The "Coaching with Purpose: Integrating Self-Determination Theory (SDT) into Sports Coaching Styles" Program bridges critical gaps in traditional coaching by emphasizing autonomy, competence, and relatedness, thereby fostering intrinsic... more
Tagar ‘Kabur Aja Dulu’ akhir-akhir ini menggema di media social, penyebabnya ditengarai oleh kekecewaan para anak-anak muda, khususnya Generasi Z yang kecewa atas berbagai kebijakan pemerintah. Tren warganet yang mengajak sesama anak... more
This paper presents a professional learning (PL) model that emerged from the authors' involvement with PL processes in several rural and remote schools in the state of Tasmania. As is the case for rural areas generally, young people in... more
This research helps us in understanding the importance of parents in a child’s moral development.” Parents “meansthat people are engaged and more involve in caring for children parents here are not only the core family like father and... more
Aim. This study examined the reliability and validity of the Achievement Goal Questionnaire 3x2-Sport (3x2 AGQ-Sport) among Polish athletes (N = 396; aged 18-35 years) in different sports. Tools. The study used a metric that collected... more
Mindset significantly shapes human development and behavior by influencing how individuals perceive and respond to challenges. A growth mindset-the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed-encourages resilience, learning,... more
The educational system in Macedonia is comprised of preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education. The official language in the Republic of Macedonia is Macedonian; all national groups in Macedonia are entitled to primary and... more
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The CD-RISC was completed by a sample of 323 Isfahan university students (168 females, 155... more
Esta pesquisa objetiva refletir aspectos relacionados à biografia de Abraham Maslow, seu projeto de Psicologia Humanista e o estado corrente de suas ideias no Brasil. Introduzimos, inicialmente, um esboço biográfico de Maslow. Depois,... more
The purpose of this research was to meta-analyze studies which experimentally induced an achievement goal state to examine its causal effect on the individual's performance at the task at hand, and to investigate the moderator effects of... more
Reforming Indian higher education is imperative to address challenges posed by rapid global changes. It is possible to re-evaluate and re-energize higher education through research and innovation. Research is indispensable in the present... more
∗University of Wollongong, University of Wollongong, University of Wollongong, ∗∗University of Wollongong, This paper is posted at AIS Electronic Library ...
Within the framework of McClelland’s motivational theory, a model of the motivational structure of the migrant personality is proposed. It is argued that those who choose to leave their country of origin have higher achievement and power... more
El propósito de este trabajo fue valorar el potencial emprendedor de Remy, protagonista de la película Ratatouille, en la variable psicológica motivación de logro. Se trata de un estudio de caso, en el que 12 sujetos adultos, estudiantes... more
Anxiety is the most common form of mental disorders among adolescents. Anxiety may influence adolescents’ academic performance at school. In more severe conditions, it might lead to depression and even suicide. This study examined the... more
In this study, the effect of ARCS motivation model on the motivation of secondary school students for Turkish lessons and Turkish lesson achievement was examined. In accordance with the research purpose, intervention design was used from... more
Its objective is to understand the reasons that that lead an entrepreneur to open his own business, his degree of satisfaction and to perceive if there is a relation between entrepreneurial motivation and the performance of companies. In... more
In the study of students' achievement behavior, it has been argued that learning goals that emphasize self-improvement rather than outperforming others are more desirable. This study examined how students' learning goal orientations were... more
It is important for second language college teachers to know what kinds of teaching and learning approaches are most effective for their students. This basic qualitative study presents the perspectives exceptional second language teachers... more
The aim of this work was to increase achievement motivation in university students through introducing some changes in our teaching procedure. These changes were proposed in the TARGET system, and they are like that: a) Enrichment of... more
Interview-questionnaire with Juan María Solare by Andrew Eales, originally published on the blog Piano Dao ( on 19 November 2017. Following a restructuring of the blog, the Your Stories series, along with other older... more
For decades, researchers have attempted to define and measure what motivates individuals to achieve. Numerous attempts have sought to measure achievement motivation by using self-report tests. The concepts of motivation and achievement... more
This study investigated the factorial validity of the Contextual Achievement Motivation Measure, assessing achievement motivation in multiple settings with a sample of 493 undergraduate and graduate students. Exploratory factor analysis... more
