CESIS Electronic Working Paper Series
Paper No. 305
Knowledge & Innovation in Space
Charlie Karlsson
Börje Johansson
R.R. Stough
April, 2013
The Royal Institute of technology
Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS)
Knowledge & Innovation in Space
By Charlie Karlsson*, Börje Johansson ** & R.R. Stough***
The purpose of this working paper is to provide a short overview of actual topics in contemporary research concerned with global, national, regional and local knowledge and innovation
dynamics. In the text, we stress the importance to understand the current changes of the global
and their implications for knowledge generation and innovation. Treating knowledge as a key
resource for innovation shifts the focus from the innovation itself to the process of knowledge
generation, transformation and diffusion, i.e. to knowledge dynamics. This necessitates integrating spatial aspects since knowledge generation and as a result, innovation exhibits a
strong geographical clustering, which implies that innovation ability and innovation resources
also are strongly clustered geographically in particular to urban regions. The role of interaction and proximity for knowledge generation and innovation is highlighted and instead it is
stressed that relational, cognitive, organizational, social and institutional proximities are not
substitutes or complements to spatial proximity but that they are all functions of the prevailing
spatial proximity. Another important factor for interaction is social capital, which by fostering
trust makes information and knowledge to diffuse faster.
Key words: Knowledge, innovation, proximity, knowledge economy, knowledge dynamics,
knowledge networks, innovation ability, innovation resources, globalization, agglomeration,
face-to-face interaction, urban regions, social capital
JEL-codes: O31, O32, O33, R12,
* Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, P.O. Box 1026
SE-551 11 Jönköping, Sweden. Charlie.karlsson@jibs.hj.se
** CESIS - Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies, Royal Institute of Technology,
Lindstedtsvägen 30, vån. 6, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, borje.johansson@indek.kth.se
*** School of Public Policy, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MS 6D5
Fairfax, Virginia 22030, rstough@gmu.edu
1. Introduction
The contemporary world economy – here referred to as a knowledge economy – is characterized by the ascendance of knowledge as a major factor of production and renewal. This evolution is accompanied by an increased mobility and liquidity of capital and associated regulatory and liberalization reforms of large dynamic international economic sectors such as finance, advanced business services and information industries. Recent technical advances and
institutional innovations in transport and communications are not only reducing time distances
and eroding the barrier of borders, but are also at the heart of the evolution of the world economy into a knowledge-rich global production system. We can observe the emergence of a new
international division of labour, which takes shape through the formation of a global system
of metropolitan and large urban regions, where each urban agglomeration offers expertise in
various functions and activities and plays specific roles in the globalization process (Sassen,
2006). These cities are increasingly becoming dominating i) centres of political power, international trade, and the banking and financial system, ii) centres that specialize in the creation,
appropriation and dissemination of knowledge and innovations, iii) centres where information
is concentrated and transmitted through the media sector, and iv) centres of creativity where
the arts, culture and leisure activities are developed and consumed. They are today the main
strategic hubs in the world economy as drivers of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial
activities and as a result, the dominant engines of economic growth.
The global knowledge economy that has emerged in recent decades is not only characterized
by rapidly increasing investments in education, in particular higher education, software and
R&D. It is also characterized by other underlying fundamental structural changes (cf. Cooke,
et al., 2007):
1. Knowledge as an input in all kinds of production processes has become more important in terms of both quantity and quality.
2. Knowledge has become more important as a product, which is illustrated by the
growth of knowledge-intensive business services and software and high technology
3. Knowledge in the form of codified knowledge has become relatively more important
than tacit knowledge, which is illustrated by the rapid expansion of science-based industries, such as biotechnology.1
4. Knowledge in the form of codified knowledge has become much more accessible due
to the technological developments in and increased use of ICT.2
Today there is a widely spread acceptance that the displacement of old products and technologies by new ones in endogenously generated processes known as “creative destruction”
(Schumpeter, 1942) serves as the basic engine for economic growth and structural change.
