The UT Martin Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS) Program is committed to helping student-athletes by ensuring they have the tools necessary to succeed as they strive to earn their degree and become professionals. SAAS and the University offer a variety of programs to make sure each student-athlete reaches his or her potential. These programs include academic counseling, tutoring services, academic progress tracking, calculator/response card/laptop check-out, and community service opportunities. These programs are aimed at aiding the student-athlete in graduating and becoming productive citizens after earning their degree.
Academic Support Services
Academic Counseling Services: Academic counselors monitor student-athlete progress in order to ensure continued student-athlete eligibility and success in the classroom. Weekly meetings with student-athletes create effective communication between counselors, coaches, and professors.
Tutorial Services: All student-athletes are able to take advantage of our free tutorial service; qualified undergraduate and graduate students tutor in a variety of subjects either in a one-on-one setting or in a tutor led study group. If you need a tutor, contact Danelle Fabianich, Emily Anne Sparks and Cory Sandefer in the Athletics Department.
Computer Lab: Located in 1030 Elam Center, the computer lab has three computers, each connected to the Internet and has free printing. It is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Calculator Checkout: If you are enrolled in a class that requires a calculator, you can check out a calculator for the semester. We have TI-84 graphing calculators which are required for all mathematics classes. If you wish to check out a calculator, come to the Athletics Department 1028 Elam Center.
Response Card Checkout: Professors are increasingly using response cards to increase student participation. We have the response cards available for checkout for the semester. If you wish to check out a response card, come to the Athletics Department 1028 Elam Center.
Travel Laptop Checkout: If you are a student-athlete traveling for competition, then you can check out a laptop to take with you for the time you are gone in order to complete assignments or papers. . If you wish to check out a laptop, come to the Athletics Department 1028 Elam Center.
NCAA Eligibility
Student Athletes are asked to maintain a level of academic standing that will insure they meet NCAA eligibility for athletic participation and UT Martin graduation requirements. As a student-athlete, you should be familiar with the following rules and guidelines:
You must be registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours at all times in order to practice and compete. You are immediately ineligible if you drop below a full-time (12 hours) program of studies (with the exception of seniors who need less than 12 hours to graduate or graduate students who may take 9 graduate hours to maintain full-time status).
You must pass a minimum number of credit hours toward your degree program (“progress hours”) each year you are enrolled. Student-athletes must also complete a minimum of 6 progress hours each semester in order to be eligible for the next semester. You must complete a certain percentage of your degree requirements each year, beginning with the start of your third year of enrollment at UT Martin.
If you decide to change your major, you must meet with your academic advisor as well as a member of the Academic Support Services personnel to determine how the change will affect your NCAA eligibility.
Helpful Links
Student Athlete Handbook (PDF)
Student Success Center
Writing Center
Math Lab