potencijalno relevantnih crkvenih odluka koje općenito mogu doći u obzir vezano uz ženidbu, rad se bavi pitanjem odluka o ženidbi iz Države Vatikanskog Grada u RH. S tim u vezi posebno je analiziran i problem primjene čl. 13. st. 4. Ugovora između Svete Stolice i Republike Hrvatske o pravnim pitanjima koji se dotiče pitanja priznanja učinaka odluka crkvenih sudova u RH. Rad je doprinos raspravi o suodnosu kanonskog prava i svjetovnog (civilnog) pravnog poretka s fokusom na hrvatsko pravo.
This paper analyses the issue of recognition of canon marriage (matrimonium) that has been concluded in the Vatican City State and also the effects of decisions of church courts on marriage in the Republic of Croatia. Firstly, the authors elaborate the issue of the status of the state and legal order of the Vatican City State, including its regulation of marriage. After the initial findings the question of recognition of marriage concluded in the Vatican City State in the Republic of Croatia is analysed. The conclusion in this aspect is that such a marriage is recognised in Croatia and its registration in the personal status record should be facilitated. In the following chapters the authors first analyse all the potentially relevant church courts’ decisions that concern canon marriage in the Vatican City State. Thereafter, they elaborate whether such decisions may be recognized in Croatia given the fact that church, and not state, courts decide on the issue. Given the specificities of the Vatican City State that are evidenced in the fact that those decisions have direct effect, the authors conclude that such decisions are to be generally differentiated from church courts’ decisions. Finally, the paper deals with the application of Art. 13/4 of the Agreement on legal issues between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia that regulates how church decisions on marriage are given effect in Croatia. However, without further legislative steps, the courts cannot apply the rule. So far, such steps have not been taken and the concerned parties can only gain civil effects of cessation of marriage through civil courts.
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 2021
U članku se analiziraju pravni položaj i postupna integracija peregrina u rimsko društvo u kontek... more U članku se analiziraju pravni položaj i postupna integracija peregrina u rimsko društvo u kontekstu aktualne problematike vezane za doseljavanje velikog broja migranata u EU. Analizirana je situacija neposredno prije donošenja tzv. constitutio Antoniniana 212. kojom su gotovo svi slobodni stanovnici države dobili rimsko građanstvo. Posebno se problematizira pravni položaj migranata i pitanje privlačnosti rimskog građanstva u različitim razdobljima. Predmet analize su i različiti načini stjecanja rimskog građanstva te posebno okolnosti navedene konstitucije. Općenito se razmatra rimska politika načelne inkluzivnosti prema strancima kao i njena ograničenja. Naposljetku je pravni položaj migranata u Europskoj uniji doveden u kontekst prethodne analize, te su obrađene potencijalno srodne okolnosti između situacije u rimskoj državi te u Uniji u pogledu aktualnih ili budućih politika vezano za pravni položaj stranaca.
The article analyses legal status of peregrini in Roman law and their gradual integration into Roman society within the context of the present issue associated with the large number of immigrants in the EU. Regarding Roman law the main focus of analysis was on the development up to the so-called constitutio Antoniniana from 212 which granted Roman citizenship to almost all free inhabitants of the Roman state. Legal status of peregrini and the problem of desirability of Roman citizenship in different periods is specifically addressed. Different methods of acquiring Roman citizenship are also analysed, as well as circumstances surrounding the aforementioned constitution. Generally, Roman policy of principal inclusivity regarding foreigners and its limitations are scrutinised. Finally, legal status of migrants in EU is put in the context of the previous analysis, and potentially relatable circumstances between Roman law and the current situation regarding the actual or future policies are examined.
Transformation of Civil Justice. Unity and Diversity (Uzelac, Alan, van Rhee Cornelis Hendrik (Remco) (Eds.)), 2018
This contribution provides a historical-comparative analysis of the phases of certain relevant ci... more This contribution provides a historical-comparative analysis of the phases of certain relevant civil procedural reforms in which for a certain period of time the old and the new mode of procedure existed in parallel, with the possibility of the parties’ choice between the two. In the analysis, a threefold perspective is assumed, and the issue is approached from the perspective of Roman law, historical English common law and procedural law reforms in the lands of the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th century. In the analysed periods, contrary to expectations, the parties disregarded the general evaluation of a new procedure’s efficiency. Instead, they were inclined to prefer the procedure that suited their immediate interests the best, even if it was generally considered to be outdated. The presence of this phenomenon throughout millennia and in disparate jurisdictions indicates the necessity to calculate its effects in scholarly and practical assessments of any given procedural reform.
