Mattering and belonging efforts help ensure Vols of every identity and background can learn and thrive on campus.
Campus Climate
The campus climate should affirm the dignity of all and encourage the exchange of ideas through discourse in every aspect of campus life. The Office of the Dean of Students addresses concerns that impact the campus climate through the university’s Campus Climate Impact Committee (CCIC). The CCIC provides outreach, support, and education to those who may have been affected by a campus climate concern.
Campus ClimateSignature Programs
The Office of the Dean of Students sponsors several signature programs throughout the fall and spring semesters. These programs provide opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to engage with one another, understand and learn from different perspectives, serve the campus community, and more!
Signature ProgramsInitiatives
The University of Tennessee is committed to fostering an environment where all members of the campus community feel like they matter and belong on Rocky Top. The Office of the Dean of Students contributes to this goal through intentional initiatives and opportunities related to education, reflection, and community building. Below are some of the Mattering and Belonging Initiatives sponsored by the Office of the Dean of Students.
- Vol is a Verb Initiatives
- Interfaith Initiatives
- Multifaith Council Initiatives
- Reflection Spaces