Deliberative Democracy
Recent papers in Deliberative Democracy
This paper examines two interrelated criticisms made of participatory democratic institutions = that their policy impact is weak and that they suffer from problems of scalability. Based on empirical analysis of a 'deviant' case the paper... more
This article intervenes in the debate on the place of religious arguments in public reason. I advance the debate not by asking whether something called " religious reasons " ought to be invoked in the justification of coercive laws, but... more
This paper explores theoretical and practical distinctions between individual citizens ('citizens') and organized groups ('stakeholder representatives' or 'stakeholders' for short) in public participation processes convened by government... more
Most analyses of public opinion polling focus on questions of bias or accuracy. In contrast, this study assumes the validity of polling and instead investigates polling data as a form of rhetorical argument. While ancient and modern... more
In a videotape analysis of five National Issues Forums, I investigate the nature of deliberative talk in small group deliberative settings. I show that deliberative talk in these forums mostly takes the form of storytelling. I argue that... more
This article describes with innovative use of 21st Century Town Meeting in the development of plans and priorities for the District of Columbia
The current process of devolving powers within England constitutes a significant change of governance arrangements. This process of devolution has been widely criticised for including insufficient consultation. This paper assesses whether... more
Resumen El derecho a la resistencia es la garantía que tienen todas las personas de las naciones para reclamar sobre abusos de autoridad o sobre actos privados por parte de quienes ostentan el poder de gobierno o poder económico que... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
In the literature on international governance it is often claimed that deliberation can enhance the rationality and legitimacy of political rule-making beyond the nation state. It is unclear, however, under what conditions such... more
Adult educators stress the importance of civic education, but few studies have theorized and measured the impact of such educational programs. This study presents a social cognitive model of political participation that posits connections... more
In this article, we examine the assumption that, insofar as actors deliberate well, political integration will follow. We do so specifically with respect to the political integration of Muslims in the field of ethnic relations in Britain,... more
Deliberative democracy as a theoretical enterprise has gone through a series of phases or 'turns' (Mansbridge et al 2012: 25-26; Dryzek 2010: 6-9). The most recent manifestation, generating much excitement, is the conceptualization of the... more
Opisując początki filozofii oświeceniowej, wywodzi jej genezę z gnostycyzmu i wymienia jej kluczowe cechy na to wskazujące. W niniejszym artykule stawiam tezę, iż jednym z kluczowych elementów spajających główny nurt filozofii politycznej... more
El giro empírico de la teoría deliberativa ha puesto de relieve las tensiones “prácticas” del ideal de democracia deliberativa, algunas de ellas ya señaladas en el debate teórico. Esto ha dado lugar a nuevas aproximaciones sociológicas... more
There is a growing understanding of the potential of spatial planning to constitute a co-ordinating arena for sustainable development, and planning processes are expected to merge all dimensions of sustainability. Since the concrete... more
On reproche souvent au référendum d'être très peu délibératif. En opposition avec la « force non coercitive de l'argument meilleur » qui habite l'idéal délibératif, le vote sanctionne un rapport de force : la loi du plus grand nombre. Le... more
The Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities under International Humanitarian Law issued by the ICRC in 2008 recommended two interpretive standards on the use of force against individuals in armed... more
Comment l’Union européenne peut-elle parvenir à mieux informer et communiquer avec ses citoyens ? Quelles sont les initiatives participatives et délibératives qu’elle a promues à ces fins ? Peuvent-elles contribuer à atténuer sa crise de... more
This paper uses the political theory of deliberative democracy to articulate a framework for deliberative approaches to civic engagement and understanding their potential contributions to the civic mission of higher education.
Sous la monarchie de Juillet, les orateurs politiques sont aussi des « orateurs personnels ». L'expression est de Delphine de Girardin1. Ils parlent à l'auditoire de toute leur âme mise à nu. Rien à voir avec aujourd'hui, où l'éloquence... more
Democracy is in crisis. As neo-Nazis, right-wing populists, and authoritarians, old and new, stake their claims around the world, democracy faces its greatest challenge yet. The only way to save it is to change it. Democracy as we know... more
Where connections between demography and politics are examined in the literature, it is largely in the context of the effects of male aspects of demography on phenomena such as political violence. This project aims to place the study of... more
Autorka sa zaoberá problematikou súladu ostatného navrhovaného referenda s ústavou. Jej cieľom je diskusiu otvoriť, preto poskytuje skôr rámcovú argumentáciu. Základné argumenty, cez ktoré dospieva k záveru o nemožnosti vyhlásiť referendu... more
The human society has been running on fumes - the fumes of pleasure, reward, gratification and charm. And while walking on this illustrious path, they have constructed illustrious ideals without thinking about their practicality and... more
Als afronding van een zes maanden durende stage bij de Tweede Kamercommissie voor Europese Zaken, heb ik de deliberatieve kwaliteit van Tweede Kamercommissies onderzocht met behulp van de Discourse Quality Index-methode. De deliberatieve... more
“Transformation” describes deeply rooted, profound, long-lasting change in attitudes, perspectives, worldviews and or perspectives. Enabling such transformations is a key component of addressing or forestalling conflicts, particularly... more
Cómo citar este artículo / Citation: Avritzer, L. y A. Ramos 2016. "Democracia, escala y participación. Reflexiones desde las instituciones participativas brasileñas". Revista Internacional de Sociología 74(3):e040.
In the face of widespread dissatisfaction with contemporary democratic practice, there has been a growing interest in theories of deliberative democracy. However theorists have often failed to sufficiently address the question of... more
Historiquement, c'est-à-dire dans les faits, l'École s'est plutôt et presque toujours montrée au service de la reproduction du corps social, structuré par tel ou tel imaginaire dominant. Mais nous pensons que l'École recèle, de droit, un... more
A palavra democracia é uma velha conhecida. Ela está presente na história, nos contos, nos romances, no direito, nas constituições, engolfada pelas crises dos sistemas democráticos e almejada pela alma humana. É uma técnica de liberdade,... more
The women’s movement has become increasingly entangled with the “ secularism versus Islamism” debate in today’s Turkey. While secular feminists believe that escalating authoritarianism and Islamic revivalism threaten gender equality and... more
På spissen Denne boken kom ut første gang i 1962 i da forfatteren var 33 år gammel. Det dreier seg om en litt utvidet utgave av et såkalt habilitasjonsskriften postdoktoravhandling som normalt er nødvendig for å kunne bli professor i... more
What is the role of Jürgen Habermas’s critical theory amidst the prevalence of disinformation, polarization, and distrust in the media? In the book Habermas and the Media, Hartmut Wessler offers a “media lens” to make sense of Habermas’s... more