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The Learning Sciences Research Team at the University of Maryland, College Park has compiled an online collection of current Climate Education Research resources developed by the group.

Please note that many of these resources are in draft form and will be revised and updated over the next five years.  Your comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome (


Document Date Author(s) Description
Investigating Preservice Elementary Science Teachers' Understanding of Climate Change from a Computational Thinking Systems Perspective
1/2019 Breslyn, McGinnis Breslyn, W. & McGinnis, J. R. (2019). Investigating Preservice Elementary Science Teachers Understanding of Climate Change from a Computational Thinking Systems Perspective. EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed, 15(4).
An Empirically-Based Conditional Learning Progression for Climate Change (PDF)
10/2017 Breslyn, Drewes, McGinnis, Hestness, Mouza Breslyn, W., Drewes, A., McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., & Mouza, C. (2017). An empirically-based conditional learning progression for climate change. Science Education International, 28(3), 214-223.
Examining Science Educators’ Perspectives on Learning Progressions in a Climate Change Education Professional Development Program
3/2017 Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald, Mouza Hestness, E., McGinnis, J. R., Breslyn, W., McDonald, R., & Mouza, C. (2017). Examining the relationship between middle school students’ sociocultural participation and their ideas about climate change. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 28(3), 250-274.
Examining the Relationship between Middle School Students’ Sociocultural Participation and Their Ideas about Climate Change
or Pre-Publication Version (PDF)
12/2016 Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn Hestness, E., McGinnis, J. R., & Breslyn, W., (2017). Examining the relationship between middle school students’ sociocultural participation and their ideas about climate change. Environmental Education Review. Advance online publication.
Developing a Learning Progression for Sea Level Rise, a Major Impact of Climate Change 12/2016 Breslyn, McGinnis, McDonald, Hestness Breslyn, W., McGinnis, J. R., McDonald, R. C. and Hestness, E. (2016). Developing a learning progression for sea level rise, a major impact of climate change. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(10), 1471–1499.
Supporting the inclusion of climate change in U.S. science education curricula by use of learning progressions. 6/2016 McGinnis, McDonald, Breslyn, Hestness McGinnis, J. R., McDonald, C., Breslyn, W. & Hestness, E. (March, 2017). Supporting the inclusion of climate change in U.S. science education curricula by use of learning progressions. In D. Shephardson, A. Roychoudury & A. Hirsch (Eds),Teaching and Learning about Climate Change: A Framework for Educator, pp. 135-151. Routledge, New York.
"It's Happening Now" - Middle School Students' Thinking About Climate Change (PDF) 4/2016 McGinnis, Breslyn, Hestness Paper for the NARST International Conference, Baltimore, MD, Spring 2016.
Core Idea ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
Pre-Publication Version (PDF)
1/2016 Brickhouse, McGinnis, Shea, Drewes, Hestness, Breslyn A pre-print version of the chapter: Core Idea ESS3: Earth and Human Activity in Disciplinary Core Ideas: Reshaping Teaching and Learning. Ravit Golin Ravit, Joseph Krajick, and Ann Rivet Eds, pp. 225-240. NSTApress, Arlington, VA.
An Investigation of Science Educators' Views of Role and Responsibility for Climate Change Education (PDF)
McGinnis, McDonald, Hestness, Breslyn
McGinnis, J.R., McDonald, C., Hestness, E., Breslyn, W. (2015). An investigation of science educators' views of roles and responsibilities for climate change education. Science Education International, 27(2), 179-193.
Examining a Process for Developing a Learning Progression for Sea Level Rise (PDF)

Breslyn, McGinnis, McDonald, Hestness
Paper submitted to the NARST online 2015 Research Symposium and Conference proceedings archive.
Using Drawings to Examine Teacher Candidates’ Moral Reasoning About Climate Change (Pre-Print)


McGinnis, Hestness
This document is a pre-print of the invited chapter for the book "Drawings as evidence in science education," edited by Phyllis Katz. Boston: Sense Publishers.
Science Teacher Professional Development in Climate Change Education Informed by the Next Generation Science Standards
(Published Article)
(PDF Pre-Print)

