Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
Recent papers in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
This chapter discusses 3D virtual worlds as a fusion of technologies for serious applications. A variety of new trends in the area is considered along with original findings, exemplified with particular approaches and features designed.... more
Organizations have been experimenting with intraorganizational crowdsourcing (IOC), yet the mechanisms of IOC production remain an underresearched topic. Drawing on a 2-mode ERGM, we examine structural mechanisms and individual-level... more
Dans cet article, nous présentons un dispositif de « cartes de thèmes » dans le domaine du logiciel libre. Dans une approche volontairement ouverte, basée sur l'approche de « Place de marché à base de connaissances » et sur le modèle... more
Gaming has attracted growing interest in both CSCW and HCI in recent years. We contribute to this line of research by analyzing collaboration in 5-person instance runs in World of Warcraft, an aspect of the game that is considered routine... more
The focus of this paper is on studying mixed teams of urban planners, citizens and other stakeholders co-constructing their vision for the future of a site. The MR Tent provides a very specific collaborative setting: an assembly of... more
A long-term naturalistic study reveals how artists designed, visitors experienced, and curators and technicians maintained a public interactive artwork over a four year period. The work consisted of a collaborative augmented reality game... more
Software agents are a means to support socio-technical decentralised systems that increase the complexity of daily life. Designing multi-agent systems involves modelling methods for which it is currently not possible to check for... more
The paper reviews work on informal technical help giving between colleagues. It concentrates on the process of how colleagues help each other to use a computer application to achieve a specific work task, contrasting this with the focus... more
Designing information systems for cooperative decision making in complex environments poses new challenges to the theory and methodology of work analysis. In particular, a theoretical framework is needed for analyzing and modelling... more
Meeting new people and socializing can be a fun and stimulating experience. Yet, for some the task of breaking the ice between themselves and another person can be difficult. In this paper, we present a model in an attempt to explain and... more
The field of CSCW research emerged with the development of distributed computing systems and attempts to understand the socially organized ('collaborative' or 'cooperative') nature of work in order to embed such systems in the workplace.... more
It forms part of a project involving partners at the university and in Swedish emergency service centres. The focus in this project was on the possibility of developing new technology for use in these centres. One vision for the new... more
This paper discusses the privacy implications of multi-media communications systems by examining how privacy issues arise and are dealt with by the researchers who are simultaneously developing and using such systems. While several design... more
Online dating systems are a common way to discover romantic partners. Yet there persists a gap in knowledge regarding how users of these systems determine which potential partners are worthy of in-person meetings, as well as the outcomes... more
... him, or to be in his company without a male relative also being present. ... The work that our participants described could similarly be said to have reinforced their ... unpack in greater detail how our... more
Despite being considered a fundamental issue in the design, use, and appropriation of digital technologies, IT security has found but little attention in CSCW so far. Approaches in Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering do... more
Chapter from 'The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Collaborative Consumption'
Smartphone use in presentations is often seen as distracting to the audience and speaker. However, phones can encourage people participate more fully in what is going on around them and build stronger ties with their companions. In this... more
Massively multiplayer online (MMO) environments are an emerging computer technology that makes possible new kinds of distributed communities and online sociability. What distinguishes MMOs from other Internet media is that they take... more
Open Forum Discussion on "Practice-centered computing", ECSCW 2020
In their initial articulation of the direction of the CSCW field scholars advanced -and continue to advance -an open-ended agenda. However, trawling through the major CSCW outlets, this is not what one finds in practice. Rather the field... more
Abstract: This deliverable has been produced in the context of the Knowledge-Practice Laboratory (KP-Lab) project, which is aimed at facilitating innovative practices of working with knowledge in higher education, teacher training, and... more
This workshop addresses the changing nature of work and the important role of exchange platforms as both intermediaries and managers. It aims to bring together interdisciplinary and critical scholars working on the power dynamics of... more
Creativity, a primary academic objective, is crucial in higher education, as economic, informational, societal and environmental advancements rely on people’s ability to innovate. Creativity is widely investigated in its individualistic... more
In the study described in this paper, the role of technology in organizational learning and performance, and collaborative platforms’ contributions on improving organizational performance are explored. The paper also mentions major types... more
E-Government projects are currently service-oriented, focusing on the implementation and diffusion of digital public services, through one-stop points of access for citizens. E-Government strategic plans are political, directed at cost... more
The paper reviews work on informal technical help giving between colleagues. It concentrates on the process of how colleagues help each other to use a computer application to achieve a specific work task, contrasting this with the focus... more
It is extract from private diary of scientist who was working with secret alien research program .. it content all those details about alien and secret operations..which may make you think of our existance
Georg Simmel [American Journal of Sociology 55:254–261 (1949)] is widely credited as the first scholar to have seriously examined sociability – ‘‘the sheer pleasure of the company of others’’ and the central ingredient in many social... more
Professor Mumford has contributed significantly to the information system (IS) field. Among her achievements and pioneering thinking is the development of an integrated methodology for systems implementation named Effective Technical and... more
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of John A. Hughes who died on 15 May 2015 after having struggled with severe illness for many years.
Simon, J. (2016): Values in Design. In: Heesen, J., Handbuch Medien- und Informationsethik, Stuttgart: Metzler.
This thesis introduces within the Interaction Design field geographical notions of space and place, in order to enhance the design and development of novel interactive environments in the physical world. Ubiquitous computing technologies... more
Areas of research such as Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Information Systems (IS), and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) are interdisciplinary by virtue of their particular research questions and destined to venture beyond the... more
This article has one theme and two parts. The theme is that we humans can do more and do it more enjoyably when we cooperate. The first part of the article explains eight principles from cooperative learning, a methodology that... more
The report examines the role of LSMs in bringing about the change envisaged in Curriculum 2005. It highlights three aspects of the new curriculum that are especially pertinent: resource-based learning, information literacy and lifelong... more
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) has been parsimonious, empirically supported, widely cited, most prominent, most compelling and well established model for predicting intentional behavior. Despite its comprehensive and valid... more
Overview of ongoing research in the CISA group (WISE research lab) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The group is investigating cross-media information spaces and architectures, interactive paper and augmented reality solutions as well... more
This thesis seeks out some answers to the broad question of what one can learn from digital games. In response to prevailing discussions about how, where and what gamers learn, the aim is to examine emerging forms of knowledge embedded in... more
Our purpose in the 17 th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2013) is to provide, in these increasingly related areas, a multi-disciplinary forum, to foster interdisciplinary communication among the... more