Innovation is the application in the market place of novel and improved products and processes. Innovation activities, which generate and diffuse new knowledge, have become major
research topics in the contemporary knowledge-based economy. Innovation, which most often
is the result of combinations of heterogeneous existing knowledge (Pavitt, 2005) achieved
through continued interaction between firms and other organizations (Nelson, 1993) as well as
between different individuals and departments within firms and organizations (Grant, 1996).
This implies geographical and cultural proximity tends to play a critical role for achieving in1
We think it is important to stress that this statement does not imply that tacit knowledge has become unimportant.
This implies that the spatial diffusion speed of new codified knowledge has increased in recent decades.
tegration of diverse knowledge elements in innovation processes. The connection, interaction
and cooperation between a variety of heterogeneous economic actors and sources of codified
and tacit knowledge trigger creativity and, thus, allow for the development of new ideas,
knowledge and technologies that could not have emerged in isolation. Several theoretical and
empirical works claim that innovation depends on investments in knowledge as well as interactive learning and the circulation of ideas (Coe & Helpman, 1995; Rallet & Torre, 1999).
A significant characteristic of the current global structural transformation towards knowledge
economies and knowledge societies is the changing nature of innovation processes. However,
innovations are still very unevenly distributed between countries and regions, and tend to be
clustered in certain locations (Feldman, 1994). Geographical space and the characteristics of
locations play a decisive role in the myriad of underlying processes that enable and support
the generation, diffusion, spillover, exploitation and application of new knowledge. Of course,
the innovative capacity of locations depends on the characteristics of the local economic milieus, which over time are reshaped by general evolutionary processes (Frenken & Boschma,
2007). However, the innovative capacity of locations depends also on the external knowledge
inputs through innovation network links to other locations (Bunnell & Coe, 2001), since innovation processes are increasingly dependent upon the conjunction of internal and external
knowledge, which requires cooperation with a variety of economic agents often located in different locations.
More than ever, innovation is about solving complex problems in multi-dimensional interactive and non-linear processes (Kline & Rosenberg, 1986; Malerba, 2005) under conditions of
uncertainty, which makes it necessary to integrate highly specialized and globally distributed
knowledge bases (Strambach & Klement, 2012) with a unique local knowledge base. Thus,
innovating firms need to acquire knowledge from a variety of sources and economic actors at
different spatial scales and to combine it with unique internal knowledge and competencies,
which implies that they must build up, maintain and use different types of links for interaction
and knowledge transfer.
The purpose of this working paper is to provide a short overview of actual topics in contemporary research concerned with global, national, regional and local knowledge and innovation
dynamics. The paper is organised as follows: In Section 2, we discuss the changing global
scene for innovative activities, while Section 3 is devoted to a discussion of knowledge and
knowledge dynamics. The relationship between knowledge, innovation and agglomeration is
the topic of Section 4 and in Section 5; we highlight the role of innovation ability and innovation resources. The role of proximity for knowledge generation and innovation is discussed in
Section 6 and this discussion is followed up in Section 7 we an analysis of the role of interaction between economic agents for knowledge generation and innovation. The role of urban
regions for knowledge generation and innovation is presented in Section 8 and in Section 9;
we shortly discuss the role of social capital for knowledge generation and innovation. Section
10 concludes.
2. The changing global scene
Global markets with extensive outsourcing and ‘just-in-time’ deliveries are requiring strict
timetables for on-time shipments of semi-manufactured products, components, spare parts and
final goods between production and assembly centres scattered over the globe. As the ‘halflife’ of many new products in this knowledge economy becomes shorter and shorter, and the
spatial distribution of supply and demand points adjusts rapidly in the system, what is transported, how it is transported, and to where and from where – are all changing. The emerging
global knowledge economy is thus a distributed system with a vast array of geographically
dispersed economic operations. People, knowledge, capital, goods and services are increasingly mobile and constitute, in the interactive milieu of the global economy, a large number of
networks embracing scientific knowledge, technology, production, service, finance, culture
and so on. Communications technologies have opened the door to systems of global commerce and network interdependencies but faster and more reliable transportation systems are
needed to support them. Investments in transportation, therefore, not only allow existing patterns of business interactions to be carried out more efficiently but also support the evolution
of new and radically different patterns of commerce at the global scale.