Hestness, McDonald, Breslyn, McGinnis, Mouza
Literature review on science teacher professional development and climate change education in the context of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Journal of Geoscience Education: September 2014, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 319-329
Integrating Sustainability into Science Teacher Education through a Focus on Climate Change (PDF)
Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn
Pre-print of book chapter on sustainablity and science teacher education.
Investigating Science Educators’ Conceptions of Climate Science and Learning Progressions in a Professional Development Academy on Climate Change Education (PDF)
Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald, Mouza, Shea, Wellington
Paper submitted to the NARST online 2014 Research Symposium and Conference proceedings archive.
Reconceptualizing teacher professional development for climate literacy using learning progressions

Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald
Paper submitted to the NAAEE online 2013 Research Symposium and Conference proceedings archive.
Draft Sea Level Rise Teaching Progression based on NGSS (PDF)
McDonald (Lead), Breslyn, Hestness, McGinnis A teaching progression for sea level rise with anchors defined by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Climate Change in the Next Generation Science Standards (K-12) (PDF)
McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald,
Detailed analysis of Climate Change in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Related standards are classified as Explicit, Proximally, and Distally related to Climate Change.
Climate Change Education Teacher Professional Development in MADE CLEAR: A Research Brief (PDF)
McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald,
Research brief outlining effective professional development in climate change education with an emphasis on the MADE CLEAR project.
Draft Learning Progression:
Sea Level Rise

McDonald (Lead),
Breslyn, Hestness, McGinnis
Hypothesized learning progression on the topic of sea level rise. 
Draft Learning Progression:
Urban Heat Effect

McDonald (Lead),
Breslyn, Hestness, McGinnis
Hypothesized learning progression on the topic of the urban heat effect. 
Draft Learning Progression:
Extreme Weather

McDonald (Lead),
Breslyn, Hestness, McGinnis
Hypothesized learning progression on the topic of extreme weather. 
Climate Change Education, Learning Progressions, and Socioscientific Issues: A Literature Review (PDF)
McGinnis, McDonald

Literature review on climate change education, learning progressions, and socio-scientific issues.
Controversial or Sensitive Topics in Science Education: A Literature Review (PDF)

Literature review on controversial/sensitive topics in science education.



Document Date Author(s) Description

Poster: Investigating Educators' Understanding of Climate Change from a Computational Thinking Systems Perspective (PDF)

4/2019 Breslyn, McGinnis, A poster presented at the NARST International Conference in Baltimore, MD, March 31 - April 3, 2019.

Poster: An Empirically-Based Conditional Learning Progression for Climate Change(PDF)

3/2018 Breslyn, Drewes, McGinnis, Hestness, Mouza A poster presented at the NARST International Conference in Atlanta, GA, March 10-14th, 2018.

Presentation at University of Georgia's Visitation Day (PDF)

3/2018 McGinnis, Breslyn A presentation at the UGA Research “Visitation Day” in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

MADE-CLEAR All-Staff Meeting (PDF)

6/2017 McGinnis A presentation at the MADE-CLEAR All-Staff Meeting, Spring 2017.

A Symposium on Teaching and Learning about Climate Change: A Framework for Educators (PDF)

4/2017 McGinnis Symposium at the NARST International Conference, San Antonio, TX, Spring 2017.

Interpreting Middle School Students' Climate Change Learning through a Figured Worlds Perspective (PDF)

4/2017 Hestness, McGinnis Poster presentation at the NARST International Conference, San Antonio, TX, Spring 2017. . 

