Books by Pier Giuseppe Monateri

This article explores two distinct models of faith: the Jewish concept of emunah and the Greek co... more This article explores two distinct models of faith: the Jewish concept of emunah and the Greek concept of pistis as used by Saint Paul. It examines the theological, legal, and political implications of the shift from emunah to pistis during the nascent phase of Christianity within the Western diaspora. The transition from emunah to pistis has profound implications. It redefines the relationship between humanity, the divine and the law. The law ceases to be the path to salvation; indeed, the end of the law is what allows faith to be the access to salvation. Politically, the spread of Christianity within the diaspora introduced a new dimension to religious and social identity. The use of Greek and the concept of pistis helped Paul communicate the Christian message to a broader Hellenistic audience, facilitating the spread of Christianity as a universal faith, but it left an essential ambiguity regarding the very terms of Faith and Lordship. This ambiguity characterizes the relationship between Faith and Law in much of Western thought. This article seeks to analyze the layers of this original ambiguity as a characteristic of Western legal and political thought. It concludes that this ambiguity in the terms of Faith and Lordship has deeply influenced the development of Western doctrines, continuously shaping the interplay between Faith and Law throughout history.
Sumario: 1.-El ataque del mundo financiero al Derecho romano. -2 ¿Cómo comparar los sistemas jurí... more Sumario: 1.-El ataque del mundo financiero al Derecho romano. -2 ¿Cómo comparar los sistemas jurídicos? -3. La naturaleza dual del Occidente -4. ¿Qué hacer?
L'autore cerca di analizzare l'ambiguo senso dei termini legge e costume con riferimento al probl... more L'autore cerca di analizzare l'ambiguo senso dei termini legge e costume con riferimento al problema della articolazione inlinguistica della legge, per giungere alla considerazione contro intuitiva di rivalutare i valori della 'modernità' giuridica, in polemica con il nainstream dominante che piazzerebbe uno Jus inventato al di spray della Legge, quale strumento di egemonia di ceti di giuristi privi ormai sostanzialmente di qualsiasi legittimazione. Tutto ciò in un contesto di definitiva spoliticizzazione del mondo.
A complete reappraisal of Comparative Law and Legal Origins combining a spatial geopolitical appr... more A complete reappraisal of Comparative Law and Legal Origins combining a spatial geopolitical approach and a genealogical perspective, so that the spaces of different jurisdictions, within the apparently flat political space of globalization, become linked to their origins out of a state of exception as 'memorized' in the so called 'legal style' of their own specific orders.
Style supersede the sphere of aesthetics becoming ontological, and embedding the irreducible political element into the legal reality: a step toward a 4Geography of Nomos' which try to sketch out a post-schmittian paradigm of legal theory
Papers by Pier Giuseppe Monateri

Form and Substance in Comparative Law and Legal Interpretation, 2024
This article examines various models of legal interpretation and their implications for comparati... more This article examines various models of legal interpretation and their implications for comparative law, drawing inspiration from Rodolfo Sacco's early career theories. It contrasts the Tarskian Correspondence Model, which seeks objective reality in legal texts, with the Symphonic Model, which interprets legal language as a harmonious interplay of elements. The Tarskian model reflects classical legal thought's search for fixed meanings, while the Symphonic model aligns with contemporary legal practice's nuanced understanding. Further, the article explores Heraclitean Realism, acknowledging the fluidity of language and meaning, and the Provocative Tapestry Model, which introduces paradox and tension in legal interpretation. These models are likened to narrative genres, offering varied approaches to understanding legal discourse: the Tarskian model as a detective novel, the Symphonic model as a comedy, the Living Tapestry model as a melodrama, and the Provocative Tapestry model as a tragedy. The article argues that these models of legal interpretation do not inherently carry a political essence; the political stance emerges from the choices of interpreters. It emphasizes the need for human agency in the application of legal norms and the responsibility of legal professionals to actively engage in the interpretation process. Comparative law is discussed as a discipline that benefits from understanding these diverse interpretative models, as it seeks to analyze legal systems across jurisdictions. The article concludes that while narrative styles in legal interpretation have political histories, they are not bound to specific ideologies, highlighting the versatility and subjectivity in the field of legal interpretation.