The most critical nodes and links in the knowledge society are of course the knowledge networks through which transfer, diffusion and spillovers of knowledge take place. They are
spatial networks, i.e. they connect spatially diffused economic agents and localities, and consist of a set of knowledge nodes and a set of different knowledge links connecting them by
means of transportation and communication and personal links. At a coarse spatial resolution
functional economic regions consisting of settlements, such as towns, cities and metropolitan
regions represent the knowledge nodes. These knowledge nodes are characterized by their endowments of knowledge production capacities and related activities, including knowledge infrastructures such as universities, meeting and interaction facilities, stocks of knowledge and
human capital, local knowledge networks, and so on. Such knowledge nodes are often called
clusters, which are geographic concentrations of firms and associated organizations that are
highly networked and interdependent with each other both internally and externally. While
clusters are not defined in terms of a specific geography, they are often coincident with more
general urban concentrations, i.e. cities and metropolitan areas.
At a finer geographical spatial scale, we have knowledge links within and between firms, research institutes and universities, and between individuals. The spatial perspective highlights
the importance of spatial frictions as a factor limiting knowledge transfers and spillovers, and
make it clear that excludability of knowledge is not only a result of patents, business secrets,
and so on but also a consequence of limited physical accessibility and the time and money
costs involved in spatial interaction (Karlsson & Nyström, 2011). In this picture of the global
knowledge economy, we can identify a particular role played by intra-organization networks
of multinational corporations (Almeida and Phene, 2012).
In the context of the described economic transformation, transportation and communications
technologies and infrastructures, interact in complex ways. A superficial view holds that
communications mostly substitute for transportation, as when a conference call, a video conference or exchange of documents via the Internet takes the place of a face-to-face meeting.
However, the relationship is most often complementary. Preliminary interactions via electronic media eventually lead to an international shipment or passenger trip that would not
have occurred otherwise. Furthermore, transportation and communication cannot be viewed
as distinct processes. They are increasingly melded together, as in the cases of advanced logistical systems or intelligent transportation systems.
The transport and communication systems of today have evolved gradually alongside the development of trade and commerce, and the transformation of local, national and international
markets. In today’s globalized world, firms, cities and regions can only be competitive if the
accessibility to the domestic and the international market is high enough. There exist major
differences between locations as regards nodes of communication, services provided by the
transport system and networking possibilities. This is problematic, since the transportation
and communication systems serve as a medium for conveying information and knowledge,
and for developing and introducing innovations. These systems foster economic progress and
welfare, while being vehicles that facilitate relations and interactions between economic
3. Knowledge and knowledge dynamics
Knowledge exhibits very specific properties that are not shared by most other goods. Codified
scientific and technological knowledge, such as published research results, patent applications, etc. have a public good character, since they are neither non-rival nor non-excludable.
Thus, knowledge is available for whoever searches for it (Arrow, 1962) and can be utilized by
many different users without any reduction of its utility as an input in future research. It is
certain that knowledge accessibility varies among different locations. Furthermore, the transfer of knowledge within and in particular between locations is associated with costs and time
delays also in a world where the use of ICT is widely diffused. Interaction processes among
individuals within firms and other organizations, such as universities, are central to the generation and use of knowledge and its transformation into innovations with economic value
Treating knowledge as the key resource for innovation shifts the focus from the innovation
itself to the process of knowledge generation, transformation and diffusion, i.e., to knowledge
dynamics (Crevoisier & Jeannerat, 2009), which emerge through the interactions of individuals within firms and other organizations and within networks of firms and other organizations.
Location and space are the two main dimensions that shape the knowledge micro-dynamics
behind innovations. Locations are not equal and their economic milieu is shaped by evolutionary economic processes (Feldman & Kogler, 2010) that involve cumulative processes
(Myrdal, 1957) with concentration of economic activities in space generating location-specific
advantages knowledge micro-dynamics are not the least. The emergence of urbanization
economies in larger urban agglomerations spurs diversity and variety, which foster cross-fertilization of knowledge and technologies.
