Pay a Citation
Once logged into this secure site, you will be able to search our database by citation number or license plate number. The search will return all unpaid citations and cost information associated with your license plate for your review and payment, including any immobilization or impoundment information.
Attention Students: Once payment has been made, it may take up to one business day to have any hold on your account released. For the quickest processing, please contact our office after making a payment to verify that any hold has been removed. Call 859-257-5757 between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Before logging in, be sure to have:
- Correct mailing address
- Vehicle license plate number or citation number
- Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, or Discover Card number and expiration date
Additional Details
If your vehicle has been immobilized or impounded and our office is closed, please contact the UK Police Department at 859-257-UKPD (8573).