Recent papers in Albanology
Albania in the Austro-Hungarian documents (January - December 1912)
My work was to control and and correct the translations from German into Albanian
My work was to control and and correct the translations from German into Albanian
Die Maurer aus Dibra sind heute sowohl in Makedonien als auch in Albanien für ihre gute Handwerkskunst bekannt. Ihre regionale Bezeichnung (dibran) ist in beiden Ländern zum Synonym für hochqualitatives Handwerk aus der Baubranche... more
"... Njeriu, që meritonte çdo falenderim dhe mirënjohje për kontributin e tij në shpëtimin e thesarit kulturor, vlera e të cilit tejkalon kufijtë e një vendi dhe klasifikohet në tërësinë e vlerave botërore, u gjend në bankën e të... more
Von einem nationalen Standpunkt betrachtet wurde die Kultur der Italoalbaner und Italogriechen als ,,linguistische Minderheit“ marginalisiert und aufgegeben – mit dem Ergebnis, dass ihre Sprachen nicht mehr an den Schulen unterrichtet... more
Abstract About some lexical features of German over Albanian, seen from a comparative prospective between the two linguistic areas This paper will deal with some lexical features regarding the linguistic areal of German and Albanian.... more
Evlija Çelebiu është një nga udhëtarët dhe shkrimtarët që i ka kushtuar më shumë vëmendje shqiptarëve dhe trojeve shqiptare 1 . Ai i ka vizituar ato tri herë si pjesëtar i shpurës të mecenit të vet apo si i dërguar për llogari të tij,... more
This paper lays out a new framework for thinking about Albania's participation in the First World War.
Në veprën e tij “Fonologjia historike e gjuhës shqipe” (Tiranë 1996) prof. Shaban Demiraj i kushton një kapitull të veçantë rotacizmit në gjuhën shqipe duke shtjelluar disa çështje themelore, si p. sh. periudhën kur është shfaqur ai dhe... more
The article is addressed to study the Angevin visual culture in Albania through unpublished or not well known testimonies, instruments of the propaganda. The first “study case” is about a cycle of frescos in a Benedictine church, where a... more
Keywords: Albanian families Bua, Crescia, Renesi; Spanish Habsburgs; 16th and 17th centuries; Naples; Stradiots. The purpose of this paper, the first in a series, is to provide the Albanologists with historical data concerning the lives... more
Names of Paleo-Balkan peoples point to their origin and ways of ancient migrations
Craft andTechnical Language(s) ofMasons from Dibra The following article addresses the issue of the craft and the Albanian technical language of masons from the Albanian-Macedonian border area Dibra. These people were known up to the late... more
Gjermanizmat në gjuhën shqipe
Huazimet nga gjermanishtja - përdorimi, fushat më të ndikuara, integrimi i tyre në shqip
Huazimet nga gjermanishtja - përdorimi, fushat më të ndikuara, integrimi i tyre në shqip
Ziel der Arbeit In erster Linie geht es in dieser Arbeit darum, deutsche Entlehnungen im Albanischen (bzw. im albanischsprachigen Raum) zu erfassen, zu beschreiben und zu erklären. Diese Arbeit möchte also eine zusammenfassende... more
Abstract: The aim of this paper (third of a series) is to provide the albanologists with historical data concerning the life and career of prominent Albanian families that were at the service of the Spanish Habsburgs during the 16th and... more
This paper will deal with the features of language contact, taking the Albanian language as an example. Amongst others, the issues of the type, way and causes of language contact will be brought up and its most affected areas articulated.... more
Në Mesjetë, siç dihet, pushteti politik dhe ai shpirtëror kishin marrëdhënie të ngushta në mes tyre, prandaj pranë qendrës së pushtetit politik ngrihej edhe një qendër e rëndësishme shpirtërore. Prelatët shqiptarë autorizohen nga Selia e... more
Da queste acque fuggì Cleopatra nella trireme bianca a vele di porpora, appena la fortuna fu incerta; questa battaglia Virgilio vide nello scudo che Venere donò ad Enea. 'Guarda il golfo d'Ambracia dove una volta fu perduto un mondo per... more
Place names with roots Arb / Alb / Alp are across Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. And the Albanian Tongue (Shqip) version of this paper is here:... more
In the standard native tradition of Albanian studies, descriptive and empirical research has only confirmed their own ultimate goal of constructing national specificity and a particularly antiquated view of national culture. In this paper... more
Einführung 1.1 Ziel der Arbeit Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Internationalismen im Albanischen zu untersuchen. Ausgangs- und Mittelpunkt für diese Untersuchung der Internationalismen ist die albanische Sprache. Ziele dieser... more
'Pelasgian' in Crete might be Albanian-related
The aim of this paper (second of a series) is to provide the albanologists with historical data concerning the life and career of prominent Albanian families that were at the service of the Spanish Habsburgs during the 16th and 17th... more
Edhe 100 ! Studime Në nderim të Prof. Francesco Altimarit me rastin e 60-vjetorit të lindjes Studi In onore del Prof. Francesco Altimari in occasione del 60° compleanno Recensues: Bardhyl Demiraj Matteo Mandalà Shaban Sinani Redaktor:... more
In the present study it is examined the issue of Illyrian-Albanian continuity in the areal of Kosova, a scientific problem, which, due to the reasons of daily policy, has extremely become exploited (harnessed) until the present days. The... more
In this article, I have tried to bring e view of the life and the organization of the canonicals of the Cathedral in the medieval city of Drivasto (Northen Albania). The clerical society of Drivasto was organized into two main groups, who... more
E. P. Hamp’s Sound Archive (1952): its consistency and edition. In summer 1952 Eric Pratt Hamp was at Vaccarizzo Albanese working on his PhD dissertation about the sound-system of that dialect. He had then the possibility to take with him... more
Scritto da Olimpia Gargano ottobre 2, 2011 10:18
Abstrakti Në këtë kumtesë do të trajtohen ndikimet gjuhësore të gjermanishtes në shqip. Ndër të tjera do të tematizohet problematika e llojit, rrugëve dhe shkaqeve të huazimeve. Në vazhdim do të thuhet diçka edhe për shtresimin kohor të... more
In a group of 100 manuscripts kept at the Central Archive of the State (CAS), Tirana dating from the Byzantine and the post-Byzantine period, a number of codices present evidence of a manuscript book culture, common in Southern Italy and... more
Before the onset of photography, travel writers wishing to show visual evidences of their experiences either they produced themselves illustrations, or brought with them artists to represent landscapes and national characters. In this... more
Ugo Ojetti (Roma, 15 luglio 1871 – Firenze, 1° gennaio 1946) raccolse in questo libro le impressioni del suo viaggio in Albania, compiuto nell’estate del 1901 in qualità di corrispondente del Corriere della Sera. Pubblicato a Torino nel... more
The verb system in the grammar “Osservazioni grammaticali nella Lingua Albanese” by Padre Francesco Maria da Lecce (1716) Keywords: Francesco Maria da Lecce, Albanian grammar, Albanian Verb System. The grammar of Padre Francesco Maria da... more
Il presente studio “Un viaggio lungo una vita: l’Albania di Edith Durham, pioniera dell’etnografia di terreno ai primi del XX secolo”, di cui pubblichiamo oggi la prima puntata, fa parte del progetto di ricerca « L’image de l’Albanie à... more