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Unique investigation into the nature of death for 4th- and 5th- dimensional beings.
2002 Conference Proceedings for the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research: 40-52, 2002
In spite of its popularity, mediumship is at odds with modern science. Since science is an extremely important part of our culture, mediumship will never be completely accepted until a scientific theory can explain how consciousness survives after the death of the material body. Even the presently available experimental evidence of survival is not enough to sway the opinions of scientists without a theory to support the data obtained from experiments. Only one theory, at present, can account for both consciousness and survival, the five-dimensional single field theory.
YGGDRASIL: The Journal of Paraphysics, Volume 2, Issue 3, All Hallows Eve, 2000: 232-260, 2000
Physics has long been considered the most fundamental and basic of all sciences because it represents human attempts to explain the common reality of our physical existence. No other science deals with our physical reality in either this or any similar manner. However, there are still questions about our existence that fall outside of the scope of physics, so physics cannot be said to offer a complete explanation of our total being. The most important of these questions have been anything to do with death itself. In the scientific search for objectivity, life has been deemed separate from non-living matter in the discourses and theories of physics, so physicists would have had no reason to explain the death of living beings. Yet recent questions regarding the essential role of consciousness in physics have raised the level of theoretical inquiry to the point that scientists in the physics community can no longer ignore life and death. Furthermore, the recent discovery (or rediscovery) of ‘near death experiences’ (NDEs) has raised serious questions regarding the common reality that we experience, which essentially challenges the physics of consciousness for an explanation. The universality of the experiences is the best evidence for their validation as real events describing a portion of our physical being and this universality has allowed scientists to determine the common properties of the experiences. When accepted as real events, the NDEs imply that our normal conceptions of physical reality are both lacking and inadequate, so it is the duty of those who study physical reality, the physicists, to account for this new extension of our reality.
Among the greatest questions ever asked, perhaps the greatest is whether some part of us survives death of the body. Whole religions, individual philosophers, scholars of all types, scientists and ordinary people have all tried to answer this question, so far without any verifiable success. Yet most people continue to believe that some form of a soul survives, but not much more than that is known. This book describes in general terms a new fundamental theory of physics based on a five-dimensional space-time continuum that includes new scientific definitions of life, mind and consciousness, Given these, the book explains a scientific model of the survival of consciousness and mind when the physical body dies. Other cultural beliefs about death are described and their essential points are compared to this new physical model of the afterlife.
Near-death experiences: scientific analysis. A great introduction to the physics theory of human disembodiment and supercivilization theory, 2025
The physics theory of the human exiting the body describes and studies the real possibility of the human disembodied state, which is the first part of the super-civilization theory, or ÜTT. The second part describes and examines the impact of a person's disembodied state on society and civilization as a whole. The physics theory of the human disembodiment is based on the physics theory of time travel, but the supercivilization theory is based on the physics theory of human disembodiment. The research methods of the disembodiment theory are typical of theoretical science, as there is no possibility of direct observations or experiments, which are otherwise the basis of any scientific field. Theoretical science is based on argumentation. Therefore, this field is similar to theoretical physics. Strictly speaking, the physics theory of human disembodiment is a scientific field at the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and theoretical physics. Thus, it is a frontier science that is difficult to verify experimentally. For example, string theory is a branch of physics that studies and describes the material world in 11-dimensional spacetime. It belongs to the field of theoretical physics and is thus a scientific field of study, even though experiments and observations cannot be made directly in string theory. The physics theory of human disembodiment studies and describes the real possibility of a human disembodied state that does not contradict existing experimentally proven physical theories. In order to understand the exit from the body, a whole series of new theoretical understandings of physics are created, based on which it is possible to conduct experiments to prove them in the future. This work presents the most basic discoveries, understandings and positions of the physics theory of human disembodiment and the resulting super-civilization theory, which have been arrived at during a long and thorough investigation. However, it must be emphasized that this work is still in an overview or introductory format, as the theoretical concepts described are actually much more voluminous, complex and nuanced than it appears at first glance. Despite this, the current work provides a good and comprehensive overview of the basic content of the physics theory of human disembodiment and the nature of the supercivilization theory. In the beginning, a great deal of emphasis is placed on refuting brain-centered theories, but it smoothly transitions to an alternative out-of-body explanation, which describes the possibility of a person's disembodied state as an electromagnetic field in the outer dimension of spacetime.