The purpose of this study was to examine factors predictive of college students' academic stress. Three hundred seven undergraduate students (179 men, 128 women) participated in the study. Results indicated that female college... more
Handige verzameling van de basisteksten per rechtstak Becommentarieerde wetgeving Samen met De Larcier Wetboeken vormen zij het rijke aanbod inzake wetgeving Multidisciplinaire verzameling per rechtsonderwerp
Handige verzameling van de basisteksten per rechtstak Becommentarieerde wetgeving Samen met De Larcier Wetboeken vormen zij het rijke aanbod inzake wetgeving Multidisciplinaire verzameling per rechtsonderwerp
Research methods course(s), a standard in psychology programs, often use multiple textbooks to address conceptual and data-analytic information. This study involved transitioning from traditional textbooks to open educational resources in... more
In the course of a Swiss longitudinal study on the training paths of particularly able adolescents in the Swiss vocational training system, it became apparent that the "talent pool" (adolescents with above-average talents) had been... more
Introduction. The political and economic changes, along with the technological progress of the last decades, have significantly changed the worldview, value orientations and motivational priorities of young people. Since motivation has... more
The main goal of this study was to examine the extent to which the demographic characteristics of pre-service teachers (gender, family management style, family educational status, size of the family) predict their emotional intelligence... more
Amsterdamse All Options is een beursbedrijf dat razendsnel en nuchter handelt in opties. Bij algo-trading laat het bedrijf de handel zelfs geheel over aan computers. All Options heeft nogal wat wiskundigen in dienst, en NAW is uiteraard... more
Students' beliefs and goals can powerfully influence their learning success. Those who believe intelligence is a fixed entity (entity theorists) tend to emphasize 'performance goals,' leaving them vulnerable to negative feedback and... more
Annexes de thèse : Motivation et choix d'orientation des apprenants des lycées agricoles. Construction-validation d’une Échelle de Mesure des Attentes de Résultat et étude des influences de leurs dimensions sur les choix d’orientation.
Emnekode: PPTPE /PPTFD. Emnenavn/ fag: Pedagogikk og fagdidaktikkEksamensoppgave, praktisk pedagogisk utdanning Avdeling Balletthøgskolen, teate
Psychological and psychiatric problems are well documented across the lifespan of individuals with early-treated phenylketonuria (PKU). Early-treated children and adolescents tend to display attentional problems, school problems, lower... more
Motivating students so that they can succeed in school is one of the greatest challenges of this century. Getting students to learn and sustaining their interest in what they are learning is one of the major objectives of teachers in the... more
Summary (Ringkasan) dengan Judul : Motivating Individuals, Teams and Organizations (Motivasi Individu, Tim dan Organisasi)
p.87-92Se estudió la habilidad de enmiendas incorporadas al suelo para reducir in situ la disponibilidad de Cd y Zn de suelos contaminados. Los suelos se contaminaron en laboratorio y fueron enmendados con muestras de compost de... more
تتجلي مشكلة البحث في دراسة ما هو أثر الحوافز المادية على إنتاجية الموظفين بإدارة التعليم بمحافظة حفر الباطن؟ وقد هدفت الدراسة الى الاطلاع على نظام الحوافز المادية المعمول بها في المؤسسات ودورها في تحسين أداء العاملين. وتشمل الحدود... more
Aim: Procrastination is defined as the act of putting off or delaying an action to a later time (Bachrach, 2012). Achievement motivation is affect in connection with evaluated performance in which competition with a standard of excellence... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo tornar clara a importância da politica publica educacional, que permite a igualdade e inclusao da educacao no contexto referente a sociedade. A educacao em qualquer circunstância, depende da politica publica... more
This paper reports on the results of a study investigating attitude toward computing for a large group (n=509) of students undertaking an introductory information systems course in an Australian university. Students were surveyed using a... more
Aim: Procrastination is defined as the act of putting off or delaying an action to a later time (Bachrach, 2012). Achievement motivation is af fect in connection with evaluated performance in which competition with a standard of... more
AIM: Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and... more
In a series of experiments, Bargh, Gollwitzer, Lee-Chai, Barndollar, and Trötschel (2001) documented that achievement goals can be activated outside of awareness and can then operate nonconsciously in order to guide self-regulated... more
Background: The goal of this pilot study was to assess attitudes toward cognitive enhancement (CE) in users and nonusers of prescription or illicit stimulants for CE. Methods: Self-rating questionnaires were used to assess general... more
In the topic study group on probability at ICME 11 a variety of ideas on probability education were presented. In an international, collaborative, project after the conference, many of these papers have been developed much further,... more
Building collapses significantly impact infrastructure, economies, and human lives. This study explores the causes and consequences of these collapses, including subpar building techniques, inadequate maintenance, inferior materials,... more