There are, in particular, three factors that influence local knowledge dynamics in a generic
way: i) the specific knowledge base of economic agents, ii) the competencies and capabilities
of the economic agents (Dosi, Faillo & Marengo, 2008), and iii) the context of the local economic milieu. The cumulative aspects of knowledge implies that the generation of new
knowledge builds upon currently existing knowledge (Antonelli, 2005), which suggests that
local knowledge dynamics are path-dependent. Thus, what an economic agent and a location
have done and experienced in previous time tends to govern the type of new knowledge developed and the direction of innovation processes as well as the ability to absorb new
knowledge developed elsewhere (Patel & Pavitt, 1997). Organizational routines and organizational capabilities, which are the result of localized learning processes, are essential factors
that govern, coordinate and integrate knowledge exploitation and knowledge exploration
(Teece, 2010) within the framework provided by existing local institutions and social capital.
However, cumulative knowledge dynamics are complemented by a combinatorial knowledge
dynamics focused on the use of spatially separated knowledge bases, which are accessed by
means of outsourcing, and offshoring of knowledge-intensive business service activities and
R&D activities within global knowledge networks (Miozzo & Grimshaw, 2005; Guinet, et al.,
2008). This implies that the spatial boundaries of knowledge used and generated in the innovation processes of economic agents can differ significantly according to the time distance to
face-to-face contacts, knowledge and markets that are conducive to innovation (Andersson &
Karlsson, 2005; McCann, 2007). Thus, different firms and different types of innovation activities require different types and levels of face-to-face interaction and will therefore chose to
locate in different types of locations in relation to major metropolitan regions (Doloreaux &
Shearmur, 2012), as firm-level innovation is impacted by a variety of slowly changing local
cultural, institutional and economic factors (Moulaert & Sekia, 2003). Face-to-face interaction
may promote innovation by increasing the possibilities of formal knowledge transfers and informal knowledge spillovers between firms and individuals (McCann & Simonen, 2007;
Krugman, 1991). It achieves that by increasing i) the mutual transparency of competitor behaviour and thereby competitor responses, ii) the levels of cooperation between firms and individuals as well as the level of competition between firms, and iii) the inter-firm mobility of
labour, where the latter represents both a clear mechanism for knowledge spillover and capacity building based on a recruitment strategy.
4. Knowledge, innovation and agglomeration
It is well established that innovation exhibits strong geographical clustering in locations
where specialized inputs, services and resources for innovation processes are located (Asheim
& Gertler, 2005). The importance of local input factors and of local inter-firm dynamics for a
firm’s ability to innovate and to gain competitive advantage is well documented in the literature on innovation and regional development (Wolfe, 2009). Thus, location and spatial concentration of firms that stimulate flows of knowledge between firms and between universities
and firms and interactive learning are critical aspects of firms’ efforts to generate new
knowledge and innovations not the least because knowledge continues to be tied to certain
locations (Liu, Chaminade & Asheim, 2013). Multinational firms take advantage of this by
locating in those concentrations (clusters) in the world that have accumulated specific competencies and knowledge that is difficult to acquire elsewhere (Lewin, Massini & Peeters
(2009), which gives opportunities to fully exploit the interaction between intra- and inter-firm
knowledge networks (Coe, Dicken & Hess, 2008).
The initial foundations for understanding the microeconomic dynamics behind the agglomeration of innovation activities was laid by Marshall (1920). However, the analysis of the innovation-space relationship was renewed in the early 1990s with the launching of the so-called
“new economic geography”. A basic element of this relationship concerns the geographical
reach of knowledge “spillovers”. Krugman (1991) focusing on pecuniary externalities disregards geographical knowledge externalities. However, at the same time the role of innovation
and processes of knowledge externalities linked to the diffusion of knowledge in growth dynamics is an essential element in modern theories of endogenous growth. But, a synthesis of
new economic geography and endogenous growth theory brings the two perspectives together
and generates a formalized analytical framework for understanding localized growth dynamics based upon innovations (Baldwin & Martin, 2004), where technological externalities are
central for explaining the spatial concentration of innovative activities. Locations that benefit
from substantial technological spillovers become more dynamic in terms of innovation and
preferred locations for economic agents involved in innovation activities. Since these technological externalities are localized in space, those localities with even a slight technological
head start in a given technological field will accumulate knowledge in that field more rapidly
than other locations. This, in turn, reduces the costs of innovation in such “leader” localities
and thus attracts more resources for innovation and more economic agents involved in innovative activities in the pertinent technological field. The result is a cumulative agglomeration
of R&D activities and innovative activities in this technological field in such localities.