This article explores two distinct models of faith: the Jewish concept of emunah and the Greek co... more This article explores two distinct models of faith: the Jewish concept of emunah and the Greek concept of pistis as used by Saint Paul. It examines the theological, legal, and political implications of the shift from emunah to pistis during the nascent phase of Christianity within the Western diaspora.
The transition from emunah to pistis has profound implications. It redefines the relationship between humanity, the divine and the law. The law ceases to be the path to salvation; indeed, the end of the law is what allows faith to be the access to salvation.
Politically, the spread of Christianity within the diaspora introduced a new dimension to religious and social identity. The use of Greek and the concept of pistis helped Paul communicate the Christian message to a broader Hellenistic audience, facilitating the spread of Christianity as a universal faith, but it left an essential ambiguity regarding the very terms of Faith and Lordship. This ambiguity characterizes the relationship between Faith and Law in much of Western thought.
This article seeks to analyze the layers of this original ambiguity as a characteristic of Western legal and political thought. It concludes that this ambiguity in the terms of Faith and Lordship has deeply influenced the development of Western doctrines, continuously shaping the interplay between Faith and Law throughout history.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013
The Cardozo Law Bulletin, established in 1995 as one of the world first Law Journals on the Web, ... more The Cardozo Law Bulletin, established in 1995 as one of the world first Law Journals on the Web, invites the submission of essays, topical article, comments, critical reviews, which will be evaluated by an independent committee of referees on the basis of their quality of scholarship, originality, and contribution to reshaping legal views and perspectives.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009
Il saggio intende chiarire le strategie letterarie, retoriche, argomentative che unitariamente co... more Il saggio intende chiarire le strategie letterarie, retoriche, argomentative che unitariamente concorrono alla costruzione della Modernità e del suo canone. In particolare, attraverso un approccio interdisciplinare, che utilizza la lettura critica dell'Amleto shakespeariano offerta da Eliot, nonché la prospettiva messianico-teologica cui apre il pensiero di Walter Benjamin, esso giunge ad una ridefinizione dell'articolazione Sovranità / stato di eccezione rispetto alla lezione consegnataci da Carl Schmitt. Il contributo si pone, per questa via, in rapporto di dialettica connessione con i più recenti scritti di Giorgio Agamben.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2007
The American Journal of Comparative Law, 1993

Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis
Form is a term used in legal theory with three different meanings. It may refer to the form of le... more Form is a term used in legal theory with three different meanings. It may refer to the form of legal acts, to the form of governments, or to a formal interpretation of the law known as legal formalism. In the first case, form denotes the means by which a legal intention is issued to produce a legal effect. This form can be free or fixed. When it is free, a party may declare her intention by whatever mean: orally, by writings or through signs or gestures. In private law, the principle is that of freedom of form, and the need for a fixed form is exceptional. In such cases, however, an act issued without the proper form is null and void, the form becoming a requirement ad substantiam for its validity. To make a few examples: the simple taking of a shell on the shore entitles to possession and generally an oral agreement is sufficient to bind the parties, but-under French or Italian Law-a donation of a real estate must be performed before a public notary to be valid. Differently from private law, the principle of administrative law is that a prescribed form is almost always necessary. In this sense, private acts are generally valid if not illegal, whereas state or public acts must adopt a prescribed form to produce an effect. The form of an act is set by the lex loci, the law of the place where the act is done. If an act is done in France, the form will be regulated by the French law, if done in England by the English law. The term form assumes a rather different meaning when applied to states and governments for denoting the different ways in which the three basic elements of power (people, territory and sovereignty) are combined to give rise to different forms of political regimes: monarchies, republics, unitary states or federations. From this point of view, the United Kingdom and the USA have totally different forms: the former is a unitary monarchy with a parliamentary government; the latter are a federal republic with a presidential government. In this way, we can properly distinguish between political systems through a morphology of their legal forms.

CoSMo | Comparative Studies in Modernism, 2013
L'autore esamina criticamente la teoria di Cusset secondo cui la French Theory sarebbe una i... more L'autore esamina criticamente la teoria di Cusset secondo cui la French Theory sarebbe una invenzione americana. Da questo punto di vista l'A. ritiene, infatti, che essa abbia rivitalizzato proprio il Close Reading della tradizione critica di Yale, fornendole nuovi strumenti che possono andare nella direzione di una 'lettura ontologica' dei testi, che supera il problema delle 'referenzialita' cosi come posto nell'attuale dibattito sul 'nuovo realismo', proprio recuperando un concetto chiave del modernismo critico letterario anglo-americano quale quello del 'correlativo oggettivo'. Questa conclusione e raggiunta anche considerando l'impatto che la French Theory ha avuto non solo sugli studi letterari, ma anche sugli studi giuridici americani, ed in particolare sulla nascita del Critical Legal Studies , e quindi dal punto di vista della Comparazione degli stili dei diversi sistemi di riflessione sulla legge, la politica, e il diritto.