Physically, reality is all, known and unknown, that exists within a system. It ‘is the totality of all things, structures (actual and conceptual), events (past and present) and phenomena, whether observable or not. The author has explored this subject and mysticism in general from the scientific and the Quranic perspectives. Whatever reality we observe, it is through our brain. The author has explored the realties we experience or will experience through our brain. The study suggests that there are five dimensions to the reality we experience. The baseline reality, the reality of the external world, is the reality we deal with in the waking hours. It is the representation in the mind developed by fully integrating perceptions from tertiary association areas of our brain based on the signals received from our senses. In addition to this, dream is a reality which most of the human experience during sleep. Instead of sensory signals, it is triggered by the internal stimuli originating from the memory. Its content, however, is unique to the individuals experiencing it. Though the baseline reality and dreams are common to all, individuals practicing meditation experience another kind of reality which is called the mystical reality. Meditation causes deafferentation in certain portions of mind resulting in the person experiencing a sense of attaining absolute reality, union with God or the Absolute, a sense of either bliss or utter tranquility. At times of severe physical trauma such as near-drownings or major surgery people experience a reality which is called Near-death experiences (NDE). Typically the experience includes: a sense of being dead; a feeling of peace and painlessness; hearing of various non-physical sounds, an out-of-body experience; a tunnel experience; encountering "beings of light" and a God-like figure or similar entities; being given a "life review", and a reluctance to return to life. Along with many other factors, the NDE is activated by the stimulation of the lower part of temporal lobe (including amygdala and hippocampus). These regions are involved in eliciting vivid memories, complex hallucinations, dream like states, and other sensations in states of markedly decreased input into these regions. A subset of the NDE is the out of body experiences (OBE) which results in a sense of being detached from the body. It can also happen independently. It is due to illusory reduplications of one’s own body due to interference with the temporo-parietal junction in the brain. The fifth reality is the Ultimate reality, which the whole humanity will experience on the Day of Judgement. The Quran calls it ‘Al-Haqqah’ (the Sure Reality) and Al-Waqiah (the Event or the Inevitability). It will be experienced on the day when people will be raised again and will be judged. Some will be experiencing a permanent blissfulness and some a permanent misery. The brain is thus a multifaceted instrument. It is normally used to observe the baseline reality, but can also be used to have other experiences.
I first introduce two conceptions of persons and the way in which persons exemplify pain. According to the Naïve Cartesian View persons are atomic, synchronically and diachronically unified entities that directly exemplify pain. While according to the Four-Dimensionalist View persons non-atomic entities, whose pains are directly exemplified by their person-stages and only derivatively exemplified by the person. After presenting each of these views, in the second of half of the paper, I divide the Four-Dimensionalist View into two versions, Cartesian Four-Dimensionalism (the view according to which person-stages are Cartesian Egos-in-Minature, capable of intrinsically exemplifying mental properties) and Stage Four-Dimensionalism (the view according to which persons are instantaneous whose mental properties are extrinsic/relational). Against Cartesian Four-Dimensionalism it is argued that the view requires to deny the moral permissibility of voluntarily chosen pains, and that it requires to believe that there more harms in the world than typically imagine, and that raises difficulties for our understanding of the redemptive and pedagogical pains. Against Stage Four-dimensionalism it is argued that the view denies obvious truths about punishiment and compensation, prudence (and temporal neutrality), and that the view implies that there is no well-being for persons. Inasmuch the Naïve Cartesian View avoids these difficulties we have reason to prefer it, and to prefer a metaphysical theory consistent with it.
Science, as it now defines itself, will never accept paranormal and related phenomena, let alone the possibility of an afterlife, no matter how much evidence is gathered and no matter how convincing that evidence is, because science has never developed the conceptual and intellectual tools or the vocabulary to handle such possibilities. Science will only accept the paranormal and the possibility of an afterlife when a new theory of physical reality emerges, such as a unification of general relativity and the quantum theory in physics, that directly and logically implies the existence of them from its fundamental properties.
This short book is an info-collage artwork about a range of views on the notion of quintessence and the fifth dimension, with an aperspectival approach.
This last essay explains what is the 5th dimension necessary to explain Inertia, Gravity, and the paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics. We must distinguish between Einstein's Space-Time and that of Spinoza, which does not contain Time while filling all infinite space without leaving gaps. The substance is Existence, therefore it is at the same time Thought and Infinite Extension, without distinction, since thought and extension exist. The substance is the fifth dimension.
Pertemuan Ke 4 Pengantar teknogi Informasi 2024, 2024
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