The discussion above might be interpreted as if it is the clustering of R&D and innovation activities belonging to the same industry or closely related industries in a location that determines the intensity of knowledge externalities and knowledge dynamics in the locality. This
would imply that knowledge externalities only are transmitted in localities, where there exist a
certain technological proximity between economic agents, i.e., that the MAR externalities
dominate (Marshall, 1920; Arrow, 1962; Romer, 1986). However, there are substantial theoretical and empirical evidences pointing in the direction that it is the variety and diversity of
activities in a locality, i.e. the presence of many specialized clusters of activities including
multiple supply chains supporting the specialized industry or industries among which
knowledge can spill over – the so-called Jacobs externalities – , that matter for innovation (Jacobs, 1969). Using a more dynamic approach, such as an innovation cycle, it is possible to
illustrate that both types of knowledge externalities might be critical but at different phases of
the cycle (Duranton & Puga, 2001). During the emerging, experimental phase of a new activity, i.e. innovation, firms face many uncertainties concerning the most efficient production
process and/or the most appropriate qualifications of its labour force. During this face, then,
firms will seek out diversified localities that offer proximity to other firms in the experimental
stage and to a diversified labour force. The need for a diversified environment ends once the
firms have found the appropriate production procedure. Then they will opt for a change of location to a locality that specializes in their production and where the production costs are
lower, i.e., the choice of new location will be governed by the extent of the MAR externalities
in different locations.
5. Innovation ability and innovation resources
Innovation ability is the “ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external
competences to address rapidly changing environments” (Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1997, 516).
Recent contributions to the resource-based view of the firm (Almeida & Phene, 2012) also
suggest that firms generate innovations in a process that exploits knowledge inputs from the
conjunction of internal and external knowledge sources (Cantwell & Zhang, 2012). Earlier
contributions have tended to focus on either the internal properties of firms and how firm
capabilities develop in an experience-based learning process (Klette & Kortum, 2004; Kortum, 2008) or the importance of the local and regional milieu of innovating firms in terms of
providing options for knowledge flows and spillovers in different types of networks
(Audretsch & Feldman, 1996; Feldman, 1999).
The resource-based view of the firm also assumes that different firms have different endowments on internal knowledge, i.e. of scientific, technological and entrepreneurial knowledge
and different capacities to absorb external knowledge. They also differ in their capacity to
discover, create, evaluate and exploit innovations, i.e. to create new combinations out of existing scientific, technological and entrepreneurial knowledge, and thus to be drivers of
change in markets. One important reason for capacity differences among firms is differences
in the degree of integration in the personal, social and professional networks that are major
conveyors of external knowledge.
The combination of internal knowledge and external knowledge is cumulated within individual firms into knowledge of firm routines, product attributes, customers’ preferences in different markets for product attributes, and routines for how to organize innovation activities
(Karlsson, Stough & Johansson, 2009). When relying on their cumulated resource bases and
associated knowledge assets, innovating firms are characterized by their capacity to exploit
in-house knowledge in conjunction with both local and distant external knowledge sources
(Johansson, Johansson & Wallin, 2013). It is obvious that the geographical proximity of firms
to external knowledge affects the opportunities to acquire useful knowledge inputs to their
innovation and renewal activities, since the larger the geographical distance between economic agents the larger the costs for interaction. Thus, we can conclude that the larger the geographical distance between economic agents, the lower the likelihood that they will interact.
Firms engaged in product innovation search both internally and externally for information and
knowledge about product attributes, production routines and market conditions. It seems reasonable to assume that external knowledge is quite diversified, while internal knowledge
might be very specialized. A particular aspect of the internal knowledge of firms is the education and experiences, i.e., competencies, of their employees, which is critical for the capacity
to absorb new knowledge (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990). The internal knowledge of firms also
encompasses i) know-how with regard to the orchestration of innovation efforts, ii) experience about accession of external knowledge, iii) know-how about approaches that facilitate
the combination of internal and external knowledge, and iv) experience from interaction with
external knowledge handlers.
