In the present time self-regulated learning and motivational beliefs is an important part for every students. The study is focused on relation Self – Regulated Learning and Motivational beliefs among Secondary School Students. This study... more
Ministerial Decree 621/2024 initiated university and academic courses for the initial training and certification of common subject teachers and technical-practical instructors for secondary schools. This contribution aims to present the... more
Practice full paper presents an exploratory study investigating the impact of using a Bee-Bot educational robot simulator to enhance learning sequencing concepts and student motivation among Macao primary school students. Sequencing in... more
Teacher turnover is a critical issue affecting the quality of education in public secondary schools. This study investigates the factors influencing teacher turnover in public secondary schools in Hargeisa, Somaliland, with a focus on... more
Información del artículo Promoting English vocabulary research in primary and secondary education: test review and test selection criteria.
El componente léxico juega un papel muy importante en los primeros estadios de la adquisición de lenguas. Por lo tanto es esencial aprender y usar las palabras de manera apropiada. Basándonos en los resultados obtenidos en un estudio... more
Strengthen Your Faith, Faith and Resilience, Overcoming Fear, Personal Growth, Mindset of Trust, Spiritual Strength
Esta pesquisa buscou investigar os motivos que levam crianças de 8 a 10 anos, da rede particular de ensino, de Santa Maria-RS, à prática de atividades motoras na escola. Participaram deste estudo 88 crianças de ambos os sexos (45 meninas... more
In our busy, often overwhelming lives, small moments of solace can make a world of difference. One such simple yet profound ritual is the act of savoring a warm beverage from a cherished mug.
In our busy, often overwhelming lives, small moments of solace can make a world of difference. One such simple yet profound ritual is the act of savoring a warm beverage from a cherished mug.
The modern framework for education should be viable in defining the complex relationships between physical activity and motivation among secondary school students. The study aims to determine how physical activity level influences... more
The aim of this research was to explore gender-related motivational factors for learning, identifying similarities and differences for accounting students on Sino-British Collaborative Programme (SBCP). It was discovered that the average... more
This study investigates the impact of active learning instruction on the motivational orientation of pre-service language teachers. The data were collected by using the AGQ-R and the StRIP questionnaire, and analyzed through repeated... more
This research helps us in understanding the importance of parents in a child’s moral development.” Parents “meansthat people are engaged and more involve in caring for children parents here are not only the core family like father and... more
Le but de cet article est d’étudier le rôle motivateur de l’enseignant ainsi que les éléments liés à la motivation de deux acteurs du français langue étrangère (FLE) : l’apprenant et l’enseignant. La motivation, qui se montre comme un des... more
On lira ici un double parti pris : l'atelier conçu non comme jeu mais comme enjeu, le souci d'une « poéthique », pour reprendre le terme de J.-C. Pinson, qui inscrit la subjectivité dans la circonstance, dans le monde et dans des valeurs.... more
Major General Muhammad Jaffar's (Retd) distinguished career, marked by the prestigious Hilal e Imtiaz Military award, is a testament to his commitment to excellence and his service to the nation. His contributions to the academic and... more
O ensino atual da rede de escolas publicas brasileiras segue um modelo tradicional de aulas expositivas, que em muitas vezes não é bem aproveitado pelo aluno, segundo [1] Existem muitas maneiras de trabalhar os conceitos matemáticos não... more
A utilização de atividades lúdicas na formação de crianças é foco de variadas pesquisas no meio acadêmico. [2] defende a utilização destas atividades, principalmente na educação infantil e aponta ser favorável à vivência destas... more
Në këtë udhëzues të krijuar me shumë dashuri kam derdhur përkushtimin tim për të eksploruar udhëtimin e jashtëzakonshëm të shtatzënisë së parë dhe vitit të parë magjik të jetës së foshnjës suaj. Kjo periudhë, e mbushur me mrekulli,... more
Bu çalışmada, eğitimde bilişim teknolojilerinin etik kullanımını öğretmenler açısından belirlemek için öngörülen psikometrik özelliklere sahip bir ölçme aracının geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Literatür taraması ve sahada görevli... more
With the development of technologies, new opportunities arise for their application and the optimization of a large part of the processes and activities performed by man. Blockchain technology is a system that quickly, efficiently, and... more
� In den letzten jahren hat sich der Begriff des selbst gesteuerten Lernens auch in der didaktisch-methodischen Diskussion der Berufspädagogik als Leitmotiv etabliert. Begründet wird dies mit den Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt, der... more
The increasing utilization of part-time faculty in higher education is of major concern to many in the academe. Yet, one of the comments routinely tossed around business schools is that, unlike within the other areas of a university,... more
This paper will be helpful for taking an effective preparation of Bangladesh Judicial Service viva voce. This paper has been made based on proven effective method.
