Contract farming
Recent papers in Contract farming
Since around 2010, contract farming for bananas in northern Laos based on investment by Chinese companies has seen rapid expansion in northern Laos. Much of this has been implemented using the “1+4” model, where the farmers provide land... more
RESUMO: Contratos de integração vertical onde a produção e fornecimento de produtos agrícolas, florestais ou pecuários por pequenos e médios produtores rurais são pactados para serem entregues à grandes consumidores (indústria,... more
The strategies required to develop contract farming in the Egyptian sugar industry were examined by applying the Strength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) approach in combination with an analytic hierarchy process. Data were... more
The study has evaluated the effect of contract farming on price, yield, employment and net income of contract farmers in Erode and Dindigul districts of Tamil Nadu. The study found that the family labour participation was higher in small... more
Diversification of Nigerian agriculture is a sine qua non for the transformation of the sector in particular and revival of the Nigerian economy in general. Such diversification implies that policy makers must desist from concentration of... more
The rewards from being in contract farming could be substantial for smallholder farmers, yet there are serious concerns about farmers’ ability to stay in the partnership for long term if appropriate policy measures are not taken. This... more
This study examined the technical efficiency of cocoa productivity through contract farming in Tanzania for improving livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Probability sampling was used to select 271 respondents (131 respondents from... more
The present study determined factors that affected the proper functioning of smallholder-cooperatives in the Lepelle Nkumpi municipality, Limpopo Province of South Africa. By employing discriminant analysis, data collected from 140... more
The hunky-dory of Indian economy notwithstanding, the agriculture sector has been lagging behind the GDP growth rate hovering around the region of 2%. Despite the Government"s effort to protect the marginal farmers by providing them the... more
A soy processing company with experience in Malawi and in Uganda is entering the Ethiopia market with production and marketing of tasty soy pieces. Soy is a new crop in the country, and for entrants to become successful, they have to... more
Contract farming involves a pre-agreed price between the company and the farmer. The agreement is defined by the commitment of the farmer to provide an agricultural commodity of a certain type at a time and a price and the quantity... more
Desde el año 2008, Ecuador implementa el modelo de “cambio de matriz productiva”, impulsando políticas de subsidio y fomento productivo para alcanzar la eficiencia productiva y el auto abastecimiento de materias primas como el maíz duro.... more
A B S T R A C T In the recent explosion of attention given to the land grabbing phenomenon, contract farming has been identified as a potentially inclusive alternative for smallholders to outright acquisition of farm land by agri-business... more
Indian agriculture is at a crossroads, where fundamental correction is required to correct its current path; this has led to introduction of co-operatives. This paper tries to understand the co-operative model for contract farming in the... more
This article is an attempt to explore the problems faced by Indian agriculture for food security in terms of inadequate infrastructure and highly inefficient supply chain. Due to lack of efficient infrastructure, supply chain mechanism... more
A Future Agricultures working paper. This study assesses the historical experience of three farming models that have figured in recent investments in sub-Saharan Africa: plantations, contract farming and commercial farming areas. Based on... more
The Greek banks were affected by the crisis, their assets decreased and the credits were limited to households and businesses. Small and medium-sized enterprises were particularly affected, since the lack of bank financing led to a... more
This study centred on assessing the effect of key determinants of technical efficiency in cocoa production through contract farming drawing experience of Kilombero and Kyela districts. Primary data were collected using structured... more
Several public and private efforts are under way to inject foreign capital into Tanzania's agricultural sector, and sugar is a priority crop. One of the areas of Tanzania in which development is planned, the Kilombero Valley, already has... more
This paper reports on a study which assessed the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in health information access and dissemination in Uganda. The project focused not only on information obtainable through... more
Kilombero Plantations Ltd (KPL) is a 5,818 hectare (ha) rice plantation located in the heart of the fertile Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. In addition to developing a large-scale rice farm, KPL works with local smallholder farmers through an... more