Acquiring external knowledge is crucial for the success of firms, particularly in the creative
and high technology industries (Pittaway, et al, 2004). In each location, firms can tap an external knowledge potential, which represents the richness of the knowledge opportunities of
the location and which varies depending upon which industry the firms belong to. From the
external knowledge potential, firms can find advice, purchase innovation support and establish innovation cooperation with other economic agents, and absorb general knowledge flowing around within the location. Many earlier studies have examined how aggregate knowledge
sources and R&D activities inside urban regions generate knowledge flows and spillovers3 via
formal and informal (Saxenian, 1996; Keeble, 2000) knowledge networks and local “buzz”
(Bathelt, Malmberg & Maskell, 2004; Storper & Venables, 2004) and affect innovation activities and innovation outcome of other firms located in the region (Jaffe, Trajtenberg, & Henderson 1993; Audretsch & Feldman, 1999). Not least, it is often argued that firms located in
innovative clusters can benefit from other co-located economic agents who generate local
knowledge spillovers (Audretsch & Feldman, 2003). The conclusion from these contributions
is that knowledge flows and spillovers are spatially bounded. However, some knowledge
flows and spillovers transcend cluster and regional borders and recent literature has stressed
that knowledge linkages at multiple spatial scales are important (Bathelt, Malmberg &
Maskell, 2004; Torre, 2008). Johansson, Johansson and Wallin (2013) illustrate how one intra-regional and one inter-regional knowledge potential can be calculated for each location
and used in empirical analyses.
6. Knowledge, innovation and proximity
Knowledge spillovers occur when knowledge created (or possessed) by one local economic agent is accessed
and used by other economic agents without market interaction and financial compensation for the owner of this
The convergence of increasing personal mobility and exchange of ideas, and growing interactions among diverse knowledge networks – made possible by the innovations and structural
change in transport and communications – underlie the accelerating knowledge productivity
and creativity as expressed in the production of new and improved economic, social and cultural goods and services. The continued growth of knowledge productivity depends thus on
providing incentives that promote increasing ability for interaction among people in various
knowledge networks ranging from the local to the global level, i.e., with varying degrees of
geographical proximity. Interestingly, our understanding of the determinants on knowledge
flows including so-called knowledge spillovers is still limited and many researchers seem not
to have understood the implications of the second law of economic geography (Prager &
Thisse, 2012), namely that what happens close to us often is more important than what happens far from us. This misunderstanding is clearly demonstrated by, for example, Mattes
(2012). She remarks that proximity is not a purely spatial phenomenon, but also includes organizational, institutional, social and cognitive dimensions.
However, even acknowledging that proximity is a multidimensional and multifaceted concept,
it is obvious that organizational, institutional, social and cognitive proximities are all to a
certain extent functions of prevailing geographical proximities. Spatial frictions limit even the
interactions within the same organization. This implies, for example, that relational proximity
can never be a substitute for spatial proximity as claimed by Amin & Cohendet (2004). Relational proximity is among other things a function of the degree of spatial proximity. Spatial
proximity works via cognitive, organizational, social, institutional and other proximities but is
not a substitute or a complement to other proximities as claimed by Boschma (2005). Cognitive proximity implies that economic agents that share the same knowledge base can exchange
information about new knowledge more easily and less costly. Organizational proximity implies that knowledge can be more easily transferred between economic agents because it reduces uncertainty and incentives for opportunistic behaviour. Social proximity reflects social
ties, which lowers transaction costs for economic agents who want to share knowledge and
cooperate on knowledge generation. Institutional proximity implies that the transmission of
knowledge between economic agents is more efficient if they share a common institutional
framework. Certainly, these different proximities are important for the interaction and cooperation between firms involved in knowledge generation and innovation but the extent of these
non-geographic proximities is all a function of the time distances between the actual economic agents, since what is at heart, here is the interaction between individuals and economic
Spatial proximity per se is of no value. Its value comes from the interactions, the cooperation,
