Recent papers in C
Cerebellar afferent Raphe interpositus Biotinylated dextran amine Single axon reconstruction a b s t r a c t Integration of cortical Purkinje cell inputs and brain stem inputs is essential in generating cerebellar outputs to the... more
This paper investigates the accuracy and effectiveness of the face detection and recognition algorithms using OpenCV and C# computer language. The adaboost algorithm [2] is used for face detection and PCA algorithm[1] is used for face... more
Circularly polarized (CP) antennas are used in space applications for telemetry tracking and command (TT&C). In this paper, we present an antenna for a TT&C system that can employ only four antennas to achieve a wide quasi-isotropic... more
This paper focuses on the effects of nonbinding recommendations on bargaining outcomes. Recommendations are theorized to have two effects: they can create a focal point for final bargaining positions, and they can decrease outcome... more
Increasing demand for automotive vehicles with reduced weight, improved crashworthiness and passengers safety has steamed the research of new Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steels. In this work the effect of annealing between 400 and... more
Most of our knowledge about deep-sea habitats is limited to bathyal (200-3000 m) and abyssal depths (3000-6000 m), while relatively little is known about the hadal zone (6000-11,000 m). The basic paradigm for the distribution of deep... more
The four human IgG isotypes are highly conserved in amino acid sequence, but show differential ability to activate complement (C'): IgG3 and IgGl are very active. IgG2 is active under certain conditions, and IgG4 is inactive. Although the... more
The maintenance portion of the software lifecycle represents a major drain on most software company's resources. The transition from programmers to maintainers is high risk, since usually the maintainers have to learn the system from... more
We may not be able to make you love reading, but the disappearance of the social in american social psychology will lead you to love reading starting from now. Book is the window to open the new world. The world that you want is in the... more
Recent cross-country empirical evidence indicates that the money-prices relationship depends on the level of inflation. This relationship is close to proportional for high inflation economies, but weakens when mean inflation is lower.... more
A persistent system is a system in which data structures and data itself persist through executions of any process, as shown in reference 1. Under an object-oriented paradigm, the entities we need to make persistent are classes and... more
Intensive use of the Coastal Plain aquifer in Israel, as well as its ongoing contamination by agrochemicals and domestic and industrial waste, has resulted in the deterioration of its water quality. As a result, suggestions of abandoning... more
Within days of the Singapore parliamentary election in May 2011, Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong announced that they had decided to leave the nation's Cabinet, where they had been serving as "Minister Mentor" and "Senior Minister,"... more
Guilanyà es un asentamiento localizado en las primeras estribaciones del Prepirineo de Lleida, a 1.150 m de altitud. En este artículo se exponen las observaciones preliminares derivadas de un sondeo realizado en el verano del 2008, que ha... more
Aim of the study: The aim of the present study is to determine in a procedurally uniform manner the mescaline concentrations in stem tissue of 14 taxa/cultivars of the subgenus Trichocereus of the genus Echinopsis (Cactaceae) and to... more
Sentiment analysis on Twitter data has attracted much attention recently. One of the system’s key features, is the immediacy in communication with other users in an easy, user-friendly and fast way. Consequently, people tend to express... more
Severe violent behavior is almost always the product of predisposing individual differences and precipitating situational factors (Huesmann, 1998). One important environmental experience that contributes both to predisposing a person to... more
One of the largest long-runout landslides in the modern history of the Czech Republic originated on the southern slopes of the Girová Mountain (Outer Western Carpathians) at the end of extreme rainfalls in May 2010. The structurally... more
C++ template metaprogramming has been used with great success to build software applications and libraries. In practice, however, template metaprogramming suffers usability, reliability, and capability shortcomings, and it is not well... more
Al~tract--The history of computer programming languages is reviewed, with emphasis on the influences of early languages on later efforts. Four generations of software are presented, beginning with machine code, and continuing through... more
In the present article, we describe the use of highly fluorescent carbon dots (CDs) for the preparation of an effective water-based carbon dot ink (CD-ink) for gravure printing. Carbon dots were prepared hydrothermally from citrate and... more
During the last years, Graphene based Field Effect Transistors (GFET) have shown outstanding RF performance; therefore, they have attracted considerable attention from the electronic devices and circuits communities. At the same time,... more
chies, and generic programming using templates will be mentioned.
Changes made as a result of publishing processes such as copy-editing, formatting and page numbers may not be reflected in this version. For the definitive version of this publication, please refer to the published source. You are advised... more
The years 2001, 2002, and 2003 experienced significant downsizing of the Information Technology (IT) industry. In 2004, outsourcing or off-shoring gave another blow to the IT job market. The future enrollment of computer science, computer... more
C++ is a very successful object-oriented language. It is a required language for more and more students. It takes great effort and practice for these students to learn how to program in C++ and how to make object-oriented programs. One... more
The current situation in philosophy of science generally, and in philosophy of biology in particular, is most unsatisfactory. There are at least three general problems that many philosophers thought themselves near to solving twenty years... more
Geologic studies indicate that prior to --40 Ma the Drake Passage was closed and the Central American Isthmus was open. The effect of these changes has been examined in an ocean general circulation model. Several sensitivity experiments... more
1. Introduction, 2. Brothers and sisters â" adelphoi, 3. The believers, 4. The saints â" hoi hagioi, 5. The assembly â" hÄ" ekklÄ" sia, 6. Disciples â" mathÄ" tai, 7. The way â" hÄ" hodos,... more
published by the press syndicate of the university of cambridge The Pitt
An experimental test facility has been established for measuring the secondary electron yield (SEY) of materials thought to be suitable for low yield vacuum electronic applications such as collectors in high-power microwave (HPM) tubes.... more
Binary NiTi based shape memory alloys can be produced starting from the pure elements (Ni-pellets, Ti-rods) by using vacuum induction melting (VIM). VIM ingot metallurgy is known to produce materials with a good chemical homogeneity; it,... more