According to David Harvey, Accumulation by Dispossession (ABD) has become the dominant form of accumulation under the mantra of neoliberalism backed by the State policies, whether in developed or in developing economies. Using empirical... more
To a large extent, the Dutch settlers in New Netherland were farmers. They made the early modern American mid-Atlantic region a success, duplicating the Dutch agricultural powerhouse overseas. This article highlights the Netherlands Plain... more
SUMMARY : The study has evaluated cost of raw papain production, technical efficiency of farmers engaged in papain contract farming and determinants of participation of contract farming in Erode and Dindigul districts of Tamil Nadu. The... more
Agriculture has been the target of modernisation for a long time. The earlier interventions of deploying the ‘green revolution’ technologies were a statist project and aimed at increasing productivity. The focus of public policy has... more
This study focus on performance of marigold supply chains in contract and non contract farming by analyzing primary data collected from randomly selected 50 contract and 50 non contract farmers of Sathyamangalam block in Erode district... more
La tesi analizza gli effetti dello sviluppo dell'industria ortofrutticola orientata all'esportazione sulla povertà rurale e sulle trasformazioni agrarie in Tanzania, focalizzandosi da un lato sul contract farming, il quale ha coinvolto... more
Information and communication technologies have been hyped as the solution to solve the communication problem and poverty among the agriculture community in the developing countries. This paper introduces a mobile application which... more
T he present study analyses the cost and yield in contract farming. Tenure is an important aspect of contract farming. For the study, the tenants are selected from four different types of contract farming viz., Cash Contract,... more
This paper draws on primary qualitative data to explore the accumulation strategies of indigenous exporters in the Senegalese horticultural sectors who supply European markets. It argues that exporters straddle contract and estate farming... more
The study has evaluated the effect of contract farming on price, yield, employment and net income of contract farmers in Erode and Dindigul districts of Tamil Nadu. The study found that the family labour participation was higher in small... more
Recent debates on land grabbing and biofuels tend to link oil palm expansion to rural dispossession, environmental degradation and rural resistance. In this paper, we examine to what extent 'enclosure', a central concept in two critiques... more
Mozambique provides a remarkable example the shortcomings of economic growth that lacks pro-poor orientation. After two decades of macroeconomic success, poverty reduction has stalled. A twenty-year agricultural development programme... more
This article analyses the rise of export-oriented horticulture in ‘post-socialist’ Tanzania, framing the phenomenon within the wider processes of socio-economic change. While confirming previous research findings on the accelerated... more
Contract farming, broadly understood as agricultural production carried out under a previous agreement between producers and their buyers, is increasingly preferred to other forms of exchange due to its positive economic but also social... more
Abstract The emergence of modern value chain schemes such as contract farming in rural India are exposing households to new forms of agricultural production. Evidently, the spread of such schemes in India will have spatial implications... more
This article examines the role of the Indian Punjab government in addressing agricultural diversification through contract farming. It also analyzes prospects of diversification for the Punjab state employing the 59th Round of NSSO... more
I am mainly concerned by limits of banana contract farming in development policies. The failure of banana contract farming is so severe that the Lao government recently called for the ban on issuing new contracts to Chinese banana... more
The strategies required to develop contract farming in the Egyptian sugar industry were examined by applying the Strength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) approach in combination with an analytic hierarchy process. Data were... more
The cultivation contract is a contract strictly related with the process of production in agriculture. It is not an obligatory contract although national and EU regulations require that it must be signed for selected agricultural... more
Agrarian crisis has penetrated deep into the agriculture of Punjab since 1980s after the green revolution lost its sustenance. Agricultural diversification is being recommended as the strategy to weed out the agrarian crisis. Contract... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to present an account of a Farm Support Project in Cornwall which provides support, advice and an outreach facility for farmers in the Penwith district of Cornwall. It also discusses how effective... more
Ph.D. proposal to be undertaken between 2012 and 2015 in the University of Louvain (Belgium) on the Governance of the Global Food System and the unavoidable transition from oil-based agriculture to sustainable, agro-ecological and... more