Athletic Training

The athletic training staff is one support group that the athletic teams cannot do without.  They are responsible for staffing all practices and games as well as handling the day-to-day rehabilitation of injured or post-surgery student-athletes.  With three Skyhawk training room locations throughout the UT Martin athletic facilities, student-athletes can be assured of receiving the best medical attention and rehabilitation available.  The primary athletic training room facilities are located int he Skyhawk Fieldhouse. There are also satellite athletic training room locations in the Bob Carroll Football Building and near Pat Head Summitt Court in Skyhawk Arena.

The Skyhawk Fieldhouse athletic training room includes a whirlpool rehabilitation room where student-athletes can receive aqua rehabilitation and treatment.  The athletic training room also contains multiple examination stations with the latest in rehabilitation equipment.

The athletic training staff uses a comprehensive approach to the injury care and wellness of student-athletes by utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment equipment with the latest methods in the care and prevention of injuries.

Assistant Athletic Director Bart Belew serves as head athletic trainer.  Belew, a UT Martin graduate, went on to earn a master's degree and serve as a graduate assistant at Ole Miss where he worked with both the football and baseball programs before a stint at Freed-Hardeman let him to a return to his alma mater in 2000 as the head athletic trainer.  He currently has a staff of four full-time certified athletic trainers and support staff of athletic training students.

Dr. Nicholas G. Vance, serves as the primary team physician and is directly responsible for the orthopedic needs of UT Martin student-athletes.   Dr. Vance is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon at West Tennessee Bone & Joint Clinic in Jackson,Tennessee. His team coverage experience also includes the football teams  at  Virginia Tech, Hampden-Sydney College,Tucker High School and Ball High School.

Athletic Training Forms:

Medical Forms

Student-Athlete Medical Packet
Concussion Management Guidelines Athletic Physical Form

Policies and Procedures

Drug Testing Policy Nutrition Guidelines Lightning Policy
Catastrophic Incident Guideline Emergency Plan

ATTENTION PARENTS:  Insurance and Medical Billing

NCAA Concussion Video

Student Assistant Application

Click here to take survey

NCAA List of Banned Drugs