Papers by Henrik-Riko Held
This article deals with testaments from the island of Zlarin, near Šibenik on the eastern Adriatic coast, from the second half of the 17th century. Specifically, it analyses 47 testaments written by glagolitic priests in Croatian language and glagolitic script from 1661 to 1683. The general theme of the article is thus early modern testamentary law in the rural parts of the Šibenik district. The main aim of the analysis is to determine the presence of elements of developed law (ius commune) in glagolitic testaments from Zlarin and the level of their compliance with elements belonging to the Roman legal tradition generally. First, structure of the testaments is analysed, and it is compared with the structure of medieval and early modern testaments in the notarial form (written in Latin or Italian). After that, terminology in the testaments is addressed, i.e. particular legal expressions and formulations. These are either of Latin or Italian origins and adapted to Croatian language, but there are also linguistic calques or loan translations (literal translations, root-for-root). Afterwards, the problem of the possible level of education of glagolitic priests is addressed. Finally, form of the testaments and its compliance with the applicable Statute of Šibenik from 1608 is analysed. The article thus deals with glagolitic testaments from Zlarin as a locally specific phenomenon within the wider framework of developed law in early modern Europe and Roman legal tradition generally.
The author analyses the chapter on matrimony (De sacramento matrimonii) in the Croatian Glagolitic translation of Manipulus curatorum, printed in Senj in 1507. Manipulus curatorom was originally written by Guido de Monte Rocherii in the first half of the 14th century in the Aragonian city of Teruel. This is a manual for parish priests containing basic instructions for sacraments (baptism, Holy Eucharist, matrimony, etc.), and the accompanying general theological context. Manipulus curatorum, by its nature, contains certain elements of canon law, but also Roman law (especially in the chapter on matrimony). This article focuses on these elements in the Croatian Glagolitic translation. Terminology is analysed first, including Latinisms, calques and translations into certain authentic Croatian expressions. Then, references to canon law and Roman law sources are particularly addressed, and the original Latin text is compared in this regard with the Croatian Glagolitic translation. The analysis thus tries to ascertain the level of immersion of Croatian Glagolitic culture of the late medieval and early modern period in the then extant European ius commune.
pravnih osnova konfiskacije imovine u ovom slučaju.
This paper analyses the legal framework of property confiscation during the military campaign against Zrinski and Frankopan, and the criminal proceedings against them for high treason (crimen laese Maiestatis), for which they were ultimately executed. Confiscation of their property was initially ordered through an imperial proscription and royal proclamation at the end of March 1670, and was promptly undertaken. However, confiscation was further demanded during the trial (November 1670 – April 1671). Therefore, the main issue addressed here is determining the moment at which confiscation occurs in the context of crimen laese Maiestatis in Roman legal tradition – whether it happens when the crime is committed or after the sentence is delivered in the criminal proceedings. The analysis begins by establishing a general chronology based on extant sources. Following this, the argumentation of the defence and prosecution in the criminal proceedings against Zrinski and Frankopan is addressed. Legal grounds for the confiscation are particularly analysed regarding the notion of crimen laese Maiestatis in Roman law and Roman legal tradition, with special attention to the laws applicable during the proceedings against Zrinski and Frankopan. The seizure of rebels’ property from the perspective of the then applicable ius gentium is also addressed. Finally, possible reasons for the cumulation of various legal grounds for the confiscation of property in this case are discussed.
L'autore analizza cessio, o il trasferimento dell'obbligazione da un creditore all'altro come transazione pertinente al diritto romano e alla tradizione giuridica romana, nei documenti di Tomasino de Savere, un notaio della fine del XIII secolo a Dubrovnik (Ragusa). Prima analizza il cessio nella dottrina e nei formulari dei primi notai del XIII secolo. Dopo un breve contesto storico, i documenti sono specificamente analizzati. Cessiones sono analizzati da una triplice prospettiva, prima generalmente in confronto con altri documenti, e poi riguardo alla loro struttura e contenuto.
Kako je navedeno na naslovnici, djelo je nastalo prema ideji Mirjana Damaške (Sterling Professor emeritus, Yale University), akademika (HAZU, Razred za društvene znanosti i American Academy of Arts and Sciences) te općenito velikog pravnika i znanstvenika, kao i dobročinitelja pravne znanosti i Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, koji je njegova alma mater. Iako je vrhunac karijere doživio u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, kako sam kaže “domovini koja ga je posvojila”, nikad nije zaboravio svoju “jedinu i istinsku domovinu” i naš Pravni fakultet, te ih je uvijek bio spreman pomagati na najrazličitije načine. Jedan od tih načina je i djelovanje Zaklade Marija i Mirjan Damaška, nazvane po njegovoj preminuloj supruzi, koja ima sjedište na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu i prvi je projekt financiran iz njezinih sredstava upravo objava ovog izdanja. Mirjan Damaška je i autor dviju uvodnih studija.
Samo sadržajno uređivanje izdanja te obradba i prijevod izvorne građe povjereni su redom najvećim stručnjakinjama u odgovarajućim područjima, kako i priliči izdanju ovakve važnosti. Urednica knjige i koordinatorica rada na izvorima u svim fazama nastanka ovog vrijednog djela je akademkinja Nella Lonza (HAZU, Razred za društvene znanosti), velika i svjetski priznata stručnjakinja za srednjovjekovnu i novovjekovnu pravnu povijest, koja je ujedno i prevodila izvore s talijanskog jezika. Za građu na njemačkom jeziku bila je zadužena dr. sc. Ivana Horbec, članica suradnica HAZU-a (Razred za društvene znanosti) i viša znanstvena suradnica na Hrvatskom institutu za povijest, a za latinski je jezik bila zadužena dr. sc. Maja Matasović, izvanredna profesorica na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, Fakultetu hrvatskih studija (Odsjek za hrvatski latinitet).
