Dialogical Psychology
Recent papers in Dialogical Psychology
Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) Are you ready for psychological healing? This book is your liberating guide to psychological growth, including... more
In this chapter we assume that identity is formed and transformed through social interaction and suggest an analytical approach to study the transformative effect of intercultural encounters on identity. This is a three-step dialogical... more
Humanistic psychology has a long tradition of developmental thought. Yet, no place has been reserved for a specifically humanistic perspective in developmental psychology textbooks. This article presents a humanistic perspective to serve... more
This article describes a qualitative study which compares the effectiveness of the reflective cultural experiences through critical thinking and metacognitive preparation relative to the traditional English language classroom. This study... more
Becoming other : from social interaction to self-reflection 1 by Alex GilIespie. p. cm. --(Advances in cultural psychology) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN-13: 978-1-593 11-230-1 (pbk.) ISBN-13: 978-1 -593 11-23 1-8 (hardcover)... more
In recent attempts to address the notion of teacher identity, scholars have stressed how identity is dynamically evolving, intrinsically related to others, and consists of multiple identities. Though these postmodern characterizations... more
Summary: The contribution on the psychotherapeutic work with the "empty chair" is written in the form of an essay, which makes it possible to bring this tool and general thoughts on psychotherapeutic work to life in a way that may... more
This is an introduction to the 2010 book on gestalt therapy. The book is published by Springer Publishing and is available at Amazon and other outlets. Some chapters from the book are in the papers section here at academia.com
Social psychology has established that oppositional we/they categorisation is central to dis/ identification with European integration (Hewstone, 1986 Chryssochoou, 2000; Mummendey and Walduz, 2004). As Europe faces fresh uncertainties,... more
The relation between Mark and John, the Bi-Optic Gospels, is one of the most difficult and most important subjects in biblical studies. Upon correct inferences of this set of intratraditional and intertraditional relationships many other... more
Aristotle has been continuously at the frontier of philosophical reflection for almost 2400 years. Throughout the 20th century the influence of his practical philosophy has been growing. His «non-modernist» concept of phrónêsis or... more
One of the lingering questions in Martin Buber's mature thought is the place of the erotic within it. Despite some earlier remarks on the subject, and the potentiality for I-You relations to emerge from erotic encounters, Buber's later... more
This paper rethinks the concept of voice in ways that resist normative humanist assumptions and explores the possibilities of an alternative posthuman ontologics of voice for qualitative praxis. I sketch the contours of a feminist... more
This is my overall theory of Johannine composition, involving an early and a final edition of the Gospel, with the three Johannine Epistles composed by the Elder written between them--who was the final editor of the Beloved Disciple's... more
In this paper, we explore how students engage in journalistic writing activities relating to video games and game culture. The paper is based on a pilot study with student texts and interviews relating to the development of the online... more
This paper contains a relational model of self and personality development. From a relationalist perspective, personality does not consist of a series of static traits that are located within individuals. While there is stability in... more
The question of time is important for cultural psychologists who study the unfolding of subjective life. For these scholars, human experience is observed as a dynamic process constituted by sociocultural structures and traditions as well... more
This paper begins with a critical evaluation of British counselling psychology's aspirations for a scientific basis and considers some of the consequences in terms of theoretical assumptions and research practice. Through identifying... more
This paper explores the "intentional layering" within an emotional experience that was examined in a qualitative research class devoted to "depth phenomenology." The idea was to approach qualitative data as a starting point for delving... more
ABSTRACT What makes the co-construction of a new alliance between school-adolescents-family and territory topical, necessary, vital and imperative? The 21st century started with one of the most significant and profound educational... more
Although there are differing ideologies, belief systems, cultures, histories and power structures at the basis of violent conflict, ultimately people are the creators, benefactors and victims of this violence.
Dialogism draws intellectual sustenance from a broad range of ancestors (e.g., Hegel, Bakhtin, Mead, Vygotsky, Wittgenstein, and Goffman) and has only recently become a self-asserted paradigm. The recent weaving of these theoretical... more
En esta investigación monográfica se hará un recorrido a través de algunas de las ideas centrales del autor, buscando como propósito general dar cuenta de cómo Bajtín piensa en diferentes lugares la idea de subjetividad. En primer lugar... more
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
An earlier version of Procter (2014) with more background and some different examples
To what do we refer when we speak of self? How does self differ from related concepts, such as person, agent, individual or organism? I address these questions by situating the concept of self within a broader model of relational... more
In setting the scene for this seminar, Franson Manjali noted the enormous scholarly interest manifested in matters linguistic in the century just past, but suggests that now, these linguistic orientations are on the wane, and that other... more
Le ricadute applicative della ricerca sul cambiamento biografico, tra teoria, metodologia e strumenti.
Del Prette, Z. A. P., & Del Prette, A. (2001). Habilidades sociais e educação: Pesquisa e atuação em psicologia escolar/educacional. In: Del Prette, Z.A.P (Org.), Psicologia Escolar, Saúde e Qualidade de Vida (pp. 113-141). Campinas:... more
“What really exists is not things made but things in the making. Once made, they are dead, and an infinite number of alternative conceptual decompositions can be used in defining them.” (James, 1909/1996, p. 263)
As a science, psychology embraces the value of objectivity. An objective observation is one that is (a) based upon publically observable phenomena (i.e., overt behavior); (b) unbiased, in the sense that it records only what was observed,... more
On Gestalt psychologist Mary Henle's contribution to personality psychology. 1962 veröffentlichte die amerikanische Gestaltpsychologin Mary Henle (1913-2007) einen Vorschlag für einen phänomenologischen Ansatz in der... more
This paper explores the potentially productive relations and tensions between narrative methodologies and intersectional research. The following questions are explored: how might narrative approaches be productive tools for intersectional... more
Alcoholism as a Social Costruction
In this essay we defend the argument that chronotopic configuration enhances literary works providing metaphors for everyday life. This argument is embedded in statements in which Bakhtin emphasized that the organization... more
Abstract: The challenges of the leadership faced by the dialogical coach, are: to succeed in opening a permanent thoughtful and reflective space, focusing on dialogue. The dialogical coach faces the growing complexity and acts as a... more
This article charts various communalities and differences between cognitive-developmental and socio-cultural models in the psychology of moral and religious development, with particular attention to Hubert Hermans’ model of the... more
Abstract [paper in German]: In Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy, working with dialogues is an effective form of therapeutic procedure that serves to explore and work on the client's world of experience together with the... more
Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (in press). Dialogic teaching and students’ discursive identity negotiation in the learning of science. In C. van der Veen, & B. van Oers (Eds.) Special issue: Classroom discourse and learning outcomes.... more