Measuring Students' Climate Change Knowledge: Instrument Development and Validation (PDF)

4/2017 Drewes, Brelsyn, McGinnis, Mouza, Hestness, Henderson Poster presentation at the NARST International Conference, San Antonio, TX, Spring 2017.
How Does Learners' Sociocultural Participation in their Communities Shape Their Ideas about Climate Change? (PDF) 4/2017 McGinnis, Hestness, Ylizarde, Freeland, Breslyn Poster presentation at the NARST International Conference, San Antonio, TX, Spring 2017.
September 2016 MADE CLEAR All-Staff Meeting (PDF) 9/2016 McGinnis A presentation at the MADE CLEAR all staff meeting at the University of Delaware.
"It's Happening Now" - Middle School Students' Thinking About Climate Change (PDF) 4/2016 McGinnis, Breslyn, Hestness Presentation at the NARST International Conference, Baltimore, MD, Spring 2016.
Drawing to Learn about Science Teacher Thinking (PDF)
4/2016 McGinnis, Hestness
Pre-Conference Workshop presented at NARST Annual International Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2016
Examining Teacher Candidates’ Moral and Ethical Perspectives on Climate Change Using Drawings as Data (PDF)

Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn
Session presented at the NARST International Conference, Baltimore, MD, Spring 2016.
Examining Middle School Learners' Scientific Explanations about Sea Level Rise (PDF)

McDonald, McGinnis, Breslyn, Hestness
Poster presented at the NARST International Conference, Baltimore, MD, Spring 2016.
Examining a Process for Developing a Learning Progression for Sea Level Rise (PDF)

McGinnis, Breslyn, Hestness
A presentation at the AERA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Spring 2016.
Redesigning Elementary Science Methods (EDCI 372) by Infusing Citizen Science as a Pedagogical Strategy: An Intervention and Study (PDF)


McGinnis, Hestness

A presentation to the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center's (TLTC) Elevate Fellows (College Park, MD)
Talking About Science Educators: Investigating Role and Responsibility for Climate Change Education (PDF) 5/2015 McGinnis A presentation in the Center for Science and Technology in Education Colloquium Series,(College Park, MD)
An Investigation of Science Educators’ Views of Role and Responsibility for Climate Change Education (PDF) 4/2015 McGinnis, Hestness A presentation at the NARST Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL April 14, 2015
Examining a Process for Developing a Learning Progression for Sea Level Rise (PDF) 4/2015 Breslyn, McGinnis, Hestness A presentation at the NARST Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL April 14, 2015

Climate Change Education and Policy (PDF)


PowerPoint presentation for the symposium "Climate Change Education: Policies and Practices" at the NARST Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Investigating Science Educators’ Conceptions of Climate Science and Learning Progressions in a Professional Development Academy (PDF)
Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald, Wellington, Shea, Mouza
PowerPoint presentation for "Strand 8: In-service Science Teacher Education: Teacher Conceptions and Conceptual Change" at the NARST Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Poster: Reconceptualizing teacher professional development for climate literacy (PDF Poster)
Hestness, McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald
Poster Presented at NAAEE Conference, October, 2013, Baltimore, MD. Note, large file size (5MB).
Climate Change Education: Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (PDF)
Breslyn, McDonald,
Symposium presented at the NARST 2013 Annual International Conference, Puerto Rico
Climate Change Education: Policies and Implications(PDF)
Breslyn, Hestness, McGinnis
Symposium presented at the NARST 2013 Annual International Conference, Puerto Rico
The Policy, Practice, and Research Nexus of Climate Change Education (PDF)
Breslyn, McDonald, McGinnis
Symposium presented at the NARST 2013 Annual International Conference, Puerto Rico
Presentation to MD Science Supervisors (PDF or PPT) 12/2012 McGinnis, McDonald Overview of MADE CLEAR research for invited Maryland county Science Supervisors (Howard Country Board of Education).
NARST 2012 Conference Presentation (PDF or PPT) 4/2012 McGinnis, McDonald Presentation given at the NARST 2012 Annual International Conference providing an overview of Phase I and Phase II of the NSF CCEP Grant (Indianapolis, Indiana).