The subject of this article is the category of res sacrae (sacred objects) in Romano-canonical legal tradition, especially regarding those objects that are at the same time cultural goods. Firstly, res sacrae in Roman law are analysed, being objects exempted from regular commerce on the basis of divine law (res extra commercium divini iuris). Further development of the category and its relevance in canon law is analysed as well, including the period of early canon law, Corpus iuris canonici and contemporary canonical codifications. Relevance of sacred objects in contemporary legal context is also analysed. After a short comparative overview, Croatian law is particularly addressed. In that regard, firstly, current lists of cultural goods are analysed, and an approximate number of objects among them which are sacred according to canon law is established. The relevant legal framework is determined, which includes Croatian legislature, canon law and international agreements between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia. Finally, potential practical problems associated with the fact that certain objects are contemporaneously cultural goods according to Croatian law and res sacrae according to canon law are recognized. Circumstances in which certain elements of canon law will be applied in the Croatian legal system are delineated. In conclusion, it is explained how an originally Roman legal category of res sacrae found its application in contemporary law by means of canon law, or Romano-canonical legal tradition generally.
U radu se analiziraju procuratores i advocati u zapisima Tomazina de Savere, dubrovačkog notara i kancelara 1277-1286. Riječ je o različitim oblicima zastupanja, odnosno pružanja stručne pravne pomoći iz rimskog prava s raširenom primjenom u srednjovjekovnom razdoblju. Nakon općeg prikaza prokurature i advokature u rimskom pravu i rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji daju se relevantni podaci o Tomazinovu životu i radu. U središnjem dijelu rada posebna pažnja posvećuje se formuli za imenovanje prokuratora i usporedbi s najvažnijim notarskim formularima i zapisima iz drugih gradova na istočnojadranskoj obali. Kod advokata proučena je njihova uloga u procesu te odnos s drugim pravnim zanimanjima. Najopćenitije se razmatra usklađenost analiziranih koncepata s predlošcima u rimskom pravu te tadašnjim trendovima na Mediteranu.
implications. Further, he outlines the main functions of procurator and advocatus in Roman law and the Roman legal tradition. After that, he deals with the possibility of recalling procedural actions made by them, specifically addressing revocatio (recall) in the context of procurators, and the rules regulating the recall of the advocate’s statements, both in Roman law and in Romano-canonical procedure. On this basis he gives a final evaluation of the relevance of the Roman legal tradition in the context of procuratoris revocatio in the law of Tripartitum. [Text of the article written in Croatian]
However, both terminologically and conceptually the importance of res sacrae stretches beyond the confines of the Roman law proper. The concept is relevant historically and contemporarily in canon law as well, and it was and is used in legal systems steeped in Roman legal tradition up to the present day. Res sacrae in canon law are objects that have been designated for divine worship with a dedication or blessing (for example, churches, confessionals, crosses, chalices and patens, bells, holy water etc.), which excludes a possibility of a profane or inappropriate use, even if they are owned by private persons. Canon law further addresses different matters, such as the prohibition of sale of sacred relics (can. 1190 CIC), prohibition for a sacred object belonging to an ecclesiastical juridic person to be acquired by a private person via prescription (can. 1269 CIC) or a penalty for the profanation of a sacred object (can. 1376 CIC).
The Roman and canonical concept of res sacrae had such an influence throughout history that protection and special regulation thereof is a well-known and widely accepted principle in numerous contemporary legal systems. To take only examples which explicitly use the expression res sacrae in pertinent literature, German, Italian and Scots law stand out. This means that a concept stemming from the Romano-canonical legal tradition has permeated contemporary legal systems and exists both in the legislation and in legal discourse.
Furthermore, contemporary concordatarian law (ius concordatarium), in other words international treaty law regulating relations between the Holy See and sovereign states and legal status of the Catholic Church, sometimes allows for an application of certain elements of canon law in secular legal systems (for example, when ecclesiastical property is involved). In an admittedly minor but nevertheless illustrative example of Croatia, the Treaties with the Holy See prescribe exactly that regarding the canonical res sacrae, thus adding further restrictions and protections in their regard alongside those already extant in the secular legal order. In that way both historical influence of Roman law and canon law, as well as the present-day influence of canon law (in itself partly shaped by Roman law) allowed by concordatarian law impact contemporary legal systems.