the learning, and the contacts that it makes possible (Strambach & Klement, 2012). For example, cognitive proximity has to do with relations between individuals and the value of such a
relation increases with a decreasing time distance between the individuals. Individuals in
close geographical proximity often share the same local culture, the same institutional milieu
and social practices, which contribute to a certain degree of cognitive proximity, which facilitates effective interaction and communication and the development of a mutual understanding. Torre (2009) highlights the importance of time distances between economic agents in this
7. Knowledge, innovation and interaction
In principle, there are two ways to simplify and stimulate interaction between economic
agents and the exchange of associated information and knowledge (Johansson & Quigley,
2004). The first is the so-called proximity advantage, which occurs because the frequency of
face-to-face interaction between economic agents increases as the time distances between
their locations decreases. This implies that an innovating firm benefits from being located in
an regional economic milieu with rich and diverse knowledge flows and with a multiplicity of
relevant knowledge sources like R&D-intensive firms, research universities, knowledge-intensive business services, importers of knowledge-intensive products, etc., which can be accessed via face-to-face interaction. Face-to-face interaction is critical, since much (new)
knowledge has a tacit nature, i.e. it has a local “stickiness” (von Hippel, 1994) and it is embedded in individuals (Gertler, 2003).4 Thus, its economic value is in most instances difficult
to evaluate (van Egeraat & Kogler, 2013) without rather intense face-to-face interaction. The
relative importance of different mechanisms for local knowledge transfer and spillovers is still
hotly debated (see the literature references in Huber, 2012).
The second way to facilitate the transfer and exchange of knowledge including tacit
knowledge between economic agents is investments in economic links including knowledge
links between economic agents. Thus, an economic agent can invest in links and entire interaction networks with other (distant) economic agents to reduce the spatial frictions and the
costs of communication of longer distances and thereby create a network advantage. This implies that when a proximity solution of the need to access external knowledge in a given location does not exist, an economic agent can chose to stay in the location and instead invest in
links to more distant economic agents (such as suppliers, customers, knowledge-intensive
business firms, industry associations, and research universities) as a means to compensate for
the lack of feasible proximity options. Analyses of knowledge networks can lead to a better
understanding of knowledge generation, innovation and general regional economic development (Ter Wal & Boschma, 2008).
In many cases, investments in long-distance links complement investments in links for shortdistance interaction. Economic agents have a double link investment advantage of being located in an urban and in particular in a large urban agglomeration: i) the need for lumpy investments is smaller in an urban agglomeration, and ii) interaction links are at the same time
more easy to establish inside an urban agglomerations. In particular, when two economic
agents are located in the same functional region, the costs of forming interaction links should
generically be smaller than when the same economic agents are more distant from each other
due to the high density of knowledge-generating activities in urban agglomerations (Scott,
2006). This is the sin qua non value of being located in industrial clusters and functional regions.
8. Knowledge, innovation and urban regions
Large urban regions and in particular metropolitan regions offer better conditions for
knowledge generation and innovations than smaller regions due to the presence of strong and
competitive businesses, appropriate research and education facilities, labour markets with a
large and varied supply of qualified labour, well-developed infrastructures and supportive
policy environments. They also function as major knowledge hubs in different global innovation networks (Chaminade & Vang, 2008). In particular, there are four factors that explain
why large urban regions offer better conditions for innovation (Doloreux & Shearmur, 2012):
The transfer of tacit knowledge is facilitated by high levels of trust, low cultural and/or cognitive distance,
including a common language and a shared scientific field (Gertler, 1995).
i) they host several dynamic industrial clusters, especially in knowledge-intensive industries,
ii) they offer superior access to knowledge and technology flows and spillovers (Gilbert,
McDougall & Audretsch, 2008), iii) they offer an economic milieu where firms can benefit
from various positive externalities, and iv) they enable intensive and diverse exchanges of unstructured, complex and tacit knowledge (Tödtling & Trippl, 2005).