CoSMo | Comparative Studies in Modernism, 2013
1. Canone, anticanone e ‘lavoro della citazione’ nel Dio Crocefisso Nella mia relazione adottero ... more 1. Canone, anticanone e ‘lavoro della citazione’ nel Dio Crocefisso Nella mia relazione adottero un approccio tipicamente letterario e americano, ovvero quello del close reading dei testi, tipico della scuola degli Yale critics, per analizzare una singola pagina di Moltmann. Non affrontero, quindi, il suo problema ne dal punto di vista teologico, che gli sarebbe proprio, ne da quello filosofico, o meramente concettuale, ma adottero volutamente questo approccio di critica letteraria, per vedere come la sua opera, in un punto assolutamente centrale della sua stessa costruzione, come testo, produce il proprio significato attraverso il suo differimento. La pagina in questione di Moltmann si trova in effetti esattamente a meta del suo libro principale ‘Il Dio crocefisso’, quindi gia proprio dal punto di vista ‘ontologico-oggettuale’ essa presenta se stessa come punto mediano dell’oggetto-libro in cui e inserita, quale suo elemento essenziale di senso. Siamo quindi al centro del Canone de...
The Italian Review of International and Comparative Law
The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of the Italian comparative law scholarship outsi... more The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of the Italian comparative law scholarship outside its national boundaries, and particularly in Latin America, where it has had its strongest impact. In order to achieve our goal we will start by sketching a picture of the current status of the Italian comparative law, tracing its roots, explaining its development and analyzing its weaknesses and strengths. After exploring its reception in South America, we will ultimately try to envisage the future challenges, directions and contributions of the Italian Theory – as we labeled the Italian comparative law “way”.
The Italian Review of International and Comparative Law, 2021
The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of the Italian comparative law scholarship outsi... more The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of the Italian comparative law scholarship outside its national boundaries, and particularly in Latin America, where it has had its strongest impact. In order to achieve our goal we will start by sketching a picture of the current status of the Italian comparative law, tracing its roots, explaining its development and analyzing its weaknesses and strengths. After exploring its reception in South America, we will ultimately try to envisage the future challenges, directions and contributions of the Italian Theory-as we labeled the Italian comparative law "way".
Cosmo Comparative Studies in Modernism, Jun 29, 2013