Essentially, the matter at hand concerns a religious concept having a certain influence on legal order and creating pertinent repercussions. The main issue is the establishment, administration and termination of an object being sacred throughout history. Relationship between different pagan and Christian religious matters in the first centuries of Christianity has been dealt with in literature, as well as the issue of general differences between the Roman and Christian concept of res sacrae. The shift in the Roman imperial legislation from addressing pagan to addressing Christian worship in the context of res sacrae, along with the changes of the pertinent regulation, has also been addressed.
However, the aim of this paper is to particularly analyse the concept of a sacred object from the perspective of canon law throughout its history up until the present moment. The analysis would thus start with trying to determine the concept of a sacred object in early canon law, i.e. in the period when Roman law did not yet permeate it. Afterwards it would deal with the sources of canon law which were to a significant degree influenced by Roman law and its scholarly development in ius commune. It would continue through the periods in which mutual influence of canon and civil law on one another existed. In that way the analysis may help to ascertain in which measure did the original Roman concept of res sacrae influence the corresponding canonical concept, and the other way around, or in which measure did the Christian and early canonical concept of a sacred object change the Roman template, albeit while being subsumed under it terminologically and retaining a similar regulatory framework. Finally, the analysis would deal with the influence of such an amalgamated concept of res sacrae in Romano-canonical legal tradition and in contemporary context. In that way the analysis would deal with vicissitudes of res sacrae which have made a full circle, both from the ancient Roman pagan religion to Christianity and Catholicism, and from Roman law to contemporary legal systems.
The author analyses the origins, development and contemporary application of maxims associated with the influence of bad faith or mala fides occurring af ter acquiring possession on acquisitive prescription (adverse possession). The earliest origins and development of the maxim: Mala fides superveniens non nocet, which is associated with Roman law, are scrutinised. According to these, bad faith acquired af ter the beginning and in the course of acquisitive prescription did not hinder it. Af terwards, mala fides superveniens nocet, a completely different maxim associated with canon law and its influence on the civilian (secular) legal systems is analysed. Finally, the situation in contemporary legal systems is investigated, including the most important civil codes (German BGB and French CC) and systems which were influenced by these codes. In principle, a strong direct influence of the Romano-canonical legal tradition on contemporary legal systems is recognized. Mainly due to dif ferent arrangements in BGB and CC, uniformity in this aspect does not exist, and both maxims may be found in contemporary legal systems. However, history of codification of the said maxims, the elaboration of their historical application and recent tendencies indicate the optimality of the general maxim mala fides superveniens nocet, developed within the framework of the Romano-canonical legal tradition.
U radu se analiziraju bona fides i poštenje posjeda kao pretpostavke kanonskopravne zastare (praescriptio acquisitiva) te dosjelosti hrvatskog prava u njihovu suodnosu. Naime, djelovanjem ugovora između Svete Stolice i RH o pravnim pitanjima u određenim slučajevima vezanima uz crkvene pravne osobe i njihovu imovinu primjenjuju se odredbe kanonskog prava te je cilj rada utvrditi na koji se način to odnosi i na ovu pretpostavku. Nakon opće analize kanonskopravne zastare te pretpostavke dobre vjere kod dosjelosti u rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji zasebno se obrađuje kanonskopravna bona fides i njezine specifičnosti koje ju čine strožim standardom od poštenja posjeda hrvatskog prava. Naposljetku se zaključuje kako se kanonskopravna bona fides primjenjuje kad god crkvene pravne osobe stječu imovinu dosjelošću, a po svemu sudeći i kad se istim načinom stječe njihova imovina.
This article is an analysis of the liability for defects in the sale of cattle during the application of the ABGB in Croatia. It analyses the foundations of the system in Roman law and provides an overview of the contemporary Croatian approach to the matter. In Croatian regions, ABGB has been applied for a relatively long period, and the analysis is based on the available case law from that period. In Roman law, the sale of cattle was essential to the creation of general rules for liability for defects, and ABGB set particular rules for the liability of defects in the sale of cattle. Generally, in the sale of livestock, there is an obvious problem regarding many potential latent defects (especially diseases, in Roman law morbus), so this area was historically quite relevant for the system of liability for defects. The article first deals with liability for eviction and for defects in the system of the ABGB (Gewährleistung). It then addresses the liability for defects according to the original text of the ABGB and compares it with the corresponding system in Roman law. The analysis of the liability for defects in the sale of cattle in the ABGB system is done with a special emphasis on the relevant case law of that time. Finally, there is a short overview of the contemporary Croatian approach to the matter.
The author analyses actio de in rem verso or actions associated with it in the Croatian law, from the perspective of the Roman law and the Roman legal tradition. That action can be associated with Arts 1118 – 1120 and 1125 of the Croatian Obligations Act (Zakon o obveznim odnosima), as well as with Art 287 of the Family Act (Obiteljski zakon). The starting point is actio de in rem verso in the Roman law and its development within the Roman legal tradition. Afterwards, actio de in rem verso and its variants in comparative law are analysed, more precisely in the Austrian and the French law and the related systems. Firstly, the history of codification of actio de in rem verso and its variants in the Croatian law is analysed within the context of the Croatian law. The analysis subsequently deals with the most important opinions in theory. A special attention is given to the case law associated with the action and different instances of its application in practice. The author clarifies the relationship between the so-called actio de in rem verso and other closely related actions (such as rei vindicatio or action in tort). Finally, the presence and relevance of the Roman actio de in rem verso and its later variants in the Croatian law is evaluated.