Project Information

Document Date Author(s) Description
How Learning About Climate Change Progresses in Next Generation Science Standards (K-12). (PDF) 9/2019 CIRES, UMD, UDel, NOAA, NCSE, & TERC Report on the inclusion of climate change in the Next Generation Science Standards.
MADE CLEAR Learning Sciences Research Team Progress Report, September 2015 (PDF) 9/2015 McGinnis, Breslyn, Hestness, Mouza, Henderson, Drewes MADE CLEAR Learning Sciences Research Team Progress Report, September 2015
Integrating Global Perspectives on Climate Change into Science Teaching and Learning (PDF) 4/2014 Hestness Poster presented at the Maryland Statewide Colloquium on Internationalization of Education (College Park, MD)
Presentation at the  Department of Teaching and Learning, University of Maryland (PDF) 3/2014 McGinnis A Presentation at the TLPL and the Maryland Equity Project. Panel Discussion on Equity in STEM Education at the University of Maryland. Workshop Handout
Presentation at the MADE CLEAR Workshop: Including Climate Change in Your Course (PDF) 2/2014 McGinnis A Presentation at the MADE CLEAR Workshop:  "Including Climate Change in Your  Course: Portraits of Innovative Teaching Practice at UMD", CTE and CMNS Teaching and Learning Center at the University of Maryland
Report on the MADE CLEAR Learning Sciences Research of the 2013 Climate Change Academy: A Presentation to the Project's Management Team (PDF)
McGinnis, Breslyn, Hestness, McDonald, Wellington
Report on the MADE CLEAR Learning Sciences Research of the 2013 Climate Change Academy: A Presentation to the Project's Management Team.
Climate Change Education Teacher Professional Development in MADE CLEAR: A Research Brief (PDF)
McGinnis, Breslyn, McDonald,
Research brief outlining effective professional development in climate change education with an emphasis on the MADE CLEAR project.

Potential impacts of accelerated sea level rise on Maryland's coastal wetlands and their ecosystem services (PDF)

Research paper developed in Global Change Biology graduate course (CONS/MEES 670) at the University of Maryland - College Park.


Graduate and Undergraduate Student Papers

Document Date Author(s) Description
An Exploratory Study of Science Teacher Professional Development for Climate Change Education with a Focus on the Polar Regions and Real Time Data (PDF)

Natalie H. Ylizarde
A graduate paper investigating teacher professional development in the U.S.A. for climate change education with an emphasis on the polar regions.
The Role of Informal Environmental Education in the Changing Political Climate of 2017 in the USA: A Focus on Climate Change (PDF)

Emily Freeland
A master's scholarly paper investigating the role of informal environmental education and political climate in the USA.
A Process for Developing and Revising a Learning Progression on Sea Level Rise Using Learners’ Explanations (PDF)

R. Chris McDonald
A dissertation investigating the development and revision of a learning progression for students's explanations fo sea level rise.
A Figured Worlds Perspective on Middle School Learners' Climate Literacy Development (PDF)

Emily Hestness
A dissertation investigating the nature of the relationship between middle school science learners’ conditions and their developing understandings of climate change.
Professional Development for Environmental Literacy: Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceived Readiness Towards Integrating the Maryland Environmental Literacy Standards into their Practices (PDF)
Katy Wellington (Graduate)
A master's scholarly paper on pre-servide teacher professional development and Maryland Environmental Literacy Standards.
Examining the Benefits of Socio-Scientific Issues Based Instruction in Science Classrooms (PDF)
Will Lacey (Undergraduate)
Paper written to provide background on teaching with socio-scientific issues in the science classroom.
Teacher Candidates'Reflections on Science Teaching During a Sustainability-Infused Elementary Science Methods Course (PDF) 6/2014 Emily Hestness (Graduate) Initial insights from data collected during a study of pre-service teachers' engagement with an online module on sea level rise
Potential impacts of accelerated sea level rise on Maryland's coastal wetlands and their ecosystem services (PDF)

Emily Hestness (Graduate)
Research paper developed in Global Change Biology graduate course (CONS/MEES 670) at the University of Maryland - College Park.
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