Cosmo Comparative Studies in Modernism, Dec 27, 2013
Canone, anticanone e 'lavoro della citazione' nel Dio Crocefisso Nella mia relazione adotterò un ... more Canone, anticanone e 'lavoro della citazione' nel Dio Crocefisso Nella mia relazione adotterò un approccio tipicamente letterario e americano, ovvero quello del close reading dei testi, tipico della scuola degli Yale critics, per analizzare una singola pagina di Moltmann. Non affronterò, quindi, il suo problema né dal punto di vista teologico, che gli sarebbe proprio, né da quello filosofico, o meramente concettuale, ma adotterò volutamente questo approccio di critica letteraria, per vedere come la sua opera, in un punto assolutamente centrale della sua stessa costruzione, come testo, produce il proprio significato attraverso il suo differimento. La pagina in questione di Moltmann si trova in effetti esattamente a metà del suo libro principale 'Il Dio crocefisso', quindi già proprio dal punto di vista 'ontologico-oggettuale' essa presenta sé stessa come punto mediano dell'oggetto-libro in cui è inserita, quale suo elemento essenziale di senso. Siamo quindi al centro del Canone della riflessione teologica novecentesca-in cui sicuramente il 'Dio crocefisso' rientra come testo fondamentale-ed al centro fisico-intellettuale del libro stesso. La pagina in questione di Moltmann, Il Dio Crocefisso, p. 180
Thēmis Revista De Derecho, Dec 1, 2014
Books by Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Style supersede the sphere of aesthetics becoming ontological, and embedding the irreducible political element into the legal reality: a step toward a 4Geography of Nomos' which try to sketch out a post-schmittian paradigm of legal theory
Papers by Pier Giuseppe Monateri
The transition from emunah to pistis has profound implications. It redefines the relationship between humanity, the divine and the law. The law ceases to be the path to salvation; indeed, the end of the law is what allows faith to be the access to salvation.
Politically, the spread of Christianity within the diaspora introduced a new dimension to religious and social identity. The use of Greek and the concept of pistis helped Paul communicate the Christian message to a broader Hellenistic audience, facilitating the spread of Christianity as a universal faith, but it left an essential ambiguity regarding the very terms of Faith and Lordship. This ambiguity characterizes the relationship between Faith and Law in much of Western thought.
This article seeks to analyze the layers of this original ambiguity as a characteristic of Western legal and political thought. It concludes that this ambiguity in the terms of Faith and Lordship has deeply influenced the development of Western doctrines, continuously shaping the interplay between Faith and Law throughout history.
Style supersede the sphere of aesthetics becoming ontological, and embedding the irreducible political element into the legal reality: a step toward a 4Geography of Nomos' which try to sketch out a post-schmittian paradigm of legal theory
The transition from emunah to pistis has profound implications. It redefines the relationship between humanity, the divine and the law. The law ceases to be the path to salvation; indeed, the end of the law is what allows faith to be the access to salvation.
Politically, the spread of Christianity within the diaspora introduced a new dimension to religious and social identity. The use of Greek and the concept of pistis helped Paul communicate the Christian message to a broader Hellenistic audience, facilitating the spread of Christianity as a universal faith, but it left an essential ambiguity regarding the very terms of Faith and Lordship. This ambiguity characterizes the relationship between Faith and Law in much of Western thought.
This article seeks to analyze the layers of this original ambiguity as a characteristic of Western legal and political thought. It concludes that this ambiguity in the terms of Faith and Lordship has deeply influenced the development of Western doctrines, continuously shaping the interplay between Faith and Law throughout history.
nel tempo dei risarcimenti del danno morale al punto di IP. A tal fine
abbiamo messo a raffronto le odierne tabelle milanesi con I dati raccolti
negli anni ’70 e ’80 sul danno alla persona.
Il risultato cui si è pervenuti è quello di una costanza nel quantum del
risarcimento del danno morale nel corso degli anni.
In questo ambito viene anche analizzata la coerenza interna delle
tabelle milanesi e si apre una discussione sul possibile futuro del danno
non patrimoniale sul danno alla persona.
The goals of the course are to provide students with a critical understanding of the intellectual relationship between space and narrative in the framework of comparative analysis. The main issue is to problematize objectives and methods of comparative law with the aim to discover its strategic and subversive potentialities. The different classifications of the worldwide nomos into different families or systems – as one of the historical products of the macro-comparatistic discipline – will be re-investigated as the result of a decisionist act, supported by political and even economical arguments. On this ground the course will emphasize the subtle nexus between comparative law and geopolitics. In this persective the main issues discussed will be the following : introduction to the study of the key ideas in geopolitics ; models of geopolitical reflection (imperialist geopolitics ; classical geopolitics ; new world order geopolitics) ; the changing nature of contemporary geopolitics (critical geopolitics) ; the styles of thinking geopolitics and the styles of comparative law discourses ; the relationship between geo-economics and comparative ‘law and economics' or ‘law and finance'
MONATERI, Pier Giuseppe (Professeur invité)
The author considers the classical model of liability to be an 'individualistic' model that is no longer ap-propriate for high frequency liability areas such as road traffic accidents and medical liability. For per-sonal injury, in particular, he suggests moving to a standard model with simplified compensation in or-der to make the cost of the liability system sustainable.
Il risultato cui si è pervenuti è quello di una costanza nel quantum del risarcimento del danno morale nel corso degli anni.
In questo ambito viene anche analizzata la coerenza interna delle tabelle milanesi e si apre una discussione sul possibile futuro del danno non patrimoniale sul danno alla persona.
The objective of this article has been to measure the variation over time of compensation for non-material damage at the IP point. To this end we have compared today's Milan tables with the data collected in the 1970s and 1980s on personal injury.
The result is a constancy in the quantum of compensation for non- material damage over the years.
The internal consistency of the Milan tables is also analysed in this context and a discussion is opened on the possible future of non-asset damages on personal injury.
Lo que quiero decir es que si en los años 50 d.c. Pablo pudo sostener que Jesús es Ley encarnada, como después sucederá también evidentemente en los evangelios, Jesús no podría ser en los años 30 “un pobre artesano del norte”, ni un “judío marginal” pio y devoto a las reglas farisaicas; no podía simplemente ser un hermano de Jaime, como también aparece en el Testimonium Flavianum.
Es decir, en el ámbito de la reglamentación uniforme del Derecho mundial del comercio, la presencia de los más diversos estilos de pensamiento jurídico se transforma en un problema. En este sentido, el ordenamiento jurídico espacial del mundo, las diversas áreas de las familias jurídicas mundiales, tiende a ser suplantado por una diferente espacialidad jurídica.