This paper analyses the issue of recognition of canon marriage (matrimonium) that has been concluded in the Vatican City State and also the effects of decisions of church courts on marriage in the Republic of Croatia. Firstly, the authors elaborate the issue of the status of the state and legal order of the Vatican City State, including its regulation of marriage. After the initial findings the question of recognition of marriage concluded in the Vatican City State in the Republic of Croatia is analysed. The conclusion in this aspect is that such a marriage is recognised in Croatia and its registration in the personal status record should be facilitated. In the following chapters the authors first analyse all the potentially relevant church courts’ decisions that concern canon marriage in the Vatican City State. Thereafter, they elaborate whether such decisions may be recognized in Croatia given the fact that church, and not state, courts decide on the issue. Given the specificities of the Vatican City State that are evidenced in the fact that those decisions have direct effect, the authors conclude that such decisions are to be generally differentiated from church courts’ decisions. Finally, the paper deals with the application of Art. 13/4 of the Agreement on legal issues between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia that regulates how church decisions on marriage are given effect in Croatia. However, without further legislative steps, the courts cannot apply the rule. So far, such steps have not been taken and the concerned parties can only gain civil effects of cessation of marriage through civil courts.
The article analyses legal status of peregrini in Roman law and their gradual integration into Roman society within the context of the present issue associated with the large number of immigrants in the EU. Regarding Roman law the main focus of analysis was on the development up to the so-called constitutio Antoniniana from 212 which granted Roman citizenship to almost all free inhabitants of the Roman state. Legal status of peregrini and the problem of desirability of Roman citizenship in different periods is specifically addressed. Different methods of acquiring Roman citizenship are also analysed, as well as circumstances surrounding the aforementioned constitution. Generally, Roman policy of principal inclusivity regarding foreigners and its limitations are scrutinised. Finally, legal status of migrants in EU is put in the context of the previous analysis, and potentially relatable circumstances between Roman law and the current situation regarding the actual or future policies are examined.
This article deals with testaments from the island of Zlarin, near Šibenik on the eastern Adriatic coast, from the second half of the 17th century. Specifically, it analyses 47 testaments written by glagolitic priests in Croatian language and glagolitic script from 1661 to 1683. The general theme of the article is thus early modern testamentary law in the rural parts of the Šibenik district. The main aim of the analysis is to determine the presence of elements of developed law (ius commune) in glagolitic testaments from Zlarin and the level of their compliance with elements belonging to the Roman legal tradition generally. First, structure of the testaments is analysed, and it is compared with the structure of medieval and early modern testaments in the notarial form (written in Latin or Italian). After that, terminology in the testaments is addressed, i.e. particular legal expressions and formulations. These are either of Latin or Italian origins and adapted to Croatian language, but there are also linguistic calques or loan translations (literal translations, root-for-root). Afterwards, the problem of the possible level of education of glagolitic priests is addressed. Finally, form of the testaments and its compliance with the applicable Statute of Šibenik from 1608 is analysed. The article thus deals with glagolitic testaments from Zlarin as a locally specific phenomenon within the wider framework of developed law in early modern Europe and Roman legal tradition generally.
The author analyses the chapter on matrimony (De sacramento matrimonii) in the Croatian Glagolitic translation of Manipulus curatorum, printed in Senj in 1507. Manipulus curatorom was originally written by Guido de Monte Rocherii in the first half of the 14th century in the Aragonian city of Teruel. This is a manual for parish priests containing basic instructions for sacraments (baptism, Holy Eucharist, matrimony, etc.), and the accompanying general theological context. Manipulus curatorum, by its nature, contains certain elements of canon law, but also Roman law (especially in the chapter on matrimony). This article focuses on these elements in the Croatian Glagolitic translation. Terminology is analysed first, including Latinisms, calques and translations into certain authentic Croatian expressions. Then, references to canon law and Roman law sources are particularly addressed, and the original Latin text is compared in this regard with the Croatian Glagolitic translation. The analysis thus tries to ascertain the level of immersion of Croatian Glagolitic culture of the late medieval and early modern period in the then extant European ius commune.
pravnih osnova konfiskacije imovine u ovom slučaju.
