Doctoral Supervision
Recent papers in Doctoral Supervision
While a large group of students enroll in graduate studies in Canada every year, more than half do not reach degree completion (Elgar, 2003; Baird, 1990). This article highlights recent graduates’ experiences of their doctoral studies,... more
Becoming a researcher is one of the roads travelled in the emotional, social, and intellectual process of PhD journeys. As such, developing a researcher identity during doctoral study is a social undertaking. This paper explores instances... more
When Louis Pasteur remarked that chance favours the prepared mind, he was commenting on the important role played by serendipity in scientific discovery. That role is well known (most know of the story of Fleming’s accidental discovery of... more
This study explores doctoral students’ views about the support schemes and resources deployed to run PhD programs at one public university in Ethiopia. The research used questionnaire, interview and documentary evidence as principal data... more
New approaches to doctoral supervision - implications for education developers
The aim of this research is to discover the views, practices and advice of experienced doctoral educators on how doctoral students in the fields of business and management may be encouraged and supported to write for publication, in order... more
El uso del arte y la creación artística dentro del espacio de supervisión, son elementos comúnmente referenciados en otros países; sin embargo, no lo son tanto en nuestro territorio nacional. Tampoco contamos con una evaluación... more
The premise of this book is simple: if the chapter writers could go back in time and talk with themselves when they began their studies, what advice would they give? Isn’t hindsight a bonus? Each chapter will offer this hindsight. The... more
A C.I.P. record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
This study aims to fill an empirical void in our understanding of how doctoral students, both domestic and international, cope with loneliness and isolation, and what types of tactics they use during different phases of their doctoral... more
Guía Práctica Para Redactar y Exponer Trabajos Académicos: TFG, TFM y Tesis Doctoral. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch... more
Women empowerment has taken a center stage in the present development agenda. The study examines the role of financial inclusion in supporting women empowerment in Lango sub region, Northern Uganda. Using both purposive and simple random... more
Essay discusses hiring trends between 2010-2015 in Gender, Women's, and Feminist Studies based on data collection completed by the authors.
Preface This Guide offers what the authors think is the first significant consideration of the issue of part-time research students, a group now constituting the majority of research students in the UK. It is our contention that policy... more
El libro La supervisión en la acción social” contribuye al conocimiento y a la práctica de la supervisión de profesionales del ámbito de la intervención social. Se profundiza en las condiciones de su ejercicio y su contribución a la... more
SwePub titelinformation: PhD-/Post Graduate Training in the Nordic-Baltic Area. This survey was carried out with the ambition to provide the scientific community in our common research area with qualified information on PhD-, further... more
This book explores concerns about the lack of higher education transformation around issues of equity, curriculum reform, language and race, and how students navigate higher education complexity. Written by and for South African... more
The authors propose the Supervision of Leadership Model (SLM) as an integration and extension of the Discrimination Model (DM) and Socially Just and Culturally Responsive Counseling Leadership Model (SJCRCLM) to address the supervision of... more
Doctoral dissertation supervision is an academic, experiential exercise and process driven by great expectations, and a critical success factor is in understanding the basic essential supervisory fundamentals that is backed by required... more
Se describe el "Método de 100 horas para escribir la tesis doctoral". Consiste en un método diseñado específicamente para los estudiantes que están en graves apuros y que apenas cuentan con unas semanas o días para redactar y entregar la... more
This is the set up document that Tara distributes to her new PhD students to enable a high quality experience for the candidate, but also the production of a high quality thesis.
The paper shows my investigation of all private hospitals and several officals and doctors around Region VIII in Philippines. Actually, I started making this as a Microsoft Access to clarify the results in the form of table, query, form... more
Prof Bev Skeggs asked me just before the viva if I could make a note of the questions and share them with fellow PhD students. These 12 questions are the result. The examination was not recorded and I made no notes during the viva. These... more
Literature suggests that the processes of research engagement are profoundly transformative (Healey, Jenkins & Lea 2014; Healey, Jordan, Pell & Short 2010; Nulty, Kiley & Meyers 2009; Shephard, Trotman, Furnari & Löfström 2015;... more
Can academia be a place where engage our creativity and experience the joy of inquiry? I reflect on my educational experiences as a starting point for an exploration of the way that education can be a joyful process if framed as an... more
The author discusses the need for counselor educators and supervisors to promote the intersectional nature of identities in counselor trainees and supervisees, especially as supervision serves as the vanguard for professional development... more
A brief orientation for current and prospective postgraduate students.
If you are a university professor or Dean and would like a copy of the full text to review for adoption, please let me know.
Sound has a potent role in the history of teaching and learning, yet sonic andragogy remains uneven, marginalized and undertheorized. A key media intervention is revisioning this historiography and enlivening sonic educational studies.... more
Institutions of higher learning such as universities have been positively influenced by the internet which has facilitated learning and teaching. Likewise, this same internet can also support student lecturer appointments, but currently... more
Professional text: The article shares learning's, experiences, and highlights of my doctoral project journey. It is process driven, written in an easy language and includes illustrations. This contribution is presented from a personal... more
It is commonly believed that the doctorate prepares students for academic careers. While there is wide ranging literature about the development of doctoral students as researchers, preparation for the other aspects of academic careers,... more
L’ambition de ce colloque est d’offrir aux doctorants en LSHS franciliens le premier outil entièrement dédié à leur recherche opérationnelle d’emploi. Fruit d’une réflexion entre Humanitudes, première association francilienne de... more
laporan supervisi muthlak dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah.
Many nurses in the United Kingdom are now undertaking PhDs; however, the process is both complex and time consuming. Research has shown that effective supervision can significantly influence the quality of the PhD and its eventual success... more