Thank you for visiting the ASC’s student resource pages. Below you will find content on key academic success strategies and tips that many students find helpful. For example, many students who visit a coach ask for information on success strategies such as time management and motivation. The information provided here can help you achieve your academic goals by helping you learn how to study better, take notes, talk to professors, and more. As a UT student, you also have access to LinkedIn Learning, where you can check out a student success playlist provided by OIT.
Click here for a list of campus resourcesCampus Conversations
Many resources on campus are available to help you develop these skills. If you are having difficulty with a paper, stop by the Writing Center, where trained tutors can assist you with any step in the writing process. If you are looking for help conducting research, stop by the library where subject librarians are available to help you navigate library databases and cite sources.
Resources at UT
The Writing Center Hodges Library Help Page Hodges Library Subject Librarians Hodges Library Research Guides
External Resources
Purdue Online Writing Lab Writing a Research Paper (PsycheTruth – video)
Campus Conversations
The challenges you face in college are worth the effort. By the time you graduate you truly will have earned your diploma. The Center for Health Education and Wellness, the Student Health Center, and the Counseling Center are all great resources on campus for helping you deal with stress. Also, check out the available online resources.
Resources at UT
Center for Health Education and Wellness Student Health Center Student Counseling Center Therapy Assistance Online (TAO)
External Resources
Managing Stress During Finals Video: 90:10–The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do For Stress
Campus Conversations
Maintaining motivation and focus requires self-discipline, steady attention to your goals, and an ability to work through distractions. There are many resources on campus available to assist you in developing these skills, including the Academic Success Center. Consider meeting with an academic coach today to strengthen your skills in maintaining motivation and focus. If you find that meeting in groups or pairs holds you more accountable, check out the ASC’s Supplemental Instruction and Peer Learning Assistance offerings. Other campus staff, such as your academic advisor or career services, can also be helpful.
Resources at UT
Academic Success Plan Academic Success Center Your Academic Advisor
External Resources
Twelve Strategies for Motivation That Work (Allegheny College) Tips for Staying Motivated (CollegeBoard-Big Future) How to Keep Motivation (Harvard Business Review)
Tips for Communicating with your Instructors
Talking to Your Professor:
- Address instructors by their proper title
- Talk to your instructor at the beginning of the semester to establish rapport
- Be respectful of your instructor’s time—utilize office hours or schedule appointments
- Be prepared with specific questions or discussion topics when meeting with your instructor
- Illustrate your own interest in the course and your desire to do well
E-mailing Your Professor:
- Use your UT e-mail address
- Put your course and section number in the subject line
- Know your instructor’s preferences and policies regarding e-mail
- Format your e-mail properly
- Be clear and specific
- Don’t e-mail in anger
- Use proper language and punctuation
- When in doubt, use formal language
- Be sure that your instructor is the best person to ask before e-mailing
Campus Conversations
If you’re frustrated with your test-taking abilities, your instructor is the first person to see. Discuss the ways you are presently preparing for tests and ask for alternatives or suggestions. If the frustration extends to more than one course, you may want to seek advice from additional sources, including an Academic Coach at the Academic Success Center, a counselor at the Student Counseling Center, and your Academic Advisor.
Resources at UT
Student Counseling Center Testing Accommodations (Student Disability Services office)
External Resources
Tips for Before, During, and After the Test (Bucks County Community College) Strategies for Handling Difficult Exam Questions (Virginia Tech)
Campus Conversations
The typical college schedule can look open and airy, but the amount of reading and studying required to be successful will take up much of the seemingly free time. When scheduling your time, it is important to remember that for each credit hour in class, successful students spend two to three hours studying and preparing for that course outside of class. Students earning As and Bs at UT commonly retype their class notes within twenty-four hours of the lecture in order to review the fresh material, discover additional questions, and create a template for test preparation. Check out our resources and tips below on how to best manage your time.
Time Management Tips
- Create a schedule and/or a to-do list
- Prioritize your tasks and activities
- Use a planner—mark important dates throughout the semester
- An example planner for the Spring can be found Here.
- Set goals and write them down
- Respect your classes—take them seriously
- Sacrifice now and reward yourself later—don’t give in to your short term “wants”
- Set time and social boundaries
- If you find yourself overloaded, reassess your priorities to see how you can lighten your work load
Resources at UT
Find Your Academic Advisor Academic Coaches Fall 2023 Semester at a Glance – Editable Word Document Weekly Time Planner (PDF) Weekly Time Planner – Editable Excel Sheet
External Resources
Time Management Tips for Students ( Academic Tips: Time Management ( How to Manage Time, Reduce Stress, & Increase Happiness (ThePenguinProf-video)
Campus Conversations
Academic Coaches can help you develop strategies for learning and studying. Your coach will work with you to develop a plan that might include strategies called spaced practice and retrieval. These combined with several other strategies can help you to retain and recall information and avoid cram sessions before exams. Check out the resources below, and schedule an appointment with an Academic Coach to learn some strategies that may work for you!
Resources at UT
External Resources
Campus Conversations
The university has multiple resources to help you stay on top of your grades and GPA. You can talk with your advisor about major requirements, One Stop about financial aid and scholarships, and an Academic Coach can help you calculate where you stand.
Resources at UT
Course Grades The College of Arts and Science Advising Center put together a Grade Tracker that can help you keep track of your grades in courses that have weighted assignments. GPA Online GPA Calculator Instructions Online GPA Calculator