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The universe is one interrelated, holistic reality. This is the central message of science going back more than a century. Humanity is also one holistic reality. This is but a corollary of the central message of science. However, our economic and political institutions do not reflect these truths. They foster hate and fragmentation rather than love as fostered by the Earth Constitution.
This paper addresses the question of the Earth Constitution as a means through the thought of Erich Fromm and other thinkers who conclude that our consciousness, our character, is strongly influenced by the institutions within which we live. Under capitalism and the system of sovereign nation-states, the character of most is incapable of growing to maturity. The Earth Constitution unites humanity and transforms the institutions to make possible further growth towards our higher human destiny, a destiny that includes freedom, peace, justice, and sustainability.
Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology, 2007
This paper argues that the realization of similarities between physical, biological, and human systems can lead to ecocentric values.
Any CONSTITUTION is the most important document for every human being as it stipulates fundamental principles of organization, everyday living and decent behavior in a society, based on which the members of this society keep in-between relationship and self-government. Consequently, the Constitution should be considered as the Supreme Law common and equally obligatory for all inhabitants on territory of a particular society, men and women, young and aged, rich and poor, ill and healthy, strong and weak, and therefore it should be properly studied by all of them, kept in mind, fulfilled, and modernized in due way and time. It is obvious, that the world on Earth is becoming as a more and more global complete system, which requires global governance, well described and open for everyone’s understanding and reach. Thus, the Universal Constitution of Earth is exactly such a document designated for all Inhabitants of Earth in the started era of globalization, which describes the new World order induced to secure the Life on the planet and provide peaceful public tranquility, progress and prosperity to all Earth humans of present and future generations. Such an idea comes to the mind of various prominent world thinkers more and more often. For example, the previous leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order in his speech made at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on December 3, 2012. The Pope called for the “construction of a world community, with a corresponding authority,” to serve the “common good of the human family”. As a means of defending global peace and justice, the Pope’s vision for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order is supposedly not to create a new superpower, but a new governing body that offers to those (politicians) who are responsible for making decisions, criteria for judgment and practical guidelines: “The proposed body (World Government) would not be a superpower, concentrated in the hands of a few, which would dominate all peoples, exploiting the weakest. … Moral force or moral authority that has the power to influence in accordance with reason that is, a participatory authority, limited by law in its jurisdiction.” At the same time the Pontific stressed: “It is not, of course, the Church’s duty to suggest – from a juridical and political viewpoint – the practical configuration of such an international arrangement, but she offers to those who are responsible for it those principles for reflection, criteria for judgment, and practical guidelines that can guarantee the anthropological and ethical frame around the common good”. The Pope was quite correct pronouncing this as the proper description of essence of state started from ancient philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. Therefore social engineering of a New World Order is destiny, duty and responsibility primarily of today’s philosophers and thinkers with philosophical view. Keeping in line with these ideas, UNESCO having an ambitious slogan “There can be no UNESCO without philosophy”, put them forward in its “Medium-Term Strategy for 2014 – 2021”, which lately came in force. In her speech in Paris on 29 January, 2013, Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova mentioned such important priorities in the Humanity common life: “Our first strategic objective is to shape the global education agenda. This requires vision, foresight, analysis of trends, and understanding where and why we are falling short. Our second objective is to foster inclusive, quality and lifelong learning opportunities for all and to promote a sense of global citizenship. There is wide consensus that the next global education agenda must promote equity and quality content – including to help learners gain solidarity, respect and responsibility for shaping the future”. The Universal Constitution of Earth is composed by true philosophers and has absorbed all advices and recommendations related with the issue. In fact, it is the most advanced Advisory Document designed for being followed by every Inhabitant of the Earth, by all the Humanity as a whole in order to survive, not to be self-destructed and continue its historical motion in Time, Space and Quality on the way to further progress and prosperity.