This paper analyses the legal framework of property confiscation during the military campaign against Zrinski and Frankopan, and the criminal proceedings against them for high treason (crimen laese Maiestatis), for which they were ultimately executed. Confiscation of their property was initially ordered through an imperial proscription and royal proclamation at the end of March 1670, and was promptly undertaken. However, confiscation was further demanded during the trial (November 1670 – April 1671). Therefore, the main issue addressed here is determining the moment at which confiscation occurs in the context of crimen laese Maiestatis in Roman legal tradition – whether it happens when the crime is committed or after the sentence is delivered in the criminal proceedings. The analysis begins by establishing a general chronology based on extant sources. Following this, the argumentation of the defence and prosecution in the criminal proceedings against Zrinski and Frankopan is addressed. Legal grounds for the confiscation are particularly analysed regarding the notion of crimen laese Maiestatis in Roman law and Roman legal tradition, with special attention to the laws applicable during the proceedings against Zrinski and Frankopan. The seizure of rebels’ property from the perspective of the then applicable ius gentium is also addressed. Finally, possible reasons for the cumulation of various legal grounds for the confiscation of property in this case are discussed.
L'autore analizza cessio, o il trasferimento dell'obbligazione da un creditore all'altro come transazione pertinente al diritto romano e alla tradizione giuridica romana, nei documenti di Tomasino de Savere, un notaio della fine del XIII secolo a Dubrovnik (Ragusa). Prima analizza il cessio nella dottrina e nei formulari dei primi notai del XIII secolo. Dopo un breve contesto storico, i documenti sono specificamente analizzati. Cessiones sono analizzati da una triplice prospettiva, prima generalmente in confronto con altri documenti, e poi riguardo alla loro struttura e contenuto.
Kako je navedeno na naslovnici, djelo je nastalo prema ideji Mirjana Damaške (Sterling Professor emeritus, Yale University), akademika (HAZU, Razred za društvene znanosti i American Academy of Arts and Sciences) te općenito velikog pravnika i znanstvenika, kao i dobročinitelja pravne znanosti i Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, koji je njegova alma mater. Iako je vrhunac karijere doživio u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, kako sam kaže “domovini koja ga je posvojila”, nikad nije zaboravio svoju “jedinu i istinsku domovinu” i naš Pravni fakultet, te ih je uvijek bio spreman pomagati na najrazličitije načine. Jedan od tih načina je i djelovanje Zaklade Marija i Mirjan Damaška, nazvane po njegovoj preminuloj supruzi, koja ima sjedište na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu i prvi je projekt financiran iz njezinih sredstava upravo objava ovog izdanja. Mirjan Damaška je i autor dviju uvodnih studija.
Samo sadržajno uređivanje izdanja te obradba i prijevod izvorne građe povjereni su redom najvećim stručnjakinjama u odgovarajućim područjima, kako i priliči izdanju ovakve važnosti. Urednica knjige i koordinatorica rada na izvorima u svim fazama nastanka ovog vrijednog djela je akademkinja Nella Lonza (HAZU, Razred za društvene znanosti), velika i svjetski priznata stručnjakinja za srednjovjekovnu i novovjekovnu pravnu povijest, koja je ujedno i prevodila izvore s talijanskog jezika. Za građu na njemačkom jeziku bila je zadužena dr. sc. Ivana Horbec, članica suradnica HAZU-a (Razred za društvene znanosti) i viša znanstvena suradnica na Hrvatskom institutu za povijest, a za latinski je jezik bila zadužena dr. sc. Maja Matasović, izvanredna profesorica na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, Fakultetu hrvatskih studija (Odsjek za hrvatski latinitet).
The subject of this article is the category of res sacrae (sacred objects) in Romano-canonical legal tradition, especially regarding those objects that are at the same time cultural goods. Firstly, res sacrae in Roman law are analysed, being objects exempted from regular commerce on the basis of divine law (res extra commercium divini iuris). Further development of the category and its relevance in canon law is analysed as well, including the period of early canon law, Corpus iuris canonici and contemporary canonical codifications. Relevance of sacred objects in contemporary legal context is also analysed. After a short comparative overview, Croatian law is particularly addressed. In that regard, firstly, current lists of cultural goods are analysed, and an approximate number of objects among them which are sacred according to canon law is established. The relevant legal framework is determined, which includes Croatian legislature, canon law and international agreements between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia. Finally, potential practical problems associated with the fact that certain objects are contemporaneously cultural goods according to Croatian law and res sacrae according to canon law are recognized. Circumstances in which certain elements of canon law will be applied in the Croatian legal system are delineated. In conclusion, it is explained how an originally Roman legal category of res sacrae found its application in contemporary law by means of canon law, or Romano-canonical legal tradition generally.
