Digital Cinema
Recent papers in Digital Cinema
In this article, I aim to examine the ways virtual technologies have affected on the arrangement of the cinema space. Virtual technologies are eventually referenced here as virtual production (VP), which makes it possible for filmmakers... more
El Diccionario de conceptos y términos audiovisuales, tal y como reza el subtítulo, es una herramienta conceptual, docente y práctica, orientada a su uso como consulta y, en su caso, divulgativa. Si bien el objetivo esencial es que el... more
RESUMO: Através de breve relato das transformações tecnológicas apresentadas pelo cinema ao longo de pouco mais de um século, o presente artigo aborda como a função atualmente denominada direção de arte acompanha estas inovações. Tendo... more
Encompassing experimental film and video, essay film, gallery-based installation art, and digital art, Jihoon Kim establishes the concept of hybrid moving images as an array of impure images shaped by the encounters and negotiations... more
The unprecedented economic growth and immigration that Ireland experienced between 1995 and 2007 did not only challenge national but also ethnic, social, and gender identities. The contributions to this volume explore how films tackle... more
Perhaps it is telling that on the day that Steve Jobs (Danny Boyle, 2015) was released in the UK, so too was Tangerine (Sean Baker, 2015), which tells the story of transgender sex workers in Los Angeles. For, if the former film charts the... more
Quince años tuvieron que pasar desde que Germán Scelso acabase la primera de sus películas, significativamente titulada El fin (1996), para que empezásemos a ver su trabajo. Quince años en los que el cineasta se prueba, se equivoca,... more
This chapter aims to present mental representations by seven audiovisual specialists on Sirena, the antagonist of a noir fictional story in a multilinear interactive short film script. To this end, a reception study was created with... more
The following articles are framed around the assertion that cinema audiences can be as unwieldy, wild and dynamic as the films that play on the screen. In this Themed Section on the subject of cinema-going behaviour, etiquette and... more
Las tecnologías digitales en cine han generado mundialmente un escenario dinámico e impredecible respecto a las formas de representación audiovisual, permitiendo no solo
The documentary sports film has evolved considerably since it first appeared in the 1930s. As was a feature of early documentary in the 1920s and 1930s, its first manifestations adopted a poetic approach to the subject, revelling in the... more
La otra pantalla. Redes sociales, móviles y la nueva televisión Elena Neira Barcelona Editorial UOC, 2015 149 páginas 14 € Big Data. Eje estratégico de la industria audiovisual Eva Patricia Fernández (ed.) Barcelona Editorial UOC, 2016... more
Michael Bay’s Transformers series presents impossible spaces, unbelievable characters and almost incomprehensible narratives. Instead of spatially and psychologically orienting the spectator, these films aim for a maximum of action and... more
《電影符號學:從古典到數位時代(新版)》是電影理論工作者齊隆壬長期研究的成果,詳細耙梳並剖析符號學的發展源流與變革,以及著名學者的理論,如索緒爾、李維史陀、羅蘭巴特、皮爾斯等。接著帶出電影理論的關鍵人物──克利斯蒂安.梅茲,闡釋他如何把符號學,以及相關領域如語言學、結構主義、精神分析運用至電影分析,奠定電影符號學在電影理論界的重要地位。也因電影符號學涵蓋的範圍甚廣,而讓電影分析有了更多可能性。除了回顧西方符號學與電影符號學的理論與沿革,作者也把討論拉回台灣與中國大陸,介紹電影... more
In screen studies and photography studies, the name of the acclaimed film theorist and critic André Bazin is frequently invoked by scholars seeking to defend the import of analogue media on ontological grounds by citing photography's... more
Lana and Lilly Wachowski have redefined the technically and topically possible while joyfully defying audience expectations. Visionary films like The Matrix trilogy and Cloud Atlas have made them the world's most influential transgender... more
En el contexto de los nuevos medias y la cultura del remix, se destaca el VJing como práctica de realización y representación audiovisual a tiempo real. En esta obra se cartografía el territorio en el que se mueven las acciones de... more
The history of Brazilian cinema is marked by many moments of euphoria and production crisis. Since the 1990s (a period that became known as the Resumption of the Brazilian Cinema), the film market in Brazil has been stable and film... more
This essay introduces Avatar and the special issue of animation that Jenna P.S. Ng and I edited on the film.
In this article I am considering the situation of interactivity and interactive film in the institutional context of the cinema that is outlined by the rules of cinematographic industry. I draw attention to the fact that despite the... more
Ferhat Zengin’in hazırladığı bu kitap, Türkiye sinema endüstrisinin dijital teknolojiyle eklemlenmesinin tarihsel bir görünümünü sergilemekte, dijitalleşmenin potansiyellerini tartışmaktadır. Türk Sinemasında 2000 yıllarında yaşanan... more
(from editor's introduction): "...Alla Gadassik continues the focus on new technologies, moving beyond discussing CGI's function in bringing the ghost to (nonorganic) life to explore the way animation is itself, to an ever greater degree,... more
Dopo un lungo periodo di “disimpegno” dai temi politici e di rilevanza sociale che, in linea di massima, ha caratterizzato il cinema italiano tra gli anni ottanta e gli anni novanta assistiamo a un periodo di “rinascita” caratterizzato da... more
s sci-fi thriller Gravity (2013) introduced to the big screen a quintessentially 21st-century villain: space debris. The spectacle of high-velocity 3D detritus raging past
Analisamos o fenômeno da circulação informal de cinema na internet, oferecendo uma orientação sistemática dentro do vasto universo das redes de distribuição que se encontram às margens do mercado oficial. A pirataria é estudada como uma... more
¿Qué es un film? Sino un documento animado… un guion, un formato de una obra o una película; una forma escrita que luego ejecuta una acción en el presente, para perpetuar imagines en el futuro digitalizado o simplemente el pasado repetido... more
The action sequences in Michael Bay’s Transformers series present impossible spaces. Instead of spatially orienting the spectator, these films aim for a maximum of action, a cacophony of movement where space once was. Bay states that he... more
이 논문은 최근 10년 간 한국 독립영화 비평에서 주목을 받아 온 정재훈과 임철민의 영화를 ‘디지털 실험 다큐멘터리(digital experimental documentary)’의 관점에서 논의한다. 여기서 실험 다큐멘터리는 영화 제작의 목적과 양식 및 영화의 상영에 있어 서로 구별되는 두 범주로 인식되어 왔던 다큐멘터리와 실험영화의 생산적 교차와 상호 영향을 바탕으로 한 영화적 실천의 결과물을 가리킨다. 이렇게 볼 때... more
Coming to terms with the past and with memory – intended not as the depositories of fetishized histories but as reserves of the vital force needed for the characters' journeys – is one of the most evident motifs throughout Pixar's films.... more
This book provides a simple but comprehensive framework for architectural drawing using the computer.
En negro, suena 'Surrender' de Cheap Trick. Antes de que aparezca una sola imagen, en ese fotograma en negro que introduce un solo de batería, ya se nos sitúa en una época: Los años 80. 'Surrender' sale a la luz a finales de la década de... more
The logic of new media corresponds to the postindustrial logic of "production on demand" and "just-in-time" delivery, which themselves were made possible by the use of digital computers and computer networks in all stages of manufacturing... more
Moroccan post-colonial cinema has suffered from the lack of adequate channels of domestic and international distribution and exhibition for most of its relatively short history. Despite the existence of a burgeoning distribution business... more