“Humanity has a choice: Cooperate or perish. It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact – or a Collective Suicide Pact.” - UN Sec-Gen António Guterres. Each one of us, all of us, altogether, are implicated in various ways in varying degrees within business-as-usual, in which making profits count, but taking true care of people and our planet does not count; thus, we are “on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.” So, why are we cascading so madly with multiple interacting crises into TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It)? Let us ask: Which world are we living in? Do we live with many non-modern people with the Wholeness (Spiritus-Anima-Corpus) of Nature? Or do we live with many modern people within physical sub-corporeal worlds? In the Wholeness of Nature, QUALITIES – like COLOURS, LOVE (Agape-Eros-Agency-Communion), BEAUTY in Skills, GOODNESS in Relations, and TRUTH in Vision (Who Is the Seer)? in Methods (How Is Seeing Being Done?) and in Outcomes (What Is Being Seen) – are much more valuable in many situations than limited sets of reductive measurements. In modern physical sub-corporeal worlds, represented mathematically in terms of the Cartesian coordinates (x1, x2, x3, t), countless body-soul-heart qualities that are present in various living worlds are discounted, because ONLY MEASUREMENTS COUNT. Thus, much too often for people living in our modern worlds, Nature is denatured, human beings dehumanised, qualities (like life, love, body, mind, soul, spirit, beauty, goodness, truth, feminine, masculine, et al.) disqualified, “unfriended”, as “Ghosts in the Machine.” Too overcome these gross reductionisms, we need to work with each other in creative Global Integrity Pacts to transform our lives from our various alienations towards various cooperative harmonies, to live well with each other in intra-generational and inter-generational equity, within our planet’s ecological matrices-thresholds, and with fair social allocations of our planet's limited living capacities and capabilities for everybody with everybody, and with all of this in tune with the Unity and Wholeness of Nature.
When we speak of the "constitution" of human nature, we're asking the question, "Of what substance is man made? The Genesis creation account tells us that God "formed man from the dust of the ground" (2:7). But surely, man is more than a handful of dust. How shall we define the "substance" or "substances" of our humanity?
The issue is whether agenda 21 or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are really going to save our world and human civilization or its aim is only to depopulate our land by regulating through regulations. If this agenda 21 or SDGs cannot prevent the eventual extinction of human civilization, then United Nation must think something other than this to save the world. Otherwise, if this comes out from this research paper that these goals can save that eventual extinction of human civilization, then United Nation has reason to compel states comply with these goals because failing to comply one goal or failure on part of one country, shall pull the whole world behind.
Occasional Paper, 2018
Human activities on the surface of earth are resulting in a multi-dimensional impact on the planet. We exist at a point of time when changes in the planetary systems, triggered by human activities, are poised to happen and this may be the beginning of a new epoch and also possibly a sixth extinction. Over time, the planetary systems - the atmosphere, oceans and ocean currents, earth’s crust and the tectonic and magma processes would react to the global changes caused by mankind. The risks of catastrophic events such as super volcanoes, high intensity earthquakes and tsunamis getting unleashed continues to rise with man induced changes in our biosphere. In short, Earth is in a Crisis mode (Earth Crisis) with respect to its life carrying capacity, particularly with regard to current forms of life. On the basis of a thought experiment here, we conclude that, to a large extent, the Earth Crisis has emerged because of a fundamental flaw in our understanding of the concept of “value” in modern economic theories and practice. Particularly so, when we draw upon or impact natural resources such as land, trees, forests, water, oceans, river to meet our needs. We also conclude that the crisis has resulted from a systemic problem of human society . With the prospect of human population increasing beyond 10 billion by 2100 and the need to alleviate poverty in at least among 80% of the population with more electricity, food, clothes, housing, medicine and infrastructure, the planet earth will simply not have the capacity to support humanity’s burden beyond 2100. The urgent need, therefore, of an “Earth Doctrine” which should be a strategy to restore this planet to its preindustrial pristine state and also to lay down the rules on the manner of Human-Earth interface.
This essay is a brief overview of the evolutionary development of the "concept of the human" in relation to systems of governing and authority. It culminates in the argument that the Constitution for the Federation of Earth is the next step in this evolutionary process requiring a leap beyond the fragmented system of sovereign nation-states to the unity in diversity of the Earth Constitution in which "the concept of the human" is more fully embodied.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2015
The essence of physical reality-what the world consists of-has been a heated focus of contention for millennia. First with philosophers and then with physicists, the debate has been polarized since the beginning: while those loosely known as Platonists search for an underlying unity in nature, others caution that such unity is unachievable in practice and in principle. In this essay, we review both positions, arguing strongly for the latter in anticipation of experimental results from the Large Hadron Collider, the particle accelerator from the European Center for Nuclear Research. We further argue that, for the first time in history, the material essence of reality could be determined from an empirical standpoint as opposed to a purely dialectic one, settling the age-old debate.
Computational Intelligence, 2004
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