U radu se analiziraju procuratores i advocati u zapisima Tomazina de Savere, dubrovačkog notara i kancelara 1277-1286. Riječ je o različitim oblicima zastupanja, odnosno pružanja stručne pravne pomoći iz rimskog prava s raširenom primjenom u srednjovjekovnom razdoblju. Nakon općeg prikaza prokurature i advokature u rimskom pravu i rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji daju se relevantni podaci o Tomazinovu životu i radu. U središnjem dijelu rada posebna pažnja posvećuje se formuli za imenovanje prokuratora i usporedbi s najvažnijim notarskim formularima i zapisima iz drugih gradova na istočnojadranskoj obali. Kod advokata proučena je njihova uloga u procesu te odnos s drugim pravnim zanimanjima. Najopćenitije se razmatra usklađenost analiziranih koncepata s predlošcima u rimskom pravu te tadašnjim trendovima na Mediteranu.
implications. Further, he outlines the main functions of procurator and advocatus in Roman law and the Roman legal tradition. After that, he deals with the possibility of recalling procedural actions made by them, specifically addressing revocatio (recall) in the context of procurators, and the rules regulating the recall of the advocate’s statements, both in Roman law and in Romano-canonical procedure. On this basis he gives a final evaluation of the relevance of the Roman legal tradition in the context of procuratoris revocatio in the law of Tripartitum. [Text of the article written in Croatian]
However, both terminologically and conceptually the importance of res sacrae stretches beyond the confines of the Roman law proper. The concept is relevant historically and contemporarily in canon law as well, and it was and is used in legal systems steeped in Roman legal tradition up to the present day. Res sacrae in canon law are objects that have been designated for divine worship with a dedication or blessing (for example, churches, confessionals, crosses, chalices and patens, bells, holy water etc.), which excludes a possibility of a profane or inappropriate use, even if they are owned by private persons. Canon law further addresses different matters, such as the prohibition of sale of sacred relics (can. 1190 CIC), prohibition for a sacred object belonging to an ecclesiastical juridic person to be acquired by a private person via prescription (can. 1269 CIC) or a penalty for the profanation of a sacred object (can. 1376 CIC).
The Roman and canonical concept of res sacrae had such an influence throughout history that protection and special regulation thereof is a well-known and widely accepted principle in numerous contemporary legal systems. To take only examples which explicitly use the expression res sacrae in pertinent literature, German, Italian and Scots law stand out. This means that a concept stemming from the Romano-canonical legal tradition has permeated contemporary legal systems and exists both in the legislation and in legal discourse.
Furthermore, contemporary concordatarian law (ius concordatarium), in other words international treaty law regulating relations between the Holy See and sovereign states and legal status of the Catholic Church, sometimes allows for an application of certain elements of canon law in secular legal systems (for example, when ecclesiastical property is involved). In an admittedly minor but nevertheless illustrative example of Croatia, the Treaties with the Holy See prescribe exactly that regarding the canonical res sacrae, thus adding further restrictions and protections in their regard alongside those already extant in the secular legal order. In that way both historical influence of Roman law and canon law, as well as the present-day influence of canon law (in itself partly shaped by Roman law) allowed by concordatarian law impact contemporary legal systems.
Essentially, the matter at hand concerns a religious concept having a certain influence on legal order and creating pertinent repercussions. The main issue is the establishment, administration and termination of an object being sacred throughout history. Relationship between different pagan and Christian religious matters in the first centuries of Christianity has been dealt with in literature, as well as the issue of general differences between the Roman and Christian concept of res sacrae. The shift in the Roman imperial legislation from addressing pagan to addressing Christian worship in the context of res sacrae, along with the changes of the pertinent regulation, has also been addressed.
However, the aim of this paper is to particularly analyse the concept of a sacred object from the perspective of canon law throughout its history up until the present moment. The analysis would thus start with trying to determine the concept of a sacred object in early canon law, i.e. in the period when Roman law did not yet permeate it. Afterwards it would deal with the sources of canon law which were to a significant degree influenced by Roman law and its scholarly development in ius commune. It would continue through the periods in which mutual influence of canon and civil law on one another existed. In that way the analysis may help to ascertain in which measure did the original Roman concept of res sacrae influence the corresponding canonical concept, and the other way around, or in which measure did the Christian and early canonical concept of a sacred object change the Roman template, albeit while being subsumed under it terminologically and retaining a similar regulatory framework. Finally, the analysis would deal with the influence of such an amalgamated concept of res sacrae in Romano-canonical legal tradition and in contemporary context. In that way the analysis would deal with vicissitudes of res sacrae which have made a full circle, both from the ancient Roman pagan religion to Christianity and Catholicism, and from Roman law to contemporary legal systems.
The author analyses the origins, development and contemporary application of maxims associated with the influence of bad faith or mala fides occurring af ter acquiring possession on acquisitive prescription (adverse possession). The earliest origins and development of the maxim: Mala fides superveniens non nocet, which is associated with Roman law, are scrutinised. According to these, bad faith acquired af ter the beginning and in the course of acquisitive prescription did not hinder it. Af terwards, mala fides superveniens nocet, a completely different maxim associated with canon law and its influence on the civilian (secular) legal systems is analysed. Finally, the situation in contemporary legal systems is investigated, including the most important civil codes (German BGB and French CC) and systems which were influenced by these codes. In principle, a strong direct influence of the Romano-canonical legal tradition on contemporary legal systems is recognized. Mainly due to dif ferent arrangements in BGB and CC, uniformity in this aspect does not exist, and both maxims may be found in contemporary legal systems. However, history of codification of the said maxims, the elaboration of their historical application and recent tendencies indicate the optimality of the general maxim mala fides superveniens nocet, developed within the framework of the Romano-canonical legal tradition.