The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of parenting styles and self-compassion on academic procrastination among mathematics education students in a local college in Davao del Norte. The study is quantitative research... more
de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia (LAMCE) O projeto configura o trabalho de tese de doutoramento que vem sendo realizada no Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil (PEC/COPPE -UFRJ), área... more
My life changed completely after I met Jenny Peck, later Geoff Knight, when she was doing her Peace Corps volunteer work in my school, teaching us Math and physics, together with all plenty of good things we did together. I became her... more
In this study, the effect of ARCS motivation model on the motivation of secondary school students for Turkish lessons and Turkish lesson achievement was examined. In accordance with the research purpose, intervention design was used from... more
This study investigated the effect of teachers' motivation on the academic performance of learners in government-aided primary schools in Kotido Municipality, Uganda. Utilizing descriptive statistics, the study analyzed data from a... more
The motivational style that teachers adopt during their interactions with their students in class can have a significant influence on the search for optimal and balanced development. Knowing the role of motivation in generating positive... more
The problem and the purpose. Computational thinking is one of the categories that currently assesses the quality of specialist training, including that of a future teacher. The mentor of a digital school needs computational thinking... more
The work covered in this study covers a wide range of topics related to personal development and coaching. Here is a summary of the key points that we covered: 1-Job of the coach: We have described the evolution of coaching, from its... more
Bu çalışmada ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin coğrafya dersine yönelik motivasyon düzeylerini ortaya koyan ölçme aracının geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılında Siirt il merkezinde farklı... more
The problem and the purpose. The modernization of the educational system involves the use of technologies based on artificial intelligence, AR, VR, and mobile platforms. The inclusion of mobile tools in the training of workers in the... more
The Flipping Classroom is an instructional strategy that can provide educators with a way of minimizing the amount of direct instruction in their teaching practice while maximizing one-to-one interaction. The study's primary purpose was... more
This Master´s Thesis presents poetry as a powerful tool to develop learners’ communicative competence in the EFL classroom following the updated version of the CEFRL (2020) on the use of creative texts. Therefore, previous studies and... more
Introduction. The study of the problem of introducing inclusive practices into the Russian education system is seen as an innovative process that is focused on creating a new school – a school for all. Like any innovation, inclusive... more
Relevance. Digital technologies are presently widely used in general education. Formation of learners’ digital literacy is becoming an important issue. A special role is given to computer science teacher. There is a need for additional... more
This study attempts to determine the degree of incentive Uzbek women have to pursue higher education in Uzbekistan, as well as the challenges they encounter when trying to apply for tertiary education or complete their university degrees.... more
Annexes de thèse : Motivation et choix d'orientation des apprenants des lycées agricoles. Construction-validation d’une Échelle de Mesure des Attentes de Résultat et étude des influences de leurs dimensions sur les choix d’orientation.
Motivation et choix d’orientation des apprenants des lycées agricoles Cette étude doctorale vise la construction et la validation d’une Échelle de Mesure des Attentes de Résultat. La psychologie de l’orientation envisage aujourd’hui la... more
Discussion about motivation and discipline in learning in general and in music education and performance
Employing a mixed-method design (Pearson correlation, ANOVA analyses, and thematic analysis), the study explores the complex interplay between student motivations, English proficiency levels, and the perceptions of ChatGPT as a writing... more
Rehabilitation and psychological support are becoming today's most urgent issues due to russian armed aggression. These needs will be long-lasting and increasingly significant. Since 2023, the Program of Medical Guarantees in Ukraine has... more