The role of large cities for knowledge generation and innovation can be understood by applying a “systems economics” approach (Antonelli, 2011) focusing on three particular and
distinct systems features (Stough, Stimson & Nijkamp, 2011):
1. Density and proximity externalities, which are of particular importance due to the high
degree of concentration of socio-economic and cultural advantages in large cities including i) their large and diversified pool of skilled labour and knowledge handlers, ii)
their concentration of ICT infrastructure, iii) their agglomeration economies that reduce the interaction and transaction costs for individuals and firms, and iv) their role
as major nodes for knowledge transfers and spillovers, which generates an economic
milieu conducive for knowledge generation, innovation and entrepreneurial activities.
2. The physical and cultural resource base of cities, which includes not only transport
and communication infrastructures and their gateway functions but also their agglomerations of immaterial knowledge networks and their cultural capital.
3. Interactive dynamics related to learning and creativity, which are increasingly the “intangibles” in the form of institutions, culture and high degree of internal mobility of
capital, codified capital and human capital that large cities offer and that are factors
driving the economic growth in large cities. Learning here means the capacity to adapt
to rapidly changing competitive circumstances, which requires institutional openness,
dynamism and flexibility.
9. Knowledge, innovation and social capital
Social capital underlies any kind of social organization and for more than a decade, social
capital has been a key concept in analyses of society, in particular at the local and the regional
level (Karlsson, 2012). The supply of social capital varies substantially between different locations, and these supply differences bring about differences with regard to knowledge transfer and spillovers, knowledge generation and innovation. Social capital plays essential roles to
foster networking and it contributes to understanding the inter-actability among people and
social entities. Social capital refers to the formal and informal institutions and relationships,
plus the values, attitudes and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social
interactions. A broader understanding of social capital accounts for both the positive and negative aspects it creates by including vertical as well as horizontal associations between people,
and includes behaviour within and among organizations, such as firms, non-governmental organizations and politically governed bodies. The social and institutional context in locations
functions to varying degrees as an enabling and supportive factor for interactive learning processes, knowledge exchange and innovation (Edquist, 2005).
The importance of social capital for innovation stems from its capacity by nurturing trust and
shared values to i) reduce local frictions, i.e., local monitoring and transaction costs, considerably in market transactions in local economic systems, and ii) encourage all forms of local
non-market interactions. Local frictions are reduced in at least three ways (Malecki, 1998,
the creation of a system of general reciprocity;
the establishment of information channels, providing sorted and evaluated information
and knowledge, so-called “buzz” (Storper & Venables, 2004); and
the simplification of market transactions through norms and sanctions by which economic exchanges can be facilitated, bypassing costly and legalistic institutional arrangements associated with market transactions.
In line with Thornton & Flynn (2003) one can assume that social capital affects innovation at
three different levels: i) social network ties between individuals, ii) social network ties connecting teams and groups, and iii) social network ties connecting firms and industries. Social
networks make an important contribution to innovation, considering that such networks with
cohesion in which trust is fostered are contexts in which information flows easily and provide
characteristics that are central to reducing the risks of investments in knowledge and innovation. Social network ties also provide individuals and organizations with access to knowledge
and other resources that are critical for innovation (Napahiet & Ghoshal, 1998) but as stressed
by Granovetter (1973) not all social ties are equally valuable.
10. Conclusions
The purpose of this working paper was to provide a short overview of actual topics in contemporary research concerned with global, national, regional and local knowledge and innovation dynamics. In the text, we stress the importance to understand the current changes of the
global and their implications for knowledge generation and innovation. Treating knowledge
as a key resource for innovation shifts the focus from the innovation itself to the process of
knowledge generation, transformation and diffusion, i.e. to knowledge dynamics. This necessitates integrating spatial aspects since knowledge generation and as a result, innovation exhibits a strong geographical clustering, which implies that innovation ability and innovation
resources also are strongly clustered geographically in particular to urban regions. The role of
interaction and proximity for knowledge generation and innovation is highlighted and instead
it is stressed that relational, cognitive, organizational, social and institutional proximities are
not substitutes or complements to spatial proximity but that they are all functions of the prevailing spatial proximity. Another important factor for interaction is social capital, which by
fostering trust makes information and knowledge to diffuse faster.
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