U radu se analiziraju bona fides i poštenje posjeda kao pretpostavke kanonskopravne zastare (praescriptio acquisitiva) te dosjelosti hrvatskog prava u njihovu suodnosu. Naime, djelovanjem ugovora između Svete Stolice i RH o pravnim pitanjima u određenim slučajevima vezanima uz crkvene pravne osobe i njihovu imovinu primjenjuju se odredbe kanonskog prava te je cilj rada utvrditi na koji se način to odnosi i na ovu pretpostavku. Nakon opće analize kanonskopravne zastare te pretpostavke dobre vjere kod dosjelosti u rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji zasebno se obrađuje kanonskopravna bona fides i njezine specifičnosti koje ju čine strožim standardom od poštenja posjeda hrvatskog prava. Naposljetku se zaključuje kako se kanonskopravna bona fides primjenjuje kad god crkvene pravne osobe stječu imovinu dosjelošću, a po svemu sudeći i kad se istim načinom stječe njihova imovina.
This article is an analysis of the liability for defects in the sale of cattle during the application of the ABGB in Croatia. It analyses the foundations of the system in Roman law and provides an overview of the contemporary Croatian approach to the matter. In Croatian regions, ABGB has been applied for a relatively long period, and the analysis is based on the available case law from that period. In Roman law, the sale of cattle was essential to the creation of general rules for liability for defects, and ABGB set particular rules for the liability of defects in the sale of cattle. Generally, in the sale of livestock, there is an obvious problem regarding many potential latent defects (especially diseases, in Roman law morbus), so this area was historically quite relevant for the system of liability for defects. The article first deals with liability for eviction and for defects in the system of the ABGB (Gewährleistung). It then addresses the liability for defects according to the original text of the ABGB and compares it with the corresponding system in Roman law. The analysis of the liability for defects in the sale of cattle in the ABGB system is done with a special emphasis on the relevant case law of that time. Finally, there is a short overview of the contemporary Croatian approach to the matter.
The author analyses actio de in rem verso or actions associated with it in the Croatian law, from the perspective of the Roman law and the Roman legal tradition. That action can be associated with Arts 1118 – 1120 and 1125 of the Croatian Obligations Act (Zakon o obveznim odnosima), as well as with Art 287 of the Family Act (Obiteljski zakon). The starting point is actio de in rem verso in the Roman law and its development within the Roman legal tradition. Afterwards, actio de in rem verso and its variants in comparative law are analysed, more precisely in the Austrian and the French law and the related systems. Firstly, the history of codification of actio de in rem verso and its variants in the Croatian law is analysed within the context of the Croatian law. The analysis subsequently deals with the most important opinions in theory. A special attention is given to the case law associated with the action and different instances of its application in practice. The author clarifies the relationship between the so-called actio de in rem verso and other closely related actions (such as rei vindicatio or action in tort). Finally, the presence and relevance of the Roman actio de in rem verso and its later variants in the Croatian law is evaluated.
This paper analyses the issue of recognition of canon marriage (matrimonium) that has been concluded in the Vatican City State and also the effects of decisions of church courts on marriage in the Republic of Croatia. Firstly, the authors elaborate the issue of the status of the state and legal order of the Vatican City State, including its regulation of marriage. After the initial findings the question of recognition of marriage concluded in the Vatican City State in the Republic of Croatia is analysed. The conclusion in this aspect is that such a marriage is recognised in Croatia and its registration in the personal status record should be facilitated. In the following chapters the authors first analyse all the potentially relevant church courts’ decisions that concern canon marriage in the Vatican City State. Thereafter, they elaborate whether such decisions may be recognized in Croatia given the fact that church, and not state, courts decide on the issue. Given the specificities of the Vatican City State that are evidenced in the fact that those decisions have direct effect, the authors conclude that such decisions are to be generally differentiated from church courts’ decisions. Finally, the paper deals with the application of Art. 13/4 of the Agreement on legal issues between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia that regulates how church decisions on marriage are given effect in Croatia. However, without further legislative steps, the courts cannot apply the rule. So far, such steps have not been taken and the concerned parties can only gain civil effects of cessation of marriage through civil courts.
The article analyses legal status of peregrini in Roman law and their gradual integration into Roman society within the context of the present issue associated with the large number of immigrants in the EU. Regarding Roman law the main focus of analysis was on the development up to the so-called constitutio Antoniniana from 212 which granted Roman citizenship to almost all free inhabitants of the Roman state. Legal status of peregrini and the problem of desirability of Roman citizenship in different periods is specifically addressed. Different methods of acquiring Roman citizenship are also analysed, as well as circumstances surrounding the aforementioned constitution. Generally, Roman policy of principal inclusivity regarding foreigners and its limitations are scrutinised. Finally, legal status of migrants in EU is put in the context of the previous analysis, and potentially relatable circumstances between Roman law and the current situation regarding the actual or future policies are examined.